Windows 10 reboot into safe mode

When you have problems with your Windows computer, one of the first troubleshooting steps is to boot into Windows Safe Mode. Safe mode is a simple, stripped-down version of the operating system, loading only the most important files and drivers. In safe mode, you can fix a number of errors with drivers and cure your computer of viruses that prevent the system from starting up stably. If earlier you could enter the familiar Windows 7 using the F8 button when you start the computer, then Windows 10, 8 no longer have this function, but there is a trick that will help you return the F8 button to enter safe mode when you turn on your computer with Windows 10 In this guide, we’ll look at how to enter and launch Safe Mode in Windows 10 from the desktop and return the usual F8 button to always enter through it, and we’ll look at how to disable Safe Mode to avoid cyclic booting.

Note: The easy ways are at the bottom, provided you can boot into your desktop.

How to start Safe Mode when booting Windows 10

If the Windows 10 system does not boot to the start screen and you need to enter or start safe mode when turning on Windows 10 through the “BIOS”, as for example before in Windows 7, with the F8 key, then you will need to get into the Windows 10 recovery environment using other methods. which are described below.

Note: It can be created on another working computer or while yours was still working. If you can boot to your desktop, then launch Command Prompt as an administrator and proceed to.

step 3 Step 1 . When you start from the installation flash drive, go to the point installations and click on the link below "".

System Restore Step 2 . You will be taken to the additional settings of windows 10. Next, go to the settingsTroubleshooting > Advanced Settings >.

Command line Step 3

. Enter the following code into the command line (you can copy it in its entirety, you can enter each command via Enter):


bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy legacy

exit . Step 4 You can now start in safe mode using the key F8 in Windows 10 , press the button F8 continuously during system boot until the menu appears with download methods. If you want to go back to how it was, then enter legacy > standard. bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy standard .

  1. Press the restart button on the computer itself many times in a row to trigger an error and bring up the process diagnostic menu.
  2. Turn on the computer, wait until it boots as much as possible before the error occurs. Next, press and hold the power button on your computer to turn it off completely. Repeat the procedure 3 times, by the 4th time you should see a recovery menu.
  3. If all else fails, then follow Step 1.

How to add Safe Mode to the OS boot selection menu

Windows 10 now has additional startup options. This will look the same as if you have multiple versions of the OS installed on your computer. If you often use safe mode, then setting up the menu when choosing an OS will be very excellent and convenient. In the picture below I have configured some settings for myself. Let's look at this method.

Note: Before performing this method, read it from the beginning to the end and you will understand the meaning.

step 3. There will be three commands for the three menus created. Maybe you don’t need three, but only need one menu with safe mode. Launch Command Prompt as Administrator and enter the following commands of your choice.

  1. bcdedit /copy (current) /d "Safe Mode"- Let's create a safe mode boot.
  2. bcdedit /copy (current) /d "PSU with network"- Let's create a safe mode boot with a network (Internet access).
  3. bcdedit /copy (current) /d "BP CMD"- Let's create a safe mode boot with the command line.

Command line. The system configuration will open, go to the "" tab. We will see the list that was specified via the command line above. Let's customize each menu.

1) . Select "safe mode" from the list at the top and click on the checkmark at the bottom and select " Minimum". Next, check the "" box and click apply. You can also set a menu timer, for example, after 10 seconds it will automatically load just Windows 10. This way the boot menu will appear in safe mode.

2) . Select "PSU with network" from the list and select "Network" from the bottom and check the " Make these boot options permanent". Click apply and this way we can load safe mode with the network, i.e. with the ability to access the Internet.

3) . Highlight "BP CMD", below select " Another shell"and check the box" Make these boot options permanent." Click Apply and OK.

How to enter Safe Mode in Windows 10

System Restore. You will be taken to the windows 10 recovery environment. In this environment, you can reset settings, restore the system, and much more. In the recovery environment, click on Troubleshooting.

Click the button Reboot.

Click on your keyboard F4 to begin the procedure of starting Windows 10 in safe mode.

How to enter safe mode in Windows 7

Method 1. Windows 7 starts when you press a button F8. Once you have turned on or restarted your computer, press the F8 button at 1 second intervals. The method will also work with Windows XP. After calling up the additional settings menu, select the download option.

