Left and right alignment css. CSS - Horizontal Alignment. gold ring of Russia

Property CSS text-align is responsible for horizontally aligning text, as well as pictures and other elements. The property has 4 possible options alignment.

CSS text-align syntax

...text-align: center | justify | left | right | inherit; ...
  • center - alignment to the center of the area (for example, the width of the area is 500 pixels, which means the alignment will be along a line of 250 pixels)
  • justify - stretches text across the entire width of the area
  • left - left alignment
  • right - right alignment
  • inherit - accept the value of the ancestor (parent)

Most often these properties are used in blocks

and paragraphs

There is also a vertical-align property, which controls the vertical alignment.

How to do text alignment in html

Example No. 1.

Align text to the left. Valid by default.

Align text left

Align text left

Example No. 2. Aligning text and images to the center

Align text to the center. Often used for heading articles or for displaying pictures in the center.

Center text alignment

The page converts to the following

Align text left

Example No. 3. Align text to the right

Align text to the right.

Align text to the right

The page converts to the following

Align text to the right

Example No. 4. Align text to the width of the entire area

Align text to full width. It turns out that alignment occurs both on the field and on the right edge. The browser automatically adds spaces.

The page converts to the following

Align text to the width of the entire area

Sometimes text-align: justify;

may not work. This has to do with inheritance and even how the browser works. In general, it is not recommended to use this option.

Note Instead of text-align properties

you can also use the align attribute, which is written along with the tag. It can be used with various tags. For example:

Align text to the width of the entire area

... ...

Tag difference


The fact is that the latter makes the transition to new line(vertical padding), but div doesn't.

In this article I will tell you how to place a block div centered. There are many ways, but not all of them allow you to do exactly what is required. I will give examples of the best and simplest methods.

In general, there are a dozen ways to properly align div block in the center, each webmaster uses his favorite\most convenient way. But nevertheless, there are several basic, most popular and universal methods. And of course, valid by all modern standards.

And yes, it’s worth saying right away that these methods may not work in ie6 or something similar. I don't even pay attention to this browser, no matter how many people use it. It's time to stop using old stuff.

So what do we have?

Method 1. The coolest

margin:0 auto;

Very effective method, which also allows you to align the indents at the top and bottom. What is the trick of the method? Everything is just crazy. We have a block with a certain width (in pixels or percentage), to which we set the same indentation on the right and left using the “auto” property, and as a result we get a centered div block. The first value (0 in the example) is the top and bottom padding.

For example, for top alignment we write:

Margin:10px auto;

To align top and bottom:

Margin:10px auto 5px;

In my opinion, this is the most The best way center the blocks. Moreover, it is completely valid.

Method 2. Interest

If the block has a percentage width, then we can align div centered applying equal padding to bring the full width to 100%. For those who don’t understand, I’ll show you with an example, it’s easier this way:

We have a block with a width of 50%, to align it to the center, we need to make side margins of 25% on the right and left, respectively. Let's look at the code:

Without straining, we get a block in the center, aligned with banal mathematics (50 + 25 + 25) :)

Method 3. Mixed

This method was recommended in the comments sman.

As I mentioned at the beginning of the article, there are a lot of ways to center a block. Everyone chooses the one that he likes best. I'm waiting for comments and new ways :)

Method 4: Using an additional block

Way Victor in comments:

Neither method solves the problem with floats inside a block if the width of the block is not known (for example, a menu).

In such cases I use additional block, which wraps the block being aligned. The style is something like this:

#dop-block ( position: relative; float: right; right: 50%; ) #block ( position: relative; float: left; left: 50%; )

Until now, we have aligned elements only to the left. More precisely, you and I didn’t do this at all, and the browser itself aligns elements to the left by default. Of course, it would be too boring to align everything to the left. Therefore there are various ways center and right alignment.

Alignment of elements is something you just need to know when doing this. The first thing you need to do is type a simple page.

Once upon a time there was a tag

I do not advise you to use it now, due to the presence of more modern methods, but I can’t help but mention it. It is very, very simple to use. Everything you need to be centered, you place inside this tag. For example, here we align the 1st level heading to the center.

You can add a picture, also aligned to the center, let's also go to next line using tag

1st level heading, center aligned

It was a tag

, which is already outdated, in addition, contrary to your expectations of tags And simply doesn't exist. Let's say left aligned by default, center aligned using tag
, but what about the right one?

To solve this problem, the developers came up with universal method element alignment HTML. The method is to use so-called containers, which are created using the tag

. That is, everything that needs to be placed in a specific container is placed inside the tag
. And this tag already has the attribute " align", the value of which determines the position of this container. There are three values: " left", "center", "right". By default, it is " left“However, I think that this does not surprise you.

Let's write the same one now HTML code, but using containers, in addition, let's align not to the center, but to the right.

