How to use TeamViewer or remote computer control via the Internet. TeamViewer - what is this program and how to use it

Hello everyone, today I’ll tell you about what TeamViewer is and how much you need this program, maybe it’s completely useless and it makes sense to delete it? This means that TeamViewer is a program, so to speak, on a global scale, because it is a very well-known program, bug-free and jam-free. I used it very often before, and all because I helped people remotely, that is, over the Internet. How? Well, that's what TeamViewer is for!

This is a program that helps to provide remote assistance to another user; for this you need either the Internet or just a local network. Watch how everything happens, you connect to another computer and see the Windows desktop there. Well, that is, it’s as if you are actually working at that computer. And then you can set something up there, for example, show how to use some program, or something like that. Well, isn't it true that this is a cool program, especially considering that it is free for non-commercial use!

In order to help like this via the Internet, you need the program to be installed on both you and the person you need to help. To start helping, you need the person who needs help to tell you the ID and password. The first consists of nine numbers, in general there are many numbers, but the second, well, that is, the password, so it consists of four numbers in total.

Well, we were more or less able to explain what TeamViewer is and what this program is needed for. Now look, you can easily download it from the official website (, and install it just as easily. You don’t even have to install it, just run it. This is what TeamViewer looks like:

You see, there is an ID and a password. The ID is always so long, and the password is always so small. You can tell this ID and password to someone so that they can connect to YOU, and if you want to connect to someone, then they must give you an ID and password. Where the partner’s ID is written (well, that is on the right), that’s where you indicate the ID that has already been given to you, then click Connect to partner. If everything is ok, a small window will pop up where you will need to enter a password. And that’s it, then you can control a computer, which may be on the other side of the world, that’s how things are!

Not everyone knows that TeamViewer can work without the Internet, it’s just that instead of an ID there will be a local IP address. If you go to settings:

And there is such a setting as Incoming connections, here you can choose to accept exclusively, and then TeamViewer will ONLY work over the local network:

If you choose to simply accept, then there will probably be a combined mode, that is, both over the Internet and over a local network. You might be thinking, what’s the fun in this? Well, look, for a local network, well, for TeamViewer to work through it, you don’t need the Internet at all, well, the Internet is not available everywhere, but a local network can be... Well, for example, remote help at school, a teacher helps his students this way.. Well, this is my fantasy.. But the most important thing is that in this way the image in TeamViewer will be transmitted very quickly! Well, that is, there will be no brakes, almost none. I just didn’t write, but TeamViewer works with brakes if the Internet is not very fast or if it is unstable, somehow buggy. This is all because in order for you to comfortably do something on a remote computer, it goes without saying that the picture must be transferred simply INSTANTLY!

Well, I think I told you what this TeamViewer program is, I hope everything is clear. Now look, I have the TeamViewer program installed, that is, not portable, but installed. What I mean is that if TeamViewer is installed, then this is the process you can see in the task manager:

In addition to the TeamViewer_Service.exe process, you can also see TeamViewer_Desktop.exe, tv_w32.exe, tv_x64.exe and possibly others. I just have TeamViewer installed and nothing more, I’m not helping anyone there anymore, that’s why there’s only one process in the manager. In general, things like this. Besides this, TeamViewer also puts its service! Now open the task manager, go to the Services tab, and then click on the button with the same name Services, and a window will open with a list of services, you will see the following TeamViewer 11 service there (this last number is the version):

If you double-click on this service, you will see the following window:

Well, that is, as you probably already understood, the TeamViewer_Service.exe process is launched by this service!

The program itself is installed in this folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer

Well, it seems like I’ve told you everything, now it’s time to show you how to remove this program, well, again, this is only if you have it installed and not just running.

I use it to remove software from my computer, so if you’re interested, you can also look at this uninstaller, it’s quite a good program, in my opinion

Well, now how to remove it in a simple way, so to speak, in general, click the Start menu and select Control Panel there:

If you have Windows 10, then this item is already in another menu, so to open it, then hold down the Win + X buttons!

