Why is the usb device not recognized? “One of the connected USB devices is not working correctly” – what does this mean and how to solve the problem? USB device is not recognized: what to do with drive drivers

Sometimes users complain that the computer does not see the mouse. For what reasons does this happen? And how to deal with this kind situation? The answers to these questions and more will be presented below. Usually, the situation with recognizing PC mice does not bring any significant problems. And there is often no reason to panic either.

Connection methods

First of all, we will try to understand the features of connecting the devices under study. And then we’ll find out why the computer doesn’t see the mouse.

The devices being studied can be connected:

  • via ps/2 connector;
  • via USB cable;
  • via Bluetooth.

Everything is extremely simple and clear. But what if the computer does not recognize the device in question?

Main causes of failures

Often malfunctions computer mice happen:

  • due to lack of PC power;
  • at incorrect connection device to computer;
  • subject to incompatibility with the operating system;
  • due to OS failures;
  • if your computer is infected with a virus;
  • due to lack of drivers;
  • if device drivers are outdated;
  • during driver damage;
  • if many peripheral devices are connected to the PC;
  • due to damaged USB ports.

In addition, the computer does not see wireless mouse(and not only) if the connected device is faulty. The bulk of these problems are quite easy to eliminate.

Correct connection to PC

The first thing you need to do is check how the mouse is connected. It is possible that the user connected it incorrectly to the computer or laptop.

Wired device models do not require any special manipulations - just plug the wire into the appropriate socket (ps/2 or USB). After this, the device will work.

Wireless models require more attention. Usually they need to be connected like this:

  1. Enable Bluetooth on PC.
  2. Plug a special mouse receiver into the USB.
  3. Insert the battery into the device you are studying.
  4. Enable mouse.
  5. Go to Bluetooth devices on your PC and search for new components.
  6. Select the mouse from the list that appears.
  7. Click on the "Connect" button.

Within a few minutes, the mentioned device will work normally on the computer. It is possible that the failure was caused by Bluetooth being turned off. Then you just need to activate it on your computer.

Mechanical damage

Has your computer stopped seeing your mouse? If everything is connected correctly, it is recommended to inspect the wires and adapters. The failure may be caused by mechanical damage. For example, the wires are pinched or the connector is damaged.

Usually similar situations are solved by replacing faulty parts (repairing) or purchasing a new device. As a rule, if you contact service center, the broken mouse will be repaired. Only the performance of the device leaves much to be desired.


Computer doesn't see mouse? What to do in this case?

The next option is only relevant for wireless models. The fact is that they are battery operated. And if the battery runs out of charge, the PC stops recognizing the device.

Accordingly, owners of wireless mice should make sure that the battery is charged. In case of discharge, it is enough to fill the battery with energy. Then performance will be restored.

Port load

Your computer still doesn't see your USB mouse? This is not the worst situation.

The fact is that wired device models may not work due to high load to connection ports. This is possible if the user has an additional USB connector installed, and there are several devices in it.

You can solve the problem by disabling numerous USB devices. IN real life Such situations are rare, but they still occur in practice.

Port damage

If the computer does not see the mouse connected via a wire, you need to carefully inspect the port. It may be damaged. To check, it is recommended to connect any other 100% working device to the USB port. For example, a flash drive.

If the socket is damaged, you can use another one. By connecting a mouse to it, you can avoid problems.

Some users prefer to repair the faulty component along with changing the connection port. It is best to contact a service center for professional help. The master will quickly correct the situation.


Why doesn't the computer see the mouse? It's hard to believe, but all devices connected to a computer have so-called system requirements. If the PC does not match them, the device will not work. This is a very common occurrence.

In other words, last generation mice will not work on Windows 98 or 2000. It is necessary to check compatibility and minimum requirements when purchasing a peripheral component.

Attention: V Lately Windows 10 owners complain that their computers do not recognize connected mice. Windows 10 does have some compatibility issues. But Microsoft is actively fighting this phenomenon.

The only right decision is to purchase new mouse. Some people prefer to reinstall operating systems to those specified in the requirements for connected devices. What exactly to choose? Everyone decides this for themselves.

Block and power

The following scenario is relevant exclusively for owners of desktop computers. What is it about?

