What is reposting on social networks? Problems saving an entry from a group

Hello, dear readers! All of you have probably seen enough of your friends’ beautifully designed VKontakte pages: there are some posts, pictures, videos, etc. there. and want you to have something similar.

Before moving on to practice and explaining how reposts are made, I would like to tell you what it actually is. Let's look at a few terms.

A post is your own entry on your page or the page of your group. You arrange it yourself.

A repost is a post you have copied from someone else onto your wall or the wall of your group. In automatic mode, you can repost posts from user walls or from group walls. You can also do this with comments or simply with articles on third-party sites.

We’ve figured out what it means to repost, and now let’s pay attention to the screenshot and see what reposts look like on the page of an ordinary user:

Now let's move on to practice.

How to repost a post from a user or group wall

There are two ways to do this.

Method 1.

We are looking for a post you like. We move the cursor over the heart or click on it, but do not move it away. We have a small window at the bottom of which there is an arrow with the inscription “Tell friends”. Click on it and the post will instantly appear on your wall.

Method 2.

While this is a more advanced method, we have a window in which we can choose with whom we will share this recording.

If you just want the publication to appear on your wall, then select the first item “Friends and subscribers”.

You can also add to this post and write some comments to it. Naturally, this comment will appear on your wall too. This way you will repost with your text

For everything to work out, you must be currently logged into VKontakte and perform all actions in the exact browser through which you logged into your VKontakte account.

In this case, you can do the following. Usually, on almost all sites, at the bottom of each article there are social networking buttons, with which you can share site materials in different social networks. networks. We find the button that is responsible for VKontakte and click on it (the location and appearance of the buttons on different sites, of course, may not be the same).

You can also write your comment or addition to the article. You can do this in a text field.

You can also select an image that will be displayed next to the link to the article using the arrows.

If you don’t want any image at all, then simply uncheck the box next to “Add an image”

After everything is configured, click on the “Submit” button

After all the manipulations have been completed, something like this appears on your wall:

How to repost a comment to your wall

We find a comment we like and click on the “Like” button at the bottom of the comment, a window pops up in which we click on “Tell friends”

How to repost VKontakte posts from friends’ walls

The “Share” function allows you to quickly post posts from friends or communities on your wall. To do this, you need to hover over the “Like” mark and select the required action in the window that appears.

How to repost your VKontakte posts or group publications

The wall on your page can be either public or private. In the "My Settings" section of the page, you can disable comments on the wall and mark who can post on it. After such changes, friends will see your posts and share them, but replies to any post posted by you can only be seen on their page. The wall can serve as a place for you to store your favorite quotes, sayings, and pictures. Here you can write down the names of the books you decide to read, as well as mark the events you would like to attend.

The entries you create can be sent to the wall of the community in which you are a member, as well as a personal message to a friend on VKontakte or by e-mail.

Choose the functions of the VKontakte wall you need, exchange information and enjoy communication.

A repost or repost is the secondary publication of a post, a message posted by another user of a blog, live journal, or social network. In this case, the message appears on the page without changing the content and indicating the original source.
On the VK social network, you have the opportunity to re-publish your favorite notes, posts, and recordings on your page or in a group of which you are the owner. You can also send reposts to friends in private messages.

How to repost on VKontakte?

The repost function provided in Contact is simple and takes a minimum of time. To publish someone else's post on your page, do the following:

You can add your images, documents, audio and video materials to reposts. They will be displayed below the note.

You can not only repost posts, but also do it at a certain time using the timer function. The time of repost publication is also selected in the menu. First, time, then the audience who will see your repost.

At the same time as reposting, you can also like the post you like. If you share a note, the like button is automatically clicked. If you want to remove it, click on the “heart” and your profile will disappear from the list.

As you can see, reposting your favorite posts on social networks is easy. Now let’s take a closer look at what reposts of other people’s posts give to a simple user or group owner.

Why do you need reposts on VK and other social networks?

  1. You like the post and want to save it. Reposting is a great way to do this.
  2. Reposts make it possible to share current gaming, music, and political news. This way a large number of users will know about them.
  3. Reposting is a great way to advertise your services and products. For example, if a repost of your product or service appears on the page of a popular and well-promoted community with millions of subscribers, everyone will instantly know about it. You can also repost for free, for friendly purposes. This is done by communities with similar topics. Or, if you are the owner of several groups, you can repost posts to attract users.
  4. The more people share a post on a social network, the more popular it is. Large communities resort to the services of special services that deal with promotion, including reposting.
Reposts are a great way to spread information so that VKontakte users know about it.

Before I tell you how to repost on VKontakte, I would like to explain what it actually is. Repost is a duplicate, repeated publication limited to one single website. The phrase “repost” usually means transferring a post to your VK page or to the wall of a VK community.

Using a voluntary repost:

— photography;
— audio recording;
— message in the group;
— video;
— news from the articles section;
— news from the message feed;
- all other types of combined elements that are available to VK.

Moreover, making a repost on VKontakte is not at all difficult, and the site kindly shares information with its readers about how this is done. Since there is no point in publishing clear step-by-step instructions on how to repost on VKontakte (due to its elementary and simplicity), we decided to focus the reader’s attention on the fundamental points related to some important elements.

Note: after the repost is made, the information appears on the wall of the user or the selected community, where your friends and comrades can already see it. In essence, reposting means transferring information to your own profile wall.

How to repost on VKontakte: news

1. To repost news, you need to go to the news section of the site (“News” in the menu on the left).

2. Among the news, find the desired entry and hover the mouse cursor over it.

5. All that remains is to go to your main page and check that the repost was a success. The entry should be displayed as the last message on your profile wall.

How to repost on VKontakte: photo

3. We carry out all the same operations as described in paragraphs 4. and 5. of the instructions described above.

How to repost on VKontakte: post on the group wall

How to repost on VKontakte: audio recording

Actually, this topic can be closed at this point. In this step-by-step instructions, we looked at several options for how you can repost posts in a group, news and photos, which is quite enough to successfully share interesting materials on your own profile wall. The information that you repost additionally appears in the news feed of your friends, so that is where it will be noticed by a wide audience.

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Hello, dear blog readers! Do you know what a VKontakte repost is? If yes, then everything is great. If not, then let's figure out what reposting a VKontakte post means, how to do it and what it gives.

Reposting or reposting is copying some kind of entry (post) and posting it on your wall, while leaving a link to the original source and without changing the entry itself.

Of course, no one copies it manually; in order to repost, you just need to click on the appropriate button.

How to repost on VKontakte?

In the screenshot I marked the icons with reposts and likes. You can see that this post received 23 likes and five shares.

In order to repost this post on your wall, you just need to hover over the repost icon and click on it.

After you click, the following window will appear in front of you:

1. Friends and subscribers (default). In this case, the post will be published on your wall and your friends will see it in the “News” section.

2. Community subscribers. By selecting a community of which you are an administrator from the list, you can publish a post on the wall and then all subscribers of the community will see this post in the news. This is how a repost is made to the VKontakte group.

What does reposting a VKontakte post give?

The repost button allows you to increase the audience reach for your post. For example, you published interesting news or post. Your friends saw this post on the news, ten of them reposted it on their wall. Friends of your friends will then also see the post on their wall and each of your ten friends will receive five reposts. It turns out that the total audience reach for your post will be 60 people. This way your post gains popularity.

I’m thinking about how to repost on VKontakte and what it gives you understand. If you still have questions, I suggest watching this video: