Is the battery doctor app useful for iPhone? Battery Doctor review. Saving your iPhone

Using a smartphone for a long time, and working not only with calls and SMS messages, you will sooner or later fill up the device’s memory unnecessary files. The process is gradual and very lengthy - first a couple of messengers save all the files, messages and emoticons sent to you, then map applications download massive updates, and now there is no memory. Dealing with this process is very difficult and not every user has the skills to constantly disable updates, erase received files, clear the browser cache, and so on. But, when out of 64 gigabytes you have 2 gigabytes of free space left, and at the same time you do not have movies or heavy games on your smartphone, thoughts about clearing space will come to mind on their own. The Battery Doctor program will help us in this difficult matter, which can not only save the battery from fast discharge, but to clear away the rubble of unnecessary content on our smartphone.

Cleaning the drive

Almost every application, after installation on a smartphone, downloads something. These could be sets of emoticons or pictures for instant messengers, styles for photographs, cards, new sound effects, messages and so on. Each file will be recorded in memory as a temporary file for a particular application, and these files can be deleted either by deleting the application itself, or by rolling back the system to zero. The Battery Doctor program allows you to delete these files without unnecessary fuss - you open the Memory tab and press the “Clear cache” button. The application itself will scan all programs installed on your smartphone and highlight temporary files. You will be immediately warned that after deleting these files, nothing will be restored, so you will have to save your vacation photos in advance. We press the clear key and watch how the application shows how much space has been freed up on our phone.


Often we open many programs and forget about it. Enough on iPhone random access memory, to keep at least 30 applications in memory and each of them will work perfectly. But, if you want to play some heavy game and it freezes, you need to clear the RAM. This is very easy to do - go to the menu, select Memory Boost and see how the application makes our smartphone faster. If you don’t want to constantly log into the program, you can put the widget in the notification menu and do the same actions much faster.


It would be strange if the Battery Doctor application could not do anything with the battery. You can optimize the operation of your smartphone so that it consumes less battery power. Everything is simple here - reduce the brightness level, turn off GPS, turn off data transfer and Wi-Fi. It is also possible to look at the duration of operation of the smartphone with certain programs– with Twitter the gadget will live for 5 hours, but with a toy it will last only 3 hours, and so on. This is very helpful on the road when you want to have fun and still have battery life. If you wish, you can also record the operating cycle of your battery by day and then compare the information.

Bottom line

For active users smartphone this application will save a lot of time and space. Of course, if you have one game on your phone, and it was installed by accident, then you will not have any problems with memory and RAM. But if you enjoy all the benefits modern world, then you can’t do without Battery Doctor. With just a couple of taps, you not only free up a ton of space, but also speed up your smartphone and even save the battery from rapid drainage. Moreover, the program is absolutely free.


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I'll try accessible language tell me about the cache. What is it eaten with and how to clean it in iOS. This will free up hundreds of megabytes (or even several gigabytes) of memory space. I'll tell you how to clear the cache in Safari, the general system cache, and application data.

What is cache? Let's look at the definition:

Cash (from English. cache) - a special area on a disk or in operating memory computer, designed for temporary storage of information and for frequently used data and commands for faster access.

That is, the system (or applications in the system) saves part of the data to disk in order to access it more in the future. fast access. Even our website uses a cache system. Moreover, the cache is used twice.

It works something like this:

  1. The first user opens the article. The page is formed and folded into special file on server. Then all other users no longer load the database and, when accessing the same article, receive the generated file.
  2. Also some of the files (which are loaded constantly: for example, CSS file with styles) from our website is saved on your computer, iPad, iPhone. Your browser saves this data so it can be loaded faster in the future. This caching allows, firstly, to open the site faster, and secondly, to save traffic.

Most websites on the Internet operate on the same principles. How long do you visit them? How many of them do you return to later? But the data is still stored on your disk (maybe six months, maybe a year, maybe indefinitely).

This is why the Safari cache gets clogged in the first place on iPhones and iPads. If you haven’t cleaned it for a long time and the browser is slow:

How to clear cache on iPad in Safari?

  1. Go to Settings->Safari.
  2. Find the "Clear history and website data" option. Click on this button.
  3. In the new window, read the message and click “Clear”

How to clear cache from using Battery Doctor

I'm skeptical of many such utilities. But what cannot be taken away from Battery Doctor is that it cleans memory quite noticeably.

Before cleaning there were 6.8 gigabytes free space, and after 8.3. Miracles?

The application is absolutely free. Monetized through advertising that looms at the bottom of the screen.

