Examples of landing pages for sales of paper products. Tariffs or service packages. Landing page development history

We have already discussed what it is landing page why they are good and for what basic principles lean. But despite the fact that there are a number of rules and techniques that will ensure the success of your website, it is wrong to think that developing a landing page is a template job, and a well-functioning page can be made in 5 minutes, just know, insert pictures and change texts. Of course it is creative process, and fantasy, supported by an understanding of the behavior of one’s target audience, only encouraged. Below we will present ten examples of non-trivial landing pages, as well as pages that provide high conversion.

1.Nest Thermostat

A very interestingly designed landing page dedicated to the sale of a room thermostat. Despite the presence of all kinds of technical data and descriptions of convenient functionality, the landing page is focused on the visual component - several photographs of the interior, as well as a brilliantly conceived and executed animation in the middle of the page evoke the feeling that after purchasing this device, your home will be no worse, than in the pictures on the Internet. Thus, Land sells not a thermostat, but comfort in the home, which is the client’s ultimate need.

2. Boy-Coy

The website of a design studio, after which you are unlikely to even want to look for offers from competitors. A four-screen landing page can convince you to contact these guys, even if you don’t read any reviews or a list of companies with which the studio has collaborated. Most likely, you’ll just scroll through, admiring the parallax effect, and before you know it, you’ll start entering your data into a nice form. feedback.

3. Vodka “Valenki”

One more example beautiful landing page with parallax effect. A purely image page that does not force you to immediately make a purchase, but creates a positive image among the target audience. Please note that information about the quality of the product is presented in sufficient volume, but you can miss it while watching how beautifully the ice cubes float. Nevertheless, desired effect has already been achieved. This site is too beautiful to offer something of poor quality - this is the subconscious conclusion that every visitor to any tasteful site will have.

4. Online store of teddy bears

Truly interesting landing pages can attract the attention of even people far from the target audience. See the example of a store selling huge teddy bears. The site is literally filled with interesting ideas and seems to be conducting a dialogue with the visitor, which ultimately, with a high probability, means a purchase.

5. Smart Progress

Beautiful landing page popular service setting and achieving goals. First, go in and see how it works, and second, appreciate the design that represents movement towards the goal. Combined with the very competent filling of the blocks, it really motivates you to do everything that was planned, but put off on the back burner.

Examples of selling landing pages with high conversion

1. Production and installation of wooden windows

As you know, a landing page should not overload the visitor, but immediately give him something to grab hold of and fill out an application. We won’t argue, but some products require careful selection, and you can’t get away with just one or two blocks. The landing page for this window manufacturer followed the program to the maximum and touched on details that we don’t even think about when choosing windows. And although it seems to us that there was an information overload in a couple of blocks, this page is still good example big landing page.

2. CASCO insurance

Another landing page with high conversion. The principle of converting a visitor into a lead is used here similar to the previous example - a calculator. We propose to evaluate how many parameters can be entered to select a policy, and how tirelessly this is done. The same can be said about the rest of the content of the landing page - it is extremely simple and clear, and all the benefits that a car owner wants to receive by insuring his car are described.


3. Franchise of amusement aquarium machines

A good example of a selling landing page that ensures high conversion due to the fact that it clearly explains the benefits to a potential client, but also leaves intrigue and a desire to find out the details of the business plan that promises passive income. Our special praise goes to the designer.

4. Laptop repair

A good example of a landing page where relatively a large number of text (including the space it occupies on the main screen) does not create any difficulties for the visitor, but on the contrary, it looks organic and successfully describes all the advantages of the repair organization. Laptop repair services are urgent, so you should not give potential clients too much information: a few blocks are enough, but worked out as beautifully and informatively as possible, which inspires trust.

What should a landing page look like in terms of efficiency? What blocks should it contain and what should these blocks look like? After reading the article, you will get answers to these questions and see what the best landing pages look like.

1. Headline with USP

The ideal landing page, single screen or long, always has a catchy headline that:

  • immediately lets the visitor know where he is;
  • shows him the uniqueness of your offer.

The headline is placed at the top of the landing page, at user eye level. Big, bright, intriguing.

The bounce rate depends on the title.

Here are examples of headlines for our company’s best landing pages.

2. Descriptor

The descriptor also affects the bounce rate, although less than the headline. Typically consists of a logo, company name, slogan or a few words about services or products. Placed in the top left or middle.

If the landing page has a headline with a USP, the descriptor is made modest - a logo plus a name.

The best landing pages always contain an original descriptor.

3. Block with contact information

Typically located in the upper right corner. A comprehensive contact block contains:

  • real phone number;
  • email;
  • "Call back" button.

