How to remove yourself from Twitter? How to delete a Twitter page

It seems like we were sorting it out quite recently, but today it has already come to deleting the account. This topic is quite relevant, many people are interested, so I decided to write this article.

We use a computer

Many users think that the creators of the social network for microblogging Twitter do not provide a deletion function at all, but this is not so. The main thing for us is to find the settings in your account.

Go to the official Twitter website, log into your account and click on the menu button in the upper right corner. It looks like a small avatar of your account (see screenshot).

From the drop-down menu, select “Settings”.

Now in the left settings menu we need the “Account” item:

Therefore, on the settings page that opens, click on the “Request archive” button

We are informed that the prepared archive will be sent to our mailbox after some time.

After the archive of tweets has been created, you can return to the settings page we are already familiar with and click on the “Deactivate my account” button.

They don't just let us go. A page opens with which the developers are trying to dissuade you from saying goodbye to your Twitter account.

Please note that you can permanently delete Twitter only after 30 days have passed from the moment you clicked on the “Delete account” button (see screenshot). The system gives you time to come to your senses; perhaps you will still want to return.

Click on the button:

Enter your password in the box and click on the “Delete account” button.

Look like that's it. If you don't log into your account within 30 days, you can say goodbye to it. If you want to return everything, just log into your account again, you won’t need to do anything else.

We use the phone

This is also a popular question, so I decided to answer it at the end of the article.

I didn't find a function to delete an account directly in the Twitter mobile app. In this regard, I can advise you to go from your phone through any browser to the Twitter website itself, log in there with your account and delete your account in exactly the same way as we did on the computer.

And after that, simply delete the Twitter application itself by installing/uninstalling applications directly on the device itself.

Greetings, dear readers, site. In this article, I will give simple and detailed instructions on how to delete your Twitter page (account) if you no longer need it. The situation when you need to cover your tracks is not uncommon, someone needs to delete a profile in order to hide from prying eyes, someone deletes an account because it represented a line of business that is now closed - but you never know what other reasons.

On Twitter, you can permanently delete any account (), but provided that it belongs to you, you won’t be able to spoil other people’s pages.

The removal process itself is not instantaneous - it is extended over 30 days. Well, that is, you do all the actions immediately, but within a month the account can still be restored. After this period, all data goes into darkness and is lost forever.

So, if you have anything valuable in your account that may be useful in the future (interesting tweets, useful links), then to be on the safe side, it’s worth making an archival copy. This is where we begin our instructions.

How to backup your Twitter account

It is implemented in the form of a simple button, clicking which packs all tweets from the very first one that appeared in your account to the last one. After which this entire database is sent to your email address.

To start archiving, go to your profile settings. The link to them is contained in the drop-down menu opened by clicking on your profile photo (top right):

All settings may not fit on one screen, so to get to the “Request archive” button you need to scroll down.

After clicking, the entire procedure will proceed automatically; if the archive is large, it may take some time; if there are few entries in your profile feed, then an email with a link to download the archive will arrive almost instantly.

How to delete a Twitter page

So, we've made an archive just in case, it's time to show how to delete a Twitter account. A special button has also been implemented for this purpose; it is located in the same menu item as archiving.

So, go again to “Settings and privacy” (click on the profile photo in the upper right corner).

Scroll to the very bottom of the settings page and find a link there that says “Deactivate your account”:

Read 5 theses on the page, in case you don’t have to get rid of the page to solve your problem, maybe you just need to change something.

The main thing is that the service will give you 30 days before deleting your Twitter page forever. During this time, recovery is as simple as logging into your account again. During these 30 days, your profile will not be available to other users, but will be stored in its original form for you.

To confirm the deletion, click on the “Deactivate @profile_name” button, after which you will see another confirmation window, this time you will be asked for your account password:

Now, clicking the “Delete Account” button will do the final thing and after 30 days (unless you are tempted to log in again) all your Twitter footprints will be cleared.

How to recover a deleted Twitter account

If you read the text above, where I talked about deletion, then you already guessed that there are no secrets or mysteries in the process of restoring a profile.

Just go to, specify the login and password for the deleted account, and if 30 days have not passed since it was disabled, it will work automatically as before.

If a longer period has passed, then it is no longer possible to restore the page; alas, you have lost it forever, but you can re-use the freed email and phone number to re-register.

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Social networks are actively used by modern PC users. With their help, people earn money, work, relax, have fun and just communicate. Twitter has become very popular lately. This service allows you to maintain your own microblog and leave short messages. Very convenient, especially for work purposes. Sometimes circumstances or a person’s personal desire makes you think about how to delete a page on Twitter. From a phone or computer - it's not so important. The main thing is that the user decides to get rid of the existing page on the network. And then we have to figure out how to cope with the task. Actually, it's not that difficult. You just need to follow a few simple steps. Even a schoolboy can complete the task in a couple of minutes.

Removal methods

How to delete a Twitter page from your phone or computer? There are different options for solving the problem. Today every user can:

  • completely delete the profile;
  • temporarily block the profile.