If the computer does not see the mouse, you should make sure that the power supply is powerful enough. It is possible that the PC simply does not have enough power to normal operation with connected devices.

As a rule, replacing the power supply corrects the situation and improves the performance of the devices. It is important to choose a unit that is compatible with the rest of the computer's hardware. Otherwise, further compatibility problems cannot be ruled out.


The computer doesn't see the mouse, but it's on? The reasons for this behavior sometimes surprise modern users.

In some cases, the malfunction of the mouse is caused by the presence of spies or viruses in the operating system. Correcting the situation is usually easy. It is enough to scan your computer with an antivirus and remove/“clean” all potentially dangerous objects.

In exceptional cases viral infection completely destroys the OS. This leads to the need to reinstall the operating system. After this, the mouse should work normally.

Drivers and their absence

Why can't the computer see the mouse? Most often, users encounter this problem due to drivers. More precisely, due to their absence.

Driver is a package of programs and utilities necessary for the normal operation of a computer with a connected device. Without it, the device will not pass the recognition stage.

Typically, drivers for mice are installed automatically when you connect a particular model. Sometimes this doesn't happen.

In such circumstances you will need:

  1. Insert installation disk into the drive and follow the instructions of the installation wizard to complete the initialization.
  2. Go to the manufacturer's website and download drivers from the Internet. After launching the loaded document, you must follow the instructions on the display.

As soon as the drivers are installed on the PC, the mouse will be fully functional. The exception is when the mouse is not fundamentally compatible with the operating system being used.


Has your computer stopped seeing your mouse? This may be due to a damaged or outdated driver.

What to do in this situation? You just need to go to the manufacturer’s website, download the drivers from there and install them. This also applies to working with a damaged utility package and outdated software.

Temporarily disabling a port

Sometimes the computer does not see the mouse if the operating system has the function to temporarily disable USB ports enabled. This technique is a means of protection against overload.

To disable this feature, you must:

  1. Open "Control Panel".
  2. Go to the "Power Options" section.
  3. Click on "USB Settings".
  4. Check the "Disable/Prohibited" box next to the "Temporarily disable USB" item.
  5. Save changes.

Now you can reconnect the mouse and see if it works normally. Most likely the problem will go away.


Does your computer not see your mouse? What to do in such circumstances?

In some cases, the following will help correct the situation:

  • roll back the system to a date when the mouse worked normally;

That's all. Now it is clear why the computer does not see the mouse. Often the device will not need to be replaced. And even a novice user can cope with these situations.

These days, a computer has several USB ports to which you can connect a keyboard, mouse, and other USB devices. You can also connect a flash drive or external HDD. After connecting a flash drive/USB drive, you may receive an error message like this: “ USB device not identified." In it Windows time, shows a message that the USB device is not recognized as pop-up notifications in the panel area Windows tasks. Windows shows an error message due to an unknown operating problem Windows systems, due to which USB result not recognized and an error occurs. What would you do in this case?

The error says:

On Windows 8, 8.1 and Windows 10 –
The latest USB device is not connected to this computer correctly, and Windows cannot recognize it.

or, on Windows 7

The USB device is not recognized, or one of the USB devices connected to this computer is not working properly and Windows cannot recognize it. For help resolving this issue, click this message.

When the error occurs, Windows cannot show the USB storage device in the 'My Computer' section in the File Explorer area and if you can take a look at the Device Manager in Windows, then you will find a yellow triangular alert icon near this device, which is invisible in Windows. The yellow triangular logo helps you locate the device in the Device Manager list. The photo below shows if you have never seen this error.

The error is very common and has been discussed by everyone through web portals and forums for years. No matter which Windows OS and which version of OS (it could be Windows 7 OS, Windows 8 OS, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10) you are using, you can certainly get the USB not recognized message more than once in your life. inserting USB flash drive or external USB drive to your PC. Actually, there is no exact and specific reason for getting this error message. So, we have to identify the problem of such error and try to fix it manually step by step for troubleshooting. Not always USB removal device is unsafe and may cause problems, there may also be another problem related to windows drivers or similar to those that cause the device not to be recognized by the system. Most of the time, users using USB and virtual Windows operating systems receive an error message, but there are quite a few cases that I have had when I connected a USB flash drive directly in the My Computer window.