Safe Mode in Windows is a kind of “cure” for the ailments that plague your computer. Its essence is to load the operating system, and preferably nothing more. All programs from automatic startup, all services, drivers, and possibly viruses will not start in safe mode so that you can identify and fix the cause of your computer's malfunction. In Windows 10, developers removed the convenient function of entering safe mode using the F8 key, so I decided to tell you how to enter safe mode in Windows 10 in other ways:

  • Through the reset button;
  • Through the system configuration utility (msconfig);
  • Advanced method using the command line;
  • Using special download options;
  • Using the Windows 10 installation disc.

Attention! If you do not understand how to perform these methods, then there is a video below that will help you understand this issue.

Safe Mode with Restart Button

This method is convenient and simple, so I decided to talk about it first. You need to click on “Start”, then on the “Shut down” button. A menu will pop up with three ways to shut down; hold down the “Shift” key and select “Reboot”.

The monitor image will turn blue and the message “Please Wait” will appear. After loading, we will see three possible options for further actions. The first allows you to continue working on the computer, the second takes you to a further selection menu, and the third shuts down the operating system. You need to select the second option “Diagnostics”.

The Diagnostics menu appears. Now you have to click on “Advanced Options”.

If we click on it, we will see a menu with many icons, select the “Boot Options” item, which will allow us to configure the Windows boot settings to get into safe mode.

Here you will find system boot options that will allow you to select safe mode. Now you need to click on “Restart”:

After a quick reboot, you will see a blue screen with boot options. We are interested in the options that are under points: 4, 5 and 6. They differ from each other in the loaded drivers and services that can enable network mode or command line. But we need to select the mode number 4, to do this, press the F4 key.

Starting Safe Mode with msconfig

The utility is a very useful tool for working with the operating system. Using it, we will now launch safe mode in Windows 10.

To run this program, you need to press the key combination “Win” + “R” on your keyboard and enter “msconfig” in the window that appears, click “OK”. You can also launch the “Run” window in a simpler way - right-click on “Start” and select “Run”.

The system configuration window appears. It contains five tabs, each of which is responsible for specific functionality. Go to the “Boot” tab, it contains settings for safe mode. The first step is to choose an operating system that will boot securely.

In the group of elements called “Boot Options” you need to check the box next to “Safe Mode”, under it you can use the switch to select the boot type, minimal – standard mode, another shell – allows you to use the command line and network – allows you to work with a local network and Internet. We will also set a parameter that defines the timeout, i.e. a time delay before selecting a boot type before starting the operating system.

If such boot settings for a given OS should be made permanent, you can check the box next to the corresponding item. Done, all you have to do is click apply and the next time you reboot you will be asked to choose which mode to start Windows 10 in.

After you enter safe mode and do all the necessary steps, you can go to msconfig and boot the system normally.

Using the Command Prompt to Enter Safe Mode

I find this method quite advanced and interesting. We will need a command line, to launch it, right-click on “Start” and select “Command Prompt (Administrator)” from the menu that appears.

A small black window appears into which you can enter various commands that the program will execute with the specified parameters. Let's enter the following line: bcdedit /copy (current) /d “Safe Mode”(or any other name) and press Enter. You can now close the command prompt.

The command entered above will create a new parameter in the msconfig program (we looked at it earlier). In the “Boot” section there will be a new option to launch the operating system, which will be called “Safe Mode”.

When you go to “System Configuration” and go to the “Boot” tab, you need to click on the 2nd item - “Safe Mode (C:/Windows)” and check the box next to “Safe Mode”. Also pay attention that the timeout is at least 10, since if it is less, you may not have time to select the parameter you need.

Now this option will always be present on your system, if it interferes and creates some inconvenience, then this function can be disabled. To do this, you need to run the utility - press the “Win” + “R” keys and enter “msconfig” and press Enter.

A familiar window will appear, go to the “Download” tab. To delete, select the desired item with the left mouse button and click on the “Delete” button.

Now when you turn on the computer, everything will happen without delay.

Special download options

To use this method, click on the notification icon in the lower right corner of the desktop. And select “All parameters”.

The next stage and all subsequent ones are the same as in the first method described in this article, we confirm the reboot.

The computer will shut down and a boot method selection window will appear before Windows starts. Options 4,5 and 6 correspond to the F4, F5 and F6 keys. All these modes are briefly described in the first method discussed in this article.

Bcdedit /set (default) safeboot minima l and press Enter. Now restart your computer and you will automatically be in safe mode. If you need to return it to its original state (as it was), then enter bcdedit /deletevalue (default) safeboot.

