Virtual machine on a Windows 8.1 tablet. Enable “Remote display” in VirtualBox in the virtual machine settings

Hyper-V in Windows 8.1 (part 2)

Let's continue the conversation about client Hyper-V in Windows 8.1. ended with us installing and configuring the Hyper-V component. Today we will start deploying virtual machines.

You can create a new virtual machine from the graphical snap-in or using PowerShell. We will look at both methods.

Creating a virtual machine in Hyper-V Manager

To create a virtual machine in the graphical snap-in, right-click on the host name and select Create -> Virtual Machine.

The virtual machine creation wizard starts. In principle, to create a new machine, just click the “Finish” button on the first page of the wizard, and a virtual machine with default settings and the name “New virtual machine” will be created. To configure the parameters of the new VM in more detail, click the “Next” button.

On the next page we set the name of the virtual machine. You can also specify here to save the machine in a location other than the default folder.

Then we indicate the generation of the VM - first or second. The second generation of VMs appeared only in the latest version of Hyper-V and has a number of features that are described in. Let me remind you that only Windows 8\Windows Server 2012 and newer can be used as a guest operating system in a second-generation VM; for all other operating systems we select the first generation.

Next, we set the amount of RAM allocated to the machine at startup and indicate whether the dynamic memory mechanism will be used. More fine-tuning of memory can be done later, after creating the VM.

We indicate the virtual switch to which the VM will be connected.

Set the name, size and location of the virtual hard disk for the VM. Please note that by default a dynamic disk is created in VHDX format, and if you want to specify a different disk type, you will need to create and connect it later. You can also connect an existing VHD to the VM.

We indicate the media from which the operating system will be installed. There are some differences here depending on the VM generation. For the first generation of VMs, you can specify installation from an image file, physical media, or from an installation server.

For the second generation, installation is available only from an image or over a network.

We check the resulting settings and click “Finish”, starting the VM creation process.

Creating a Virtual Machine in PowerShell

The same can be done using PowerShell commands. To create a virtual machine, we will use the New-VM cmdlet. With the following command we will create a first-generation WKS81 virtual machine, allocate 2GB of RAM to it, connect it to the internal network and create a new 30GB disk for it:

New-VM -Name WKS81 -Generation 1 -MemoryStartupBytes 2GB -NewVHDPath ″D:\Hyper-V\WKS81.vhdx″ -NewVHDSizeBytes 30GB -SwitchName Internal

To connect a VM to an existing disk, the command will look like this:

New-VM -Name WKS81 -Generation 1 -MemoryStartupBytes 2GB -VHDPath ″D:\Hyper-V\WKS81.vhdx″ -SwitchName Internal

And with this command we will create a VM without a virtual disk in order to connect it later:

New-VM -Name WKS81 -Generation 1 -MemoryStartupBytes 2GB -NoVHD -SwitchName Internal

Creating and connecting a virtual disk

As mentioned above, when creating a VM, only one type of virtual disk is available - dynamically expanding, VHDX format. If you need something else, you will have to create the disk separately, using a special wizard. To do this, select New -> Hard Disk from the context menu.

The Create Virtual Hard Disk Wizard starts.

Select the format of the disk to be created. By default, the new VHDX format is selected, and if you do not plan to transfer the disk to another computer or server, then it is better to leave it. The VHD format should be used solely for compatibility with previous versions of Hyper-V, since VHDX is only supported on Windows Server 2012\Windows 8 and higher.

Select the disk type. You can choose from three options:

Having selected the disk type, set its name and location.

We configure the disk. By default, an empty virtual disk of the specified size is created; you can also specify to copy the contents of any physical disk connected to the computer to it, or copy the contents of another virtual disk.

And for a difference disk, when setting up, you need to indicate where the parent disk is located.

Finally, check the resulting settings and click “Finish”. The disk creation time depends on the selected type - a dynamic disk is created instantly, while a fixed disk will have to wait.

Now the created disk must be connected to the virtual machine. Right-click on the desired VM and go to its parameters.

Next, select the disk controller, highlight the “Hard Disk” item and click the “Add” button. The choice of controller depends on the purpose of the disk and the generation of the VM. For first-generation machines, the disk from which the system will boot can be connected only to an IDE controller, and general purpose drives to any IDE or SCSI controller. The second generation of VMs does not have an IDE controller and all disks are connected only to SCSI.

