WordPress admin panel: detailed description of features. The process of connecting the Nest panel to the page template. Creating Categories, Tags, Links Section and Posts in WordPress

Friends, I am glad to welcome you! Today I’ll tell you about the WordPress control panel. I decided to write down this WordPress review for those who ordered personal blog and they didn’t really explain to him what to do with him next.

And so, in order to log into the WordPress control panel, you need to assign VP-admin to your domain using a slash. Here is an example: syte.ru/wp-admin, where syte is the domain of your website. Next, write your username and password to log in.

You have logged into the WordPress control panel, now I will show you in order. First we have “posts”, here you will publish your articles, to do this, point at the posts and click “add new”.

There is a field for the title, a field where you write the text. Please note that on the right you create rubrics and divide all your articles into certain rubrics for the convenience of visitors.

Please note that when writing text, you can use tools in top panel. Let's look at them.

The first long button is “add media file”, using it you add pictures, to do this you simply place the cursor at the place where the picture should be, then click on the button to insert a picture from your computer or from a media storage.

Next is the “paragraph” button, here you can increase the font of the subheadings in relation to the entire text. I recommend making all subheadings “Heading 2”. Under no circumstances should you use “1” subheadings, because this is the title of the entire text.

Let's look at the top line in order. First comes the bold, then italics, then lists with dots and numbers. If you want to highlight something from the general text, you can use the following button with drawn quotation marks - quote.

Next you make the text left, middle and right. Then we have a link, i.e. highlight some words, click on this button and insert a link, so by clicking on these very words you can follow this link, which can be removed with the next button.

On some topics, you need to insert a tag further so that the main page does not contain entire articles, but only the first paragraph. For this purpose, the WordPress control panel is equipped with special button, which is called the “next tag”. You place the cursor anywhere in the text, click on the button and that’s it.

Well, we have made an overview of the main buttons that you will need, the only thing you still need to know is that you can switch to HTML code, to do this, click on “text”, to return click on “visual”.

Let's continue wordpress review control panel and next in the left menu are media files. This is where you add pictures to be installed in articles. If you delete a picture from here, it will disappear from the site, so under no circumstances delete anything from here.

Next in the WordPress control panel there are “comments”, here you see all the comments, you can delete some, approve some, write a reply, delete spam. I recommend writing replies to all comments.

Next we have “Appearance” - this is very important settings. If you hover over this line, a submenu will appear, where the first one is “themes”. Here you choose the template you like, it will be appearance blog.

Then in this submenu they go to “customize” to customize the appearance. We need “Widgets” to install advertising on the blog. Then again the settings “menu”, “header”, “background”.

Let’s take a special look at the “editor”. Here you can edit the HTML code without logging into the hosting, directly from the WordPress control panel. It is very comfortable!

We continue our review of the control panel and next we have plugins. Here you can install, update or disable plugins for your blog.

And the last two buttons are tools and settings. The tools will have features that some plugins provide. But in the settings you will immediately need to configure something.

Go to settings - general. Here the first name is the name of the site, write it down. Then we write short description. Next, enter your blog address (domain). Then mail, set the time zone. Date and time format and that's it.

Go to settings - reading. Here set the number of posts on the main page. Check that only the announcement is displayed and NEVER check the “Ask search engines do not index."

Don’t forget to click on the “save changes” button at the bottom of each settings page.

Friends, we’ve looked at the WordPress control panel, now you know the most basic things you need to know. When I created my blog I didn’t know this either, so I think that the information will be very useful for beginners.

Guys, stay tuned for new articles so you don’t miss anything, or better yet, subscribe and I’ll send you the most interesting things by email.

The WordPress admin area, or the administrative part of a WordPress site, is designed to manage the content of the site: editing articles, changing themes, placing widgets, managing media files, editing site code, including External CSS kind.

WordPress Admin - Login

All groups WordPress users, except for subscribers, can enter the administrative panel of the site. True, each user group has its own permissions for editing content.

However, even an administrator cannot log into the WordPress admin area without a username and password. Administrator login and password, set at . There, it's worth remembering.

WordPress admin login address

The URL for logging into the unsecured admin area of ​​the site is as follows:

  • http://your_site.ru/wp-login.php or
  • http://your_site.ru/wp-admin/

How to get to the admin panel from the site

To get to the administrative part of the site from its front part, you need to place a “Meta” widget on the site. It has four links: Login, Register, RSS posts, RSS comments, WordPress link. The last three links can be removed. Read: .