How to resolve and fix the 'USB device not recognized' error in Windows 10, Windows 8.1 and Windows 7

There are probably several reasons that cause Windows to not display the device and it is not recognized causing an error, so of course there are several possible solutions. Here, follow the guide to get rid of this error. This doesn't mean you won't get the same error soon. Since there are many reasons for causing external drive its not recognition, so you can get the same Windows errors any time you plug a USB device into a Windows USB port.

Step 1: Disconnect the USB device and plug it back into the same port

Once you receive the error notification, simply remove the USB device and reinsert it. Try the same method two or three times. If you are lucky, you may be able to get rid of a Windows error that is preventing you from accessing a specific USB device. If this tool works for you, then it may be a problem loading the device driver in Windows at the time of introduction external USB to your PC.

Step 2: Disconnect the USB drive and reinsert it into another USB port

Try another USB port while you keep getting the error message. There may be a problem with the USB port. The USB port can become mischievous or develop mechanical problems over time. Therefore, try to use a separate USB port to solve the problem, if this helps, then it is probably a problem with the USB port. Replace the USB port immediately so that you do not receive any errors in the near future due to the same reason.

Step 3: Restart your computer to fix the problem

When you start turning on your PC, all programs, drivers, processes, services start automatically in background. But, if any important process or the driver does not load at startup, your computer may behave erratically and may result in a “USB device not recognized” error.

Step 4: Windows Device Manager Search Problems and USB Driver Problems

This step is the most important. Majority Windows users Those who receive this error can fix it using Windows Device Manager. In Device Manager, you can find all the connected devices of your PC, including processors, printers, hard disks(internal and external), etc. So, how to find and fix the problem of recognizing the connected external USB device using Device Manager? Follow the steps as described below:

1. Press Windows + R and open the “Run” window, in the window execute next command devmgmt.msc to open Device Manager in a Windows window.

When the scan is completed, the program will automatically load the usb driver. If the USB device is not recognized and fixed, then, of course, this is a problem in Windows driver synchronization.

A USB device that is not recognized by Windows is marked as ‘Unknown Device’. You can update drivers in Windows by clicking right click mouse in the context menu. You need to select the unknown or unrecognized device from the list in Windows Device Manager and right-click on it. Select “Update Driver”.

After a successful update, you should no longer receive an error message with USB devices. If the error persists, you can disable the unknown device driver for a while and give it a chance to bypass the error. But, if the message still appears, it is better to uninstall the device driver and reinstall the latest drivers from the Internet.

Now select root USB hub- Properties and in the ‘Power Management’ tab you will find the option “Allow the device to turn off to save power”. Uncheck the box and see if it helps or not.

Step 5: Disable USB - Selectively Pause Setup

In your computer's control panel there is various options nutrition. Select “Change Settings Plan” of your launched plans and click on the “edit” option Extra options nutrition." Now scroll down to USB Setting >> USB Selective Suspend >> Install and force it to shut down. Laptop users should select the battery option and then make it disable.

Step 6: Change the registry to 'enhancedpowermanagementenabled' to fix the USB device issue

Many Windows 10 PC users may encounter the same problem. In addition, when connecting the device using USB cable, the device remains disconnected. When you connect a USB device to a PC using a USB cable, the device receives charge from the PC. In this case, for Windows 10 users, when you connect the device to the USB port, the device gets charged, but the PC does not show the device in File Explorer. Sometimes, users receive a “USB not recognized” error message. The procedure to resolve the problem is described below.

Open Device Manager and go to the properties of the USB device that shows errors.
Switch to the ‘Details’ tab and select the path to the device instance from the drop-down menu.
Be aware of the corresponding instance ID.

Now open Registry Editor and navigate to the following path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\(Device Instance Path)\Device Parameters

On the right side of the device parameter, change the value of ‘EnhancedPowerManagementEnabled’ to ‘0’.

Restart your computer to receive the error message has been fixed.