You can also use another method, enter bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true into the command line and then reboot the system. Next, the system will show boot options, where there will be a safe mode. To disable this option, you need to enter in the command line bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions. Attention! This command can be entered in normal Windows mode.

In Safe Mode, Windows does not load some drivers and programs during startup, so you can fix system errors. Below we will show all the available ways to boot into Windows 10 safe mode.

Boot into Safe Mode using the Windows Settings app.

  1. Open System Settings, the fastest way is to press the Win + I key combination
  1. Go to the section " Update and Security", and on the left select “ Recovery"
  1. On the right side of the window after the heading " Special download options" click on the button " Reboot now."

  1. After the computer restarts, the screen shows Parameter selection select items Diagnostics → Extra optionsBoot Options→ Restart.
  2. After a new reboot Windows you will see a list of options. Press the 4 or F4 key to start the computer in Safe Mode, to enter the Safe mode network-enabled

Booting into Failsafe Mode using the command - “MSCONFIG” .

1. Click on Search in the taskbar or Run menu and type or copy and paste:


and press Enter. This will open the system configuration settings.

2. Go to the tab and check the box, " Safe mode".

There are four options for Secure Boot mode. Minimum loading is the most common, read on for more details.

  • Minimal. When launched, opens the Windows graphical user interface (File Explorer) Only critical system services run in safe mode. The network is down.

  • Another shell. When started, a Windows command prompt window opens; only critical system services run in safe mode. Network and Explorer are disabled.

  • Restoring Active Directory. At startup, Explorer opens in safe mode, running critical system services and Active Directory.

  • Net. At startup, Explorer opens in safe mode and only runs critical system services. Network is on.

3. Click "Apply", and then "OK". You can reboot the system immediately or continue working as long as you need it.

4. After you restart your computer, your system will enter crash protection mode and you can continue troubleshooting in safe mode.

  1. After turning on or restarting your Windows 10 PC. On the login screen, hold down the Shift key and select the item Shutdown → Restart.

  1. After restarting the computer on the page "Selecting parameters" go by clicking on the elements “from the bottom right, press the button.

  1. After Windows 10 restarts, you will see a list of options. Press the 4 or F4 key to start your computer in Safe Mode. To enter Safe Mode with Network Drivers Loading, select keys 5 or F5.

1.Open the menu "Start" and click on the “Shutdown” button or open the Win + X menu and select "Shutdown".

2.Now press and hold the Shift key and select the option from the power menu

3.After restarting the computer on the screen "Select Action" go to " Troubleshooting" → "Boot Options" and press the button.

4.After rebooting, you will see a list of options. Press the F4 key to start your computer in Safe Mode. To enter Safe Mode with Network Drivers Loading, press F5.

Enter safe mode using the command "reagentc /boottore" and "shutdown -r -f -t 0".

  1. Open Command line or as administrator
  1. Run two commands in sequence:
reagentc /boottore shutdown -r -f -t 0
  1. After your computer restarts, on the Select an option screen, select items Diagnostics → Extra optionsBoot Options→ Restart.
  2. After Windows 10 restarts, you will see a list of options. Press the 4 or F4 key to start the computer in Safe Mode to in Safe Mode Internet worked , select keys 5 or F5.

How to exit Windows 10 safe mode

Usually, getting out of Safe Mode is as simple as restarting your computer, but if your system is stuck in Safe Mode and you can't boot into normal mode, here are a couple of tips you can try:

Exit safe mode using MSCONFIG

1. To exit Safe Mode, open the System Configuration Tool by opening the Run command (shortcut: keys Win+R) and typing in the dialog box: MSCONFIG,then press the button Ok".

2. In the window that opens, go to the “tab”, uncheck the “check box” Safe Mode" and click the button Apply". When prompted, confirm the action and restart your device. After rebooting, your computer will exit crash protection mode.

Exit Safe Mode using the Command Prompt.

1. Right click the button "Start" and select "Command Line" ("Administrator") or Windows PowerShell ("Administrator").

2. In the Command Prompt window, type the following command and press Enter:

bcdedit /deletevalue (current) safeboot

3. Close Command Prompt and restart your computer.

After restarting your computer, the system should boot into normal mode.

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In this article you will find several simple ways to enter safe mode in Windows 10 (in English terminology it is called Safe Mode). Most often, users do not understand how to boot into safe mode if . After all, the F8 key will most likely not work during boot. But first things first.

