cmd exe application.

Bios Sometimes CMD.EXE and other system errors EXE errors

may be related to problems in the Windows registry. Several programs can use the CMD.EXE file, but when those programs are uninstalled or modified, sometimes "orphaned" (incorrect) EXE registry entries are left behind.

Basically, this means that while the actual path of the file may have changed, its incorrect former location is still recorded in the Windows Registry. When Windows tries to look up these incorrect file references (file locations on your PC), CMD.EXE errors can occur. Additionally, malware infection may have corrupted the registry entries associated with MSDN disc 11. Thus, these corrupted EXE registry entries need to be fixed to fix the problem at the root.

Manually editing the Windows registry to remove invalid CMD.EXE keys is not recommended unless you are PC service professional. Mistakes made when editing the registry can render your PC inoperable and cause irreparable damage to your operating system. In fact, even one comma placed in the wrong place can prevent your computer from booting! Because of this risk, we highly recommend using a trusted registry cleaner such as %%product%% (Developed by Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) to scan and repair any CMD.EXE-related registry problems. Using a registry cleaner, you can automate the process of finding damaged registry entries, links to missing files (for example, causing the error CMD.EXE) and broken links within the registry. Before each scan, a backup copy

, which allows you to undo any changes with one click and protects you from possible damage to your computer. The best part is that eliminating registry errors can dramatically improve system speed and performance. Warning: Unless you are an experienced PC user, we DO NOT recommend manually editing the Windows Registry. Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems and require. We do not guarantee that problems resulting from incorrect use of Registry Editor can be corrected. You use Registry Editor at your own risk.

Before manually restoring Windows registry, you need to create a backup by exporting the part of the registry associated with CMD.EXE (for example, MSDN disc 11):

  1. Click on the button Begin.
  2. Enter " command" V search bar... DON'T CLICK YET ENTER!
  3. While holding down the keys CTRL-Shift on your keyboard, press ENTER.
  4. A dialog box for access will be displayed.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit" and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the CMD.EXE-related key (eg MSDN disc 11) you want to back up.
  9. On the menu File select Export.
  10. On the list Save to select the folder where you want to save the MSDN disc 11 key backup.
  11. In field File name Enter a name for the backup file, for example "MSDN disc 11 backup".
  12. Make sure the field Export range value selected Selected branch.
  13. Click Save.
  14. The file will be saved with extension .reg.
  15. You now have a backup of your CMD.EXE-related registry entry.

Next steps when manual editing registry errors will not be described in this article, as they are likely to damage your system. If you want to receive more information about manually editing the registry, please see the links below.

Hello everyone Let's talk about a process like cmd.exe, what is it? Oh guys, I’ve been familiar with the cmd.exe process for a very long time because when I execute any Windows command from the console, it always hangs in the processes at that time. Even if you do nothing but just open command line, then it still hangs. And all because the command line runs under the cmd.exe process, and any commands, scripts, batch files, they are all executed using cmd.exe... this is a law of nature

But here it gets a little more interesting. I wrote the scripts, right? That's right. The fact is that the scenarios may not be simple, but hidden. That is, you see the cmd.exe process in the task manager, this means that something is clearly being done under this process. Well, or some script is being executed in hidden mode or some command is running. After all, there are a bunch of different commands on the command line.

In 95% of cases, the presence of the cmd.exe process does not mean that you have a virus on your computer, no. Many programs use cmd.exe for their own purposes, this is normal. The cmd.exe process may be in the manager, but hanging there constantly, then no, this is not entirely normal. And it shouldn’t load the processor either. And most importantly, cmd.exe should always have its own icon in the form of a miniature command window, so to speak

So, okay, let's launch the command line, press Win + R, the Run window will appear, write this command there:

Clicked OK, and this black window appeared:

This is the command line itself, I think that’s clear. And now if we open the task manager, we will see the cmd.exe process there, look:

Yes, you can also see conhost.exe here, but this is not a command line, I don’t remember why this process is needed, but I know one thing, it’s a system one and you shouldn’t disable it

At the same time, if you right-click on cmd.exe and select Open file location there:

Then we will end up in this folder:

Well, this folder is no longer simple, it is the System32 system folder, in which nothing can be touched at all. This is the system, this is Windows itself

So what conclusion can we draw? Cmd.exe is a system process, it should not hang in the manager all the time. Yes, and it will be strange if it periodically appears in the manager, that is, you do nothing, do not install any programs, do not launch anything, and then the cmd.exe process appears for a while and disappears... Then yes, this is a bit of a strange situation.. What to do in this case? Well guys, what I recommend is to check your computer with utilities. Which ones? For example, Dr.Web CureIt!, an excellent utility against everyone powerful viruses, I already wrote about it here.