Step 7: Remove existing hidden devices

Windows Device Manager does not show all devices in the list. It only shows devices connected to the PC. Devices that were previously installed and not connected to the PC right now do not appear in the Device Manager list. For example, a USB scanner after installation on a PC and if it is no longer turned on, it will not appear in the device manager list. However, some hidden devices may pose problems for modern devices USB and as a result an error message will appear.

Now, let's see how to show hidden devices and remove them to avoid any conflict between them.

Open a command prompt as an administrator and run the following commands:


Once Device Manager has loaded successfully, in the top navigation pane, select View >> Show hidden devices.

Now, find and manually define the list unused drivers and delete them. You can check unknown devices, Universal Serial Bus controllers, etc.

New devices can now work perfectly after removing old devices and drivers. Thus, we hope that you will find a solution to fix “USB not recognized” in Windows.

Step 8: Try the USB port to troubleshoot the application

If the above methods did not work and your device still does not work for you, you should try the ‘fix’ apps from Microsoft. There is also one more useful tool from Microsoft to do this kind of work. The instrument known as ‘ Fix It‘. Download links are given below.

DriverFinder other third party application, which can fix Windows devices that are not recognized and an error occurs on your PC. Simply install DriverFinder software and scan all applications installed on your computer. This useful application finds all new drivers for your PC. This way, all USB devices including printers will be correctly recognized by your PC, laptop, etc.

Step 9: Other Possible Remedies

In the above steps, I have mentioned everything possible solutions“USB device not recognized” problems for Windows 10, 8.1, 7 users. If the problem occurs due to software or problems with the operating system, then, of course, following the methods described above, you can solve the problem.

If the problem persists, then there will most likely be a hardware problem. Either the USB devices are damaged or USB port may not work properly. So, first connect another USB device to this port to make sure there is nothing wrong with the port. Then connect the USB device to another computer and check whether it works or not. If you still get the same error again, then there is a serious problem in the USB drive. You can try a different USB connector.
Connect the USB flash drive to another PC and remove it if the problem occurs as a result of the disk being suddenly ejected.
Turn off your PC and disconnect power cable completely for 5 minutes. This motherboard USB hub reset may help resolve the driver issue. If you are a laptop user, then remove the battery for at least a few minutes to reset the USB hub to motherboard.
Update your BIOS and try to fix problems in Windows.

I hope this article will help you fix the error in Windows device The USB is not recognized and you should now be able to use your USB device normally. Most USB device not recognized errors can be resolved by one of the above solutions. If you have any other solutions, or a USB problem that isn't solved by these tips, please leave a comment!

So you connected something to your computer, or just turned it on and at the bottom you saw the inscription, “usb device not recognized.”

What to do? Don’t panic, there may be several reasons, but they are all solvable. To find out why the usb device is not recognized in your windows 7 or XP, first check out what it comes with.

In simple terms, the operating system sees that something is connected to it, but cannot determine what it is or make it work. These are two main circumstances.

What to do with a usb device

Let's start in order. First reason, your usb device is not working. To do this, you need to check it. It’s very good if you have 2 computers, but this rarely happens, so we go to a friend, take his laptop or netbook and check whether the error “usb device not recognized” pops up (if it’s not big, then we take it to friends).

Find another one or try if it is possible to connect other devices through it. As before, we consider the result to be positive, but this did not bring any results.

I don’t want to rewrite this, but in the beginning (before contacting friends) I needed to draw your attention to operating system, in most cases it is she who is to blame for the fact that your usb device is not recognized. Turn it off and on again, or reboot your computer. This usually helps.

The second reason is the driver. If there are no corresponding ones, your usb device will never be recognized. How to fix this problem is described in detail in the article. Therefore, I will not describe this issue here, but move immediately to the next point.

At the bottom of the screen, the inscription “usb device not recognized” must appear if the USB port or controller on the motherboard is burned out. It’s better not to put your hands into the motherboard yourself, but the port can be replaced. Just make sure that he was the cause. However, this is easy to check, use another one; today PCs with one port are not released.

Rare reasons why a usb device is not recognized

Sometimes the culprit for not recognizing a usb device may be the BIOS. The entrance to it is not the same, depending on the manufacturer. The most common is f2, Del or f10. You just need to press these keys immediately after turning it on, otherwise it won’t work.

So, you're in. At the very top, click “advanced” (in the BIOS, press the “enter” key and navigate with the “arrows”). Next, find USB configuration. Now look as shown in the picture, only if this option does not help, return the settings to their previous position. The settings are saved by pressing the F10 key.

The largest number of usb device not recognized errors occurs with flash drives, modems and printers. Sometimes the controller driver may crash, then do the following:

If this doesn't help, there is another option. Click on start at the very bottom on the left side and at the very bottom (find program files) paste this text: eventvwr.msc, a utility will appear at the top, click on it and you will see an event log that describes everything that happened to your PC (in Everything is always recorded and recorded on it: errors, malfunctions, etc.)

First with right side Click “Windows Journal”, then “System” and look at the top of the large window for “information” indicated by a red icon (there is no red icon in the figure).

Then click on it and read what happened below. In this way you can find out the exact reason why the usb device is not recognized and what to do.

Category: Uncategorized

Surely many users, when connecting a USB drive, a third-party hard drive or some other equipment, could see a notification on their screens that an error has occurred and the USB device is not recognized. This can happen at all latest versions Windows operating systems and appear with USB 2.0 and 3.0. This error can be resolved quite simply.

Exists great amount reasons that contribute to the appearance of an error when the operating system does not recognize the flash drive. In addition, there are also quite a few options for fixing the problem. It is worth noting that the methods for solving the problem are individual for each method, so it may be suitable for some, but not for others.

The first manipulations when the error “USB device is not recognized” occurs

First of all, if you have a problem connecting a USB drive, printer, mouse or keyboard to your PC, you need to check the functionality of the device itself.

In this case, you need to try connecting this USB device to a third-party PC or laptop, if possible, and check its functionality. If the device does not work, then it is safe to say that it is this device that is causing the error, and there is no point in looking for other reasons. In this case, you need to check whether the USB device is connected correctly. You can connect it to another port, and if this does not resolve the error, then you need to check the drive itself.

In addition, there is another option that can be applied. It is suitable if the device has worked correctly up to this point. It can also be used when the first method is not possible.

In this case, you need to disconnect the drive that the computer does not recognize and turn off the PC. Then you need to unplug the power cord from the outlet and press and hold the computer's power button for a few seconds. As a result, all remaining charge will disappear from the motherboard and all elements of the computer.

In addition, there is another method that will help much faster than all others. If used desktop computer, and has a lot of different equipment connected to its front panel, it is necessary to disconnect some of them that are not needed in this moment, and connect the device that is causing the error to the back panel of the PC. This might help fix the problem and further actions won't be needed.

It is worth noting that if the USB device has its own power supply, you need to connect it or make sure that it is connected. In addition, you need to check the functionality of the power supply.

Device Manager and USB Drivers

Also, to correct the error when the USB device is not recognized by the PC, you can use the device manager of the seventh or eighth version of the operating system. This option involves several methods to solve the problem, which may work in a particular situation, or maybe nothing will work.

The first thing you need to do is go to Device Manager. This can be done very in a simple way. You need to press the Win+R combination on your keyboard and write devmgmt.msc in the Run window, then press Enter.

In most cases, an unrecognized device may be located in two departments of the dispatcher. This could be “USB Controllers” and “Other Devices”. The last point may be called " Unknown devices».

If an unknown device is displayed in Other Devices, then you can connect to the network and right-click on it. In the drop-down menu you need to select “Update drivers”. In this case, the operating system can independently install everything necessary. If this does not happen, you can try updating the drivers yourself.

If the unknown device is located in the USB Controllers list and is labeled exclamation point, then you can perform a couple of actions. You need to right-click on the device and select “Properties” from the menu. After that, in the “Driver” section, you need to click on “Roll Back”, if possible. If this cannot be done, then you need to eliminate the driver by clicking the “Delete” button.

Next, you need to click on “Action” in the device manager. Here you should select “Update device configuration” and check whether the PC recognizes the USB device.
In addition, you can go to the settings of each USB device named Generic USB Hub, USB Root Hub and in the “Power Management” section, uncheck “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power.”