As you can see, everything works. I advise you to also change the values ​​of the attribute " align" to look at other types of container content alignment.

Another way to align elements HTML- these are tables, but this topic deserves a separate discussion, so we’ll talk about it in one of the following articles.

For now, your page should look like this:

1st level heading, center aligned

1st level heading, right aligned

Sincerely, Mikhail Rusakov.

P.S. If you want to know more about HTML then look at mine free course with an example of creating a website on HTML:

In CSS, some seemingly simple things are not so easy to do. One of these things is alignment, i.e. when one element needs to be positioned in a certain way relative to the other.

This article presents some ready-made solutions, which will help simplify the work of centering elements horizontally and/or vertically.

Note: Below each solution is a list of browsers indicating the versions in which the specified CSS code works.

CSS - Center Align Block

1. Aligning one block to the center of another. In this case, the first and second blocks have dynamic sizes.


Parent ( position: relative; ) .child ( position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); -moz-transform: translate(-50% , -50%); -ms-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); -o-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); ; )

2. Aligning one block to the center of another. In this case, the second block has fixed dimensions.

Parent ( position: relative; ) .child ( position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; /* width and height of 2 blocks */ width: 500px; height: 250px; /* Values ​​are determined depending on its size */ /* margin-left = - width / 2 */ margin-left: -250px; /* margin-top = - height / 2 */ margin-top: -125px )

Browsers that support this solution:

  • Chrome 1.0+
  • Firefox 1.0+
  • Internet Explorer 4.0+
  • Opera 7.0+
  • Safari 1.0+

3. Aligning one block to the center of another. In this case, the second block has dimensions specified in percentages.

Parent ( position: relative; ) .child ( position: absolute; /* width and height of 2 blocks in % */ height: 50%; width: 50%; /* Values ​​are determined depending on its size in % */ left: 25%; /* (100% - width) / 2 */ top: 25%; /* (100% - height) / 2 */ )

Browsers that support this solution:

  • Chrome 1.0+
  • Firefox 1.0+
  • Internet Explorer 4.0+
  • Opera 7.0+
  • Safari 1.0+

CSS - Horizontal Alignment

1. Align one block element(display: block) relative to the other (in which it is located) horizontally:


Block ( margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; )

Browsers that support this solution:

  • Chrome 1.0+
  • Firefox 1.0+
  • Internet Explorer 6.0+
  • Opera 3.5+
  • Safari 1.0+

2. Aligning a line (display: inline) or line-block (display: inline-block) element horizontally:


Parent ( text-align: center; ) .child ( display: inline-block; )

Browsers that support this solution:

  • Chrome 1.0+
  • Firefox 3.0+
  • Internet Explorer 8.0+
  • Opera 7.0+
  • Safari 1.0+

CSS - Vertical Alignment

1. Center one element (display: inline, display: inline-block) relative to the other (in which it is located) in the center. The parent block in this example has a fixed height, which is set using CSS properties line-height.


Parent ( line-height: 500px; ) .child ( display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; )

Browsers that support this solution:

  • Chrome 1.0+
  • Firefox 3.0+
  • Internet Explorer 8.0+
  • Opera 7.0+
  • Safari 1.0+

2. Centering one block relative to another vertically by representing the parent as a table, and the child as a cell of this table.

Parent ( display: table; ) .child ( display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; )

Browsers that support this solution:

  • Chrome 1.0+
  • Firefox 1.0+
  • Internet Explorer 8.0+
  • Opera 7.5+
  • Safari 1.0+

If you know any others interesting tricks or useful ready-made alignment solutions, then share them in the comments.

Hello! Let's continue to master the basics HTML language. Let's see what you need to write to align the text to the center, width or edges.

Getting down to business, let's look at how to center text in three different ways. The last two are linked directly to the style sheet. It can be a CSS file that connects to the pages of the site and defines their appearance.

Method 1 - direct work with HTML

It's actually quite simple. See example below.

Align the paragraph to the center.

If you need to move text fragments otherwise, instead of the “center” parameter we enter the following values:

  • justify – align text to the width of the page;
  • right – on the right edge;
  • left - to the left.

By analogy, you can move the content that is in the headers (h1, h2) and container (div).

Method 2 and 3 - using styles

The design presented above can be slightly transformed. The effect will be the same. To do this, you need to write the code below.

Text block.

In this form, the code is written directly into the HTML to center the text content.

Is there some more Alternative option to achieve result. You will need to do a couple of steps.

Step 1. In the main code write

Text material.

Step 2. In the plugin CSS file enter the following code:

Rovno (text-align:center;)

I note that the word “rovno” is just the name of a class that can be called differently. This is left to the discretion of the programmer.

By analogy, in HTML you can easily make text centered, justified, and aligned to the right or left edge of the page. As you can see, there is far more than one option to achieve your goal.

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