An appeal must be used - please call.

4. Attractive image

By image we mean a background - a large picture, on top of which a title, capture form, and other blocks are placed.

IN perfect landing page The image corresponds to the theme of the site, is original and interesting. The background color scheme is different from the title font color to prevent them from blending together.

In the screenshots you see beautiful landing pages with attractive images.

5. Capture forms

A single-screen landing page contains one capture form, a long landing page contains 2 or 3 forms. The first form is adjacent to the heading - next to it or below it.

The capture form contains fields for entering your name and phone number. Call to action describes additional benefits(gift, discount, additional service), which encourage the visitor to immediately submit data.

If there is a promotion running on the landing page, the capture form contains a countdown timer.

These are the capture forms we equip the best landing pages of our clients.

6. Block with benefits for the client

This block ideally bypasses visitors’ objections. 3–8 points are placed in a block.

The block has the following structure: text describing the benefit and a thematic picture for each item. The location of the items is horizontal or vertical. IN perfect block all paragraphs have the same amount of text, and key offers highlighted in color or in bold font.

7. Customer reviews

The review block is key in the landing page.

The landing page should have real reviews from at least three clients. The ideal option is a scrollable window, such as a slider, that can accommodate 5-10 reviews.

Each review:

  • contains name and real photo client;
  • content with key details that will have a positive impact on landing page conversion.

Here are examples of blocks with reviews on best landing pages our studio.

8. Tariffs or service packages

Buyers like to choose from several alternatives. Therefore, the ideal landing page offers a choice of 2-3 tariffs or packages. It doesn’t matter whether the landing page sells goods or provides services, the site must have a block with tariffs.

Tariffs must be different from each other and contain detailed information about what is included in them. One of the tariffs is marked as the most popular among clients.

9. Landing Page Examples

This is one of the most important blocks of a landing page. It is after viewing the portfolio or cases that the visitor decides to take the target action.

A competent portfolio contains only best works, beautifully designed, does not take up much space. For design, it is better to use a slider with which visitors will scroll through the images.

After looking at examples of landing pages, the visitor should be convinced of the quality of the product or service.

10. Real contact details in the footer

The final trust trigger is a block with contact information about the company or author in the footer.

In the case of a company, there must be a card with specified location office. In the case of the author, all kinds of contacts.

This is also where the final capture form is located.

An ideal landing page contains all of the above elements. However, for a landing page to be truly effective, all its blocks must be correctly combined into one composition. And also add meanings thanks to which visitors perform conversion actions on our landing page.

In this article we will look at 5 examples of the best landing pages taken from behance.net, recognized by world designers as the most popular website for web design, foreign customers for finding developers and the best for inspiration and drawing new ideas.

Below are the best landing pages that were selected directly by our web studio. We took the TOP works on the site and chose a landing page with the most effective selling structures, because it is the selling structure that is the main advantage of a landing page.

Ladies and Gentlemen! Meet the coolest and best selling landing pages of 2017-2018 according to the version of the popular site behance.net.

Examples of the best landing page

To organize examples of the best landing pages, we decided to break them down into blocks specific to the sales page. We will look at the USP, description of the product, benefits and benefits, trust block and CTA using examples of selected landing pages. You will be able to see the design and structure options, drawing for yourself valuable information and new ideas.

Unique selling proposition

The first example of a USP best landing page 2019 - a company selling chairs.

The first thing that catches your eye is the photograph of the product. A stylish chair really attracts attention, which is fueled by a unique selling proposition. Please note that the USP in this case is non-standard; there are no facts about the company or the benefits of the purchase. But at the same time a powerful selling text and high quality image They do their job - they increase the visitor’s interest, which is the principle of the selling structure. It’s worth saying right away that the very same advantage of the product is placed on the second and third slides of the first screen.

Each slide contains photographs of the product from different angles and a description of it. A very powerful move that motivates the reader to scroll down the page. See more examples of landing pages and get new ideas for your project.

The next example of the best landing page, in our opinion, is the landing page of a company selling honey

Juicy, bright, interesting. Very cool design first screen. At the same time, unique trade proposal reveals the main advantage - the environmental friendliness of the product. The USP is written in a soft form, but at the same time inspires confidence.

The following example of the best landing page

The first screen combines a USP that provides value to a potential client, as well as a short list of short benefits. A very interesting photo was taken of a product that subconsciously makes you want to place an order. Which, in general, is what an effective landing page offers on the first screen.

The first screen with a USP contains text that arouses interest, 3 advantages of the manufacturer, a CTA with a button and a video that allows you to find out more information About company. The screen is decorated beautiful photo furnished interior, emphasizing the exclusivity of the product.