Then among the icons we find Programs and Features, and launch it:

A window with installed programs will open, here you need to find TeamViewer, right-click and select Uninstall:

Then a window will pop up, there will also be a Remove settings checkbox, so that the TeamViewer settings will also be deleted. In general, check this box (or don’t check it if necessary to save the settings) and click Uninstall:

That's it, then the program will quickly be deleted:

Well, that’s it, you won’t have the TeamViewer program on your computer anymore, you deleted it and that’s it, now you have one less program

I hope that everything was clear here and now you know exactly what the TeamViewer program is, whether you need it or not, and how to remove it, well, if it turns out that you don’t need it. Good luck in life, good mood and health


Those who often need to connect remotely to their home PC or provide computer assistance to friends often use The article will describe how to use the TeamViewer program.

Should I pay for a license?

On the official website of the product you can find information that you need to pay the developer to use it. It is because of this that many try to find a software distribution on third-party sites, torrents, file exchangers, which is under no circumstances allowed. This approach can lead to your computer becoming infected with a virus or Trojan.

TeamViewer is completely free if the downloader agrees to use it for non-commercial purposes. This is suitable for most users. It is advisable not to connect to your office machine from home. If the application decides that you are using it for corporate work, restrictions will be imposed on the functionality.


Like almost any other application, TeamViewer must be downloaded and installed. To download the installer, go to the main page of the official resource. After double-clicking on the file, the operating system will warn you about the danger of running software downloaded from the Internet. Answer yes to the OS question. In the main installer window, check the box next to "Non-commercial use". After this, all you have to do is click on the “Finish” button and wait for the installation to complete.

When the installation process is complete, a window with a little help about TeamViewer 9 will appear on the screen. How to use the program will also be written here. If you have never encountered applications of this type, it is advisable to study the tips. When you close the help window, the program itself will launch, fully configured and ready to work.

Basic operating mode

After launching the utility, you can immediately begin managing the remote PC. Naturally, the same version of TeamViewer must be installed on it. To connect, you need a unique number of the remote machine and a password.

They are written in the left area of ​​the utility window. Accordingly, if you want to transfer control of your PC to someone, you should send the data from the ID and “password” fields to the partner.

TeamViewer. How to use the option to display wallpaper

After receiving all the data and entering it, a window will appear on the display in which the machines are displayed. It will not display wallpaper. This is done in order to reduce the load on the network.

Of course, nothing prevents you from turning on the display of the background image. To do this, you need to click on the “View” inscription located in the top panel of the utility, and then uncheck the “Hide Wallpaper” option.

Rebooting a remote machine

When setting up your PC, you often need to restart your computer. Often the software requires a restart after such an operation. You can restart the remote machine without losing the connection via TeamViewer. How to use this feature?

Click on the words “Actions”, and in the menu that opens, click “Reboot”. After this, click on the text “Wait for partner”. When the remote PC restarts, the control window will display the message “Booting your computer.” To resume communication, click on the "Reconnect" button, after which the connection will be restored and you will not need to enter the password again.

In addition to a normal restart, you can start your PC in safe mode using TeamViewer. How to use this feature? You must follow all the steps described above, but on the "Actions" tab, select "Restart in Safe Mode."

In addition to the above, through this menu you can:

  • Block the input means of the administered computer in order to deprive the owner of the ability to somehow influence the course of actions performed.
  • Log out to prevent anyone from using the PC without entering the password.
  • Launch Task Manager to close running processes.

Transferring files

TeamViewer allows you to transfer files using built-in functions. To open the window for sending a document, you need to click on the corresponding inscription in the top menu. Such an opportunity as file transfer cannot be overlooked, and therefore we decided to write briefly about this important opportunity.

You can open the window for transferring files from the top panel, the “file transfer” tab. The left side will show files located on the local machine, and the right side will show the files located on the remote machine. After dragging the document with the left mouse button, it will begin downloading or sending.

Setting up permanent access

If you need to frequently connect to your home computer, it is not very convenient to launch the application on it every time and remember a new TeamViewer password. How to use permanent access?

