List of popular VKontakte hashtags. Hashtag for VKontakte

Not long ago, hashtags came into fashion. VKontakte, as one of the most popular social networks on the Russian Internet, could not do without them. What it is? What are they needed for? And what are the most popular VKontakte hashtags used?

What it is?

VKontakte hashtags are tags that allow you to sort your own news and news in general in your feed. Essentially, this is a convenient form of navigation on social networks. For the first time, hashtags began to be used on Twitter, only then on Facebook, and now on other popular social networks. It is with the help of such tags that you can attract attention to your post or photo of like-minded people. And even those with whom they are completely unfamiliar.

How it is displayed

There is nothing simpler than that, how to make hashtags on VKontakte, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter! The mark is displayed using the # sign and the word. Or, for example, phrases. At the same time, there should be no breaks in words (spaces), so the underscore - yes, it is used and welcomed.

The idea and its genius

The idea itself is as simple as possible and therefore ingenious - creating news that can be seen by the maximum possible number interested people. That is why many people are wondering how to make VKontakte hashtags to attract readers to their page on the social network. For example, for those who are interested in cats, which are so popular at this time, just enter search bar Tag #cat to see tons of posts and photos about furry pets.

How to do

There is nothing easier than making VKontakte hashtags! When creating news on your page, it is enough to put # (Shift + 3) in front of a certain word or phrase so that the word appears as a highlighted and clickable link. Later, after publishing the post, you can go through the hashtag to see all thematic publications. It is enough to indicate a hash mark next to the word in a sentence so that the news becomes known to all concerned users of the social network. And photographs in general began to be increasingly signed simply with short hashtags with words. For example, “summer”, “sea”, “cat”, “tea”, “autumn” and others. Such captions are quite enough to describe both what is shown in the photo and your emotions about it. Often the hashtag is also supplemented with an emoticon that is related to the published post. There are fewer and fewer words, and more and more symbols.

Promotion on a social network

Increasingly, VKontakte hashtags are used to sell a product or service, attract more readers to a group or community, or subscribers to a page. So, many sellers began to use such short news tags, allowing potential buyers to find the item of interest. The same applies to those who offer any services. For example, home masters of manicure, pedicure and nail extensions add tags such as “nails”, “inexpensive extensions”, “manicure” and others to posts about their services and photographs of their work. Potential clients interested in this type of craft can easily find a good craftsman who is suitable in all respects. The same applies to thematic groups on a social network. For example, fans of a certain series simply enter “VKontakte” into the search bar. the desired label so that later from news feed choose the community that is most interesting and fully talks about the series.

Popular queries

There are a huge number of them! So, for example, there are such popular VKontakte hashtags as “funny”, “music”, “video”, “news”, “anecdote”, “kote”, “flowers”, “photo”. And these are just a few examples. As for music, it generally has a lot of auxiliary tags. Most often oriented either to a specific musical style or to an artist. It is these short tags that allow a social network user to find what he likes. And there’s nothing to say about the hashtag #kote! This is generally a hit with social network users! And not only Russian Internet, By the way. You can replace the tag #kote with #cat to look at overseas representatives of the cat family. The “news” tag allows you to get acquainted with the most important (and not so important) incidents and events of the country, world, region, city. Therefore, ignore so much useful tool it is forbidden.

Should I use it?

Naturally, you need to use VKontakte hashtags if you want to draw attention to your page on the social network. By the way, it is also better to ask cries for help on a particular issue using tags in order to gather as many caring people as possible. This is often used by those who raise funds to help sick children, animals, or for the construction of some important facilities. This is a truly powerful way of promoting on social networks, which cannot be ignored in the modern age of computer and Internet technologies.

Great news for those who like to use hashtags in their posts on social networks. The largest social network in Russia, VKontakte, has added the TOP popular hashtags.

Now you don't need to spend a lot of time tracking popular trends on social networks. The tool may be especially interesting for journalists and various kinds of SMM specialists. Of course, the appearance of TOP raises a lot of questions. Such as, for example, the frequency of its updating, calculation methods, and opportunities to combat cheating. Over time this will become known.

To see the TOP popular hashtags on VKontakte, you need to open the “My News” - “Search” tab. You can then view publications by date or popularity.

For the first time, TOP trending topics based on hashtags appeared on the main page Twitter page in 2009. A similar service appeared on Facebook in 2011. And now it’s the end of 2015 and the TOP popular hashtags have finally appeared on the VKontakte social network.

To date, this is perhaps the most important innovation made since the departure of Pavel Durov. The rating has been launched so far only in Russia, but after testing it will be implemented in other countries. It is not yet known whether each country will have independent ratings or whether it will be a common TOP for all.

TOP popular hashtags on VKontakte 2016

As you know, in 2016 the social network VKontakte changed its usual design. Now in order to get to popular hashtags you need to go to the “News” section, select “Search” in the menu on the right and just below you will see “ Hot Topics" By clicking on one of them, you will see all posts with this hashtag ordered by the date of their publication. By switching the toggle switch “Interesting first” you will see entries with the largest number likes.