The Windows Command Prompt, although popular among administrators and experienced users PC, ordinary owners personal computers unknown. The purpose of this article is to make people aware of the benefits they will get from using it.

The Windows operating system is known for its graphical interface, and many users have already forgotten or have never heard of useful functions command line. Windows is more than just point and click. The keyboard and command line can greatly complement the mouse with icons.

Cmd.exe - what is it?

The command line appears when you run cmd.exe. This is a MS Windows system process, as well as a command interpreter that supports file and network functions PC. Cmd.exe works by loading applications and transferring data between them. The process translates data entered into the system into a form that the operating system can understand. Cmd.exe operates on a number of built-in commands that are executed in the environment shell.

The latter is a program that provides direct communication between the user and the operating system. Used to create and edit scripts (batch files) for various purposes. For example, to control accounts users. Using a command shell program makes it possible to automate some operations. It's much faster than asking for help external programs. You can also customize the command line window to your taste and control the execution of tasks.

Call the command line

The command line can be accessed by running the application in system directory System32\cmd.exe. What, is it difficult? There are other options:

  • Through the menu “Start - All programs - Windows system- Command line".
  • Go to the Start menu, type cmd in the search box and launch Command Prompt.
  • Open the application launch window using the Win+R key combination, enter cmd and click the “Start” button.
  • Right-click on the Start menu to open a pop-up window and select the item you need. To run the application with administrator rights, select “Command Prompt (Administrator)”.
  • Right-clicking while simultaneously holding down Shift keys and Alt in " File Explorer" will call in which you need to select the item "Open a command window here". As a result, the command line will be launched in the selected directory.

To pin System 32\cmd.exe to the Start menu, you need to right-click on the program and select “Pin to Start Menu” from the context menu.


The command window can be customized by clicking right button mouse on its title and selecting “Default”. The selected configuration will be saved for subsequent cmd.exe sessions. To specify settings only for the current session, use the “Properties” item.

Here you can select the parameters of the font, size and location of the window, text color, background, transparency.

When you select the “Mouse selection” option, you can select text while holding down the left mouse button, and use the “Enter” key to copy it into

Command window colors can also be set by running Cmd.exe with the /t:fg parameter, where f sets the text color and g sets the background color as a hexadecimal digit from 0 to F: black (0), blue (1), green (2 ), sea green (3), red (4), violet (5), yellow (6), white (7) and their light shades in the same order with codes from 8 to F.

Cmd.exe keys: what are they?

When starting the command line, other switches are also used. The syntax for launching the Cmd.exe application is as follows:

cmd [[(/c|/k)] [(/a|/u)] line], where:

  • c executes the command, given by the string, and exits the application;
  • k executes the command given by the string and continues the application;
  • s changes the interpretation of the line after the /c or /k switches;
  • q disables screen output;
  • a specifies the ANSI output;
  • u specifies output in Unicode;
  • t:fg sets the text and background color;
  • e:(on|off) enables or disables the use of the extended command set;
  • f: (on|off) enables or disables file or directory name completion;
  • v: (on|off) enables and disables lazy expansion of the environment variable written between!, during command execution;
  • “string” specifies the command to be executed;
  • /? displays help in the command window.

Several commands at once

In the command line specified as a parameter, you can specify two or more Cmd.exe commands. To do this, the string must be enclosed in quotes, and the commands must be separated using the character sequence &&.

The same command separator is used on the command line itself. Here it is called the AND operator: command_1 && command_2: if command_1 was executed successfully, then command_2 will be executed.

The command connection operator &: command_1 & command_2: command_2 will be executed after the command command_1.

OR operator: command_1 || command_2: command_2 will execute if command_1 fails.

Conveyor operator |: command_1 | command_2: data from the command_1 output is redirected to the command_2 input.

Commands are grouped using parentheses: (command_1 & command_2) || command_3: if command_1 and command_2 are not executed, then command_3 will be executed.

If multiple commands have more than one parameter, they are separated by commas or semicolons: command_1 parameter_1; parameter_2

Some other operators:

  • team > file redirects the command output to a file, creating it or overwriting an existing one;
  • team >> file appends the command output to existing file or creates a new one;
  • team < file uses the contents of the file as command input;
  • @echo off is used in batch files to disable commands being written to the screen.


When working with the command line, you can and should use hotkeys:

  • The ↓ / - button cycles through previously typed commands.
  • Backspace - erases the character to the left of the cursor.
  • Ctrl Home - erases a line to the left.
  • Ctrl End - erases a line to the right.
  • Ctrl ← - moves the cursor one word to the left (backward).
  • Ctrl → - moves the cursor one word to the right (forward).
  • Ctrl-C - interrupts the execution of the current command.
  • Esc - clears the command line.
  • F1 is equivalent to pressing the right arrow. Each press of it enters one character of the last command into the command line in order.
  • F2 - prints the last command up to the character pressed after
  • F3 - enters the last command in full.
  • F4 - will delete the command up to the character entered after pressing the function key.
  • F5 - equivalent to the up arrow, enters the last commands in turn.
  • F6 - responds to the Ctrl+Z key combination and inserts the end-of-file character EOF.
  • F7 - displays a window with a list of previously typed commands.
  • Alt+F7 - deletes command history.
  • F8 - equivalent to F5 with cyclic repetition. If you press F8 after entering the initial characters of a previously entered command, the program will fill it to the end.
  • F9 - inserts a command whose number in the command history corresponds to the number typed after the function key.
  • Insert - switches the insert/overwrite input mode.
  • Tab - automatically fills in the folder or file name, cycling through options with each subsequent press. Shift+Tab changes the direction of the search.

Internal and external teams

The console can use two types of commands - internal and external. Internal ones are built into the interpreter and can only be launched from the command line. External ones are launched separately executable file both from the console and from the “Start - Run” menu item. A list of them can be obtained using the help command. And more detailed information can be obtained by typing “help command” or “command /?”. For example, to get help about xcopy you would type help xcopy or xcopy /?

Teams for everyone

Many console commands are focused on networking and administration, so they are often used system administrators. But there are also cmd.exe commands that are available for regular user PC. Below are some of them.

1. Del /s folder\* - removes contents from the specified directory and all subfolders. Another switch /f will allow you to erase read-only files. If you are absolutely sure of this operation, adding the /q switch will eliminate the need to confirm each deletion. The command should be used with caution, since documents deleted in this way do not end up in the trash.

2. Mkdir (or md) can create an entire directory tree: md folder_1\folder_2\folder_3.

3. Xcopy opens ample opportunities for normal and Reserve copy large number files. For example, the /d:[mm-dd-yyyy] key will allow you to operate only with documents modified after specified date. Additional key/s will also copy subfolders. IN total the team has 27 keys.

4. rmdir (or similar rd) will help you delete the directory. In this case, the folders must be empty. The /s switch will allow you to get rid of subdirectories along with their contents. The additional switch /q is also possible.

5. Dir folder\*.doc /h /s > list.txt will create a file with a list of MS Word documents in the specified directory, including hidden files(thanks to the /h switch) and documents in subfolders (the /s switch).

6. You can change the file extension using the command ren *.txt *.doc.

7. Move /y folder_1\*.mp3 folder_2\ will move mp3 files from folder_1 to folder_2 without overwriting confirmation. Conversely, the /-y switch will prevent such overwriting.

8. Cmd.exe start. will open the current directory in Windows Explorer.

9. Cmd.exe start.. will open a folder in Windows Explorer one level higher than the current one.

10. The command System32\cmd.exe start shell:cookies will open system folder with internet cookies. For operating systems earlier than Windows 7, the Cmd.exe command is even simpler: start cookies.

11. Attrib -r -s -h file will remove the read-only, system, and hidden file marks.

12. Subst z: Folder will make the folder easier to access by giving it the name of the Z drive.

Batch file

In addition to the command line, Cmd.exe is capable of processing - text documents with the extension .bat or .cmd, containing lines of commands executed one by one.

A batch file is capable of using arguments - user data passed to a certain form: %12. At runtime, these parameters are replaced with user data.