Step 1. Go to the program. Let's go to the Junk section. We see the amount of free space on an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Click the Clean Up Cache button.

Step 2. The program warns that the program is deleting some temporary files, which may include game progress and some cached data. In fact, you shouldn’t be afraid of deleting game progress - for all normal games, progress is stored inside the application folder and Battery Doctor will not affect it.

Step 3. After some time, the program shows you the final result. As a rule, the count goes to hundreds of megabytes, and even gigabytes.

But Battery Doctor, one might say, radical remedy. You should use it if you like one-click solutions and your system is slow. But that's not all...

How to clear program data

Even Battery Doctor does not and cannot touch program data.

Settings->General->Storage and iCloud. Click Manage In chapter Storage. Now we manually look at how much data different applications take up.

Unfortunately, the battery of any smartphone is not capable of pleasing the user 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The average operating time of an iPhone from one charge cycle is about a day, but when you wake up early in the morning and take your smartphone off the charger, you don’t know what surprises await you today. Perhaps this is the day your iPhone will be tested for endurance. In order to have an approximate idea of ​​the state of the smartphone battery, an application was developed Battery Doctor.

The application was first presented back, but a lot of time has passed since then and today Battery Doctor is not just beautiful, but also very functional utility, ready to help save precious battery power.

First of all, the application pleases the eye with an interface thought out to the smallest detail. Battery Doctor is proprietary minimalist style taking into account all minimal necessary functions, preventing wasteful consumption iPhone batteries. One of these functions is to clear the device's used RAM. Battery Doctor scans everything running applications and offers to minimize memory consumption by unloading unused programs.

The work of any application in iOS, despite its rational use main memory of the device, gradually leads to the appearance of file “garbage”. To clean the system from them, Battery Doctor has a separate utility. After freeing up space, the application will compare the performance, recalculating the results into the possible number of additional songs that can now be safely downloaded to your iTunes library.

Battery Doctor is equipped with and detailed statistics energy consumption. You can always see a list of the most power-hungry applications and unload them from the device’s memory. In addition to the already wide functionality, Battery Doctor also has own center reminders to charge the smartphone at a specified time (although this is hardly a very popular function).

When you recharge your smartphone again, leave the Battery Doctor app on. According to the developers, their brainchild is able to monitor the entire charge cycle as efficiently as possible. To motivate regular work with the application, Battery Doctor has an incentive system in the form of medals and awards. Of course, it has exclusively aesthetic functionality.

The main advantage of Battery Doctor is, of course, a clear calculation of the battery's potential operating time. All kinds of tips for optimizing your smartphone and extending time battery life although slightly, they can extend the life of your iDevice.

Video length: 1:37

Today we are starting a series of articles devoted to a detailed study of the technical side of displaying advertising and tracking users. We'll show you exactly how ad networks work, what they learn about you, and how they use that data.

For the first article we chose very popular app(over 150 million downloads!) - Battery Doctor.

Important Note: We do not analyze the performance of the application itself. The display of advertising in most cases depends very little on the application developer. Ads are loaded using special libraries from advertising networks.

It would seem that the application is not connected to the network, and should not actively use it. But we live in the age of the Internet, so we must be prepared for the fact that even a calculator downloads something from the Internet.

So, we have just installed the application and are launching it for the first time. Let's monitor the application's communication with the network.

The first thing that catches your eye: when you first launch the application, more than 160 requests to the network, downloading more than 3 megabytes of data. Subsequently, part of the data is cached, and during subsequent runs, about 40 requests are executed for each launch.

Requests to your own server

Some requests are addressed own server developers and are designed to obtain certain settings, as well as static images. In short, nothing terrible or reprehensible.


The application uses a library from AppsFlyer to collect user statistics. This is a very popular service, every second application in Google Play uses it. Let's figure out what information appsflyer collects about you.

And another advertising network is built into this application. What if you didn't get enough advertising from the first two? This time we are dealing with full-screen video advertising. There is one problem with this ad network: every time you start The application downloads three promotional videos. This is despite the fact that they are not always shown. Not a bad blow to users with paid traffic.

Analysis results

Every time you start the application, the following happens:

  1. 40 requests to three advertising networks and one analytics system.
  2. 3 megabytes of data downloaded from the network.
  3. More than 10 various parameters your device is sent to advertising networks and analytics systems.

Whether this is good or bad is up to you to decide for yourself. In any case, you should be aware of what exactly you are sharing when you use any application.


Please write in the comments what you want to hear about in the next article in this series. We don't have to limit ourselves to Android apps, we can learn anything.

The analysis was carried out using the application