Click the "Browse" button, select the virtual disk file and click OK. That's it, the disk is connected.

Create and connect a virtual disk from PowerShell

And again, don’t forget about PowerShell, where you can create a virtual disk using the New-VHD cmdlet. To create a fixed disk of 30GB in size, use the command:

New-VHD -Path ″D:\Hyper-V\Disk2.vhdx″ -SizeBytes 30GB -Fixed

And connect this disk to the IDE controller with the command:

Add-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName WKS81 -ControllerType IDE -Path ″D:\Hyper-V\Disk2.vhdx″

So, the virtual machine has been created, a hard drive is connected to it, and basic configuration has been performed. The virtual machine settings will be discussed in more detail in. That’s all for today :)

Good afternoon. Thanks to my site, I constantly tinker with the operating system and, of course, over time I began to look for a way so that I could write instructions, but at the same time make fewer changes to the operating system of my work computer... The solution came to an elementary one - a virtual machine. This is an emulation of a completely (or almost completely) working operating system that runs on your operating system. I tried VirtualBox, VMware Workstation and Hyper-V... VirtualBox is free and not as user-friendly as the other two. VMware Workstation is excellent in all respects, but is paid. Hyper-V is a completely balanced virtual machine, which migrated from server operating systems to Windows 8 and simply requires turning on for access. Therefore, the choice fell on the latter: simple, free and tasteful. By the way, I have Windows 10 Professional, which is licensed, but I got it for free thanks to the Windows Insider program (six months of suffering with bugs and a license in my pocket)).

I’ll probably warn you right away that when you enable Hyper-V components, you will not be able to use other virtual machines. So, let's begin:

Right-click on the corner of “Start” and select “Programs and Features.”

In the left pane, select “Turn Windows features on or off”

Now open the “Start” menu → “All Programs” → look for the “Administration Tools” directory and find “Hyper-V Manager” in it.

By launching it, we will see the virtual machine management console, I already have one created machine on which the music bot for my TeamSpeak server is located. But now we are creating another machine to show how this is done. But first, let's immediately create a “Virtual Network” so that our VM has the Internet. To do this, click on the computer name in the left column, and in the right column select “Virtual Switch Manager”.

I add this paragraph two months after writing the article. That’s because below I described an easier way to connect a virtual machine to the Internet, but I myself use a slightly different one. The difference between them is that in the method described here, the VM gets the main access, and the computer works after it and this is not correct, but it is easier to configure. If you use your computer not only for running virtual machines, select “Internal” → “Create a virtual switch” and check the “Allow identification” checkbox. Internet access is configured using .

On the left select “Create a virtual network switch”, on the right “External” and click “Create a virtual switch”.

Enter a name for the network, in the “External Network” section, select your network adapter and click OK.

Now let's create a virtual machine. Click “Create” - “Virtual machine”.

" New Virtual Machine Creation Wizard“, on the first window just click “Next”.

Specify the name for the future virtual machine. If desired, you can also change the storage location of the virtual machine, I changed the location in the settings so as not to clog the SSD and all virtual machines are stored on one of the hard drives. Click “Next”.

Everything is simple here, read what is written, if you have a motherboard without UEFI support or you are going to install a 32-bit system, then select the first item, if the conditions for using the second generation coincide with your capabilities, select the second generation. I want to install 32-bit Ubuntu for one of the following articles, so I choose the first generation of Hyper-V. Click next.

Amount of virtual memory. In the case of Windows, 2-3 GB for 32-bit systems and 3-4 GB for 64-bit systems are desirable. More does not make sense for a virtual machine, and less can affect the operation of the system. You can also use “Dynamic memory”, in this case the VM will be allocated as much memory as it needs.

First, let's look at what a virtual machine is for Windows 8. This is a special tool that allows you to install and use various operating systems inside an already installed OS. In other words, in Windows 8 you can open, for example, Windows 7. Why is this necessary?

As a rule, such functions are used by network administrators, as well as computer repair specialists. However, sometimes such a function may be required by a simple user for personal purposes.