If you have forgotten your password and login for logging into the WordPress admin area, it is unpleasant, but not “fatal”. There are several options to restore them.

How to recover your admin password

To recover the administrator password for logging into the admin area, you can use one of three recommended methods. Read about them in the article: .

How to remember the administrator login

How to change your WordPress admin password

If you are logged into the admin area and want to change your administrator password, open the Users →Your profile tab. In the lines: “New password” and “Repeat New Password", change the password to enter the admin panel. Old Password remove from the browser password cache.

Login to the WordPress admin area via your WordPress.com account

You can simplify logging into the site’s administrative panel by synchronizing your account on the site with your accounts on WordPress.com. For synchronization you can use . The 33 features of the Jetpack plugin include an authorization module via a WordPress.com account.

admin panel WordPress Login

How to protect WordPress admin from hacking

WordPress Security Plugins

Install one of the WordPress security plugins on your system. Almost all plugins of this type have a module for protecting the admin panel from unauthorized logins. The admin panel is protected in different ways: the number of incorrect login attempts is limited, the admin panel login address is changed and/or encrypted, etc. Read more in the articles:

Let's look at the contents of the WordPress admin area.

What is included in the WordPress admin area

Customizing the appearance of the WordPress admin area

The admin panel appearance settings are located at the top of the page on the sliding screen. It’s called “Screen Settings” and is present on each admin tab, with its own settings elements.

Let's see how it changes the appearance of the admin panel using the example of the Console - home page admins.

WordPress admin

Open “Screen Settings” and check the required checkboxes. Checked console modules appear on the console page. It's simple. The number of modules will increase as new plugins are installed.


The design of the WordPress admin area changes over time. New color schemes have recently been added (they are on the User - Your Profile tab), but fundamentally it remains unchanged. This is the left panel of the console and the top technical menu.

Hello, dear webmasters, site visitors.

Below, especially for beginners, there are short instructions on how to log into the admin panel of a WordPress site. For experienced people, I ask you not to laugh, remember yourself at the time when you just started.

In addition, not two or ten people a month are looking for an answer to this question. And demand, as we know, creates supply.

1. So, to go to the admin panel of your site, in address bar browser to the URL of the main page "http://site.ru" add:

  • /wp-admin/ - to enter the admin panel;
  • /wp-login.php – login to the registration page.

2. Enter your username and password in the fields of the form that opens, then click on the “Login” button.

How to log into WordPress admin if you forgot your password

2. Enter your name (login) or administrator email here, as on the user data page. By default, immediately after creating a site, the administrator’s name (login) is admin.

3. A letter will be sent to the administrator’s email with a link to confirm the password change.

How to log into the WordPress admin area (webmaster gurus should not read) updated: March 26, 2017 by: Roman Vakhovsky

Now we'll figure it out quickly how to login to wordpress admin? And you will start working on your website! In fact, you are not the only person who cannot log into the admin panel of your own project created on WordPress engine. If you simply enter the domain name in the address bar of your browser, you will be taken to the desired site. But only as a visitor, and not as his creator and father.

It turns out that in order to get into the control panel of your blog, you need to enter something else in the browser line... They will help you finally, after much torment and nerves, still access your site as its rightful owner.

Just don’t think that you’ve been scammed and there’s no way to get to the site. I understand my nerves are getting crazy, I was in the same situation myself. And there are those who are already thinking about something new. Relax, in just a few seconds you will be enjoying the editing process and typing new article. Someone from the admin panel to their WordPress site.

In the meantime, watch carefully and remember what you need to do. You will have to use these methods very often to log into the admin panel. Of course, you can save your username and password later. However, after clearing the history in the browser or if you are working on the site from another computer, you will need to somehow get into the admin area again.

How to log into the WordPress admin area, working methods.

I’m sure your browser is already open, so let’s proceed to logging into your home site. To do this, you need to enter any of the links below in the address bar. Now just copy any option, and instead your website indicate the name of your project.

  • it will come out like this https://site.ru/wp-admin
  • https://your_site/wp-login.php or you can do this https://site.ru/wp-login.php

You will see a login page where you need to provide a username and password.

