Pte power stations and networks

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Registration No. 4799

"On approval of the Rules technical operation power stations and networks

Russian Federation"

I order:

Approve the attached Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks

Russian Federation.

Minister I.Kh. Yusufov




Mandatory for thermal power plants operating on fossil fuels, hydroelectric power plants, electrical and thermal networks of the Russian Federation and for organizations performing work in relation to these facilities


The rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation have been revised and supplemented on the basis of newly issued legislative acts and regulatory and technical documents, taking into account the experience of operating equipment, industrial buildings and communications. Changes in the structure of administrative and economic management, as well as forms of ownership in the energy sector, are taken into account.

The Rules set out the main organizational and technical requirements to the operation of energy facilities, the steady implementation of which will ensure economic, reliable and coordinated work all links of energy systems.

The requirements for the design, construction, installation, repair and installation of power plants and their equipping with control, automation and protection means are set out briefly in these Rules, since they are discussed in other regulatory and technical documents.

All current regulatory and technical documents must be brought into compliance with this edition of the Rules.

Please send suggestions and comments regarding this edition of the Rules to:

103074, Moscow, Kitaygorodsky pr., 7. State Energy Supervision Ministry of Energy of Russia.


1.1. Basic provisions and tasks 1.1.1. These Rules apply to thermal power plants operating on fossil fuels, hydroelectric power plants, electric and heating network Russian Federation, and on organizations performing work in relation to these objects.

1.1.2. At each energy facility, the boundaries and functions for servicing equipment, buildings, structures and communications between production departments (workshops, sections, laboratories, etc.) must be distributed, and the job functions of personnel must be determined.

1.1.3. Safe operation of equipment, buildings and structures is ensured by the provisions of instructions and other regulatory and technical documents.

1.1.4. Each industry employee, within the limits of his functions, must ensure that the design and operation of equipment, buildings and structures of power plants and networks comply with safety regulations and fire safety.

1.1.5. The main task of power plants, boiler houses, electrical and heating networks is the production, transformation, distribution and supply of electrical energy and heat to consumers (hereinafter referred to as energy production).

1.1.6. The main technological link in energy production is the energy system, which is a set of power plants, boiler houses, electrical and heating networks (hereinafter referred to as energy facilities), connected by a common operating mode and having centralized operational dispatch control.

1.1.7. Employees of energy facilities are obliged to:

maintain the quality of supplied energy - normalized frequency and voltage electric current, pressure and temperature of the coolant;

observe operational dispatch discipline;

ensure maximum efficiency and reliability of energy production;

comply with industrial and fire safety rules during the operation of equipment and structures;

comply with labor protection rules;

reduce the harmful impact of production on people and the environment;

ensure uniformity of measurements in the production, transmission and distribution of energy;

use the achievements of scientific and technological progress in order to increase efficiency, reliability and safety, improve the ecology of the power facility and environment.

1.1.8. At each energy facility, functions and boundaries for servicing equipment, buildings, structures and communications must be distributed between structural units.

1.1.9. Energy systems must:

development of production to meet the needs for electrical energy and heat;

efficient operation of power plants and networks by reducing production costs, increasing the efficiency of power use installed equipment, implementation of measures for energy saving and use of secondary energy resources;

increasing the reliability and safety of equipment, buildings, structures, devices, control systems, communications;

renewal of fixed production assets through technical re-equipment and reconstruction of power plants and networks, modernization of equipment;

implementation and development new technology, technology of operation and repair, effective and safe methods of organizing production and labor;

advanced training of personnel, dissemination of advanced production methods.

Organizations carrying out design, commissioning, and operation of power facilities associated with increased industrial hazard must have permits (licenses) issued in in the prescribed manner.

1.1.10. Supervision of technical condition and the implementation of measures to ensure the safe maintenance of equipment and structures, rational and efficient use of fuel and energy resources is carried out by state control and supervision bodies.

1.2. Acceptance of equipment and structures into operation

1.2.1. Completely completed power plants, boiler houses (steam and hot water), electrical and heating network facilities, as well as, depending on the complexity of the power facility, their queues and start-up complexes must be put into operation in the manner established by the current rules. This requirement also applies to the acceptance into operation of energy facilities after expansion and reconstruction.

1.2.2. The launch complex must include a system that ensures normal operation at given parameters, part of the full design volume of an energy facility, consisting of a set of structures and objects assigned to specific power installations or to the energy facility as a whole (without reference to specific power installations). It should include: equipment, structures, buildings (or parts thereof) for main production, auxiliary production, auxiliary, household, transport, repair and warehouse purposes, landscaped territory, public catering facilities, health centers, dispatch and technological control facilities (SDTU) , communications, engineering communications, treatment facilities that ensure the production, transmission and supply of electrical energy and heat to consumers, the passage of ships or fish through shipping or fish passage devices. To the extent provided for by the project for this launch complex, standard sanitary and living conditions and safety for workers, environmental protection of the environment, and fire safety must be ensured.