How to increase the page file in Windows 8: Video

How to activate a virtual machine

Windows 8 has a built-in virtual machine called Hyper-V. This means that you don't have to search for any programs on the Internet. Although, if you are not satisfied with the built-in tools of the operating system, you can always download the necessary program on the Internet.

So, the function we need already exists, but it is not active. We need to activate it. How to do it? Everything is very simple. First, let's open . This is done using the Win+X key combination. After clicking, a menu will appear in which you should select and open the service we need.

In the Control Panel, follow this path - Programs, Programs and Features, turn Windows components on or off. In the window that appears, you just need to check the box next to Hyper-V. After this, the system will require a reboot. We fulfill the requirement without delay.

The fact is that if, at the request of the system, you do not reboot the device, but do it after some time, then problems may arise with enabling this function. Therefore, first complete all actions, and only after that proceed to enable Hyper-V and restart the computer at the first request.

This is a built-in tool, however, there are also virtual machines for Windows 8 that can be downloaded from the Internet and installed on a computer. In essence, the principle of operation is the same in any case. The only difference is in the interface and capabilities. But it is worth remembering that built-in tools always work more stably and correctly.

After installing the service and restarting the computer, two new programs will appear on the computer:

  • Hyper-V Manager.
  • Connecting to a Hyper-V virtual machine.

These are programs that allow you to configure and use this function. Now you can proceed to the settings of the Windows 8 virtual machine.

Windows 8 Virtual Machine Features: Video

Setting up Hyper-V

It is worth noting that Hyper-V can also be used in earlier versions of the OS. And if the capabilities and resources of your computer allow you, then you can do it inside, for example, seven. This way, you will have a virtual Windows 8. This may be required for various purposes.

But we've moved away from the topic, let's get back to the settings. The first thing you should do is open Hyper-V Manager. It is worth noting that before you start creating a virtual machine, you need to create a network switch. In other words, this is a network card that can work in the created environment, providing Internet access to operating systems.

To do this, you need to select the “Action” item in the menu, in which we find “virtual switch manager”. Here you need to add a new switch. Next, we indicate the network connection that will be used, and also enter the name of the device (any, at your discretion). After that, click “Ok”.

Why should you create a switch in the first place? The fact is that after creating a virtual machine, you will not be able to create a network connection; you will only be offered a choice from those that are available. However, other components, for example, a virtual hard disk, can be created during the Windows installation process.

Now you can proceed to the main issue - creating a virtual machine in Windows 8. There is nothing complicated here. Simply follow these instructions and procedures:

  • Open Hyper-V Manager and go to the menu.
  • We follow this path - the action create a virtual machine. This will open an installation wizard that will help you with further steps, it will guide you through the entire installation process. Click “Next”.

  • At the next stage, we will need to come up with a name for the system being created. In addition, you must specify the directory where its files will be stored (you can leave them unchanged).

  • Let's move on. Now we need to specify the amount of memory that will be available to the virtual machine. Here you need to build on the total amount of RAM memory, as well as the requirements of the guest OS. You can set up dynamic memory allocation. In other words, allow the system to automatically select the desired volume.

  • Now we are on the network settings page. Here we indicate the network adapter that will be used for . We select the one that we previously created.
  • The next step is to create a hard drive. You can also select the one that was created earlier (if available). The setup wizard allows you to independently select the optimal amount of memory.
  • Well, the last stage is to configure the operating system installation parameters. Here you can run the automatic installation. However, before you do this, you will have to, or another version, or Linux, and so on, using UltraISO. You can also use a CDDVD with an operating system image. At this stage, you don’t have to install the OS, but do it at any other more appropriate moment.

Click “Finish” and be patient, as we will have to wait for the creation process to complete. And with this, the virtual machine in Windows 8 has been created and is ready for use. To use it, you just need to run the created program in the main window of the Hyper-V Manager.

If at the last stage you decided not to install the OS, then now is the time to start. You probably know how this is done. It is worth noting that this function is not only available in the latest version of the Windows operating system. You can download Hyper-V from the official website and install it on XP or seven. After this, you can create a virtual image of Windows 8 inside your OS.

