Password Recovery Tools for Windows from NirSoft. Standard recovery methods

When working with mobile devices based on the Android OS, the user may encounter the inability to gain access to his Google account. When you try to switch to your account, the system displays an error message about entering the password incorrectly, and so on, and accordingly, access to mail on is also blocked. What to do in this situation? In this article, I will talk about recovering your account password on your phone, explain what tools you can use to recover your lost password, and what steps you will need to take to do this.

The problem described above related to losing your phone password can happen for several main reasons:

How to recover your password via

So, how to recover your gmail password? In such cases, we were previously asked to go to and start the password recovery procedure. Now the transition to specified address automatically takes us to , prompting you to enter an address Email to, the password for which we have lost.

After correct input, the system offers to verify your account in several ways (sending a request to mobile device, sending SMS, calling, sending a confirmation letter to an alternative email address, a series of leading questions about user device), and, with successful validation, the user will be able to change the password for his account and use its updated version.

To do this, you will need to come up with a new password (preferably consisting of a series of letters and numbers) and enter it twice in the appropriate window.

Detailed instructions for restoring access to your Google account are provided here. At the same time, I’ll immediately point out that writing to the support service about recovering your password in most cases is pointless - you will be asked to go to the password recovery page (the link to it is indicated above) and follow the standard recovery procedure.

How to recover your password via

Another previously existing option for recovering a Google account password was to go to Today, when we try to follow this link, the system automatically redirects us to the one already indicated above, where the user can go through the classic password recovery procedure (SMS, call, leading questions). That is, de facto, there is no difference between following the first or second link.

If you deleted your Gmail account

If for some reason you deleted your Gmail account (or simply did not log into your mailbox for more than 9 months), then most likely you will not be able to restore access to your Google email account. We'll have to create new account, with a different name (you won’t be able to take the old name either), and start all over again. If you deleted your account very recently (a week or two), you can try to go to the account recovery page indicated above and try to restore the latter according to the standard procedure.

If attackers have gained access to your account

If your account was hacked by attackers, then the password recovery procedure may become more complicated. To recover through, you should use those tools and information that only you have access to and that third parties do not have access to (for example, correctly answer leading questions about your IP address, your browser version and other private confidential data ).


If you have lost the password to your Google account, use the procedure through to recover your account password on your phone and go through all the steps necessary for this. The most convenient solution would be to recover your password via SMS - it will allow you to easily restore access to your account. If the mobile number was not linked to your mobile account to Google earlier, then you should use confirmation through an alternative email and answers to leading questions - this will allow you to log into your account correctly and continue to enjoy the full capabilities of its functionality.

In contact with

Similar to Apple devices, Android devices give you a few different options to choose from when setting a lock screen. From a simple pin to an over-complicated password, or even a pattern lock. While these options can often be fun to play with, it more than not results in us being locked out of our device with no way to get back in. This can be frustrating if, for example, you use your Android phone a lot for work. That’s why it’s important that you’re able to get back into your device as soon as possible and begin using it for all of your needs once more. So, let's jump straight in How to Reset Android Password & reset Samsung Galaxy without losing data.

Reset Android Device

When it comes to resetting your Android device, the process itself brings a lot of worries. The worry of losing your precious data simply because you forgot your password is a horrible feeling. However, today we will be showing you 3 different methods that will reset Android password and eliminate that worry from the process making you a lot happier with your device.

Step #2– From here, click on the “ Unlock" option.

Step #3– You will then be prompted to select the type of lock screen that you have activated on your device, scroll through the options and locate which one you had chosen.

Note: With Dr.Fone, you are able to unlock all 4 types of lock screens that are available on Android devices.

Step #4– Next, connect your Android device using a USB cable and allow a few seconds for Dr.Fone to detect that it has been connected.

Step #5– Once Dr.Fone has detected your device, enter your device into “ Download mode“.

Note: To put your Android device into “Download mode”, start with your Android device powered off. Next, press and hold your devices volume down, home, and power buttons for about 10 seconds before letting go.

Step #6– Once you’ve managed to put your device into “ Download mode“, Dr.Fone will get to work.

Step #7– The required recovery package that is needed to unlock your device will be downloaded. This part of the step can take a few minutes as it is dependent on your internet speeds.

Step #8– After the package has downloaded, Dr.Fone will then remove the password that you had previously assigned to the device.

Your Android device will now be unlocked! As you can see, by using Dr.Fone you are completely avoiding the risk of losing data and don’t have to worry about anything going wrong.

Taking Backups

It’s important that in case a situation like this happens, where you lose your password and have no access to the data stored on your device, that you have a backup stored somewhere safe just in case. With that in mind, it is worth taking a few minutes out of your day once a week to back up your device's data to your computer so that in the event something does go wrong, you know that you will be able to receive the data that you lost, from your computer.

Remember, you won’t regret the fact that you don’t take backups until the day that something goes wrong and you finally need them.

Other Features

There are many other features to Dr.Fone aside from resetting Android password & bypass the Android lock screen, all of which make its purchase even more worth it.