1.2.3. Before accepting the power facility (start-up complex) into operation, the following must be carried out:

individual tests of equipment and functional tests of individual systems, ending for power units with a trial run of main and auxiliary equipment;

comprehensive testing of equipment.

During the construction and installation of buildings and structures, intermediate acceptance of equipment units and structures, as well as hidden work, must be carried out.

1.2.4. Individual and functional tests of equipment and individual systems are carried out with the involvement of the customer’s personnel according to design schemes after completion of all construction and installation work on this unit. Before individual and functional tests, compliance with: these Rules, building codes and regulations, standards, including occupational safety standards, process design standards, rules of state control and supervision bodies, norms and requirements of environmental legislation and other state supervision bodies, rules for electrical installations must be checked. , labor protection rules, explosion and fire safety rules.

1.2.5. Defects and deficiencies made during construction and installation, as well as equipment defects identified during individual and functional tests, must be eliminated by construction, installation organizations and manufacturing plants before the start of comprehensive testing.

1.2.6. Trial runs are carried out before comprehensive testing of power facilities. During a trial run, the operability of equipment and technological schemes and the safety of their operation must be checked; all monitoring and control systems were checked and configured, including automatic regulators, protection and interlock devices, alarm devices and instrumentation.

Before the test run, the conditions for reliable and safe operation of the power facility must be met:

operating and maintenance personnel have been staffed, trained (with knowledge testing), operating instructions, labor safety instructions and operational schemes, technical documentation for accounting and reporting have been developed and approved;

reserves of fuel, materials, tools and spare parts have been prepared;

SDTU with communication lines, fire alarm and fire extinguishing systems, emergency lighting, ventilation were put into operation;

monitoring and control systems were installed and adjusted;

permits for the operation of the energy facility were obtained from state control and supervision authorities.

1.2.7. Comprehensive testing must be carried out by the customer. During comprehensive testing, it should be checked collaboration main units and all auxiliary equipment under load.

The beginning of a comprehensive testing of a power plant is considered to be the moment it is connected to the network or under load.

Comprehensive testing of equipment according to schemes not provided for in the project is not permitted.

Comprehensive testing of equipment of power plants and boiler houses is considered to be carried out under the condition of normal and continuous operation of the main equipment for 72 hours on the main fuel with a rated load and design parameters of steam [for gas turbine units (GTU) - gas] for a thermal power plant, pressure and water flow for a hydroelectric power station provided in the launch complex, and with constant or alternate operation of all auxiliary equipment included in the launch complex.

In electrical networks, comprehensive testing is considered to be carried out under the condition of normal and continuous operation under load of substation equipment for 72 hours, and power lines for 24 hours.

In heating networks, comprehensive testing is considered to be carried out under the condition of normal and continuous operation of the equipment under load for 24 hours at the nominal pressure provided in the start-up complex.

For GTU prerequisite complex testing is, in addition, the successful completion of 10, and for hydraulic units of hydroelectric power stations and pumped storage power plants - 3 automatic starts.

During comprehensive testing, the instrumentation, interlocks, alarm devices and remote control, protection and automatic control, which do not require operational adjustment.

If comprehensive testing cannot be carried out on the main fuel or the rated load and design parameters of steam (for a gas turbine unit - gas) for a thermal power plant, pressure and water flow for a hydroelectric power plant or load for a substation, power lines during joint or separate testing and coolant parameters for thermal networks cannot be achieved for any reason not related to the failure to complete the work provided for by the launch complex, the decision to conduct a comprehensive test on reserve fuel, as well as the maximum parameters and loads, are accepted and established by the acceptance committee and are specified in the commissioning certificate of the launch complex.

1.2.8. To prepare the power facility (start-up complex) for presentation to the acceptance committee, a working commission must be appointed, which accepts the equipment according to the act after conducting its individual tests for comprehensive testing. From the moment this act is signed, the organization is responsible for the safety of the equipment.

1.2.9. Acceptance into operation of equipment, buildings and structures with defects and deficiencies is not permitted.

After comprehensive testing and elimination of identified defects and deficiencies, an act of acceptance for operation of the equipment with related buildings and structures is drawn up. The duration of the development period is set serial equipment, during which the necessary tests, adjustment and development work must be completed and the operation of the equipment with design parameters must be ensured.

1.2.10. The organization must provide the acceptance committee with documentation prepared by the working committee to the extent provided for by the current regulatory documents.

1.2.11. Completed construction of detached buildings, structures and electrical devices, built-in or attached premises for production, auxiliary production and auxiliary purposes with equipment installed in them, controls and communications are accepted for operation by working commissions.

1.2.12. Experimental (experimental), pilot-industrial energy technology installations are subject to acceptance into operation by the acceptance committee if they are prepared to conduct experiments or produce products envisaged by the project.

1.3. Staff

1.3.1. Persons with professional education are allowed to work at power facilities in the electric power industry, and in managing power plants also with relevant work experience.

1.3.2. Persons who do not have appropriate vocational education or work experience, both newly hired and transferred to a new position must undergo training according to the current form of training in the industry.