  • Go to the "Connection" menu, in it click on the "Uncontrolled access" item.
  • Fill out all the fields here as you see fit.
  • Click on the text "I don't want to register."
  • Remember now the permanent ID and password.

Now the utility will close if you click on the “cross”. After each PC restart, the application will start automatically.

Today, there are a huge number of utilities that are designed to remotely control a PC. The most common of them is TeamViewer. You can use the built-in tools of Windows OS, but this requires a lot of manipulations. Therefore, TeamViewer is the best solution for such actions.

How to use the application?

First of all, you need to download the application on your PC. To do this, it is recommended to use the official website of the developer, as this will protect your computer from harmful elements and various viruses. You need to go to the website and go to the “Download” section.

After this, you need to select a version for your operating system, since the site contains releases for different OSes and even mobile ones. This means that the program can be installed on various mobile devices and control your computer. Next, click on “Download” and download the installation file.

Then you need to run the TeamViewer_Setup_ru.exe file. Here you can select “Run only” and not install the program. This will allow you to receive or provide one-time assistance. If you plan to use the application regularly, then you need to install it.

In the window that appears, you should leave everything unchanged and click on the “Accept - Finish” button. After this, the installation of the program will begin and then launch. The main application window will then open. Here, in the “Allow management” section, the user ID and password are displayed. This information must be communicated to another user to control the PC remotely.

To be able to control someone else’s computer, you need to enter the partner’s ID and click “Connect to partner.” Then you should enter a password that will be displayed on the other user’s PC and click “Login.” Typically, the password consists of 4 digits. After entering, you are given the opportunity to control someone else’s computer.

By default, the desktop wallpaper of someone else's PC is not displayed on the user's computer. If desired, they can be included in the View menu. In the program window you can perform all actions in the same way as on your own PC. At this time, another user will be able to watch what is happening on his screen.

To end the connection, you need to click on the cross on the left side of the program or close the window. Then in the window that appears, click OK. If you need to frequently control another computer, you should register.

After this, you need to log into the program with your account by entering your email address and password. The right side of the screen will display the computers that you have access to. Initially this section will be empty. To add a computer, you must enter the ID of another user and click on the asterisk.

After this, the properties of someone else's computer will appear on the screen. Then you need to give it a name and click OK. If the PC is turned on and the program is running, then a green dot will light up on its icon. If you know the password for it, you can start working with it. To log into your computer, you need to double-click on it and enter a password.

How to set up uncontrolled access?

To ensure constant control over someone else's PC, you need to add it to your contacts and establish uncontrolled access. To do this, you do not need to go to “Connection>Set up uncontrolled access”. In the window that appears, enter the PC name, password and password confirmation, and then click on “Finish”.

Then you need to go to the properties of someone else’s computer on the PC from which control will take place and enter the password. After this, it can be controlled from anywhere.

Time Weaver (eng. team viewer) is a unique software that allows you to remotely control any computer or server in the world. This is very useful if, for example, you need to change some settings or instruct someone, but you are not able or willing to go to the site in person. Next, we will briefly describe the basic principles of working with this program.

How to download and install Time Weaver?

You can download the program absolutely free of charge on the official website of the developer by clicking on the large download button in the middle of the screen. The current version is Time Weaver 9, but many computers may still have the older Time Weaver 8 installed.

The program installation file will be downloaded to your computer. Opening it will bring up the installation settings window. Here you must select two parameters - the installation type, as well as how the program will be used. In addition, it is advisable to check the box in the additional settings window. This way you can choose the folder to install the program and several other parameters.

Now a few words about them:

· Remote Printing - Allows you to control printing to a remote device

· TeamViewer VPN - with this extension you can access and work on local networks as if you were in their zone.

· Microsoft Outlook Meeting Tool - Allows you to quickly and easily schedule meetings in Microsoft Outlook without having to launch TeamViewer.

