Hide the program in Programs and Features. Program for hiding programs and active windows

In this post we will show how to hide any program from the list of installed ones in the Control Panel. The instructions apply to all versions of Windows, from Windows XP to the latest builds of Windows 10.

How to hide a specific program from the Programs and Features list in Windows

Let's say our task is to hide a record about installed archiver 7-Zip. Open Control Panel, go to section ProgramsandFeatures(Programs and Features) and make sure that the entry 7-zip 16.04 (x64) is present in the list of installed software.

In order to hide an entry about a program, you will need to make small changes to the registry. For this:

The application is also hidden from the list installed programs V modern panel Windows management 10 (Settings -> Applications).

If you need to hide a program within a certain scenario or script, you can use the following command:

REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\7-zip" /v SystemComponent /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

Advice. There is another alternative way hide the program. To do this, just change the key name in the same branch DisplayName on QuietDisplayName.

To disable the hiding mode for a program, just delete the SystemComponent parameter or rename the DisplayName parameter, removing the word Quiet, changing the value of the SystemComponent key to 0 (command: REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\7-zip" / v SystemComponent /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f), or by deleting it.

Advice. If, in addition to an entry about a program, you need to hide the service corresponding to it, you can use the information from the article.

In the specified way can't be hidden system programs, such as a set of C++ libraries or the .NET Framework.

Hiding all installed programs from the user

If you want to completely prevent users from showing the list installed applications in Programs and Features, this can be done using the gpedit.msc policy editor. Launch the policy editor, go to the section User Configuration –> Administrative Templates –> Control Panel –> Programs and enable the policy Hide the Programs and Features page.

Update the policies using the gpupdate /force command and check that the Programs and Features window in Control Panel is not accessible to the user. The control panel will display the entry “ System administrator"Disabled the Programs and Features component."

06.05.2015 10690

About all versions Windows removal software performed through the standard Control Panel applet "Programs and Features". If the program was installed in "for all users", every user can uninstall it. But it may happen that you will need to protect the program from being deleted. The easiest way to protect yourself is hide it from the list of installed applications.

Certainly, advanced user will immediately understand what's going on here, but "teapot" The absence of a program in the list of installed applications will certainly be puzzling. To hide the entry, a small edit of the registry will be enough. Open Registry Editor and expand the following branch:


In the catalog Uninstal you will see many subsections, each of which will correspond to some software component. With some exceptions, the names of these subsections have the same names as those registered in the program's Control Panel applet. Let's say you need to hide a record about Mozilla Firefox . Find the catalog Mozilla Firefox and create a new one inside it DWORD parameter with name and value 1 .

There is another way. Find the string parameter in the application directory DisplayName and rename it to QuietDisplayName. The result will be the same. Without closing the Registry Editor, press F5 to refresh the applet list "Programs and Features" and make sure the application has been hidden.

This applies to cases where you installed the program yourself. If you need to hide the entry of an application installed with the rights simple user, you need to edit the indicated parameters from this branch:


If you use 64-bit system, and the application whose entry you want to hide is 32-bit, then all manipulations must be performed in this registry section:


And one last thing. To return the entry to its place, delete the parameter or change its value to 0 . If hiding was done by renaming the parameter DisplayName, then restore its original name. The trick described here works in all Windows versions, from XP to Windows 10.

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If during uninstallation Windows applications If something happens that is not foreseen by the programmed procedure, the result may be incomplete removal from the register of entries related to this application. As a result, already remote program remains in the uninstallation wizard's installed list. An attempt to remove such a phantom application again will result in a message stating that it is impossible to find the files to be deleted and, accordingly, to perform the uninstallation procedure. Delete remaining entries in system registry related to problematic application, you can do it yourself, without involving a specialist uninstall Windows.


  • You need to start the procedure by launching the control panel. This can be done in the main menu (Start button). IN operating system Windows XP, a link to launch the panel is located in the “Settings” subsection of the main menu.
  • With Control Panel open, run the Add or Remove Programs utility.
  • After the utility compiles full list installed on your computer application programs, you need to find an entry related to the program that was deleted with an error. Here you should remember the spelling of the program name - it will be needed to search in the registry. You don’t have to close the utility, but simply minimize it - if necessary, you can expand it and check the names.
  • Now you should open the editor Windows registry. His executable file is in system folder OS, but you don’t have to look there - you can use the program launch dialog. To open it, press the combination CTRL keys+ R. In the dialog, enter "regedit" (without quotes) and click OK.
  • The first operation in the registry editor you need to save a copy current settings before starting editing. To do this, select “Export” in the “File” section of the editor menu and save a copy. From this file, using the “Import” item in the editor menu, you can restore the current state of the registry if the need arises.
  • Then, following the tree of registry branches in the left panel, go to the Uninstall section. The full path there should be like this: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE => SOFTWARE => Microsoft => Windows => CurrentVersion => Uninstall
  • In the Uninstall section you need to find the key related to the program you are uninstalling. You should search in the left panel of the editor, by the name of the program. The name does not have to exactly match what is written in the list of installed applications - the similarity of these names is sufficient. Once you find a similar key, open it and look for a setting in the list called DispiayName. By clicking on it, you will see the full name of the found program in the form in which it is written in the list of installed programs. If this is what you are looking for - go to next step, if not, look at the other keys in the Uninstall section.
  • The next step is to delete the found key in the registry - close the list of its parameters and right-click the key. IN context menu you need to select “Delete”.
  • To make sure that the removed program is no longer in the list of installed programs, close the Add/Remove Programs Wizard and open it again. The wizard will rescan the registry and compile a list of installed applications.