1.3.3. Employees of organizations engaged in work with harmful substances, hazardous and unfavorable production factors, in accordance with the established procedure, must undergo preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations.

1.3.4. At energy facilities there should be Full time job with personnel aimed at ensuring their readiness to perform professional functions and maintaining their qualifications.

Facilities for personnel training must be equipped with training grounds, classrooms, workshops, laboratories, equipped with technical means of education and training, staffed and able to attract highly qualified specialists to teach.

1.3.5. A technical library must be created at each power facility, and personnel must be provided with the opportunity to use textbooks, teaching aids and other technical literature related to the organization’s profile, as well as regulatory and technical documents.

At each power facility, a safety room and a technical room must be created in accordance with standard regulations.

1.3.6. In small energy facilities, where the creation of a material and technical training and production base is difficult, it is allowed to carry out work to improve the professional educational level of personnel under an agreement with another energy organization that has such a base.

The head of the energy facility or an official from among the organization’s senior employees is responsible for working with personnel.

1.3.7. Admission to independent work Newly hired employees or those who have a break in work for more than 6 months, depending on the category of personnel, receive the right to work independently after undergoing the necessary instructions on labor safety, training (internship) and testing of knowledge, duplicating the requirements of the rules for working with personnel.

1.3.8. During a break in work from 30 days to 6 months, the form of personnel training for admission to independent work is determined by the head of the organization or structural unit, taking into account the level of professional training of the employee, his work experience, job functions, etc. In this case, in any case, unscheduled briefing must be carried out on occupational safety.

1.4. Monitoring the efficiency of power plants, boiler houses and networks

1.4.1. At each thermal power plant with a capacity of 10 MW or more, hydroelectric power station with a capacity of 30 MW or more, in each boiler house with a heating capacity of 50 Gcal/h (209.5 GJ/h) or more, energy characteristics of equipment must be developed that establish the dependence of the technical and economic indicators of its operation in absolute terms. or in relative terms from electrical and thermal loads. In addition, at a thermal power plant and in a district boiler house, schedules of the initial nominal specific fuel consumption for supplied electrical and thermal energy must be developed, and at a hydroelectric power station, graphs of standard specific water consumption for supplied electrical energy.

The feasibility of developing characteristics for power plants and district boiler houses of lower power and heating capacity should be established by the energy system.

The development, revision, coordination and approval of energy characteristics of equipment and schedules of specific fuel or water consumption must be carried out in accordance with current regulations and guidelines.

1.4.2. Energy characteristics must reflect the realistically achievable operating efficiency of the developed equipment when complying with the provisions of these Rules.

1.4.3. The energy characteristics of heating networks should be compiled according to the following indicators: network water losses, heat losses, specific average hourly consumption of network water per unit of estimated connected heat load of consumers, temperature difference between network water in supply and return pipelines (or temperature of network water in return pipelines), specific electricity consumption for transport and distribution of thermal energy.

The development, revision, coordination and approval of energy characteristics of heating networks must be carried out in accordance with current regulations and guidelines.

1.4.4. For an electrical network, the standardized indicator is the technological consumption of electricity for its transport.

1.4.5. In terms of volume, form and content, energy characteristics must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and methodological documents.

1.4.6. In energy systems, power plants, boiler houses, electrical and heating networks in order to improve final result work must be carried out:

compliance with the required accuracy of measurements of energy consumption and technological parameters;

accounting (shift, daily, monthly, annual) by established forms equipment performance indicators based on the readings of instrumentation and information measurement systems;

analysis of technical and economic indicators to assess the condition of equipment, its operating modes, fuel saving reserves, and the effectiveness of organizational and technical measures;

review (at least once a month) with personnel of the results of the work of a shift, workshop, structural unit of the energy system in order to determine the reasons for the deviation of the actual values ​​of parameters and indicators from those determined by energy characteristics, identify shortcomings in work and eliminate them, familiarize with the experience of the best shifts and individual employees;

development and implementation of measures to improve the reliability and efficiency of equipment operation, reduce irrational costs and losses of fuel and energy resources.

1.4.7. All power stations, boiler houses, electrical and heating networks are subject to energy supervision by specially authorized bodies that monitor the efficiency of use of fuel and energy resources.

1.4.8. Organizations operating power plants, boiler houses, electrical and heating networks must undergo energy inspections in accordance with current legislation about energy saving. Energy inspections of organizations operating energy facilities engaged in the production, transformation, transmission and distribution of electrical and thermal energy must be carried out by authorized bodies of state control and supervision, as well as organizations accredited in the prescribed manner.

1.5. Technical control. Technical and technological supervision of the organization of operation of energy facilities 1.5.1. At each energy facility, constant and periodic monitoring (inspections, technical examinations, surveys) of the technical condition of power installations (equipment, buildings and structures) must be organized, persons authorized for their condition and safe operation must be identified, and personnel for technical and technological supervision must be appointed and approved his official functions.

All energy facilities producing, transforming, transmitting and distributing electrical and thermal energy are subject to departmental technical and technological supervision by specially authorized bodies.