The set /p variable= [string] command allows you to pass to batch file variable values. For example, set /p name= What is your name? creates a variable %name% with the value entered by the user.

Batch files can make decisions and select actions based on conditions:

  • If (condition) (command_1) Else (command_2) - if the condition is met, command_1 will be executed, otherwise _ command_2;
  • if exist file del file - the file will be deleted if it exists;
  • if not exist file echo file missing - if the file is missing, the batch file will report this;
  • if /i line_1 gtr line_2 command - the command will be executed if line_2 is greater than line_1 without taking into account the case of characters (key /i).
  • goto:label allows you to go to the label, leaving some commands unexecuted.
  • for %%X in (*.jpg) do (command) - makes it possible to execute a command for all files with the extension .jpg.

Safely stopping the process

The Cmd.exe file is a system file. It is strongly recommended not to remove it or stop the processes running by it. They are very important for correct operation computer. If the need to stop the process nevertheless arises, you need to do the following:

1. Go to the Start menu, type Msconfig in the search box and run the utility. A window will appear with a list of system configuration tools.

2. Select the StartUp tab and check if Cmd.exe is in the list.

3. Uncheck the box next to the process name, apply the changes and restart the computer.

4. After reboot, uncheck automatic start system configurator when turning on the PC.

Another way is to check the list of automatically started processes in the Registry Editor.

Cmd.exe can be stopped using the task manager in the processes tab. To do this, select the process and click on the “End Process” button.

Causes of errors

The Cmd.exe "Application Error" message is most often the result of corruption system files operating system. Because of this failure, your computer's performance suffers. Also problems in system processes arise due to application incompatibility, incomplete deletion of files, infection computer viruses, incorrect operation of programs, etc. All this can lead to the deletion or corruption of important system files.

How to resolve Cmd.exe errors

One good thing about Cmd.exe errors is that this is a fixable problem. If one solution doesn’t help, then another will be found. Here are some of them.

  • Log in to the operating system with administrator rights.
  • Cancel last changes, after which the Cmd.exe “Application Error” message appears. And if it appears while launching the same program, then remove or reinstall it.
  • Make sure reliable protection from viruses. You should scan your computer and eliminate unwanted programs.
  • One of the most common causes of this error is registry corruption. This is a ranked database that collects information about configuration, addresses Email, passwords, file paths and other information necessary for normal operation PC. To correct the situation, you can use the registry repair tool Registry utilities Cleaner.
  • Update the video card driver from the manufacturer's official website.
  • Reinstalling DirectX, NetFramework, Microsoft Visual C++ from the official Microsoft website.
  • Run the exe cmd command sfc /scannow as administrator. System utility will scan your PC for errors and suggest ways to eliminate them.

Very often, various problems arise when working at a computer. Sometimes you may encounter a problem when cmd.exe starts by itself. If this appears and disappears for you, don’t panic. This is not a very scary situation and can be easily dealt with if you know how to do it.

Solving the problem of cmd.exe automatically starting.

This process is automatic, and it can be like system service, and viral activity. Let's look at two moments when this window may pop up.

  1. During Windows startup. If your desktop loads first, and then a line window appears, then this is due to background work any operating system service. The more powerful your PC, the faster the cmd.exe command line disappears.
  2. If the window constantly pops up and interferes with work, then this is due to an error. background process, which cannot boot in any way or which is blocked by the system.

Is this autostart dangerous?

More often this process does not pose any danger. Your OS constantly runs many operations and services. However, there is a possibility that these misunderstandings occur due to third party program, and in the worst case - due to virus software.

How to remove cmd.exe command line from opening

Let's take a closer look at how to fix the appearance of this line. First, you should clean and check your computer.

C:\Windows\system32>sfc /scannow

This service fixes all system errors, which may solve our problem.

Removing pop-up cmd.exe using the scheduler

A task scheduler can help us solve our problem. You can open it by searching or typing the command “taskschd.msc” in the Run window (Win + R). Let's figure out what needs to be done there to make the application error stop.

After this operation, the failure should be resolved.

Let's summarize. A problem such as cmd.exe popping up is a very common problem. The main thing is to understand its reasons. If it appears when you turn on the computer, then everything is normal and there is no need to worry. In other cases, the recommendations described in our article may help you. If something is not clear to you and you still have questions, feel free to ask them in the comments.