If this does not bring the desired result, then you can try another method, which can definitely be useful for the “eight”. For all devices connected to the PC, several manipulations must be performed in order.

You need to right-click on each one and select “Update drivers.” After this, you should specify “Search for drivers on this PC.” Then you need to click on “Select a driver from the list of already installed ones.” This list should show a compatible driver.

After this, you need to select it and click “Next”. As a result, the driver for the USB controller to which the device is connected will be reinstalled. This may resolve the error.

USB 3.0 devices are not recognized in Windows 8

On laptops running Windows 8, such errors are quite common. This mainly occurs for drives using USB 3.0.

You can get rid of this problem by changing the settings of the laptop's power supply circuit. You need to go to “Control Panel” and select “Power Options”. Here you need to find the applied scheme and click “Change” additional settings nutrition." After that in USB settings Temporary shutdown of USB ports should be deactivated.

These are the main reasons and methods for eliminating the problem when the system does not recognize the USB device. Surely one of them will be suitable for eliminating the error.

    Text/html 05/05/2009 13:52:48 hpaler 0

    article taken from "Yromam"

    If you don't have it installed Windows hotfix package Q810400" And "Windows hotfix package KB822603"- then install immediately ( http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/) and I hope you don’t need to read further.

    1. Symptoms.

    The device itself WORKS. You checked this on another machine .

      When connected specifically to your computer, it is either not detected at all, or is detected incorrectly, or is even detected correctly, but does not work as it should.

      Are you sure everything is installed? necessary drivers all devices connected to the system.

      Are you sure that reinstalling and updating USB drivers controllers and USB devices are made correctly.

      In "Device manager" - shows that all devices are working normally and there are no conflicts.

      The device still does not work, nothing helps and you are ready to reinstall the system.


    Typically, this situation can arise if the USB 2.0 Enhanced Host Controller uses one interrupt together with some other device (IRQ Sharing), such as audio or video. In this case it is violated correct transmission parameters (FDO, PDO) from drivers USB (usbhub.sys, usbstor.sys, usbport.sys) to drivers logical devices, for example from usbstor.sys to disk.sys in case "USB 2.0 mass storage device".

      Possible solutions.


    You perform ALL further actions at your own peril and risk, and neither I, nor our company, nor any third party does not bear any responsibility for the consequences of your actions. If you do not understand at all the meaning of the actions described below, it is better not to give it to you. In any case, save everything you can, make a backup, create a restore point, etc.

    The following is written based on the answer " Microsoft Windows Support Professional" to Mr. rosest, which he published in the conference site http://www.experts-exchange.com/Hardware/Q_20790258.html with the permission of MS support. Although it is mentioned there digital camera, this applies to all USB mass storage devices (cameras, card readers, USB HDD, etc.).

    Step 1: Disconnect all USB devices from the computer and boot the computer in SAFE MODE ( Safe Mode) - press F8 when the computer starts.

    If you use a USB mouse and/or keyboard, you don’t have to disconnect them, but if you remove either the USB controller, or the hub, or them themselves, they will not work. So, it's better to boot with a non-USB keyboard and mouse.

    Step 2: Uninstall hidden devices

    1. Click START. Click Run.
    Type cmd and click OK.

    2. Type "set DEVMGR_SHOW_DETAILS=1" (without quotes) and press Enter.

    3. Type "set DEVMGR_SHOW_NONPRESENT_DEVICES=1" ( without quotes) and press Enter.

    4. Type "start devmgmt.msc" (without quotes) and press Enter r.

    "should appear" Device Manager", or "Device Management" in the Russian version.

    5. Click View. Click Show hidden devices.

    6. Click "+" to expand Imaging devices, Unknown devices, USB devices, Disk Drives, Storage Volumes, DVD/CD-ROM and other classes that may be related to your non-working device.

    For example, USB 2.0 HDD includes classes Disk Drives, Storage Volumes, USB devices

    7. If you see your device (including the gray ones) in the expanded classes, right-click on it and click Uninstall in the drop-down menu.

    For example, for a USB 2.0 HDD you need to remove everything "USB 2.0 Storage Device USB Device" from the class " Disk Drives", all " USB mass StorageDevice" from the "USB controllers" class and gray "Generic Volume" from the "Storage Volumes" class.