Another example of a cool landing page

One immediately notices the absolute unreadability of the text. Why the developers designed the text in white on a white background remains a mystery. But, we repeat, the best landing is the one that has a clearly developed selling structure, and this example of work is one of those. A stylish screen with a not very effective, barely visible USP. Unfortunately, the photograph of the company's services does not give an idea of ​​its activities - a big mistake by the developers.

Want to know more about USP? Read the article with recommendations for creating a USP on the Impulse Design website.

Product Description

In the first example, the visitor is given the opportunity to view product variations and select its type. The block is very convenient to use. All photographs from the catalog are placed in the form of sliders, there are buttons for choosing the color of the box and examples are given finished works. The visitor visually understands what is being offered to him. If he decides to order a product, the “Order” button will help him with this.

The following example of a product description of the best selling landing page contains large and bright photos and categories.

In addition, for the convenience of the visitor, a lead generation button is provided. She “kills” two birds with one stone. The visitor receives the information he is interested in, and the company receives the client.

The selling structure of the landing page should include user friendliness. Convenience in everything: making a decision and its implementation, viewing the product. In the case of the following example of product descriptions, ease of use is revealed by 100%.

Firstly, the types of products are presented, and secondly, under each type there is a lead-generating button. When you hover the mouse over the chair, the photo changes and the product is presented in a different position, which helps the user understand the principle of operation of the product and its appearance.

The next sales landing page contains full catalog products provided by the company. A special plus - beautiful design and matching the colors to the general theme of the site.

Conciseness - best friend landing page. And the next example best landing page it confirms.

Stylish and modest, on a white background, the emphasis is on the photo and a small description of the service with a lead-generating button. Other services are provided in the form of active links, when clicked on, other photos with descriptions corresponding to the services open.

Benefits and advantages of a one-page website

The benefits and advantages of the company for the client are an effective motivation. Typically, benefits are placed at the beginning of the site to spark user interest, and benefits are placed towards the end, pushing the visitor to the target action. Both blocks should contain valuable information, answer questions, suppress fears potential client. Let's look at examples of cool landing pages.


Both blocks reveal the values ​​of the company and a specific product. The reader understands where the product can be used and its quality characteristics. As an addition, the competitive advantages of the company itself are demonstrated.

The next landing page combines advantages and benefits. By reading and viewing the content, the user is convinced of the professionalism of the manufacturer, which suppresses his main fear - receiving a low-quality product. This trigger demonstrates the best example of a conversion landing page.

In the same block, a feature has been introduced that increases user confidence in the company - a video that will tell you more about the manufacturer.

The following landing page shows a similar combination of benefits and benefits.

In this case, fears are eliminated. The potential buyer knows that natural honey is a wild rarity. In the case of a one-page website, the naturalness of the product is confirmed with numbers. In addition, the user can obtain information about the product by clicking on the button and contacting company representatives.

Another block of advantages is made in a very stylish design and, overall, quite interesting. The professionalism of the designer is visible, which definitely attracts attention.

It would seem that the advantages can be described in 4 words “Delivery throughout Russia”, but graphics card adds uniqueness to the landing page. In addition, the map itself has a thematic focus, which makes the landing very cool.

The TOP of the best landing pages contains interesting and effective solutions. The next landing has a small block of advantages, which is placed immediately below the block with the USP. The benefits block is designed separately and answers the client’s questions about cost, and also enhances desire through discounts.

And another selling landing page that reveals the company’s advantages and benefits for the client. The company's operating principle, which suppresses existing fears, is described as advantages.

Increased desire thanks to a small block of benefits

At the same time, the company demonstrates the benefits for the client not only by using high-quality products during the procedure, but also by hinting that the cosmetics are on sale. This is what the button with CTA indicates.

Trust block on landing page

The trust block is not a mandatory requirement for a landing page, unlike, for example, a call-to-action block. However, it helps the user decide on the target action. After all, the landing page, based on its specifics, does not provide a large amount of informational text about the company. Therefore, it is better if the trust block is implemented in other ways. Let's see how the TOP landing pages dealt with this.

Option 1. Reviews

The review block on the website is very practical and convenient. A special plus - photo real people: not models, not pictures of people, frankly taken from the Internet.

Option 2. Video

Perhaps the video is one of the most effective ways influence a person. Video messages always increase trust due to direct contact with users who have already become clients and convey their emotions “live.”

Option 3. Photos

Very often, to increase trust, photographs of real specialists who work in the company are posted. In our case, it was decided to place real photos salon Looking at them, one gets the impression of elitism. And elite cannot be low-quality. Consequently, trust in the company increases.

For dessert. Call to Action (CTA)

The first landing page has a “juicy” CTA, designed in uniform style with the site. The desire to place an order is enhanced by a discount.

The only negative is that the block is placed in the middle of the page. Ideally, there should have been another call at the very end; instead, small buttons were added that are not immediately obvious.

The following call to action contains not only a lead generation button, but also additional benefits for the client. A very thoughtful call.

Our review ends with another call to action, designed in rich colors that attract attention.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, the selling structure of the selling page is the main and mega-important tool for increasing website conversion. It is impossible to say which of the structures given in the best landing pages will be the most effective. Let's just say one thing: each structure must best meet the needs of the target audience and maximize the advantage of the company/product/service. Add to this stylish and bright design, and you are sure to get stunning landing page conversions. Well, if you are not yet able to create your own selling one-page website, you can always order a landing page from us.

That's all! Like and subscribe to our blog so you don't miss the most interesting things.

Landing pages have rapidly burst into the world of Internet marketing, displacing traditional websites. If previously only 2 types of landing pages were used - single-page and multi-page, now subtypes of landing pages are springing up like mushrooms after rain. Let's look at the TOP 15 types of one-page websites with examples to better understand what you can work with today.

Landing page “About us”

Let's start the hit parade with the “About Us” landing pages. Agree, it’s much better: instead of boring text of a couple of paragraphs, create a full-fledged landing page in the corresponding section of the site. It's like a passport beautiful cover– he will tell you about the main advantages/tasks/prices and attract attention.

Below is an example of a wiki landing page that advertises a football school. There are typical blocks of one-page pages - “About us”, advantages, reviews. And all this can be done with the functionality of vk. By the way, Peter Panda was one of the first copywriters in Runet who began writing texts for VKontakte landing pages.

Landing page on the main page

This is another leader among landing pages. You need to fit a lot of data on the main page - short description, mini-catalog or description of several products, advantages, perhaps even prices, contacts, widgets. To prevent the reader from getting tired of this array of information, you need to take into account the interactivity of landing pages.

The example below is a Landing Page that even children will like. Therefore, it inspires confidence among parents, who will pay for the show. In addition to bright colors and photos of happy children, there are several types of scenarios, video reviews, etc. The remaining subsections (“Learn more”, which describes the types of shows, prices, etc.) can no longer be made in the form of a landing page.

And one more example

Landing Pages-Games

Such sites will not have a catalog, descriptions of the brand’s advantages, or a block with contacts. They are created for indirect advertising or simply for brand recognition. Cool flash games will definitely be remembered by the user. If you want to increase confidence in the product or warm up your target audience, take note.

Using the game “Eat the Bomb” as an example, it doesn’t particularly burden the user and is addictive. In addition, this is an unobtrusive advertising ploy by The FWA.

Original “404 not found” pages

Not only helpful information can be designed creatively. You can even design a 404 page as a one-pager. If a user on your site goes to the wrong page, a beautiful, funny or even playful one will definitely make them continue surfing the site.

Offer the user links to other sections of the site. This way he is more likely not to close the page. The examples below show not only cool graphics, but also the ability to go to home page or other pages of the site. A trifle, of course, but success is made up of little things!

Landing Pages – Events

If you want your target audience to know about the event, create a landing page. , event program, etc. it looks very boring if made as a continuous canvas, and even bulleted lists will not help keep the reader’s attention until the end.

You will be able to stir up interest from block to block without losing the reader, show the program and speakers in the form of convenient blocks, emphasizing the advantages with icons. And the “cherry on the cake” will be video reviews, photos from previous events with animated transitions and other multimedia techniques. And don’t forget about triggers - a discount for registering before a certain date or for referring a friend will not be superfluous.

Below is an example of a long landing page that provides a lot of concentrated information, so you don’t lose your target audience and they reach the very end of the text.

There are many more subtypes of landing pages, for example, one-pagers without structure or with an auto-funnel, but above are the most frequently used ones. If you can design any page of your site as a landing page or replace a web resource with a one-page website, feel free to do it, because Internet users can no longer be surprised by text with a convenient structure, give them modern design, animation and attractive triggers :)

How to create a successful online platform for business promotion? What is the secret and principles of its formation? These and other questions concern those who have decided to acquire a personal landing page on the world wide web and are expecting a flow of buyers for their product. So, let's look at the details.

Secrets of creating a landing page form

Probably, hardly anyone will argue with the statement that the most important element landing page is a web form for accepting orders. In fact, this is precisely why the landing page is created. The creation of an order form for a landing page is carried out by professionals who know exactly the secret of developing an interesting and at the same time quite simple option.