In addition, it is possible to block access to a social network through a ban. But this is not the best scenario. Although it is also worth talking about.

What is temporary blocking

What does it mean to disable "My Account"? If a person does not know whether he will return to the social network in the future, it is recommended to temporarily block the profile. The process is called deactivation.

After bringing the idea to life, the user will be able to log into Twitter at any time for further use. Your account data will be restored.

Important! By choosing to completely delete the profile, a person will not be able to restore the profile. It will be erased forever.

Twitter app and deletion

How to delete a Twitter page from your phone permanently? Some users work with the official Twitter application. It greatly facilitates the process of communication on the relevant social network.

It’s worth noting right away that it is impossible to delete a profile from the Twitter application. You will only have to act through the settings of the mobile device you are using. But more on that later.

If you want to delete your Twitter profile from your mobile phone, we recommend using an Internet browser. Then the algorithm of actions will be exactly the same as in the case of a PC.

Deactivating a profile

Now we delete the page from Twitter. As we already said, this is a fairly simple task. Let's start by deactivating the profile.

How to delete a Twitter page from your phone? To achieve the task, a person needs:

  1. Connect your phone to the Internet. Without this, you can forget about further actions.
  2. Launch your mobile browser and go to the Twitter website.
  3. Log in. To do this you will have to use your username and password.
  4. Click on the user's avatar in the upper right corner.
  5. Click on the line that says “Settings”.
  6. Scroll the page that appears to the very end.
  7. Select the "Disable my account..." option.
  8. Click on the "Delete..." button.
  9. Confirm the procedure. Usually this requires entering the word from the captcha.

It is done. The profile is now deactivated. You can restore it at any time.

Complete removal via browser

How to delete a Twitter page from your phone once and for all? Previously, instructions for deactivating a profile were provided. How can I delete a profile completely?

The thing is that the Twitter administration allows you to restore deleted profiles only within 30 days from the moment the corresponding request is confirmed. In order for your account to be completely erased, you will have to not log into Twitter for a month.

Is it possible to completely get rid of my profile right away? Yes, but only by blocking it. There are no corresponding options in Twitter settings.

Account blocking

What to do? It is blatant to violate the current rules of “conduct” on the social network Twitter. For example, insult other users, post prohibited content or spam.

Over time, other users will complain about your account. And the Twitter administration can permanently block the profile. It is almost impossible to bring him back to “life.” This means that in this way a person can get rid of his Twitter profile.

Important: you can use this technique, but you should think a hundred times about its feasibility. As already mentioned, it will be impossible to restore access to the resource.

Removing a profile from your phone

As already mentioned, it is not possible to completely delete a profile through the official Twitter application. But the settings of your mobile device will help you cope with the task. Let's look at the procedure using an iPhone as an example.

Step-by-step instructions for deleting Twitter look something like this:

  1. Connect to the Internet. For example, via Wi-Fi.
  2. Open the main menu of the mobile device.
  3. Go to "Settings".
  4. Click on the line that says "Twitter".
  5. Select the appropriate account from the list that appears. To do this, you need to tap on the corresponding line.
  6. Click on the "Delete..." button.
  7. Confirm processing of the transaction.
  8. Wait until the procedure is completed.

It is done. Now it’s clear how to delete a Twitter page from your phone forever. There is one more secret that we haven't talked about.

Saving data

We are talking about saving posts and messages from the Twitter page. Each user can receive the data archive before deleting. This way you can get rid of your profile on a social network without losing information from the page.

The Twitter data archive can be downloaded in "Settings". The corresponding button will appear above the hyperlink. There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible about this. The operation has nothing to do with deleting a profile. Users can download archives of their posts at any time. And, if you want, delete your profile without losing information.

Now it’s clear how to delete a Twitter page from your phone in one case or another. The suggested recommendations will help you cope with the task in just a few minutes!

How to delete a Twitter account- This is the question many users of one of the largest social networks for exchanging short messages ask themselves. Every registered owner of a Twitter profile does not even suspect that he has become one of more than 200,000,000 people united by one public network. Here you can find profiles of world famous personalities: politicians, film actors, TV presenters, pop singers, sports stars and others. If you want to become popular in this social network, use the services of our service and order boost of readers on Twitter and boost of retweets (see the top menu of the site). Every day, more than 55,000,000 new messages are generated on this social network, which ensures high dynamics of growth in traffic and duration of stay on the service. But, a certain percentage of users, after using the Twitter service for a short time, are thinking about how to delete their Twitter account. The main reasons for these decisions are:

  • inconsistency of the site functionality with user requests;
  • fear of leakage of confidential information;
  • high percentage of spam and intrusive advertising messages.

Today, you can delete a profile on Twitter quite quickly and easily; all you need is a login, password and a couple of minutes of free time.