Virtual drive for Windows 8: Video

It's no secret that Microsoft's new Windows 8 operating system has been subject to serious criticism since its release. The greatest dissatisfaction among users was caused by the new tiled Metro interface, which lacked the familiar “Start” button. Microsoft took the criticism as a guide to action.

At the end of August 2013, it is planned to release a new version of the operating system, which has already received an official name Windows 8.1 (Windows Blue). It will be distributed free of charge through the Windows Store as an update. Windows 8.

A trial version has currently been released and is available for download from the Microsoft website. Windows 8.1 Preview.

Due to the fact that this is a Preview, probably not many people will want to install it directly on a work computer or tablet. The first thing that comes to mind about how to get acquainted with the new edition of the OS is the virtualization system Oracle VirtualBox. Windows 8, both 32-bit and 64-bit, work properly in Virtual Box.

However, an attempt to install 64-bit Windows 8.1 Preview into a Virtual Box virtual machine (we are currently talking about VirtualBox 4.2.14 for Windows). The installation process will stop immediately and you will receive this message:

It is quite difficult for a non-specialist to understand what went wrong from this message.

Well, if 8.1 Preview x64 does not want to be installed on a blank disk, then you can try to install it as a Windows 8 update.

To do this, we “insert” into the virtual optical drive of the guest VM with Windows 8 x64 an ISO file with the image of the 8.1 Preview x64 distribution kit and run “setup.exe” from it.

Very quickly the installation stops again, but there is much more information -

Windows 8.1 Preview cannot be installed because the processor does not support CompareExchange128

So it's a problem with the processor. But not in the physical sense - the computer on which attempts were made to install 8.1 Preview x64 in VirtualBox is quite modern with an I7 processor, but in the virtual processor provided by the virtualization system.

Surely Oracle will fix this flaw in the very near future in the next VirtualBox update. However, for those who do not agree to wait for a new fixed version of VirtualBox, we can offer a very simple solution to this problem. We managed to find him.

Configuring the required virtual machine processor characteristics

The fact is that, as explained in the Windows 8.1 Preview FAQ, to install 64-bit versions, the processor must support: CMPXCHG16b, PrefetchW and LAHF/SAHF.

You can enable support for these processor options in Oracle VirtualBox as follows:

1. Launch the command line of the operating system of the host computer (administrator privileges are not required) and go to the VirtualBox root folder. If the virtualization system was installed with default parameters, then to do this you need to run:
cd C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox
2. Without leaving the command line, run the command:
VBoxManage setextradata [VM name for Windows 8.1] VBoxInternal/CPUM/CMPXCHG16B 1
After this, you can easily install Windows 8.1 Preview x64 in any way into the selected virtual machine and get the expected result:

Unfortunately, “Guest OS Additions” will not yet work in the Windows 8.1 Preview guest machine - those available in the VirtualBox 4.2.14 version are simply not installed. This applies to both 64 and 32-bit versions. As a result, features such as automatic scaling of the guest OS window, shared clipboard, shared folders, and others will not be available.

Solving the problem of missing guest OS additions by using a remote connection to a virtual machine

A temporary solution to this situation may be to use a remote desktop. This idea can be implemented in two ways:

1. Allow remote connections directly in the Windows 8.1 Preview guest machine.

To access system properties, press Win+X, in the list that appears, select “System” -> “Advanced system settings” -> “Remote access”:

2. Enable “Remote display” in VirtualBox in the virtual machine settings:

In general, whoever likes it more. Both are classic RDP. Personally, I’m somehow more familiar with the first one, but at the same time I’ll have to deal with the network and the IP address of the guest machine.

When connecting a remote display in VirtualBox, you will need to pay attention to the port number - they can be changed to remotely connect to several VMs with the host IP address.

In order to get an adequate idea of ​​Windows 8.1 Preview, in the RDP connection settings it makes sense to select the maximum connection speed and enable all desktop effects:

Hello! I will now write a long article about installing Windows 8 on a VirtualBox virtual machine. But not everything is so simple, the article will be detailed and of course with pictures and explanations. I have already compiled some approximate content and it looks like this:

  • Installing VirtualBox
  • Creating a virtual machine in VirtualBox

I will write in detail where to download and how to install VirtualBox. Then we will create a virtual machine and install Windows 8 there. I already wrote an article about that, but I recently bought a laptop and installed Windows 7 on it; I’m not ready to work with Windows 8 yet.