Everyone entered this data when creating a website, when installing WordPress. If you only specified a password, then everyone will automatically have a username admin. I would recommend checking the Remember me box, this will allow you to log into the admin panel automatically next time, after entering only the name of your project in the address bar. It’s clear that if you don’t work from home, then you shouldn’t check any boxes. If the data is correct, then in a second you will find yourself in the admin panel, breathe a sigh of relief and start working on the site.

But what if you don't remember your password or username?

Don't panic, this information can be found in the letter that was sent to you by E-mail. I hope you didn't indicate left mail, when creating a website, you can go in, open this letter and get into the admin panel of your own website. By the way, they have already sent you active link to enter. So you can click on it directly from the letter to get to your website. This is exactly how I entered my project for the first time, and to be honest, not only the first time, sometimes I still use this method.

We log in and everything is fine, but sometimes you need to log out and the site control panel, especially if you do not work from home. Always remember this, because otherwise another person will get to your site, change the password and become its full owner. You can log out with one click; to do this, just hover over your login, which can be found in the right top corner, and in the window that opens, click exit.

Now, to get into the admin panel, you will again have to use one of the above links, but you will be sure that no one else will be able to access the site except you.

Notification panels- exclusively effective remedy to encourage the user to go to the required page. In addition, they serve to display important information, because they always attract the user's attention. Some panels contain forms for data entry and can be used, for example, to organize a subscription to mailings.

In online stores, notification panels are actively used to notify visitors about promotions and discounts and, thus, are a powerful mechanism for increasing sales.

In this review, I will talk only about some of the most functional and attractive, in my opinion, plugins for creating such panels on the pages of a website or blog on the platform. Each of them has its own advantages, many functions and the ability to adapt the appearance to the style and design of your website. I have no doubt that thanks to this review you will be able to choose the plugin that best suits your requirements.

Custom Notifications

A quality premium plugin that has everything necessary functions, inherent in a plugin of this level.

The notification bar can contain simple text, email entry form or on the website, social networks and timer countdown time.

And all this is enclosed in adaptive containers and will be displayed correctly on any screen. In addition, the settings panel allows you to control the position on the page and color scheme practically without restrictions.

Cost: $29

BugMeBar WordPress plugin

A simple but eye-catching panel with very beautiful and eye-catching color effects. It can be placed anywhere on the page, and in addition, it can set cookies and not be displayed on a subsequent visit to the page if the user suddenly does not want to see it anymore.

Other features worth noting:

  • Specifying the pages on which the panel will be displayed and on which it will not.
  • Setting the validity period of cookies.
  • Full control over the appearance, including choosing color, transparency, etc.
  • The ability to shift fixed headers while maintaining the integrity of the layout.
  • Ability to enable or disable transitivity and animation
Cost: $12

Hello Bar

One of the most popular notification bars for Wordpress. And then, free, although in terms of functionality it is in no way inferior to its premium counterparts.
To use Hello bar, just go to the plugin and enter the URL of your blog. Next, you will be taken to the settings panel, where you can configure the location and appearance of notifications. Moreover, the settings panel has the function preview, so you can quickly give your notifications the look you want.
After completing the settings, you will receive a code fragment that you need to paste directly into the site page. If you do not feel qualified enough for this operation, you can install one that will do this routine work for you.

DW Promobar

A fairly simple plugin containing only the essentials. The notification bar can display simple text, a button, a link, or a countdown timer. Looks attractive and provides full control above all settings.

Foobar – WordPress Notification Bars

This review wouldn't be complete if I didn't mention Foobar. This is one of the most widely used premium plugins in this class. It contains over 30 customization options and, unlike many others, allows you to customize the notification bar separately for each page.

Cost: $9

WordPress Notification Bar

Free plugin, easy to use and activate. The contents of the panel can be in plain text, and also contain a button associated with certain action. Thanks to wide possibilities color settings, you can perfectly adapt the panel to the design of your website.

Royal Footer Bar

Royal Footer Bar - plugin top class, truly "royal". He looks very professional and has large set all kinds of options.

The information panel can contain plain text, a form for subscribing to mailing lists, and various links, including to accounts on social networks. In the settings panel you can not only set necessary settings, but also get complete statistics about activity.

The highlight of this plugin is that the developers called it an A/B/C test - you can set several settings and, after evaluating them in your working environment, choose the one that best suits the concept of the site.

Cost: $39

Notification Bar

A very simple plugin that displays notification panel either at the top or bottom of the page. Includes 5 color options for text message or