    Be careful not to remove devices that serve your hard drives from which Windows boots.

    Step 3: Delete all oem*.inf files

    1. Click START. Click Run. Type cmd and click OK.

    A command prompt window should appear.

    2. B command line, print the following ( without quotes ) and press Enter after each command:

    "ren infcache.1 *.old"
    "ren oem*.inf *.old"
    "del C:\windows\setupapi.log"

    You can do the same using any shell, you just need to enable the ability to view hidden and system files(the inf directory is hidden).

    NB! If you have several installed copies of Windows, you must do this procedure FOR ALL Windows installations.

    Step 4: Delete all keys in the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Enum/USB that begin with VID

    Deleting VID_.... keys from the registry will lead to USB recognition devices again when the system is restarted.

    WARNING: If you have a USB mouse or keyboard, do not delete their registry branches, otherwise Windows may glitch upon restart.

    You can identify these branches by clicking to "+" VID_.... key and click on the key on the step below. If on the right in the value of the DeviceDesc variable you see something like “Human Interface Device” or HID, then this is just a mouse or keyboard.

    1. Click START. Click Run. Type regedit and click OK.

    The Registry Editor should open.

    2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB.

    3. Select and delete all (except HID) VID_.... keys.
    Does not work?! Right! First the access rights to the corresponding key must be set VID_.... registry For this:

      right-click on the corresponding key, open the menu and select Permissions.

      choose Everyone (Everyone) and assign Full Control (full access).

      Click Apply, then OK.

    4. Close everything and turn off the computer.

    Step 5: Connecting your device to your computer:

      While the computer is OFF, connect your device to the USB port.

      Turn on the computer.

      AFTER Windows has FULLY loaded and stops furiously rustling the hard drive, connect power to your device.

      The process of detecting a new device should begin and complete reinstallation drivers for it.

    PS: If after step 2 step 3 is not executed, I warned you.


      The procedure described above can also be applied to root_hub branches, but only if you do not have a USB keyboard and mouse.

      The USBSTORE branch can also be deleted in step 4.

      Finally, you can try completely removing the USB subsystem and forcing Windows to recognize and install all USB drivers again. In this case, you need to remove all USB devices in step 2 in the order in which they are located when viewed in Device Manager when viewing devices by connection. For example for USB Flash:

      • first Generic Volume,

        then whatever-it-is-called-USB device,

        then USB mass storage device,

        then USB Root Hub,

      In the registry, too, accordingly, completely delete the keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USBSTORE .

  • Text/html 05/05/2009 13:58:42 hpaler 0

    This article is taken from "YROMAN"

    USB device problems, diagnostics and solutions.

    The thread is dedicated to problems with flash drives initially - identification, data recovery, restoration of performance. But the advice given here ultimately concerns USB devices and storage media in general.
    I'll try to keep track of it in the title. interesting options decisions and summarize information.
    We ask those asking questions to first read, think and try the solutions given BEFORE asking a question.

    So....there is a lot of detail in the posts below, but I’ll try to summarize, and the overall result applies to almost all USB devices (let’s skip the exotic stuff about incorrectly connected USB panels to the ports on the mother right away):

    1. Data recovery
    With a reference flash drive, this is not a problem with modern operating systems. They are recognized by software and processed like hard ones, so we’ll forget about it, okay???

    2. Software that can unlock flash drives, format them, etc.
    and so on is somewhat individual, highly dependent on the controller in the flash drive, and we will encounter the search problem a little later.

    3. Much can be solved
    through DOS commands... and drivers. Advice from Linux experts is welcome. It’s easy to find DOS drivers...type USB-DOS in any search engine...and you’ll find it

    4. Quite often
    Flash drives locked under XP are formatted normally under 98, and then live normally in other systems. To work smoothly with most different types of devices in 98, you can use the link:
    there are working natives...

    5. Non-essential addition
    at the moment - the myth is confirmed that, for example, fights on 98 are made using the same technology... is there a native one? How can I make the device appear without the native voice or if it is not identified? It’s simple - using USBView, read the vID-pID of the device in... and in the info file of the drives from another normally working device, correct the required one to the required one. And this applies not only to flash drives, but to everything growing under USB.

