Useful tricks for searching the Internet

It's no secret that sometimes you mean something completely different, which is what the search engine gives you. To be on the same page with Google, use these tips. They will make your life much easier.

95 percent of Internet users don’t know what you will soon know everything about. Let's begin.

- we find exact phrase or word form

Using the operator » «. Put a word or phrase in quotes and a search engine - Google will search only those sites where this phrase appears.

Example: “I wrote to you, but you didn’t know”

- looking for a quote with a missing word

Let's say that you forgot some word in a very clever quote, put the part of the quote that you know in quotation marks, and put asterisks in place of the words that you forgot. Click search and the search engine will find the quote along with the missing words.

Example: “small * but expensive”

- look for any of several words

In order to find any of several words, you need to list all the words separated by a vertical slash.

Example: [gin|tequila|rum] [table (metal |wooden) buy]

- looking for words within one sentence

In order to find words within one sentence, you need to use an operator called ampersand (&). Google will look for words that are in the same sentence.

Example: [monument to Lenin & Kirov]

— we are looking for a document containing a specific word

Before the desired word you must put a plus, but do not separate it with a space.

Example: [monument to Lenin +street]

— exclude unnecessary words from the search

To exclude unnecessary words, you must put a minus sign (-) in front of the word

Example: [knitting patterns - buy]

- search on a specific site

In order to search on a specific site, you need to put the site operator: please note, be sure to use a colon.

Example: [Vladimir Putin site:]

— looking for documents of a certain type

To search for documents of a certain type, you need to add the mime operator: with a colon

Example: [resume form mime:pdf]

- search on sites in a specific language

You need to use the lang: operator with a colon. And after this operator indicate the language. For example, if the language is Russian, then ru, English, then en. Ukrainian - uk and so on.

— search by synonyms

To do this, you need to put the ~ symbol in front of the word, then Google will give you all the synonyms of the searched word, of course, except for the word itself that you entered.

- find out the meaning of the word

To do this, we need to use the define operator: and the word whose meaning we want to know.

To do this, we use the links operator: and the site to find out the links leading to this site

— unit converter

In order to convert one value to another, you just need to write this query in the search bar. For example, one kilogram of kiwi in pounds. And Google will immediately give you the result.

- Exchange Rates

Here the system is similar to previous paragraph, for example, enter one dollar in rubles and immediately get the result

- calculator

Just enter the example into the search bar and immediately get the answer.

— and the last point, weather forecast for the city

To do this, we use the weather operator and the city in which we want to find out the weather forecast. For example weather Kirov.

That's all, Ruslan Kochanov was with you, use the search correctly and see you again on my block.

Know your competitors by sight

The best way to find friendly (and competing) sites is to ask Google. In response to the related modifier: it will happily return sites with similar themes and content.

Use synonyms

Google knows what synonyms are! If you want the results to include pages not only with a specific specified word, but also with its synonyms, put a “~” sign in front of it.

Example: ipod ~hacking

How to find specific type document

If you're looking for a specific type of document, don't hesitate to tell Google. Be it regular page, presentation, PDF or anything else - you can find anything using the filetype: modifier.

Example: “SQL injection” filetypedf. In response, the system will provide links to PDF documents using SQL injection.

Don't forget about number ranges

A rarely used but really useful technique. Use the “X..Y” modifier, which allows you to specify a numerical range. There are plenty of situations when such tricks may be needed!

Example: hacker 2000..2002

Quick calculator

To perform cumbersome calculations, it is not at all necessary to move the mouse and poke buttons in a stupid Windows calculator. Just enter mathematical expression(with any number of actions and brackets) in Google - and it will quickly calculate everything. Moreover, the search engine can be used as a convenient currency converter!

Example 1: (31337-3.14)/87

Example 2: 600 USD in RUR

Glossary of terms

To quickly find definitions of a term, use the define: modifier. You will get the same result if you put the human phrases “what is” or “what is” in front of the word.

Example: define:LDAP

Dead Site Viewer

It happens that you go to the site, but it’s down. What to do? More than once in similar situation I was helped out by the Google cache, which stores a huge number of documents. You need to do this: first, type the desired URL in the query line, and then click “Saved in cache” on the results page. Voila!

Translate any page

Few people know about the existence of a wonderful service for translating web pages This would have been another resource for banal translation of foreign content if Google had not had a hand in it. No, he will not process texts like a professional translator. But in case of problems, it will give the user the opportunity to figure out the meaning of a phrase or sentence himself. The translated page is displayed on the screen as usual, but the user can always hover the mouse over the dubious passage and use a tooltip to find out how the phrase sounded in the original.

Secondary proxy server

Accustomed to unlimited internet and universal permissibility in terms of content, it can be very frustrating to face serious restrictions of corporate proxy servers. At the same school or university. If an administrator is filtering requests against a blacklist that includes restricted domains, this can easily be circumvented by asking Google Translator to do the following:

Then the browser will contact the search engine, which in 99% of cases is not blocked, and through it receive required content. The language pair “ru|ru” specified in the parameters indicates that the content needs to be translated from Russian into Russian, that is, in fact, everything should be left unchanged. Of course, you can use any other language instead of Russian.

Almost 3 GB of file storage

You have already appreciated the functionality and thoughtfulness postal service Google Mail( Then you should definitely try another additional trick - GMail Drive ( While Google allocates more than 2 GB for each email account disk space, Gmail Drive allows you to use it as your own own disk. After installing the program, another disk appears in the system, which is completely similar to all the others. The only difference is that its files are physically stored on the Internet.

Online photo album

By using free account On you can upload 1 GB of photos to the Internet. Very good for a service that allows you to not only conveniently upload, but also view images in an awesome way. Another development from Google - the offline program Picasa - will help you quickly find, edit and upload photos from your video to the Internet. Every time you launch Picasa, it automatically locates your photos (even those you've forgotten about) and organizes them into visual albums. And to fill necessary photos on the Internet, you only need to click the mouse a couple of times.

Internet Hacker

You probably don't need to tell me that Google is ideal remedy for a massive search for vulnerable scenarios. Forb described this process in all its colors in the article “Google-hack for little ones” ( However, once you receive a couple of thousand pages of search results, don’t rush into battle right away. View these kilometer pages from a huge amount unnecessary information- the task is quite tedious. But with the help of utilities such as uf0_google or googler, you can extract from them only what is required - links. And then you are free to do what you want: either process them manually, or feed them to a self-written script or program that will do everything for you. By the way, at the address collected huge collection queries with which you can search for leaky scripts. I think you will find it useful.

Quickly looking for music

Using various modifiers, you can tailor Google to search for music quite well. Moreover, especially successful results are achieved when the search is carried out using listings of open directories, that is, folders in which there are no htm documents to display, but a bunch of files are piled up. The listings themselves can be searched using the keywords “index of”, “last modified”, “parent of” in the title (tag) of the document (using the intitle modifier), artist or song - by exact match(it is enough to put them in quotes). All that remains is to set the presence of one of the music extensions on the page (mp3|wma|ogg) and exclude all dynamic and static pages(we only need listings compiled by the web server). Ultimately the request will look something like this:

"index of" + "mp3" + "radiohead" -html -htm-php

You can find a detailed manual on But in order not to bother, I recommend a ready-made tool: will quickly create the necessary request and help you find the necessary compositions.

Stop the spies!

Firefox and Google

Search by color

Not everyone knows, but Google can search images by color, just add the [&imgcolor= + color in English] parameter to the end address bar and the images will be filtered by color.

There are currently 12 colors available: black, blue, brown, gray, green, orange, pink, purple, red, teal, white, yellow.

Special teams

Google search can be improved by knowing these special commands.

All commands must be entered before the request itself:

Allinlinks: - searches only in link titles, not in text or page title

Allintext: - searches within text on pages, but not in links or page titles

Allintittle: - shows search results in the page title

Allinurl: - shows pages similar to this template

Cache: - finds a copy of the page saved in Google cache, even if this page is no longer available at the Internet address or has changed its content

Cache:url - shows the saved version of this page

Filetype: - this command allows you to limit the search to only files with a given extension

Info:url - This command will show pages that contain links to the page specified as a request. This command is similar to that if you enter in the search bar given address web pages

Searching for files on a file hosting service

Search on Google for files to download from any file hosting service:

Just insert the line into the search

+”” zip|rar|mp3|avi|mpg|mpeg|part1|html photoshop

Hack site:

Hack-"File not found"

Thanks for the information sharm.