1. How to start Windows 10 safe mode using msconfig

  • Right-click on the button Start.
  • Select Execute:
  • Enter the command msconfig.
  • Click OK:

  • Check the box Safe mode.
  • Click OK:
    • Restart your computer:

    Attention! To boot your computer normally, you will need to run the msconfig, uncheck the box, press .

    2. Enter Safe Mode using the SHIFT key

    This method is useful if, when logging into your account, the computer freezes or a banner appears or something else.

    • Press and hold the SHIFT key.
    • Click on the power icon and select:

    • Select an item Diagnostics:

    • Extra options:

    • Boot Options:

    • Reboot:

    • After a while you will see the following window. To enable safe mode, press the key 4 or F4:

    The subsequent steps are identical to those described above.

    How to enter safe mode if Windows 10 won't boot

    If Windows 10 does not boot even to the Welcome screen (where you can reboot via Shift), follow these steps:

    1. Create a bootable USB flash drive using another computer using .

    2. Boot from this flash drive ().

    3. Select language:

    5. Select Diagnostics:

    6. Extra options:

    7. Troubleshooting > Advanced Settings >:

    8. Enter

    Bcdedit /set (default) safeboot minimal

    9. Restart your computer. It will boot into safe mode.

    To restore normal boot mode, call msconfig from safe mode:

    uncheck the box Safe mode, press OK:

    And after that, restart your computer. Windows 10 will now boot normally.

    4 Ways to Boot Windows 10 in Safe Mode

    If the operating system does not boot or does not work correctly for one of many possible reasons, then sometimes the only way to restore its functionality and gain access to your data is to boot the computer in Safe Mode and correct errors using it.

    If you've been using Windows 10 for a while, you've probably noticed that the old ways of booting your computer into Safe Mode no longer work. Those. By pressing the F8 or Shift+F8 keys while the system is booting, you will no longer be able to boot the operating system in safe mode. But this does not mean that Windows 10 no longer has Safe Mode. You just need to go through other procedures to download it. Let's look at them in more detail.

    Windows 10 Safe Mode

    When you enter Windows 10 safe mode, the operating system loads a minimal interface and only the most necessary services and drivers that are necessary for the system to function.

    Method 1: Using the System Configuration tool (msconfig.exe)

    The easiest way to boot into Safe Mode in Windows 10 is to use the System Configuration tool. Many users know it by its executable name: msconfig.exe.

    To run this tool, you need to open the Run window (Windows key + R) and enter msconfig in it.

    Also, System Configuration can be launched using the search box next to the Start menu button. Just enter “System Configuration” in it.

    In the System Configuration tool window that opens, go to the Boot tab, and in the Boot Options section, select Safe Mode.

    After this, the system will prompt you to restart your computer for the changes to take effect. You can continue working on your computer without restarting, or you can restart it, after which it will automatically boot into Safe Mode.

    Method 2: Restart your computer by pressing the Shift key (Shift + Restart)

    Another way you can start Windows 10 Safe Mode is to restart your computer while holding down the Shift key. To do this, open the Start menu, click the Shutdown button and while holding down the Shift key, select Restart.

    This combination can also be used from the lock screen.

    In the Advanced Options window, select Boot Options

    Windows 10 will notify the user that the system can be restarted to launch additional options, one of which is Safe Mode. Click the Restart button.

    After the system reboots, select with which parameters you want to boot the system. There are three options to boot the system in Safe Mode (F4 – F6).

    Method 3: Boot using a recovery disk

    Windows 10 has a tool available to create recovery discs.

    Boot into Windows 10 using the recovery disc created this way. After this, the system will prompt you to select a keyboard layout, then select the Troubleshooting / Advanced options menu. Further actions are the same as those described in the previous section.

    Method 4: Special boot options

    Despite the existence of several ways to boot Windows 10 in Safe Mode, this method will be the most correct - provided that the operating system that needs to be loaded in Safe Mode is fully functional.

    It's quite easy to do this:

    • Open Settings
    • Go to Update & Security/Recovery
    • Under Special boot options, click Restart now
    • After this, Windows 10 will reboot and prompt you to select one of the menu items. Select Troubleshooting/Advanced Options.
    • Next, follow the steps described in Method 2

    The described methods for booting the operating system in Safe Mode are relevant for both Windows 10 and Windows 8.1. Starting with these versions of Windows, Safe Mode is no longer a function that only IT specialists use in their work. Now this is just another function of the operating system that is available to every user, and with the help of which the user can easily restore the system and regain access to their data.

    Windows 10 Safe Mode - how to get into it, including when the system does not want to boot?

    If you're having problems booting Windows 10 (or 8.x), you can't use the usual "lifeline" that Windows 7 provides - using the F8 key during computer startup to access additional boot options. In particular, in this way, in the seventh version of the system, you can get into safe mode and try to solve the problem using standard means. For example, if the solution to the problem may be to remove the driver or change the system settings. The Shift+F8 keys, which in theory can be used when loading Windows 10 to get into the system recovery environment (and this is an analogue of the Seven boot options), are not so easy to use in practice. You will need to practice several times to catch that very moment of reduced system loading when the Shift+F8 keys can work.

    Why do you need Safe Mode?

    Safe computer mode is a specific state of the Windows system designed to eliminate various problems.

    In this mode, only the most necessary devices and components to maintain system functionality are used. Safe mode is, by condition, the mode of operation of the system with administrator rights. And even more: many of the files that the system or third-party software will not allow you to delete under any circumstances can be deleted without problems in safe mode.

    Safe System Mode is an environment used to remove incorrectly installed drivers and undo unsuccessfully applied system settings. For example, if you set a screen resolution that is not supported by the monitor, it will not always be possible to change it to one supported by the latter within a fully functioning system. So, there may simply be no image on the screen. And if there is no other monitor at hand that can display the image with the applied resolution, the problem cannot be solved except by using safe mode. Instead of a video driver, the monitor uses the VGA standard in safe mode, which is supported by all video cards designed for Windows devices.

    Safe mode is one of the solutions to the problem of viruses entering the system and blocking the operation of anti-virus programs. If the part of the system registry responsible for loading safe mode is not damaged by malware, you can try to run an anti-virus scanner in this mode, delete the startup file and/or virus process in the task manager, and also apply other actions to resuscitate the system.

    Running system configuration section

    Using the configuration section of a running system, you can get into safe mode by making some settings and rebooting. Right-click on the “Start” button and select the “Run” function.

    In the field for entering commands we write:

    After pressing Enter we will see the system configuration window. We are interested in the “Download” tab, here we check the “Safe Mode” checkbox.

    By default, the system configuration provides a minimum type of safe mode, when startup programs do not start, there is no sound, the network is disabled, only basic drivers for the video device, hard drive, keyboard mouse and other devices necessary to maintain the minimum performance of the operating system work.

    You can install other types of Safe Mode in Windows 10. By selecting “Other shell”, safe mode will be without the usual graphical interface, but only with the command line. This may be relevant if explorer.exe, a system service that ensures the operation of the operating system explorer, fails.

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    The “Restore Active Directory” item provides for loading safe mode with a graphical interface and a minimum number of active services, including the Active Directory directory service. If in safe mode there is a need to access network resources, then in this case you need to select the “Network” item. It provides, accordingly, for the operation of the network card driver.

    Having made your choice, click “Apply” at the bottom of the window and then “OK”.

    After rebooting, the operating system will start in safe mode.

    The process for setting up Windows 10 to boot normally is reverse. In the system configuration section, the “Safe Mode” checkbox must be unchecked.

    Shift key and reboot button for a running system

    Another way to get into safe mode if the operating system is in a working state is to use a single press of the Shift key and the restart button. Open the Start menu, click on the shutdown button and, while holding down the Shift key on the keyboard, select the option to restart the computer.

    This will take us to the Windows 10 recovery environment. Here we first need the diagnostics section, then the additional settings section.

    All sorts of boot options will appear before us - by pressing the F4, F5 or F6 keys, you can get into the safe mode of the corresponding type.

    Safe mode for a non-bootable system

    If the operating system does not start at all or, for example, a resolution that the monitor does not support is mistakenly applied, displaying a message about this on a dull black screen background, you can boot into safe mode and try to find a solution to the problem, as in the previous case, using the recovery environment systems.

    As mentioned above, pressing Shift+F8 during system boot may not always work, so a more reliable way to get into the recovery environment would be to boot from the installation disk or from a recovery disk previously created by standard system tools.

    When booting from the latter, we find ourselves in the recovery environment immediately after selecting the language. If the computer is booted from the installation disk, click “Next” in the welcome window.