    6. The flash drive is visible on one computer, but does not work on another.
    A problem that pops up quite often. To partially solve the problem, I recommend going to:
    I think it will work under 2k with minor changes...

    7. Is the device working?
    You connect the device... and it goes into confusion... either it doesn’t show up, or it asks for a fight..... WHAT to do? It's simple - we try to use USBView and read the information here:
    Perhaps the device is simply not understood normally by the system. The solution options are to find the right fight, look higher in the top, find the right software..... everything is in the link...
    For work, I can give you a link to the ID file:
    And one more thing... when working with USBView, I recommend checking the Config Deskriptors box in Options so that the program will provide more information on the connection... it will help! And don’t be lazy to press refresh with your hands... and look for a fresher version of the program, if there is one!
    Advice from Linux specialists and their data are welcome!
    If the device is not detected by this method at random... that's it, read below... and then based on the results - either a wooden jacket and a funeral in the trash, or go to the craftsmen to resolder the controller and, along the way, planar inductances , transformation chains and so on... it all depends on the decency of the specialist and your facade of the face...
    For example, my BUS makes the current at cost.... well, sometimes we throw around, however, about good decision this or that problem... but this does not apply to the top!!!

    8. You don’t have to read... ..
    But problems were noticed under XP and 2K with intermediate card reader hubs. The flash drive device suddenly breaks off... only reconnection restores the connection. I see a problem in one thing - the interpretation of codes-data flows between the hub on the mother and the intermediate host...
    And also due to lack of nutrition...such hosts often feed from the mother herself...which is no good! As an example, screws that live through unstable power adapters can suddenly, out of fear due to a power surge, either be cut off or become locked....tested in practice. This may also apply to USB devices. Think for yourself, decide for yourself....

    Clarifications to the end of paragraph 8
    Just in case, I'll allow myself one more thing lyrical digression.
    Well, this is so, for greater clarity, although it is greatly exaggerated, I think it is accessible.
    We must remember that in addition to the main power supply circuits of the motherboard, there is also a very necessary reference +5VSB.
    According to the basics of power supply and mother-building standards, it provides standby currents in the mother’s standby mode, a signal of readiness to start, the launch itself and feeding of the peripherals that can start the computer, such as:
    -networking devices-modems-like hardware that has WOL\WOR functions to wake up the mother
    -memory in STR mode
    -quartz on mother (clocks, timers, etc.)
    -saving data in CMOS
    -USB peripherals in standby mode - shutdown of the computer
    - Well, and about the little things.....
    So, if we follow the canons, then we have in the form of this power supply branch a low-current constant reference.
    And according to the same canons, after startup, at a certain moment, the automation MUST switch the power of peripherals and others to the main +5 volts. In this case, measurements will show that after some dip further the +5VSB branch will be exactly 5 volts with minimal fluctuations.
    We also remember that when the current threshold for this interface reaches 750 milliamps, the automation MUST also briefly turn off the interface and not turn it back on until the consumption currents drop...otherwise it’s a mess.
    But... alas, now mothers blurt out all sorts of things, so there is no need to look for a standard.
    Now you can think for a minute what happens if the automation does not switch the power to the main source upon startup. The currents may be enough for the main work, but connecting each new consumer to this power circuit will drain it... and depending on the solution of the circuits, either the next consumer will not receive sufficient power, and as a result it is simply not recognized... or a jump and how BSOD option or even turning off the mother.
    It’s very easy to observe power references if you have a head and an oscilloscope (well, a normal probe is also good), or programs like Sensor. And the dancing of this reference may indicate that either the sensor on the mother is dying, and this is very unpleasant, or we have a problem with the power supply.
    Partial solution The problem lies in the reading of phages to mothers. Quite often there was this option - some ports with jumpers on the motherboard can receive power not only from the duty bus (+5VSB), but also from the main power circuit, which receives current after the computer is started. This is done by installing jumpers (look for it in the descriptor). Sometimes, but very rarely, such switches are present in the BIOS-CMOS settings.

    Http://www.rdm.kiev.ua/flashutil.php utilities for usb