Immediately after installation the program will be launched. Using it to control a remote computer is incredibly simple. You will see a window in front of you, on the left side of which the key data of your machine in Team Viewer is indicated - ID and password. Let us immediately note that it is not necessary to fill out the registration window on the right side. Registration only gives access to some additional features.

How to use a time weaver to work on a remote computer

To do this, you just need to perform a number of simple steps:

· Make sure that TeamViewer is installed on the remote computer (preferably the same version as yours);

· Find out the key data (ID, password) of the remote computer;

· Fill in the "Partner ID" field;

· Select the purpose of the connection - management or file transfer;

· Click the "Connect to partner" button;

· Enter the TeamViewer password of the remote computer.

After this, a new window will open in which information from the monitor of the remote computer will be displayed, and you will have access to control it as if you were at its keyboard.

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For several months now I have been using one wonderful program - TeamViewer(remote computer control via the Internet). She often helps me out at work and I like her so much that I simply cannot help but tell you about her capabilities. And for those who are especially curious, detailed, high-quality video course on setup and useTeamViewer, located below in the text.

Where it all began.

I work as a system administrator in a restaurant and my responsibilities, among other things, include ensuring the functionality of computer equipment and software, as well as entering the necessary information into the database. But, if there is a need to urgently perform the above actions after 6 pm, when I go home, then I have to come back again, sometimes even at 10-11 pm.

A programmer friend advised me to solve this problem using remote access. But it was not possible to implement this idea using a standard Windows utility, since the server had XP home edition installed, but at least XP professional was needed. Naturally, for the sake of remote work, management will not buy another licensed Windows. I had neither the time nor any special desire to deal with third-party utilities.

Once, while watching a recorded webinar, I noticed that the presenter uses a rather interesting tool to demonstrate the program on his desktop, drawing various tips and diagrams on it, like a teacher on a blackboard. This reminded me. But then I didn’t even suspect that this was far from the main feature of this tool. Later, the person conducting the presentation himself answered the question about what kind of utility this was... It was a program TeamViewer (teamviewer, or teamweaver).

This interested me and I started looking for information on this utility on the Internet. I managed to find its description and several video tutorials (then the old English version) on its use. This was enough for me to solve my problem of remote control of my work computer. Later, having studied qualitative video course onTeamViewer 6 version, which describes all its capabilities and detailed settings, I fell in love with this program even more and began to use it to the fullest.

How do I use TeamViewer (program features).

1. I manage my work computer without leaving home. It’s especially nice to do this in the evening instead of having to rush across the city on an urgent call.

2. I connect to my home computer from work. In fact, I can use two computers to simultaneously perform different tasks that require a large load on the processor (for example, converting video files).

3. Parental controls. If the kids need a computer, I enter my account password straight from work to boot the system. From time to time I can see what they are doing on the computer. If necessary, I can lock the keyboard and mouse or turn off the computer altogether.

4. File manager. With TeamViewer you can share any files and folders between your work and home computer. True, the transfer speed leaves much to be desired.

5. Communication. TeamViewer easily replaces any Internet pagers: ICQ, etc., as well as a mobile phone. It has text chat, voice communication and video chat (if you have a web camera).

6. Drawing tools for demonstration or distance learning on your computer screen (I haven't used this tool yet).

Additional benefitsTeamViewer

1. Works on any platform: Windows, Mac, Linux and even iPhone/iPad/Android.

2. Free license for non-commercial use, despite the fact that TeamViewer has capabilities that even some paid utilities cannot do.

3. Easy installation that does not require specific knowledge (unlike similar programs).

3. Availability of a program module TeamViewer QuickSupport for use without installation on the operating system (convenient for assisting beginners and for use from a flash drive).

4. Control a remote computer via a browser. In this case, the TeamViewer program is not needed at all; you just need to register and use your account on the project website. This is convenient when you need to access your computer from someone else’s, for example, from an Internet club.

5. Security of transmitted traffic. TeamViewer uses the RSA key exchange scheme, as well as the strong AES encryption method with a key length of 256 bits. This is considered one of the most effective methods of protection.