    The next steps are “Diagnostics” and “Advanced options”.

    In the command line window we write:

    bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true

    and press Enter.

    The operation was successful, close the command line and in the action selection menu click Continue using Windows 10.

    After which we will see a list of download options.

    If in safe mode you can eliminate the reason that prevents booting, and you can avoid reinstalling the system, in the future the computer will always boot with a menu of boot options. It is very easy to fix this using the same command line, which we now open by selecting from the contents of the context menu on the “Start” button.

    Enter the command:

    bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions

    and press Enter.

    That's it - now the computer will boot in normal mode, without any pre-boot states or menus.

    Boot Windows 10 in Safe Mode. Windows 10 Safe Mode

    “Safe” mode (in English spelling - safe mode), one of the ways to enter, load the operating system and take over control of the computer. This login method has been developed and applied as a tool for troubleshooting problems and errors in the functioning of the operating system. Most often, errors are caused by certain software products, device drivers, and applications from third-party (non-Microsoft) developers. We have already talked in more detail about what safe mode is. Today we will talk about how Windows 10 boots in safe mode.

    When loading into safe mode, only the necessary programs that ensure the normal functioning of the computer system and hardware drivers, programs that control all devices included in the computer configuration, are initially loaded into RAM.

    Often it is in this, and only in this mode, that it becomes possible to correct system errors and remove unwanted programs that otherwise cannot be removed.

    The desktop is in a safe boot mode without wallpaper, and in the right corner, at the bottom of the screen, there is the inscription “Safe Mode”.

    Running in Safe Mode allows you to conduct “background” monitoring, identify the cause of a violation in the system, make corrections and avoid reinstalling the operating system.

    Ways to start the system in safe mode

    Configuration Settings

    • When running a computer running Windows 10, you can enter safe mode by launching the System Configuration function. You need to type msconfig in the “Search” input field. The System Configuration window opens;
    • Go to the Boot tab, check Safe Mode and Minimal;
    Why won't the .exe file start?

    • By clicking OK, the boot setting is confirmed and a dialog box asks you to restart the computer. If the answer is positive, the system reboots in safe mode.

    Selecting the launch mode by pressing the F8 button

    In Windows 10, unlike previous versions, pressing the F8 button when the system initially boots does not bring up an on-screen menu for selecting a boot mode. This was done with good intentions, to speed up loading, but sometimes it leads to annoying incidents.

    It is possible to eliminate the inability of the system startup menu to appear using the command line:

    • Through the main menu, launch the “command line” as administrator;
    • Type the command bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy legacy;
    • Pressing the Enter button and rebooting the system while holding down the F8 button will cause an OSD menu to appear with the ability to select a login method. You can choose safe mode!

    Subsequently, if you want to return to the original method of booting the system without the appearance of the mode menu, just enter the command

    Bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy standard

    All settings will return to their original form.

    Another way to reboot Tens, although prepared in advance, is to create a “Safe Start” line in the “System Configuration”.

    Edition "System Configuration"

    • Launch the “command line” as administrator;
    • We type bcdedit /copy (current) /d “Safe launch”, it is clear that “Safe launch” - the text is selected by the user;
    • In the “Run” option, enter msconfig, pressing Enter enters the user into the MSCONFIG window.
    • In the Download tab, two download options will appear;

    • Select Safe Mode (C:\WINDOWS);

    • Check the Minimum load, timeout option, click OK!

    After reboot the menu will appear: In this menu, you can select Change values ​​to open System Restore.

    Startup options from the Recovery menu

    • In the main Start menu, select Settings – Update and Security – Recovery – Special boot options;
    • Click the “Reboot Now” button and get to the “Select Action” window;
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    • Select the Diagnostics item;
    • In the window that opens, click “Advanced options”, then “Download options”;
    • In the end, we come to the choice “Enable Safe Mode”.

    We work in Safe Mode!

    By the way, you can load Ten in safe mode using the “Shut down” command from the Start menu while pressing the “Shift” key.

    Well, what if Windows 10 doesn’t boot at all? One thing remains.

    Using the distribution on a disk or flash drive

    • We boot, press the combination Shift+F10 to enter the Command Line, or, if logging in from a distribution kit, after selecting the interface language, press the “System Restore” - Diagnostics button. Select “Advanced options”, then – Command line;
    • In the command line, if you need to boot in safe mode, type

    Bcdedit /set (default) safeboot minimal (1), if you need network support, enter the text bcdedit /set (default) safeboot network (2);

    • If you need to work with the command line in safe mode, enter (1) and type

    Bcdedit /set (default) safebootalternateshell yes.