1.5.2. All technological systems, equipment, buildings and structures, including hydraulic structures, included in the power facility, must be subject to periodic technical inspection.

Technical inspection of technological circuits and electrical equipment is carried out after the service life established by the regulatory and technical documentation, and during each inspection, depending on the condition of the equipment, a period for subsequent inspection is scheduled. Thermal engineering - on time in accordance with current regulatory and technical documents. Buildings and structures on time in accordance with current regulatory and technical documents, but at least once every 5 years.

Technical examination is carried out by a commission of the power facility, headed by the technical manager of the power facility or his deputy. The commission includes managers and specialists of the structural divisions of the energy facility, representatives of energy system services, specialists from specialized organizations and state control and supervision bodies.

The objectives of the technical examination are to assess the condition, as well as to determine the measures necessary to ensure the established resource of the power plant.

The scope of periodic technical inspection based on current regulatory and technical documents should include: external and internal inspection, inspection technical documentation, tests for compliance with safety conditions of equipment, buildings and structures (hydraulic tests, adjustment of safety valves, testing of safety circuit breakers, lifting mechanisms, grounding loops, etc.).

Simultaneously with the technical examination, a check must be carried out to verify the fulfillment of the instructions of the state control and supervision bodies and the measures planned based on the results of the investigation of disruptions in the operation of the power facility and accidents during its maintenance, as well as measures developed during the previous technical examination.

The results of the technical examination must be entered into the technical passport of the power facility.

Operation of power plants with hazardous defects identified during the process, as well as violations of technical inspection deadlines, is not permitted.

Based on the results of the technical inspection of buildings and structures, the need for a technical inspection is established. The main task of the technical inspection of buildings and structures is the timely identification of hazardous defects and damage and acceptance technical solutions to restore reliable and safe operation.

1.5.3. Constant monitoring of the technical condition of the equipment is carried out by the operational and maintenance personnel of the power facility.

The scope of control is established in accordance with the provisions of regulatory documents.

The control procedure is established by local production and job descriptions.

1.5.4. Periodic inspections of equipment, buildings and structures are carried out by persons monitoring their safe operation.

The frequency of inspections is established by the technical manager of the power facility.

The results of inspections must be recorded in a special journal.

1.5.5. Persons monitoring the condition and safe operation of equipment, buildings and structures ensure compliance with technical conditions during the operation of power facilities, recording their condition, investigating and recording failures in the operation of power plants and their elements, maintaining operational and repair documentation.

1.5.6. Employees of energy facilities who carry out technical and technological supervision over the operation of equipment, buildings and structures of an energy facility must:

organize an investigation into violations in the operation of equipment and structures;

keep records of technological violations in the operation of equipment;

control the condition and maintenance of technical documentation;

keep records of the implementation of preventive emergency and fire prevention measures;

take part in organizing work with personnel.

1.5.7. Power systems and other power industry organizations must carry out:

systematic control over the organization of operation of energy facilities;

periodic monitoring of the condition of equipment, buildings and structures of power facilities;

periodic technical inspections;

control over compliance with the deadlines for medium and major repairs established by technical standards;

control over the implementation of measures and provisions of regulatory administrative documents;

control and organization of investigations into the causes of fires and technological violations at energy facilities;

assessment of the sufficiency of preventive and preventive measures applied at the facility regarding production safety issues;

control over the development and implementation of measures to prevent fires and accidents at energy facilities and ensure the readiness of energy facilities for their liquidation;

control over the implementation of instructions from authorized bodies of departmental technical and technological supervision;

recording violations, including at facilities controlled by state control and supervision bodies;

accounting for the implementation of emergency and fire prevention measures at facilities controlled by state control and supervision bodies;

revision of technical conditions for the manufacture and supply of power plant equipment;

transfer of information about technological violations and incidents to state control and supervision authorities.

1.5.8. The main tasks of departmental technical and technological supervision bodies should be:

monitoring compliance with established requirements for maintenance and repair;

monitoring the implementation of rules and instructions for safe and economical maintenance of the regime;

organization, control and operational analysis results of investigations into the causes of fires and technological violations in the operation of power plants, networks and energy systems;

control over the development and implementation of measures to prevent fires, accidents and other technological violations in the operation of power equipment and improve operation;

generalizing the practice of applying regulatory measures aimed at the safe conduct of work and reliable operation of equipment during the construction and use of power plants, and organizing the development of proposals for their improvement;

organization of development and support of regulatory and technical documents on industrial and fire safety and labor protection.

1.6. Maintenance, repair and modernization

1.6.1. Each energy facility must organize maintenance, scheduled repairs and modernization of equipment, buildings, structures and communications of energy installations.

1.6.2. For the technical condition of equipment, buildings and structures, fulfillment of volumes repair work ensuring the stability of established operating indicators, completeness of implementation preparatory work, timely provision of planned volumes of repair work with spare parts and materials, as well as the timing and quality of repair work performed, is the responsibility of the owner.

1.6.3. The scope of maintenance and scheduled repairs should be determined by the need to maintain serviceable and working condition equipment, buildings and structures, taking into account their actual technical condition. The recommended list and scope of work for maintenance and overhaul of equipment are given in the rules for organizing maintenance and repair of equipment, buildings and structures of power plants and networks and in the technical and economic standards for scheduled preventive maintenance of power units.

1.6.4. The frequency and duration of all types of repairs are established by the rules for organizing maintenance and repair of equipment, buildings and structures of power plants and networks and regulatory and technical documents for the repair of this type of equipment.

1.6.5. Increasing the operating period of power units between major repairs and an increase in the duration of capital (medium) repairs of power units with a capacity of 160 MW and higher compared to the standard ones must be carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the rules for organizing the maintenance and repair of equipment, buildings and structures of power plants and networks.

1.6.6. Organization of repair production, development of repair documentation, planning and preparation for repairs, launching repairs and carrying out repairs, as well as acceptance and assessment of the quality of equipment repairs must be carried out in accordance with the rules for organizing maintenance and repair of equipment, buildings and structures of power plants and networks.

1.6.7. The scope of repair work must be previously agreed upon with the performing organizations (contractors).

1.6.8. Before the start of the repair and during its implementation, a commission, the composition of which is approved by the technical manager, must identify all defects. The criteria that the repaired equipment, building or structure must meet are established in the regulatory and technical documentation.

1.6.9. The removal of equipment and structures for repairs and their commissioning must be carried out within the time limits specified in the annual repair schedules and agreed upon with the organization under whose operational control or operational authority they are located.

1.6.10. Acceptance of equipment, buildings and structures from major and medium repairs must be carried out by a commission according to a program agreed upon with the performers and approved by the technical manager of the power facility. The composition of the acceptance committee must be established by order for the power facility.

1.6.11. Equipment of power plants, substations of 35 kV and above that has undergone major and medium repairs is subject to acceptance testing under load within 48 hours, equipment of heating networks - within 24 hours.

1.6.12. When accepting equipment from repair, an assessment of the quality of repair must be carried out, which includes an assessment of:

quality of repaired equipment;

quality of repair work performed;

fire safety level.

Quality ratings are established:

preliminary - upon completion of acceptance tests;

finally - based on the results of a month-long controlled operation, during which the operation of the equipment in all modes must be checked, tests and adjustments of all systems must be carried out.

1.6.13. The time of completion of major (medium) repairs is:

for power units, steam turbines of thermal power plants (TPPs) with cross connections, hydraulic units and transformers - the time of switching on the generator (transformer) to the network;

for steam boilers of thermal power plants with cross connections - the time for connecting the boiler to the station fresh steam pipeline;

for power units with double-case boilers (double units) - the time when the power unit is switched on under load with one of the boiler bodies; in this case, the lighting and switching on of the second boiler body must be carried out in accordance with the power unit load schedule, if the delay in repairs is not provided for by the repair schedule;

for heating networks - the time when the network is turned on and the circulation of network water is established in it;

For electrical networks- the moment of connection to the network, if no failure occurred when turning on the voltage; during repairs without stress relief - the moment of notification to the duty dispatcher by the manager (manufacturer) of the work about its completion.

If during acceptance tests defects were discovered that prevented the equipment from operating with the rated load, or defects requiring immediate shutdown, then the repair is considered incomplete until these defects are eliminated and acceptance tests are repeated.

If violations occur during acceptance tests normal operation individual components equipment that does not require immediate shutdown, the issue of continuing acceptance tests is decided depending on the nature of the violations by the technical manager of the power facility in agreement with the repair contractor. In this case, the detected defects are eliminated by the repair contractor within the time period agreed with the power facility.

If acceptance tests of equipment under load were interrupted to eliminate defects, then the time of completion of repairs is considered to be the time of the last time the equipment was placed under load during the testing process.

1.6.14. Repairs of all major equipment included in the power unit must be carried out simultaneously.

1.6.15. Energy facilities must keep systematic records of technical and economic indicators of repair and maintenance of equipment, buildings and structures.

1.6.16. Energy facilities must be equipped with:

at power plants - central repair shops, repair sites and industrial premises maintenance personnel in the main building, auxiliary buildings and structures;

in heating networks - repair and maintenance bases;

in electrical networks - repair and production bases.

1.6.17. The equipment of power facilities must be maintained by stationary and inventory lifting machines and means of mechanization of repairs in the main building, auxiliary buildings and structures.

1.6.18. For timely and high-quality repairs, power facilities must be equipped with repair documentation, tools and means for carrying out repair work.

1.6.19. Energy facilities and repair organizations carrying out repairs of facilities subordinate to state control and supervision bodies must have a permit (license) to carry out repair work.

1.6.20. Energy facilities must have spare parts, materials and an exchange stock of components and equipment to ensure timely provision of the planned volumes of repairs.