  • . With the iOS data recovery feature, you are able to receive data from your Apple device that you previously thought you had lost forever. This includes pictures that you had accidentally deleted without realizing or text messages that you had deleted thinking that they held no sentimental value. There are many cases where iOS data recovery is important.
  • . The feature above is also available for Android devices. This is an important factor to take into account as it shows how during the Dr.Fone development, several mobile platforms were taken into account.
  • . On both mobile platforms and computer platforms, when you delete a file it is never truly gone and can still be recovered. With that in mind, when we get a new phone, after we have transferred all of our data to our new phone we start deleting data and consider selling it to make a quick buck. While this is a common thought, a lot of people overlook that the data they thought they had deleted Is actually still on their phone. It has been known for hackers to buy old laptops and computers to retrieve personal data (such as credit card data) from hard drives, and this happens with mobile phones too. With the user of this tool, you are able to completely erase the data on your Android device and be assured that it is irretrievable.

To Conclude...

The realization that you’ve forgotten your Android devices password will make your heart sink, and realizing that you have to reset Android password because of a silly mishap can do the same. That’s why it’s important that when the time comes, you are prepared. With Dr.Fone, if you do unfortunately forget your Android device’s password you won’t have to worry about it because you’ll know that in just a few minutes, you’ll have full access to your Android device once again! Not only that but with there are several other features that you’ll be able to take advantage of.

Forgotten account password today is one of common problems. In some cases, memory fails, in some cases the user relies on the browser to automatically save passwords, in some cases an important reference book with codes is lost. In this article we will share with you detailed instructions restoring access to your Google account using a special system service called Account Recovery. Let's look step by step at how to deal with the problem and what to do if difficulties arise.

When is it necessary to contact the service?

When do you need to directly contact the Google Account Recovery service? The system itself offers the following options:

  • You have forgotten your account password.
  • You don't remember your email address or username to log into your profile in the Google world.
  • You remember both your username and password, but still can't log into your account.
  • You suspect that a third party has unlawfully gained access to your account.
  • Two-step verification causes problems logging into your account.
  • You cannot restore access to your profile using the password automatically sent to your mobile phone.
  • You are using your Google account not for personal purposes, but on behalf of an organization or educational institution.

How to use the service?

Found your problem in this list? Then you need to go to the Account Recovery page. It is available by request of the same name in any of the search engines. For example, in the same Google.

What is the easiest way to access the Account Recovery service? On the Google page where you cannot log into your account, click on the link “Forgot your password?”

Recovery via "Forgot your password?"

To restore access to your account, sometimes it is enough to follow the above Google link Account Recovery.

  1. Enter the last account password you have saved. If the offer is difficult for you, then click on “Another method”.
  2. Next, you will be asked to send the system a code to confirm access to the phone number linked to your Google account. This can be either an SMS message or a call from an auto-informer. Choose the method that is most convenient for you from these two. If you don't have access to the specified number or you have not linked your account to your smartphone, then click on the appropriate link (“No access to phone”).
  3. Next offer: a letter with a link to an email linked to a Google account. Moreover, it can be not only a Gmail profile, but also another system that provides similar services. But only the one that you have previously linked to your account in the Google world.
  4. If these standard recovery methods are not available to you, the system will offer alternative solutions to the problem.

Recovery via service

To solve the problem, you can also contact the service directly:

  1. Go to
  2. You will see the window “Problems logging in?” First of all, three popular options will be marked: “I don’t remember my password”, “I don’t remember my username”, “Other problems with logging in”.
  3. Naturally, you need to click on “I don’t remember my password.”

Standard recovery methods

To recover your password, Google Accounts Recovery will offer standard methods. This is the following:

  1. Indicate the email address that was linked to your Google profile. Let us remind you that this is not only a Gmail profile, but also any other address that you have attached in advance. Registration of an account at the current stage of development of the Google system involves linking an additional (backup) email address. Do you remember and indicate the required address? Go to this email inbox. You will receive a link to it in a separate letter, by clicking on which you can restore access to your Google account.
  2. Entering the old password. This could be either a code from an old account or a combination of numbers that you changed to one that you can’t remember now. However, this method causes difficulties for almost all users. So let's move on to the next one.
  3. Message to the linked phone number. The most convenient way to recover is through Account Recovery. There is one “but”: you should have taken care in advance to link your account to your smartphone number. Confirm and indicate the required combination of numbers. A message with a code will be sent to the number (text or call - your choice). You indicate this combination of characters in the access recovery window, after which you can create a new password and fully use your Google account.

Additional ways to restore access

Restoring access via Google Account Recovery using standard methods is often impossible. You have lost the password for your linked email account, you cannot remember its address, you do not have access to mobile number attached to the account. The Google password recovery system in these cases offers you additional variations to solve the problem:

  1. If you are unable to use the mobile phone linked to your account, the service offers to send an access recovery code to the number of another device. But only what you previously linked to your service. It will also receive an SMS message with a combination of secret numbers, or a call from an autoinformer will be made.
  2. If this is not possible, the system will present another option: a link to restore access to the backup email address that you linked to your profile at the stage of account registration (or adjustment of settings). Just follow this link from the letter and you can set a new password and continue using Google services.