How to search on Google correctly. Useful tips. Search secrets.

I want to devote today’s post to a very important topic, in my opinion – the correct and quick search Google, which will allow you to save such precious time. An example of such a search is an article about. In this post I'll show you a few search tricks, as well as fun Google features.

include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/middle_article_ads.php');

We all know perfectly well how important it is to quickly and correctly find necessary information, but unfortunately, this can actually turn into a very tedious and lengthy process.
In order to avoid all these troubles and use the search engine as efficiently and productively as possible, I decided to talk about the so-called Google search tricks.
Before describing search tips, I want to note a couple important points related to the search engine - Google.

  • Google is case insensitive, i.e. The search results for “RaznobLog” and “RazNobLog” will be the same.
  • Register search operators– IMPORTANT! Those. search results for “beer OR vodka” and “beer or vodka” will be different.
  • Google excludes linking words like “and, a, but, or, I, a, the...”
  • Some operators can be used in combination with others, some cannot (more on that below).

Well, now about the main thing:

Designation Definition + Examples
General operations.
+ If common word necessary to receive desired results, then it can be included in the request by placing a “+” sign in front of it. Before
The “+” sign must be followed by a space. Example: “seo + instruments”
If you need to exclude a specific word from the search. Example: “cocktails – alcoholic” – will find only non-alcoholic cocktails.
OR Searches for one of the specified words. It is also possible to use the “|” sign. Example: “girls OR women”
“” Searches strictly by the specified phrase. Example: “ASP.NET programmers.”
~ The tilde sign (~) in front of a word means that you need to look for documents containing all possible synonyms of this word. Tilde can be used before several keywords at once. Example: “expensive ~cars.”
* We are looking for all kinds of words. Example: “Pies with *”.
.. Searches within the specified values. For example: “10..20 rubles per day.”
Advanced operations.
daterange: Searches for documents modified within the specified dates. Example: “Moscow news daterange:2450958-2450968”
filetype: Searches for links to documents of the specified type. Example: “Biography of A.S. Pushkin filetype:doc”
site: Searches for indexed pages of the specified site. Can be used in combination with words and phrases. Example: “site:site tools”
cache: Shows cached website pages. Example: “cache: site”
link: Searches for sites linking to the specified resource (backlinks). Example: “link: site”
related: According to Google, similar (thematically related) sites should be returned. It doesn't work quite correctly. Example: “related: site”
info: Returns a description of the site. As a rule, the site itself and description. Example: “info: site”
define: Returns the definition of the specified word. Example: “define: woman” :)
phonebook: Looking for phone book By specified parameters. Example: “phonebook: kohen Los Angeles”
weather: Search weather by city. Example: “weather: Moscow”
movie: Searches for movies using specified terms. Example: “movie: War and Peace” (not always correct).
SEO operations.
allintitle: Searches for documents with the specified words in the title. Example: “allintitle: World News”.
intitle: Used to search for specific words contained in the title of a page. Any word following the keyword will be found in the text of the page. Example: “intitle: International Bank”.
allintext: Returns a list of pages whose main text contains the requested content keyword. Example: “allintext: epidersia”
intext: Search by text only. Example: “intext: DDT”
allinurl: Search helps you find a keyword in a URL. Example: “allinurl: Ballroom dancing”
inurl: Searches for documents with the first word (after the operator) in the URL and subsequent ones in the text. Example: “inurl: seo tools”
allinanchor: Returns a list of pages whose anchor contains the requested keyword. Example: “allinanchor: best cars”
inanchor: Searches for documents with the first word (after the operator) in the anchor and subsequent ones in the text. Example: “inanchor: seo tools”
Google calculator.
+ – * / % ^ You can use the specified operators in the search string for calculations. Example: “2+9*2%3”
sqrt, n th root of x Examples: sqrt(49), 3th root of 27
sin, cos, arctan, tan... Examples: sin(pi/2), tan (2/3*pi)
ln Example: ln(e^5)
log Example: log(100)
! Example: 3!
Conversion operations.
In degrees/radians. You can convert radians to degrees and vice versa. Examples: pi/2 in degrees, 90 degrees in radians
hex/binary/octal/decimal Examples: 16 in hex, 16 in octal, 16 in binary, 0×11 in decimal, 2007 in roman numerals
Distance Conversions Examples: 100miles in km, 1m in mm, 200000 km in light-second
Speed, time, temperature Examples: 100mph in kph, 1 month in seconds, 280 kelvin in celsius, 50 fahrenheit in celsius
Currencies Examples: 3 € in $, 3 euros in dollars
Cooking food Very funny 😉 Here are a couple of examples: 3 teaspoons in oz, 1 cup + 1 tablespoon in teaspoon