1.7. Technical documentation

1.7.1. Each energy facility must have the following documents:

acts of land allocation;

master plan of the site with buildings and structures shown, including underground facilities;

geological, hydrogeological and other data on the territory with the results of soil testing and groundwater analysis;

acts of laying foundations with pit sections;

acts of acceptance of hidden work;

primary reports on settlements of buildings, structures and foundations for equipment;

primary test reports for devices providing explosion safety, fire safety, lightning protection and anti-corrosion protection of structures;

primary test reports of internal and external water supply systems, fire water supply, sewerage, gas supply, heat supply, heating and ventilation;

primary acts of individual sampling and testing of equipment and process pipelines;

acts of state and working acceptance commissions;

approved design documentation with all subsequent changes;

technical passports of buildings, structures, technological units and equipment;

executive working drawings of equipment and structures, drawings of the entire underground facilities;

executive working diagrams of primary and secondary electrical connections;

executive workers technological schemes;

drawings of spare parts for equipment;

firefighting operational plan;

documentation in accordance with the requirements of state control and supervision authorities;

a set of current and canceled instructions for the operation of equipment, buildings and structures, job descriptions for all categories of specialists and for workers belonging to duty personnel, and instructions on labor protection.

The set of the above documentation must be stored in the technical archive of the power facility.

1.7.2. At each energy facility, in the production services of energy systems, a list must be established necessary instructions, regulations, technological and operational schemes for each workshop, substation, district, site, laboratory and service. The list is approved by the technical manager of the energy facility (energy system).

1.7.3. On the main and auxiliary equipment of power plants, boiler houses and substations, plates with nominal data must be installed in accordance with the state standard for this equipment.

1.7.4. All main and auxiliary equipment, including pipelines, systems and bus sections, as well as fittings, valves of gas and air pipelines, must be numbered.

If there is a selective control system (MSS), the numbering of the fittings in place and on the executive diagrams must be done double, indicating the number corresponding to the operational scheme and the number according to the MCS. The main equipment must have serial numbers, and the auxiliary equipment must have the same number as the main equipment, with the addition of the letters A, B, C, etc. Equipment numbering should be done from the permanent end of the building and from row A. On double blocks, each boiler should be assigned a block number with the addition of the letters A and B. Individual links of the fuel supply system should be numbered sequentially and in the direction of fuel movement, and parallel links - with the addition to these numbers the letters A and B in the direction of fuel from left to right.

1.7.5. All changes in power installations made during operation must be included in the instructions, diagrams and drawings before commissioning and signed authorized person indicating his position and the date of the change.

Information about changes in instructions, diagrams and drawings must be brought to the attention of all employees (with an entry in the order log), for whom knowledge of these instructions, diagrams and drawings is mandatory.

1.7.6. Executive technological diagrams (drawings) and executive diagrams of primary electrical connections must be checked for their compliance with actual operational ones at least once every 3 years with a check mark on them.

At the same time, instructions and lists of necessary instructions and executive working diagrams (drawings) are revised.

1.7.7. Sets of necessary diagrams should be in the bodies dispatch control the corresponding level, from the dispatcher of the power system, heat and electrical network, from the shift supervisors of the power plant, the shift supervisor of each workshop and power unit, the duty officer of the substation, the heating and electrical network area and the foreman of the operational field team.

The form of storage of diagrams should be determined by local conditions.

1.7.8. All workplaces must be provided with the necessary instructions.

1.7.9. The duty personnel must have operational documentation, the volume of which is presented in table. 1.1.

Depending on local conditions, the scope of operational documentation may be changed by decision of the technical manager of the energy facility or energy system.

1.7.10. At the workplaces of operational dispatch personnel in power plant workshops, at control panels with permanent personnel on duty, and at control centers, daily records must be maintained.

1.7.11. Administrative and technical personnel, in accordance with established schedules for inspections and walk-throughs of equipment, must check operational documentation and take the necessary measures to eliminate defects and irregularities in the operation of equipment and personnel.

Table 1.1

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1.8.1. Automated control systems (ACS) must provide solutions to the problems of production and technological, operational dispatch and organizational and economic management of energy production. These tasks are assigned, respectively, to:

automated control systems technological process(APCS);

automated dispatch control systems (ADCS);

automated production control systems (APCS).

1.8.2. At each thermal power plant with power units with a capacity of 180 MW and above, at each hydroelectric power station with an installed capacity of 1000 MW and above, in every organization operating the electrical network, an automated process control system must operate. Depending on local conditions, economic and production feasibility, automated process control systems can be equipped with power plants with units that have a capacity less than the specified one.

1.8.3. At control points (DP) of organizations operating electrical and heat networks, in power systems, dispatch control bodies must operate automatic control systems.

1.8.4. When operating the automated control system, you must be guided by:

regulatory industry documents, orders, instructions from higher authorities on the development, implementation and operation of automated control systems at energy facilities and in energy systems;

state and industry standards.

1.8.5. At power plants, in organizations operating electrical and thermal networks, in energy systems, and dispatch control bodies at the appropriate level, automated control systems must operate that can solve the following typical sets of tasks:

technical and economic planning;

energy repair management;

management of sales of electrical and thermal energy;

management of energy production development;

product quality management, standardization and metrology;

logistics management;

fuel supply management;

transport and transportation management;

HR management;

training of operating personnel;


general management.