    Press Enter and reboot. The download will be performed in safe mode!

    To switch to a normal startup later, you need to type Bcdedit /deletevalue (default) safeboot in the Command Prompt.

    Bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true. During the reboot process, a boot option selection menu will open.

    Happy work!

    If you still have questions about the topic “Boot Windows 10 in Safe Mode,” you can ask them in the comments

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    Three ways to boot into Safe Mode in Windows 10

    I am sure that most computer users, including subscribers and guests of our site, are well aware of what safe mode is and what its purpose is. And I say this because today’s instructions will show several options for starting safe mode in Windows 10.

    It just so happened that after the release of Windows 8, the developers removed the usual additional boot menu, which was called up using F8. And since most people didn’t really like the “eight” anyway, this flaw for many became the last point, after which the system was reinstalled on Windows 7.

    Of course, quite a few instructions have been written on how to get into safe mode in Windows 8, but even despite this, discomfort was present when starting this mode.

    As for Windows 10, Microsoft’s position has not changed and they did not return the menu back, but left everything as it is. It is for this reason that I present to you an article after reading which you will be able to launch Safe Mode on Windows 10 without any problems.

    Why do you need safe mode?

    Why would you actually need “Safe Mode”? Usually they remember about it when the system starts to work incorrectly. For example, a blue screen appears or due to some program, Windows cannot boot fully.

    Also, safe mode is often used to remove viruses, reset passwords, solve problems with crookedly installed drivers, or when setting up a printer (for example, the spool folder can only be cleared in safe mode).

    In general, this is a mode in which you can. how to diagnose the cause of the problem and fix it.

    The easiest way to start Safe Mode in Windows 10

    Oddly enough, today the easiest way to get into safe mode is to use the system configuration. By the way, this option also positioned itself as the best method on Windows 8, so perhaps someone is already familiar with it. Moreover, even on Windows 7 it was present, but then few people knew about it, but now there is simply no other choice.

    So, you can get into the “System Configuration” settings using the msconfig command, which should be inserted into the “Run” line (Win + R).

    After the settings window appears, we need to go to the “Downloads” tab.

    Here you will find that your operating system will already be selected by default. If you have several of them, then use the mouse to select the one from which you will boot into safe mode.

    Moving the mouse a little lower, on the left side, mark the “Safe Mode” item.

    As you can see, this section provides several download options.

    • “Minimal” - is responsible for launching safe mode in a standard form, that is, the desktop and a set of the most necessary drivers and services are launched to support minimal system performance. In general, this is the most common mode that most users are used to working with.
    • “Another shell” - is responsible for entering safe mode, in which only the command line will be launched, that is, the desktop, start, and other similar things will not be displayed.
    • “Network” - this one is similar to the minimal one, but in addition to the main set of drivers, the network one is also loaded. As a result, you will be able to access the Internet from safe mode.

    After checking the desired option, click on the “OK” button. Once you restart your PC, Windows 10 will start in Safe Mode.

    To return to the normal view of the system, you will again have to go to msconfig and uncheck the “Safe Mode” option.

    Entering Windows 10 Safe Mode with the system not booting

    There is also an option to enter Windows 10 safe mode for operating systems that do not start at all, for example, a blue screen appears at boot time, or something similar.

    But the downside is that we will once again need a bootable USB drive with a distribution kit, or a recovery disk, which is created directly by the operating system itself.

    After connecting and booting from the drive, we enter the initial stage with choosing a language.

    Moving on to the next step, we should go to the system recovery environment using the corresponding button.

    In the menu that appears, go to the “Troubleshooting” section.

    The next item will be “Command Line”.

    and we carry it out.

    Having received a message about the successful completion of the operation, close the command line by clicking on the cross and select to continue loading Windows 10.

    The computer will continue to boot and this time you will see a list of available boot options, including Windows 10 Safe Mode.

    If you still manage to cope with the problem and you do not have to reinstall the system, then you will need to return the boot parameters to their original state, otherwise you will have to deal with the additional settings window every time you turn on the computer.