Phew, I got it. I hope these tips will help you significantly save your invaluable time, and most importantly, your nerves.

Finding the exact phrase or form of a word is easy! To do this, use quotation marks "". Put a phrase or word in quotation marks and Google will search for web pages that contain exactly that phrase (form of the word).

For example:

"I wonder at the sky"

2. How to find a quote with a missing word

If you forgot a word in a quote, no problem! Just put your entire quote in quotation marks and replace the forgotten word with an asterisk *. And your quote will be found along with the forgotten word.

For example:

“why am I sokil”

3. How to find any of several words

Simply list all applicable options separated by a vertical slash: |. Google will search for documents with any of these words.

For example:

dumplings | pancakes | burner

summer cottages (Borispol | Gatnoe)

4. How to find words within one sentence

Use operator with beautiful name"ampersand" - &. If you connect words with an ampersand, Google will find documents where those words appear in the same sentence.

For example:

Monument to Taras Shevchenko & Kyiv

5. How to find a document containing a specific word

Place a plus in front of the desired word, without separating it from the word with a space. You can include several required words in your query.

For example:

Former monument to Lenin + boulevard

6. How to exclude a word from a search

Place a minus sign in front of the word that you do not want to see in the answers. This way you can even exclude a few words:

For example:

Chervona Ruta - Rotaru - Song

embroidery patterns - knitting needles

7. How to search on a specific site

The site operator is suitable for this. It allows you to specify the site you want to search on directly in the request. Just be sure to put a colon after site.

For example:

Constitution of Ukraine

8. How to search for specific types of documents

You need the mime operator. In your request, enter mime, a colon, and then the type of document you want. For example, pdf or doc.

For example:

application for international passport mime:pdf

9. How to search sites in a specific language

Using the lang operator. After lang you need to put a colon and write in what language you need the documents. If the language is Russian, then you need to indicate ru, if Ukrainian - uk. Belarusian language denoted as be, English - en, French - fr.

For example:

void glClearColor lang:en

10. Search by synonyms

Symbol ~ to search for words similar to the selected one. You will see all the links to pages with synonyms for the word best, but none of them will contain this word.

For example:

~the best films are the best

11. Meaning of the word

Enter define: in the search bar and find out the meaning of this word.

For example:


12. Backlinks

Type links:site name and you will find out the links leading to this site.

For example:


13. Unit converter

If you need to know the values, simply enter your request in the line.

For example:

1 kg to pounds

14. Find out the exchange rate

To find out the exchange rate, simply enter a query.

For example:

1 hryvnia to rubles

15. Time in the city

Enter a query consisting of “time” and “city” - the first line will contain exact time of this city.

For example:

time Kyiv

time Kyiv

16. Calculator

Just type the example into the search bar and click search - Google will display the result of the equation.

For example:


17. Finding a cached page

Google has its own servers where it stores cached pages. If you need exactly this: “cache:”

For example:


18. Weather forecast for the city

Just as in the case of time, we use the operator “weather” and “city” in the search string. And you will find out the forecast for several days.

For example:

weather Kyiv

19. Translator

You can translate words without leaving the search engine. "translate the word into language."

For example:

translate I love cluber into italian

Every day we search for the sea various information on the Internet and help us in this difficult matter search engines. The most popular of them is Google. With its help, millions of people find what they need in the vast expanses global web. But few people know that there are some Google secrets and tricks that allow you to make a more effective and correct search query, thereby increasing your chances of quickly finding what you need.

