What does a friend on VK mean? About marital status on VKontakte through the eyes of a woman

The relationship between a man and a woman has always been the subject of debate among many scientists. Finding information about different forms and types of relationships for everyone is not difficult.

Recently, social networks have helped us decide for ourselves the type of relationship with our partner. All girls like to put some specific marital status on VK, but not all guys. Today we would like to talk about Vk’s marital status and its types.

The situation is quite understandable when a guy has no idea that a girl has some feelings for him... But it is completely incomprehensible when a girl herself cannot understand or decide who she is friends with, who she is dating, who she is engaged to, or who she is marrying. . A fairly typical situation is when female and male representatives do not want other people to know about their personal lives. This is done for two reasons. Either they don't want their lovers to understand that they are not the only one, or they are so confident in themselves that they simply don't care what their loved ones think about their marital status. Marital status on VKontakte may look like this: married (not married), married (not married), has a friend (girlfriend), dating..., engaged (engaged), everything is complicated, everything is complicated with..., actively searching. So, no secrets! Let's look at everything in order.

  • So, marital status is “married/single”, “married/not married”. With this marital status everything is clear. People who love each other decided to start a family and consolidate their relationship by marriage. After all, marriage is, in any case, always good (both for the couple themselves and for the state). This family situation always causes affection. But there are some funny cases here too. When you go to the page of some Wild Cat, and see that she is married to some “Boy from the Area”. You look at their pages and with a smile on your face you realize that they are both schoolchildren, and moreover, they are in the eighth grade. Probably half of the married or married friends on VKontakte are just child's play. Well, maybe not half, but a quarter.
  • As for the position “not married”, this is, in principle, the same as in “active search”, since, in this case, users do not indicate in any way that they have other halves. And other users on the social network consider them free. But, perhaps, the situation is that “there is a friend, a girlfriend” with whom everything is complicated, and in order not to put the position “everything is complicated,” they put the position “not married (not married).” Also an option.
  • Let's move on! Marital status: “has a boyfriend (girlfriend).” This situation implies either that the couple is just beginning their relationship, or that they have no serious intentions for the future. Also, for some, this position means an open relationship. For everyone - their own.
  • There is also the marital status “Dating…”. It’s a bit similar to the “there is a friend (girlfriend)” situation. Just no open relationship.
  • Marital status “engaged” - usually this position is given to those couples who love each other, perhaps live together, and who are thinking about a future together. In this case, marriage is either not considered at all, or the guy has already proposed to his beloved and they are getting married soon.
  • And the last one is the marital status “everything is complicated (everything is complicated with...).” This situation is not always clear, since it is impossible to understand what is in a person’s head. It is possible that the couple had a fight, and one of them decided in this way (by changing his marital status) to tell everyone about it. In general, we would not advise you to put your marital status in such a situation; why bring quarrels out of public view?
  • Marital status: “actively searching.” This marital status is mainly chosen by either those users who are confident in themselves, or, conversely, who are very shy. When you put yourself in this position, be prepared for new acquaintances, friendship offers and everything else.

I noticed that many users of the social network VKontakte They ask “How to set marital status on VKontakte?” Of course, I don’t understand why they have this problem, because everything is very simple there. But if a problem appears, it is my responsibility to fix it! In this article I will not talk about the secrets of Vkontakte with the help of which you can edit your marital status. I’ll just tell you and show you how to make your marital status in VKontakte!

Marital status VKontakte

Next you will be taken to the information editing page. Find the term “Marital status:” and select the one you need. When you decide on your marital status, choose your soulmate below. The information will not change immediately; you will have to wait until your significant other does the same.

What to do if there is no line, marital status?

It is necessary to select the gender in the line, male or female. When you do this, a marital status line will appear.

How to hide marital status in VK?

To hide your marital status, go to Settings > Privacy. And in the section: " Who sees the main information of my page» select those people to whom you want to show your marital status. You can completely prevent everyone from seeing it if you select the “Only me” option.

VKontakte has a column "Family status", where you can indicate the status of your relationship with the person and generally reflect « degree of freedom» . Let's take a closer look at this opportunity.