    You can do this directly from the operating system environment by again opening a command line window there with administrator rights and running the command:

    Another option to boot into safe mode in Windows 10

    There is another, more confusing, but working option for entering safe mode. Its essence is that we will have to select the desired mode in the additional boot options, which can be found like this:

    After restarting the computer, you will find a list of additional boot options, where by using the F4,5 and F6 keys, you can enter the system’s safe mode.

    Let me remind you that this option for entering safe mode on Windows 10 is only suitable if Windows is still working and boots at least until the welcome window. By the way, on the login screen where you enter the password there is also a shutdown button with which you can restart the computer by holding down the Shift key and get into the recovery environment.

    Windows 10: how to enter safe mode when Windows does not start?

    Greetings, dear readers!

    First of all, I would like to note that many of us have had problems with our computer or laptop. Perhaps some of you have already used safe mode, or maybe are even familiar with it.

    This article will talk about how to start safe mode on Windows 10 if Windows does not want to boot. But first, it would be nice to know the difference between starting Windows in safe mode and standard boot.

    Safe Mode differs from standard Windows boot in the following ways:

    • The autoexec.bat and config.sys files do not start, which means that auto startup programs that are not provided by the system will not start, and they also start according to system parameters.
    • Most device drivers are not loaded, which will prevent critical errors in case of incorrectly installed drivers.
    • Instead of conventional video device drivers, the standard VGA graphics mode is used, which is supported by all Windows-compatible video cards.
    • The system checks the msdos.sys file for information about the location of other Windows files.
    • The system boots using the system.cb file instead of the standard system.ini. This file is designed to launch virtual device drivers (VxD), which are used in safe mode to interact with standard computer components.
    • It loads to a 16-color Windows desktop with a resolution of 640 x 480 pixels and the words “Safe Mode” on all four corners.

    Safe mode facilitates the diagnostic process in case of problems and failures in the startup or operation of the system. It is worth noting that if the problem is not related to drivers, updates or programs, then in most cases the problem is a damaged registry, which means a system reinstallation will be required; in other cases, there is a problem with the hardware, which can be solved by replacing damaged components.

    Starting safe mode in windows 10 (how to enter?)

    In Windows 10, as in younger versions of Windows - 8 and 8.1, Windows RE - the Windows Recovery Environment - is automatically launched after two unsuccessful attempts to start the system.

    After that, when you find yourself in the Recovery Environment, select [Diagnostics]

    Then select [Advanced options]

    Reboot the computer

    Press F4-F6 to enter safe mode

    F4 - standard safe mode

    F5 - safe mode with support for network drivers, which will allow you to use the Internet

    F6 - safe mode with command line support, which creates an emulator for working in the MS-DOS environment

    Most often, you will use either the standard (F4) or network driver support (F5) to search for information on the Internet on troubleshooting errors.

    After selecting a boot mode, the computer will boot into the selected mode.

    Ready! Your computer is now running in Safe Mode. All that remains is to identify problems and fix them by debugging the computer :)

    How to enter (call) Windows 10 safe mode using a bootable USB flash drive or recovery disk

    In the event that the system cannot even load the recovery environment, you will need a bootable flash drive or recovery disk to start in safe mode and further debug the computer.

    The first one can be created on any other computer, and it would be nice to create a recovery disk as soon as a clean OS has been installed. The recovery disk is created in the "Recovery" menu :).

    After starting using the bootable flash drive/recovery disk, you must enter one of the following lines at the command line:

    • bcdedit /set (default) safeboot minimal
    • bcdedit /set (default) safeboot network

    If additional command line support is required, then after the first command (minimal) enter the following

    • bcdedit /set (default) safebootalternateshell yes

    Now I will explain what everything we wrote means.

    bcdedit is a command line tool for managing system boot configuration data. /set (default) - this parameter is responsible for the default installation, but we will consider the following three parameters separately:

    • safeboot minimal - launches safe mode by default (similar to the F4 button in case of successful manipulations from the first part of the article);
    • safeboot network - launches safe mode by default with support for network drivers (F5);
    • safebootalternateshell yes - launches safe mode by default with command line support (F6).

    After running the commands, close the command prompt and restart your computer, it will automatically boot into safe mode with the configurations you selected.

    In the future, to enable the computer to start normally, use the following command from a command prompt running as an administrator:

    • bcdedit /deletevalue (default) safeboot

    This command will remove the (default) value from the startup configuration file, which will unset the default safe mode.

    This is where this article ends. After reading it, you learned a little more useful information that may one day help you fix problems on your computer.

    Good luck, friends. See you again!