Windows 7 open by double click

I recently received a rather banal question. I will give it here in full. And so, the text of the letter (highlighted in blue)...

Previously, I had the Windows XP operating system installed and in it all folders could be opened with one click, just like any link on the Internet. Now I changed the OS to Windows 8 and folders began to open with a double click. This is so inconvenient for me... Tell me how to open folders with one click. Thank you in advance.

I will try to answer it as fully as possible.

Indeed, by default, all folders in Windows 7, 8, 10 are opened by double-clicking the mouse. To change this setting, you need to configure the explorer (sorry for the tautology). I will give below a mini-instruction step by step on how to do this in different versions Windows.

Windows 7

Now if you go to any folder and hover over a directory or shortcut, you will see how this directory will become a link (like in a browser), and if you click on it once, it will immediately open...

Windows 10 (8, 8.1 - same)

1) Launch Explorer (that is, roughly speaking, open any folder that is on the disk...).

2) There is a panel at the top, select the “View” menu, then “Options—>Change folder and search options” ( or just immediately click the options button). The screenshot below shows it in detail.

After this, you need to put “dots” in the “mouse clicks” menu, as shown in the screenshot below, i.e. Select the option “open with one click, highlight with pointer.”

10. In fact, such a function was also contained in earlier versions operating system. It is not included initially, since most users are accustomed to the double-click opening method. But some people will like this opportunity or simply need it.

Setting the function

First way

It is activated in the browser properties. To begin, click on the “Start” icon with the left mouse button and in the “Windows System” folder select “Control Panel”.

Switch the display option to small icons.

In the entire list of services, launch “Explorer Options”.

In the window that opens, select “Open with one click...”

Second way

Is there some more Alternative option. Open any directory, switch to the “View” tab, there click on “Options – Change settings...”. The browser properties will open again. They're just two different ways.

In the first tab there is a section “Mouse clicks”. Initially there is an option to open double click. Switch it to single. In this mode, two options are available. If you activate the first one, then all files will be underlined, if the second one, the document to which the mouse cursor is pointing will be underlined.

This is the easiest way to open folders with one click in Win 10. This mode of operation will take some getting used to. At first there will be unexpected discoveries, but over time this will only increase the speed of working on the computer.

If you activate the very first item in the same menu, then all directories will open in a new window. But this function is replaced combination Ctrl+ press LMB.

If you need to return the option to initial position, then open “Explorer Options” again and turn on double tap to open. In this case, the selection setting will also disappear.


Launch the Windows operating system file manager program. There are at least a dozen ways to do this in the OS, but the simplest is to press simultaneously Win keys and E.

Before you begin the merging operation, you need to make a choice - the contents of all folders can be placed in a folder specially created for this purpose or in one of the merged ones. If you choose the first option, go to File Explorer in the desired folder and click right click free space in the right frame of the program. In the pop-up context menu There is a “Create” section - expand it and select the “Folder” line. The file manager will create new catalog, and you type the name for it on the keyboard and press the Enter key.

Using the Explorer directory tree, go to the first of the folders to be merged, expand it and select all the objects contained there - right-click on any of them and press the combination Ctrl keys+ A. Then apply the “Cut” operation - this item is in the context menu, opened by right-clicking on the selected area. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + X.

Return to the created “merging” folder, right-click its empty internal space and select “Paste” from the list of commands. This command corresponds to the key combination Ctrl + V. If in the second step you decide to use one of the merged folders as a “merging” folder, then perform this operation in it. Then repeat the cut and paste combination.

Delete empty directories when you've finished moving their contents. Please note: if the source folders and the “merging” folder are located on different physical disks, the cut operation is replaced by Explorer with a copy operation. This means that the contents of these folders that have become unnecessary will remain in the same place - delete it along with the “covers” of the folders.

If the folders to be merged are in different directories, you can combine them in a different way. Name both folders same name, and then drag one of them into the directory where the other is located. “Explorer” will ask what it should do with identically named files; if any are encountered during the merging process, click the “Yes” button. If same names really exist, the file manager will each time offer a choice of three options - replace, rename or skip the file. Choose the action that suits you best.

Comfortable work on the computer is impossible without it correct settings. Depending on personal preferences, the user can adjust the screen resolution, cursor speed, options for opening folders and other parameters. In particular, folders can be opened with one or two clicks.


To configure the opening of folders with one click of the mouse, in operating system Windows XP open: “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Folder Options”. In the “General” tab, find the “Mouse Clicks” section, it is located at the bottom of the window.

Select Open with one click, highlight with pointer and click OK. In the same section, you can also customize the appearance of the underline by selecting “Underline Icon Labels” or “Underline Icon Labels on Hover.” The second option is more convenient, since the folder names will be underlined only when you hover the cursor.

In the operating room Windows system 7, setting up the opening of folders is carried out in a similar way - open the “Control Panel” and select “Folder Options”. You can open the same window from any folder by clicking “Arrange” and selecting “Folder Options” in the menu that opens. There is a third option - click “Start”, type “folder options” in the search bar and press “Enter”. Further configuration occurs in exactly the same way as in Windows XP.

Be sure to adjust the cursor speed; to do this, open the “Control Panel” and select “Mouse” - “Pointer Options”. By dragging the slider, set the cursor desired speed movement. If you open folders by double-clicking, you can also set the double-click speed there. Usually, experienced users Set the speed of cursor movement and double-clicking to a higher level.

When working on an LCD monitor, be sure to turn on ClearType option, without it, fonts on the screen will be displayed poorly. Open "Control Panel" - "ClearType Settings". Check the “Enable ClearType” checkbox, then click the “Launch Wizard” button. In the window that opens, select the text quality option that you like best.