1. We are looking for a document containing a specific word
In your search query, place the “+” (plus) sign in front of the desired word. There is no need to separate it with a space from the word. the right word.

Hyperboloid of engineer + Garin

In this way, you can create conditions for a few more words.

2. Exclude the word from the search query
In contrast to the previous one, this Google secret allows you to display search results, excluding from them those that contain the word specified in the condition. To do this, you need to put a “-“ (Minus) icon in front of the desired word:

Internal combustion engine - rotary

The word-condition can also be not one, but several.

3. Search for data on a specific site
To indicate which site you need to look for the necessary information on, after the search query, write the special operator word “site:”, and after it - the address of the desired web portal.

Secrets search queries site:site

4. Looking for information in a specific language
By using special operator“lang” You can tell the search engine in which language to search for data on sites on the Internet. For the Russian language we indicate “ru”, for English - “en”, for French - “fr”, for German - “de”, etc.

Si vis pacem, para bellum lang:ru

5. Search for an exact phrase
The Google search engine can be made to look for an exact phrase or form of a word. To do this, you need to take its quotation marks “” and as a result you will get all the pages where such a phrase appears in its entirety.

Google Tricks

6. Search for a phrase with a missing word
A very convenient feature for those who often have to search the Internet for a song by words, having heard it once on the Internet or seen it on TV and not remembering its full lyrics. Simply enter the phrase into the search bar, enclose it in quotation marks, and replace the missing word with the “*” (asterisk) icon.

"There was a roar on the field"
The result will be the entire phrase, with the missing word. Well, of course, if there is one on the Internet.

7. Search for sentences containing certain words
You can set a condition for the search engine under which it will search not for a phrase, but for an entire sentence that contains the words specified in the query. To do this, use the “&” operator (ampersand). We simply type the desired query and use the ampersand to indicate the word that must be present in the same sentence as the searched ones.

Internal combustion engine & two-stroke

8. We look for documents of a certain type (extensions)
Very often you have to search on the Internet various documents. As a rule, a lot of unnecessary things appear in the search results. To tell Google to search only for a document of a certain type, use the “mime” operator, followed by a colon and specify the type of document you are looking for: dox, xls, pdf, etc.

mime quality standard:pdf

9. Search for a page containing one of several words
You can specify several words in your request at once to be searched. In this case, results that contain several of the searched ones will be more relevant. To take advantage of this opportunity, enter the symbol “|” (vertical slash) all the necessary words and the system will search for a page with any of them.

gifts | free | freebie

10. How to find by synonyms
To display results for a synonym of a word in Google, use special character“~” (Tilda). It helps you find all words similar to the selected one.

~the best ringtones are the best
The search engine will return all links to pages where there are synonyms for the word “best,” but none of them will contain this word.


12. How to find out the meaning of a word
Using the “define:” operator, you can quickly find out the meaning of the desired word or term.


13. Online unit converter
In Google you can convert various quantities - physical, metric, etc. - right in the search bar. To do this, simply enter this in the request form:

1 inch in centimeters

14. Exchange rates
To find out the current exchange rate of a particular currency, simply enter this into the search bar:

For example:
1 dollar in rubles

15. Current time
Google can work and how simple clock, reporting the time for your current location. To do this, you need to enter the word “Time” or its English version “Time” and the search engine will tell you what time it is in your city, having previously determined the location. If you need to find out the time for some other city, just add its name to the request.

time Saratov
time New York

16. Online Translator
I think that many of you have heard about one of the best in the world electronic translators, service Google Translate. But the fact that you can use it directly from search string, not everyone knows. You just need to enter the “translate” operator, then the word that needs to be translated, then another “into” operator, indicating which language to translate into, and, of course, the language itself.

For example:
translate warship into Russian

17. Searching for a page in Google cache
At the world's largest search service There is special servers, which store indexed pages. If this page for some reason disappears, but it was very necessary information, you can always view the saved copy. This can be done using the operator: “cache:”

For example:

18. Weather forecast
You can always quickly request a weather forecast for the week ahead for your current location. This can be done using the “weather” operator. If necessary, you can specify the city for which you want to show the forecast.

For example:
weather Saratov

19. Calculator
Did you know that Google can count? It turns out he can! Just enter mathematical formula into the search bar and get the result of the equation.