But I still need to be able to log into Windows 8, at least to write some instructions. So I was wondering whether to install Windows 8 again as a second system, or install it on a virtual machine. So, in fact, I chose a “virtual computer”, and what, conveniently launched the program, launched Windows 8 and work for yourself, whatever else you need.

A virtual machine is a program that emulates the operation of a regular computer. That is, it turns out that you will have a computer in a computer 🙂 like that. You can install different operating systems on a virtual machine, not just Windows 8. Now you will see everything for yourself.

Installing VirtualBox

First, we need to download and install the program. To do this, follow the link and download VirtualBox for Windows.

Save the installation file and wait until it is completely downloaded to your computer. By the way, the installation file size is approximately 93 MB.

To start installing the VirtualBox virtual machine, you need to run the installation file, just double-click on it with the left mouse button.

In the first window, simply click “Next”.

In the next window, I also advise you not to touch anything, but just click “Next”.

Next, a window will appear with two items, I advise you to leave a check mark next to the first one, so that a shortcut to launch VirtualBox will be created on the desktop. But I advise you to remove the second one, there is something about installing some kind of bar, I think we don’t need it. Click “Next” to continue.

During the installation process, the following windows may appear:

Respond to such windows by clicking on the “Install” button. Once the installation is complete, click “Finish”. That's it, VirtualBox is installed, now you can start creating a virtual machine.

Creating a virtual machine for Windows 8

If VirtualBox does not start automatically, launch it using a shortcut on your desktop. Well, let's immediately start creating a virtual machine.

In the main program window, click the “Create” button.

Give our virtual machine a name, then specify the type and version of the operating system you want to install on it. I chose Windows 8. Click “Next” to continue.

Next we need to set the size of RAM that the virtual machine can use. For Windows 8 it is recommended, at least 1 GB (1024 MB), we’ll install that much. If you have the opportunity, you can ask more, just don’t overdo it.

You need to create a virtual hard disk to install the Windows 8 operating system. Leave the option selected “Create a new virtual hard disk” and click “Create”.

Another window will open in which you need to select the type of virtual disk to be created. Click the button “Hide details”. Specify the location to save the virtual disk, for example I chose disk D. Then set the size for the virtual disk, I think for Windows 8 20 GB That’s enough, then leave everything as is and click the “Create” button.

The virtual machine setup window will close, which means it is ready. You can start launching and installing Windows 8.

How to install Windows 8 on a virtual machine?

We return to the VirtualBox program again, it should have remained open, if not, then launch it.

We see that the virtual machine we created has appeared on the left. To launch it, just click on it twice.

A new window will open, this is the virtual machine. Click “Ok” on the warning. Now we need to indicate where to install Windows 8 from. If you just have .iso image with Windows 8, then it’s good, now we’ll just indicate the path to it and that’s it. For example, I have Windows 8 written to disk, so we insert the disk into the computer drive and return to the virtual machine.

In order to indicate to the virtual machine where to boot from, click on “Devices” in the top menu. Then “Optical drive”, and if you have Windows 8 in the form .iso file, then select “Select optical disk image” and specify the path to the .iso file. And if you, like me, want to install Windows 8 on a virtual machine from a regular DVD, then specify “Host drive [drive letter]”.

Once the download source has been selected, you need to reboot the machine. To do this, click on the “Machine” tab and select "Restart". If you did everything correctly, then after a reboot the Windows 8 installation will begin.

We are waiting for the files to be copied to install Windows 8.

After copying the files, a reboot will occur and the installation of Windows 8 on VirtualBox will continue.

Select the color of the windows and set the computer name.

In the next window, click the button “Use standard settings”.

Click the button.

Provide your username and password if you wish. Click “Done”.

We wait until the installation system prepares the computer, the desktop should appear.

All is ready! The installation of Windows 8 on the virtual machine is complete, applause :).

If you want to close the virtual machine, just click on the red cross and “Ok”. In order to start Windows 8 again, open VirtualBox and start our virtual machine.

Also on the site:

Installing Windows 8 on a VirtualBox virtual machine updated: March 14, 2013 by: admin