We've covered the definition and the benefits that can be gained from using hashtags. I even showed a screenshot from my public page so you can see this. Yes, they don’t work very well on VK/Facebook, but they work great on Twitter/Instagram!

To remember what we talked about, watch the video:

Now our task is: selection of hashtags.

I deliberately divided everything by social media. networks to make it more convenient for you.

Services for selecting hashtags on Twitter

Let's start with Twitter, because... he is the founder and the services for him are very adequate (don’t be afraid to use them for other social networks, there will be a difference, but you will have at least some data on hand).

hashtags.orghuge base. One of the oldest hashtag selection services (since 2006). Despite the fact that the service is English-language, it understands Russian hashtags without problems. Shows usage trends per hour, relevant tweets and related hashtags.— shows similar, popular and new hashtags. Doesn't understand Russian - which is very bad. everything seems to be so well done, convenient, beautiful... But it’s quite poor at communicating with the Russian language, there are few relevant tags compared to Hashtagify, but very good and clear analytics. For bourgeois projects it will go just fine.

MyTager is an application for iPhone owners. You enter a word, and it shows you a selection of hashtags for that word. I don’t have an iPhone, so I couldn’t test it :)

This is what MyTager looks like— my favorite service, operating since 2011. Understands Russian hashtags, shows similar hashtags, popularity, etc. And of course, relevant tweets. I only use them.

Display tabular view at

Selecting hashtags for Instagram

As I said earlier, on Instagram hashtags = 90% of the content (besides photos, of course). is more of a base than a service for hashtags. Those. Here is a collection of popular hashtags for Instagram. Do you want likes? Do you want subscriptions or comments? Use hashtags from the corresponding database :) this is probably best service under Insta. He understands Russian. Shows users who used the desired hashtag, relevant and popular hashtags. again the database is divided by topic. Quite sparse, and the hashtags are mostly on English language(although some will find what they need there). is a competitor to in terms of data quality and completeness. The service also allows you to manage your Instagram account from your PC.

Stapico interface in a minimalist style— this service beats them all out. Suitable for lazy people. You upload a photo into it and it selects hashtags for it. It's a pity that the language is only English. Well, it doesn’t always accurately recognize a picture and give adequate hints. again unique service for online stores that sell something on Instagram. You upload a photo to Insta, in the service you indicate the corresponding link to the product in your store for this photo. Now, if someone writes under the photo #Want to buy— then he will automatically receive an email with a link to the product in your store. You just need to write about this in the description of the photo, otherwise people may not guess 😉

What about the rest of the social networks? networks?

Unfortunately there are no services for them. All we can do is look at what hashtags competitors and fat communities are using and try to butter them up. But I'll give you a simple life hack!

Use Hashtagify. Seriously. The hashtags will not be much different from those used on Twitter - and you will at least get some data. Therefore this The best way search hashtags for other social networks. networks.

VKontakte hashtags are tags for posts that allow you to subsequently search for posts with such tags. That is, a hashtag allows you to set a post a specific topic.

Let's say you publish information about the social network Pinterest. By specifying a hashtag with the name of this network, you thereby indicate the topic of your post and at the same time create a link between all posts related to this topic. By clicking on it you will see a list of all other posts with the same hashtag.

To make a VKontakte hashtag, you need to come up with a keyword, write it and put a hash sign in front of it “ # ". For example, #nature- this hashtag contains the keyword " nature“, and the fact that this is a hashtag is indicated by the hash icon - # .

Many users of social Vkontakte networks, and especially girls, instead of logical justification and use of hashtags, they indicate them according to unclear rules and thoughts. This, of course, can be done, but it’s still not worth cluttering the network where you constantly communicate with garbage tags. At least for moral and ethical reasons. Worse from too many social network tags it won’t, but reading a message with an incomprehensible list of unimportant words with hash marks is completely inconvenient.

How to put hashtags on VKontakte

To put VKontakte hashtags, you need to specify a hash sign and some word or words. You can do this in posts on your wall, in a group or page, in the description of photos, videos, and so on.

Hashtags can be specified in both Cyrillic and Latin alphabet. That is, both in Russian and in English - in any version of the VKontakte hashtag they will work. The only point is if in quality keyword If you use several of them (2 or more), then you cannot put a space between them.

Instead of a space in the hashtag, you can use different case, for example - #Hi all, or an underscore, for example - #Hi all.

Thus, adding VKontakte hashtags is very easy and simple!

Popular hashtags on VKontakte

Most recently, the largest social network launched new section entitled " Hot Topics". This section displays the most popular hashtags of the entire social network. Such new feature It will be especially useful for those people who track popular trends. To find the top tags, you need to go to the “ my news" and open the tab " Search". For example, today is the most popular tag- This #Sberbank174 And #fallout4:

The innovation is similar to the Twitter to-list tags, only Twitter started display a list of current topics on your home page back in 2009.