Automatic process control systems (APCS), ASDU and ACS P can function as independent systems and as subsystems of integrated automated control systems of power systems.

1.8.6. The choice of complexes of individual functional tasks of the automated control system in each power system (at the power facility) should be determined based on production and economic feasibility, taking into account rational use available standard design solutions, packages application programs and capabilities of technical means.

1.8.7. The complex of technical means of the automated control system should include:

means of collecting and transmitting information (information sensors, communication channels, remote control devices, data transmission equipment, etc.);

means of processing and displaying information (computers, analogue and digital instruments, displays, printing devices, functional keyboard, etc.);

control equipment (controllers, actuators, electrical equipment: relays, power amplifiers, etc.);

auxiliary systems (uninterruptible power supply, air conditioning, automatic fire extinguishing, etc.).

1.8.8. The commissioning of the automated control system must be carried out in the prescribed manner on the basis of the acceptance committee’s report.

The introduction of an automated control system into commercial operation may be preceded by its trial operation lasting no more than 6 months. The creation and commissioning of automated control systems can be carried out in one or two stages.

Acceptance of the automated control system into commercial operation must occur upon completion of acceptance into commercial operation of all tasks provided for the input queue.

1.8.9. When organizing the operation of automated control systems, the responsibilities of structural units for servicing a set of technical equipment and software must be determined by orders of the managers of energy facilities, power systems or other energy production management bodies.

The list of equipment serviced by each department, indicating the service boundaries, must be approved by the technical manager of the corresponding energy facility or organization.

1.8.10. Divisions servicing automated control systems must provide:

reliable operation of technical means, information and software of automated control systems;

presentation according to the schedule to the relevant departments of information processed in a computer;

efficient use of computer technology in accordance with current regulations;

improvement and development of the management system, including the introduction of new tasks, modernization of programs in operation, development of advanced technology for collecting and preparing initial information;

maintaining classifiers of normative and reference information;

organization information interaction with adjacent hierarchical levels ACS;

development of regulatory documents necessary for the functioning of the automated control system;

analysis of the operation of the automated control system, its economic efficiency, timely submission of reports.

1.8.11. The maintenance personnel for each automated control system, except for the design and factory ones, must maintain technical and operational documentation according to the list approved by the technical manager of the power system (power facility).

1.8.12. Maintenance and repair work on technical means ACS must be carried out in accordance with approved schedules, the procedure for their removal for repairs must be determined by the approved regulations.

1.8.13. The management of power systems and dispatch bodies of power facilities must analyze the functioning of automated control systems, their effectiveness, monitor operation and develop measures for the development and improvement of automated control systems and their timely technical re-equipment.

1.9. Ensuring uniformity of measurements

1.9.1. The set of measures to ensure the uniformity of measurements carried out by each power facility includes:

timely submission of measuring instruments (MI) subject to state control and supervision for verification;

organizing and carrying out work on calibrating measuring instruments that are not subject to verification;

use of certified measurement techniques (MVI);

ensuring compliance of the accuracy characteristics of the used measuring instruments with the requirements for the accuracy of measurements of technological parameters;

maintenance, repair of measuring instruments, metrological control and supervision;

metrological examination of regulatory and design documentation.

1.9.2. Work to ensure the uniformity of measurements, control and supervision of their implementation is carried out by metrological services of energy systems, energy facilities and organizations or departments performing the functions of these services.

1.9.3. The equipment of energy facilities is carried out in accordance with design and regulatory documentation and technical specifications for delivery, in which control is ensured: over the technical condition of the equipment and its operating mode; accounting for the receipt and consumption of resources, generated, consumed and supplied electricity and heat; ensuring compliance with safe working conditions and sanitary standards; for environmental protection.

1.9.4. The personnel of the power facility maintains all measuring instruments, as well as information-measuring systems, including those included in the process control system and automated control system, as well as the automated control system for electronic information systems (IMS) in good condition and constant readiness to perform measurements.

Russian Federation", hereinafter referred to as the "Customer" represented by the head of the Rostov departmental security detachment - a structural unit of the branch of the Federal State Enterprise "Departmental Security of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation" on the North Caucasus Railway, Dmitry Evgenievich Shakhvorostov,..." Polytechnic University named after M .AND. Platova Novocherkassk, Russia COURSEWORK: CONTROL SYSTEM OF TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESS OF PRODUCTION OF ETHANOL Bulatova D.A., Makarenko V.G. Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University Novocherkassk, Russia CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 RESEARCH OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESS OF PRODUCING ETHANOL AS A CONTROL OBJECT 1.1..."

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Registration No. 4799

"On approval of the Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation"

I order:

Approve the attached Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation.

Minister I.Kh. Yusufov



Mandatory for thermal power plants operating on fossil fuels, hydroelectric power plants, electrical and thermal networks of the Russian Federation

and for organizations performing work in relation to these objects


The rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation have been revised and supplemented on the basis of newly issued legislative acts and regulatory and technical documents, taking into account the experience of operating equipment, industrial buildings and communications. Changes in the structure of administrative and economic management, as well as forms of ownership in the energy sector, are taken into account.

The Rules set out the basic organizational and technical requirements for the operation of energy facilities, the strict implementation of which will ensure economic, reliable and coordinated operation of all parts of energy systems.

The requirements for the design, construction, installation, repair and installation of power plants and their equipping with control, automation and protection means are set out briefly in these Rules, since they are discussed in other regulatory and technical documents.

All current regulatory and technical documents must be brought into compliance with this edition of the Rules.

Please send suggestions and comments on this edition of the Rules to the address: 103074, Moscow, Kitaygorodsky Ave., 7. State Energy Supervision Ministry of Energy of Russia.

1. Organization of operation

1.1. Basic provisions and tasks

1.1.1. These Rules apply to thermal power plants operating on fossil fuels, hydroelectric power plants, electrical and thermal networks of the Russian Federation, and to organizations performing work in relation to these facilities.

1.1.2. At each energy facility, the boundaries and functions for servicing equipment, buildings, structures and communications between production departments (workshops, sections, laboratories, etc.) must be distributed, and the job functions of personnel must be determined.

1.1.3. Safe operation of equipment, buildings and structures is ensured by the provisions of instructions and other regulatory and technical documents.

1.1.4. Each industry employee, within the limits of his functions, must ensure that the design and operation of equipment, buildings and structures of power plants and networks comply with safety and fire safety regulations.

1.1.5. The main task of power plants, boiler houses, electrical and heating networks is the production, transformation, distribution and supply of electrical energy and heat to consumers (hereinafter referred to as energy production).

1.1.6. The main technological link in energy production is the energy system, which is a set of power plants, boiler houses, electrical and heating networks (hereinafter referred to as energy facilities), connected by a common operating mode and having centralized operational dispatch control.

1.1.7. Employees of energy facilities are obliged to:

maintain the quality of supplied energy - standardized frequency and voltage of electric current, pressure and temperature of the coolant;

observe operational dispatch discipline;

ensure maximum efficiency and reliability of energy production;

comply with industrial and fire safety rules during the operation of equipment and structures;

comply with labor protection rules;

reduce the harmful impact of production on people and the environment;

ensure uniformity of measurements in the production, transmission and distribution of energy;

use the achievements of scientific and technological progress in order to increase efficiency, reliability and safety, improve the ecology of the power facility and the environment.

1.1.8. At each energy facility, functions and boundaries for servicing equipment, buildings, structures and communications must be distributed between structural units.

1.1.9. Energy systems must:

development of production to meet the needs for electrical energy and heat;

efficient operation of power plants and networks by reducing production costs, increasing the efficiency of using the power of installed equipment, implementing energy saving measures and using secondary energy resources;

increasing the reliability and safety of equipment, buildings, structures, devices, control systems, communications;

renewal of fixed production assets through technical re-equipment and reconstruction of power plants and networks, modernization of equipment;

introduction and mastery of new equipment, operation and repair technology, effective and safe methods of organizing production and labor;

advanced training of personnel, dissemination of advanced production methods.

Organizations carrying out the design, commissioning, and operation of energy facilities associated with increased industrial danger must have permits (licenses) issued in the prescribed manner.

1.1.10. Supervision over the technical condition and implementation of measures to ensure the safe maintenance of equipment and structures, rational and efficient use of fuel and energy resources is carried out by state control and supervision bodies.

A manual for studying the rules of technical operation of power plants and networks, Kogan F.L., 2000.

The manual provides explanations to section 5 of the Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation: RD 34.20.501-95. The comments and questions that arose during the study of previous editions of the Manual were taken into account. The explanatory text has been significantly corrected, expanded and supplemented with drawings and diagrams. The manual is intended for personnel of power plants, electrical networks and energy systems when hiring, in preparation for the next PTE knowledge test.

When operating generators and synchronous compensators, their uninterrupted operation in acceptable modes, reliable operation of excitation, cooling, oil supply systems, control, protection, automation and diagnostic devices must be ensured.
Generators and synchronous compensators are complex electric machines, the reliable operation of which depends on the reliable operation of a number of also complex auxiliary devices. Such devices primarily include excitation and cooling systems.

The excitation device is a system electric machines and devices, with the help of which direct current is supplied to the rotor winding for excitation synchronous machine. The exciter itself can be directly connected to the rotor of a synchronous machine (electric machine exciters of permanent or alternating current, with the help of which so-called independent excitation systems, brushless exciters are created). Self-excitation systems with controlled thyristor converters receive power from generator voltage buses (via rectifier transformer) or from the auxiliary stator winding. IN last years self-excitation systems are used, powered from sections of reliable power supply of power plant auxiliary buses. When current flows in the windings, the passage of alternating magnetic flux through sections of the stator magnetic circuit, as well as in the process of friction of the rotating parts of the rotor, losses arise that cause heating of the machine. To cool the machine, a forced circulation of the cooling medium, since the efficiency of natural cooling is insufficient.

Table of contents
Chapter 5.12 LIGHTING
Chapter 5.14 ENERGY OILS

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