How to delete a Twitter account from your computer

For users who don't know yet, how to delete Twitter from computer, this article provides detailed illustrated instructions. The procedure for this is as follows:

  1. Enter your password and login on the official page of the Twitter social network, which will provide access to all account settings.
  2. In the upper right corner of the page with the service interface, find your avatar, click on it, select settings.
  3. The settings menu contains all the basic information about the user, the settings of his page and access to it by other users.
  4. At the very bottom of the page there is a button called “Deactivate my account,” which is a link to the page for final erasing data about your Twitter account.
  5. On the page for permanently deleting an account with the inscription “So we say goodbye?” information has been posted with basic information about the timing and consequences of these actions.
  6. At the very bottom of the page there is a button with the following content: “Delete account” and “Cancel”. To delete all entries, personal information and settings, click “Delete account”.
  7. After this, the system will prompt you to enter your login and password again, which is an effective protection against intruders.
  8. After this, we can assume that the Twitter account has been completely deleted.

Please note that all deleted pages can be fully restored within thirty days. Restoration will require authorization, so do not rush to part with your username and password. The profile content will be displayed on the site for several more days, which is due to the peculiarities of the functioning of the social network. Information from your account that has been indexed by the Yandex and Google search engines will be available in search results until the next re-indexing of the service. In addition, the login and email address that are assigned to a deleted Twitter account cannot be used to create a new profile. For this reason, most users who want to start activities on Twitter from a new page, change its email address and username in the settings before deleting the account. Newly registered users are also often interested in the question , you can do this using our service.

How to delete a Twitter account from your phone

Currently, the pace of development of mobile technologies is much faster than computer technologies. For this reason, more and more people are choosing to access their Twitter accounts via mobile phones or tablets. Thanks to this, you can access your messages and profile settings almost anywhere you have access to the Internet. The Twitter profile interface for mobile devices is specially adapted for the convenience of users who have a device with a touch screen. The small size of data combined with wide functionality makes using mobile devices to access social network accounts one of the most convenient ways.

The Twitter application is one way to conveniently access multiple profiles with the ability to use the functionality of the full version. With it, you can communicate, view news and updates, share photos, find interesting posts and subscribe to pages. A simple and easy-to-use interface will allow even inexperienced users to understand without any problems. If you are interested in the question





Our confidential information is made available to the public.

There are, of course, many ways to hide all this data from prying eyes, but the most common way is deletion.

This article will tell you about such a popular social network as Twitter.

So... After the registration procedure, you begin to communicate.

At the same time, you can hide your page and messages from the public and outside users.

To do this, go to Settings and check the box next to “Protect My Updates”.

When registering, you indicated your email.
Letters are coming to him.

Is there any way to disable the Twitter inbox so that messages from it do not disturb or distract?

The community user must have some kind of mailbox.

Start it so as not to clog the main one.
Replace it in the settings with a different email.

If you don't want to interact with someone on Twitter for any reason, you can block them by going to their page and clicking "Block" in the right sidebar.

Without knowledge of the community rules, no services or applications that make work here easier are needed, because... it will be a waste of time, so BE SURE to check them out!

➤ New: Useful tips in popular ways.

Where are the buttons to delete an account?

Now about deleting your Tweet account. This procedure is quite simple.

Log in to your own sector by entering your registered username and password.

Click on your nickname at the top right. You will see a window pop up.

In it, select the setting item, after which you will be taken to your account settings. Scroll down your own page.

There you will find a link Deactivate my account. Click on it and delete it.

After this, you will not be able to register again with the same email and phone number.

Is it possible to restore your account later if you delete it?

The page is being restored by Twitter admins, despite the user's wishes.

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Account deactivation: how is it different from deletion?

There are two options for deleting a sector

Option 1: disable your page and can turn it back on at any time.

For this:

  • go to settings;
  • In the menu, click “Account”;
  • select “Account Settings”
  • On the bottom line, click “Delete”.

This will make the page invisible to everyone except you. The account is activated there and in the same way.

2nd option: you completely delete the sector without the possibility of recovery.

  • In the window that appears, select “Help Center”;
  • on the right, in the “Popular Questions” section;
  • select “How to delete my account”;
  • you will see two options;
  • if you decide to leave permanently, then click on the second method;
  • The page will be deleted after two weeks.

It was said above that your account may be blocked for some reason.

What you need to do:

  • create an unblocking request on Twitter;
  • enter the mailbox that is associated with the sector;
  • find a letter from those. community support;
  • click “reply”;
  • Without deleting anything, at the very top write the same as in the unlock request.

It doesn't matter what you write.
Those. Twitter support is automated!

Don’t be upset and don’t be afraid of anything or anyone! They also block by mistake. We can confidently say that all pages will be unlocked! It's a matter of time. Weekends on Twitter are Saturday and Sunday.

Sanitary - Wednesday and Thursday (cleansing of Twitter accounts). The community begins to unlock sectors around 21:00 Moscow time.

Days are Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and sometimes Thursday. You must complete all requests to block your account and respond to emails before 20:30 Moscow time.

What if I don't remember my password?

If for some reason you have forgotten the password for your page, then click on the “forgot password” link and follow the instructions.