Local hashtags

You can also assign local hashtags to VK posts. They differ from regular ones in that they allow you to search for posts containing a specific tag within the same wall. Let's say you go to a community and see the presence of a constant hashtag in the posts, for example #slovo. If you add the symbol " @ "and the letter designation of the community, for example mdk, then you will receive a link #slovo@mdk. By clicking on it, we will proceed to searching for all entries with the tag #slovo in the community

Please note that this search only works for those communities that have letter designation domain, that is, some symbols are indicated instead of ID.

If the tag specified in this way opens only one entry (in the community there will be only one post with the hashtag #slovo), then you can use special link type:, that is, without indicating signs # And @ .

This method does not work with Cyrillic tags.

“Hidden” hashtags

In addition to regular and local hashtags, you can add so-called “ hidden» tags. They allow without spoiling appearance Add the necessary hashtags to your posts. This is especially true for posts from images, since if there are tags, they will lose their appearance.

To use " hidden» hashtags, just add them to videos or pictures attached to the post, without specifying the tags in the body of the post itself.

Good luck using the acquired knowledge!

Quick answer on VKontakte hashtags: as of 2019, hashtags on the main Russian social network can be found in the “News” section
. However, we emphasize! That there are no established popular hashtags, like on Instagram, here! You need to constantly monitor the relevance yourself!

Hashtags have become the highlight of all popular social networks, but the principles of working with them have various features. Each platform has its own laws. In this article you will learn the rules for using tags for VK.

The main task of hashtags:

  • Organizing content by categories;
  • Increased brand mentions;
  • Increased profile activity;
  • Attracting a wide audience to your profile;
  • Attracting the attention of subscribers to the event;
  • An effective tool for competitions.

In this social network, users use tags written in both Russian and English. Making a hashtag is quite simple. To do this, put a “#” sign in front of with the right word. That's all! The post will become clickable after uploading. Hashtags can be included in any part of the text, at the personal discretion of the post author.

If the hashtag is not one word, but a phrase, it should be written together. Otherwise, nothing will work - the presence of a space between words will ruin everything. To highlight the second part of merged text, it is recommended to use an underscore, or capital letter. Let's give an example: #Blue_sky or #BlueSky.

Rules for using hashtags

  1. No more than 10 tags are allowed in a VKontakte publication. The eleventh “grid” will not be taken into account automatically by the system. The hashtag will remain in place, but will not be clickable. Therefore, there is no meaning in it.
  2. Use thematic hashtags that fit organically into the publication. Irrelevant tags are often perceived by the administration of the social network as spam.

Unique hashtags on VKontakte

When promoting your person, business or creative activity, you can use tags of your own composition. This will help users find everything related to a specific topic online. But don't be surprised if this request the user will find the records of another person. It happens that the ideas of owners of different communities turn out to be similar. This won't surprise you today. And this is not necessarily plagiarism.

Local VK hashtags

Local tags are designed to search for information in a specific community. This simplifies the task for those who do not want to personally sift out the unnecessary from the huge list of found material. How to make such a mark? The local hashtag looks like this: #hashtag@pagedomain. To use this function, the public administration must set the domain to the community in advance. When creating local labels, only the Latin alphabet is used.

Hidden hashtags on VKontakte

“Invisible Tags” immediately appealed to aesthetes. On the one hand, it is important for them to use tags to promote content. On the other hand, even popular hashtags in the text often look awkward. Many users don't like all the hash buzzwords.

To create a hidden VKontakte tag, you need to include it in the description of a photo or video. That is, not in the main text of the publication. Hidden hashtags are not indexed by the system immediately, but only after some time. Therefore, you should not count on instant user response.

Other types of hashtags

  • Low frequency and high frequency. Social network VK entices users with its rules for using tags. Unlike Instagram, there is no critical connection between the popularity of a hashtag and its reach. If you're lucky, you can get to the top on VKontakte with any post.
  • Hashtag events. During holidays, concerts, or sporting events, you can add thematic tags to your recording. During this period, many users search for identical material on the Internet in order to view as much interesting content as possible.
  • Brand hashtags. These are the words that are associated with the company's activities. This can be the full name of the brand or its symbolic designation. Everything that the creator's imagination is rich in. The most iconic tags are often used in community competitions. Thus, the administration of the public not only mentions the brand, but also monitors all participants in the competition.

Popular hashtags on VKontakte

Anyone can find out the top hashtags of 2018, and you don’t have to use a search engine to do this. They are also on VKontakte. Where can I find them?

News => Search => Current topics. IN last block there are the most relevant hashtags on this moment time.

How to choose a hashtag

When selecting thematic tags, it is important to be specific. Agree, the hashtag #clothing is general. It could be anything. And it is not a fact that the user will be interested in or notice the publication in the mass flow of analogues. The hashtag #jackets or #evening_dresses will be much more appropriate if the tag is used as advertising.

By the way, VKontakte users, unlike Instagrammers, do not like a large number of marks. They react to them extremely negatively, especially if there is no measure. It’s better to add a couple of “lattices”, but more specific ones.

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