How to choose marital status

On the main page under the avatar we look for the button "Edit" and go to the settings mode for the most basic data of your account. Under the gender selection field, there is an opportunity to change your marital status by choosing one of the options:

  • not selected - leave it as is and this item will not be displayed
  • not married (not married)
  • dating
  • engaged
  • married)
  • in love
  • it's Complicated
  • Actively looking
  • in a civil marriage

For the dating options, you can choose with whom, engaged - the groom or the bride, married - respectively the wife or husband, in love - with whom, everything is complicated - the partner with whom you have a strained and unclear relationship. As we can see, the choice is not small, there are many opportunities to express your range of feelings and life status. There are also interesting features: when choosing a partner with whom you want to associate the status, for a lover, you can choose any person, just indicate a link to him and that’s it.

For other points where the choice of a partner is implied, the user you indicated must confirm on his page the fact of your relationship. And you can only choose from friends, so make sure you have a future partner in your friends list and if not, add him.

How to hide marital status on VKontakte

There are two ways. You don’t have to select your marital status, that is, we go back to the main page settings mode and select in the column "Family status" paragraph « Not chosen » . Don't forget to press the button "Save". After refreshing the page, you will see that all relationship statuses are missing.

The second method involves working with privacy settings. Please note that there is no option in the main menu "Settings". The standard display of all main points looks like this:

Therefore, to go to the data settings, you need to click on your name in the upper right corner and a drop-down list will appear - it contains exactly what we are looking for:

Click "Settings", select the tab on the right "Privacy" and adjust the display parameters of your page.

In order to hide marital status, use any of the above methods, there are no other options.

VKontakte is one of the most popular social networks in the world. Newbies to the site sometimes have various questions. For example, what does SP mean? Or how to change it?

What does SP mean on VKontakte?

SP is the user’s marital status, which he can choose to report or not report. Using this option, you can identify yourself as a person in a relationship, married, indicating the name of your partner. You can also say that there is no relationship, but the person is in search of a soul mate.

Possible joint venture options:

  • Single/not married;
  • Dating – you can also indicate with whom exactly you are in a relationship;
  • Engaged/Engaged – similarly, a partner can be specified if desired;
  • Married – allows you not only to indicate that a person is married, but also to indicate the name of the spouse;
  • In love / in love - allows you to express your feelings for a certain person, or is used without indicating the name of the beloved;
  • Everything is complicated - means that a person has a difficult relationship (you can indicate the name of the partner) with some person, or the relationship does not work out;
  • In active search - indicates that the user is open to a relationship.
  • Previously there was an option I have a girlfriend/have a friend, but today it does not exist.
  • VK also allows you to hide your marital status from unwanted visitors to your account using privacy settings.
  • How to change marital status in VK?

    In order to change the SP in VKontakte, you need to click on Edit page - this menu item is located immediately below the avatar (under the main profile photo). Information about the user from top to bottom will appear before your eyes: First name, Last name (optional Maiden name), Gender, Marital status, etc. After clicking on Marital status, a list appears, from which follows the one that the user wants to set. Next, if the appropriate SP has been selected, you can select a friend with whom the user is in a relationship a little lower. After this person takes a similar action, the joint venture will appear on the page indicating the name of the partner. To confirm the changes, click the Save button at the very bottom.

    For VK users there is also a Help option, after clicking on which the user is taken to a page with frequently asked questions. Next, click Page and then How to change marital status. A link with explanations that appears allows you to proceed to editing the joint venture.

    Not chosen.
    It’s okay when a man has no idea that a woman has anything to do with him... But when a woman herself cannot understand with whom she sleeps, is “friends,” dating, engaged or married, this is too much. Angelic creatures, make up your mind quickly! Don't fool other people's heads!
    It happens that you, dear girls, do not want other people to know something about your personal life. And you do this for two main reasons. Or you don't want your lovers to understand that they are not the only ones in your life. Or you are so confident in yourself that you simply don’t give a damn what your friends think about your marital status. You don't care what happens in your friends' personal lives, do you? So your friends don’t care about you as much as you don’t care about them.

    Married/Single. Married/Single.
    The fun begins when some Manechka Sweet Goddess ends up married to a Purely Concrete Boy in the Area. You look at their pages and realize that they are both in the eighth grade of your former school, that is, they are no more than 14 years old.
    I love bikers. And I don’t hide it. And bikers love their iron horses. And they often love them to such an extent that you open the page and there Alexey Frolov is married to a Honda CBR 600 RR. Moreover, the bikers choose the gender of the motorcycle themselves... And his girl, so unhappy, leaves graffiti for him on the wall: “I love you, Pupsik. Call me". Then you open the Honda CBR 600 RR page, and in its activity it says: “I want catazza!” or “I love my husband.” And on the wall of the “iron lady” there are comments from other bikers: “Baby, you are magnificent, I dream about you.” And you won’t see such comments on the page of a real biker girl.
    But seriously, “single” is the same as in “actively searching”, because in this case the girl does not indicate in any way whether she has a boyfriend. And other men consider her free. Or the girl’s marital status is “not married,” although she “has a friend,” but with him “everything is complicated,” so she is “not married.”

    I have a friend/I have a girlfriend.
    Men, are you having sex with your girlfriend? If “yes,” then she is not your friend. She is either your lover or your girlfriend. But not just a friend. They don't sleep with friends. No, of course, it happens, friendly group sex happens, but everyone knows their place in it. And if she is just a friend for you, that means she can start having sex with another man at any time. By contact. Or in real life.
    Are you having sex with someone other than your “girlfriend”? If your answer is “no,” then it would be more correct to put Anton Kotik Simple meets Glafira Bitch Painted. And if “yes,” then why bet that you have a girlfriend? So that each of your many “friends” thinks that your marital status is about her?

    Meets with...
    Everything is clear here. It immediately became so boring... It makes you want to yawn, doesn’t it?

    When two straight girls find themselves engaged to each other, it gives men a lot to think about...

    It's Complicated. Everything is complicated with...
    Men love this formulation much more than women. What is so complicated going on in their heads that they couldn’t choose anything from all their previous marital situations?
    Dear girls, if your boyfriend says on VKontakte that “everything is complicated” for him or that everything is complicated with you, don’t worry! You shouldn't be concerned about his marital status at all. Let him write what he wants. If you are beautiful, smart, sexy, he should be concerned about your marital status. Select the “not selected” option - let your lovers never know about each other’s existence! Write that you are “single”: on the one hand, this is the absolute truth if you are not officially married, on the other hand, let other men think that you are not dating anyone. Put “have a friend” - let him guess who your friend is? Maybe you are “friends” with all the men on VKontakte. Friendship is wonderful. Choose that you are engaged to your best friend - let him know that she is better and more important to you than him. And finally, put “actively searching” - let it know that you have a choice. You deserve better. You choose. Competition is good for men. The strongest wins. Better yet, bet that you are dating, engaged or married to a Yamaha YZF-R6 - let him envy you.

    Actively looking.
    This item is chosen either by very confident girls who understand that a man, regardless of his marital status, seeing this status, will want to get to know them. Or shy people who, for some reason, just can’t find a partner in real life.
    But the most interesting thing is when a girl’s marital status is “single,” although she “has a friend,” but with him “everything is so complicated” that she is “actively searching.” And the “friend” has everything so complicated in his head that he doesn’t even mind that she is “actively searching.”

    When two loving people begin to quarrel, sort things out, or break up, then their marital status on VKontakte, with a difference of no more than half an hour in the contact news, undergoes all possible changes. It looks something like this:
    "The Fairytale Prince is engaged to the Fairytale Princess."
    "The Fairytale Prince meets the Fairytale Princess."
    "The Fairytale Prince has a girlfriend."
    “The Fairy Tale Prince has no chosen marital status.”
    "The fairytale prince is married to a Honda CB 400."
    And then again “The Fairytale Prince meets the Fairytale Princess.”
    And so on ad infinitum.
    And most importantly, everyone is so worried, worried when they read this in the news...