A well-designed landing page form should be self-explanatory ordinary user who opened the page. If there are too many fields in the window that opens, this will simply scare off a potential buyer and he will go to competitors. So developing a high-quality order form for a landing page is a task no less responsible than home page companies. In order to achieve success, that is high conversion, you just need to follow a few simple rules.

Requirements for creating an ideal order form for a landing page

The landing page must be ready to receive buyers. To do this, several fundamental factors must be taken into account.

  1. Conciseness. The web form should allow you to place an order, and not collect a lot about the client unnecessary information. That is, it should not contain more than 3-5 lines; if you add more items, you risk loading the page with lines that have no significance, which will make it difficult for the user to quickly complete a purchase.
  2. Readability. Correct landing page application form must be visible and easy to read. No need to overcrowd the page big amount graph. The best option, if the user gradually moves on to filling out the next piece of information about himself. And, of course, you need to think about the design of the form so that it looks pleasing to the eye.
  3. Data saving function. Quite often, consumers' internet connection leaves much to be desired. To prevent communication interruptions from leading to the loss of data already entered into the columns, it is worth thinking about the autosave function. This will help the user save time after the connection is restored, and not enter their data again.
  4. Proven concepts. The landing page form is not the place where you need to be original. There are principles that are time-tested and bring results. Any mistake by a programmer or designer can cost thousands of lost customers.

These seemingly well-known postulates are very important and to neglect them is tantamount to dooming yourself to failure. This all leads to the loss of customers and their money. After realizing the importance of an order form for a landing page, it’s time to ask another question: how and where can you create it?

Example of an order form for a landing page

Where to make a landing page application form?

Unless you have sufficient knowledge and skills, and such people are in the minority, it is unlikely that you will have a working form for a landing page that will flawlessly perform the functions assigned to it. Some are looking source codes V open access online, although this method can bring much more problems than good. Firstly, it is unknown how the form will work, testing will take a lot of time, and this does not guarantee 100% performance. Emails from the form may end up in spam, may not be sent at all, or may arrive in an incomprehensible encoding. As a result, it turns out that some orders were lost, or another failure occurred, and all this is unlikely to have a beneficial effect on the seller’s image. Secondly, what should you do if you need to make some changes? Delve into the code yourself or invite a specialist, whose services can also cost a pretty penny.

The second option is to involve a freelancer in this task. But this way of solving the problem is not without pitfalls. Top freelancers, of course, can do perfect shape landing page capture, but where can I find one? The search may take a long time. You can, of course, try competitive selection, but it will take all the time and money. Again, the issue of making changes to the form remains relevant. It’s good if the coordinates of the form’s author are preserved, but what if not? And even then, if the connection is maintained, he may simply be busy with other orders and will not be able to help you. And other freelancers are not always ready to correct the work of other fellow workers.

Most effective solution this task is online constructor web forms Formdesigner. This service does not require special skills, has clear interface. The built-in form designer will help you create the perfect capture form that fits neatly into your website. Password protection has also been thought out. HTTPS protocol, and Captcha. Online payments are accessible and easy, allowing you to receive money in minutes. Unique scenarios are created using dynamic forms.

Principle of operation

The constructor appeared in 2013 and has already won the trust of beginners and professional webmasters. It allows website owners in a matter of minutes to create an application form, feedback form, subscription form, order form and many others that fit perfectly into the interface of any site. No special skills or knowledge are needed; the landing page capture form, thanks to the Formdesigner service, will be ready within 5 minutes. In addition, if you need to change something, you just need to visit the site again and make the necessary changes. In addition, all this can be done completely free of charge, which is also important.

Speaking about the main advantages of the Formdesigner web form designer, we can note:

  • The constructor works online in real time;
  • The entire process of creating a web form is transparent and happens before your eyes;
  • All data from the form is stored on the server and is available 24 hours a day;
  • The ability to upload files and use custom CSS allows you to create a unique web form for your landing page.

The designer is easy and simple. You can create the web form you need in just a few clicks. To add a new element, just click on it or drag it to the planned location, and it will immediately be added to the web form. You can also easily edit an element by simply clicking on it in the form and making changes to its properties in the window that opens.

Setting up is just as easy appearance, validation rules and other necessary changes are set, which are immediately displayed in the demo form, without reloading the page. After finishing the work, all that remains is to copy the finished code. You will need to embed it on your website. Next will be the acceptance of long-awaited applications. When using this constructor, all loaded forms are instantly displayed, and no tedious page reloads are required.

You can create a website from scratch and adjust the existing one. With a great assistant in the world of web content creation, you won't have to wait long for clients.