Latest methods for restoring access

Let us now consider, it would seem, hopeless situation. You do not have access to linked phone numbers, you cannot use the services of attached mailboxes - neither the main one nor the backup one. You also don’t remember old passwords, attached numbers and addresses. What to do? Is access to your account lost forever?

Even in this case, Google Account Recovery leaves it possible to restore access to your account. You only need to use further system prompts and enter clear answers to the following questions:

  1. When did you create your Google account?
  2. When was the last time you used this account?
  3. Entering the answer to the secret question that you specified when registering your profile. "What's your pet's name?" "Mother's maiden name?" and so on. However, it is worth noting that at the present stage of development, the Google system has abandoned this ability to identify users. Therefore, if you registered an account relatively recently, you do not have the option of restoring access in this way.
  4. Indication of the email mailboxes in the Google system that you used most intensively before losing access to your profile.
  5. Indicating the sections you created in the email.
  6. A list of the Google apps you used most often. For example, “Maps”, “Mail”, “Calendar”, etc.
  7. Indication of the approximate date from which your use of the above services and programs began.

Why is all this needed? Answering these questions will help Google specialists determine whether you are the creator of an account to which you have lost access, or whether this is a fraudster who wants to use your personal information for his own purposes.

End of access restoration

How does the Account Recovery password recovery for Google services end? Once you have answered all the questions outlined in the previous heading, you will be asked to provide an email address for further contact.

A letter will be sent to this mailbox soon. Its content may be as follows:

  • If your answers satisfy the user support team, and specialists are sure that you are the owner of the account to which you have lost access, you will receive a link to reset your old password. Next, enter the new code as standard (you need to write it down and save it in a safe place) and continue to use Google services.
  • If you provided inaccurate answers or unreliable information, then the service specialists will limit themselves only to a standard letter, where they will list alternative ways restore access to your account.

Restoring access with two-factor authentication

We have already mentioned that restoring access to your Google profile by answering a security question is currently no longer available. It was replaced by a more innovative system two-step authentication.

What does it mean? Every time you log into your Google account, you need to enter a code sent to the mobile phone number associated with your account. But what if the smartphone is lost, stolen, or broken? Or for some reason you cannot use a SIM card?

In this case, offers two ways out of the situation:

  • One-time code.
  • Sending the password to a backup phone number previously linked to the account.

Please note that you need to take care of such options for restoring access in advance by specifying them in your account settings.

Password reset algorithm for two-step authentication

If you are unable to use the phone number linked to your account when choosing two-step authentication, we advise you to follow the following algorithm:

  1. In the first authentication window, enter your username and password.
  2. In the second window, click on the “Phone unavailable” link.
  3. Choose the option that suits you: restoring access using a backup phone number or sending one-time codes.

Be careful: ten backup codes for logging into your account should already be stored in a safe place - they can be seen in the corresponding section of your profile settings. Accordingly, one code can only be used once; re-entry using it is impossible.

Recovering a forgotten username

Another common problem. WITH using Account Recovery can be solved like this:

  1. In the first window, mark the problem “I don’t remember my username” (login).
  2. Restoring access will be possible through the linked phone number or through a backup email account.
  3. When restoring, be sure to indicate personal data - first and last name.

You can find out your username yourself: from correspondence screenshots, by asking your friends with whom you communicate via this account, remind him.

Now the reader knows all the ways to restore access to an account in the Google world through Account Recovery. Finally, we advise you to store passwords for your accounts in a safe place, worry about restoring access in advance - attach a phone number to your profile, a backup mailbox, copy one-time passwords for login, etc.

This time I'll talk about bootable flash drive with Lazesoft Recovery program Suite Home, after that I will continue to search for new effective ways to reset the administrator password.

I have already written several times about articles on password resets, and most often this is done from a bootable flash drive or disk. Yes, this tool should always be at hand.

In this material we have at our disposal an image of the Lazesoft Recovery Suite Home program, which must be written to a flash drive. This tool can not only reset passwords, but also recover data from drives and create copies of the OS. This flash drive is available on all currently known versions of Windows.

The program does not have a Russian interface, but this is not a problem, especially since in this article I will show everything and tell you with an example. Also, work will occur without problems both on a regular computer with a BIOS and on a device with a UEFI BIOS.

Creating a bootable USB flash drive from the Lazesoft Recovery Suite Home image

Well, let's go to the official website of the utility and download the version Home- the only free version -

Run the installation of the program and follow the installation instructions, everything is very easy. Then launch the icon program.

In this window we need to select the item "Disk Image & Clone".

A section opens where we click on the item on the left Build Bootable CD/DVD/USB Flash Disk.

In the next window, select the version of Windows that you have installed and click the button "Next".

Now we are given a choice: create a boot disk or a flash drive. The most preferable option is with a flash drive. Insert the flash drive into the field USB Flash select the letter of the flash drive, then press "Start".

Before creation boot drive there will be a warning that all data will be deleted from it. Initially, they should have been moved if they were important to you. Then we agree with the warning.

We wait for a while and then press the button "Finish". The bootable USB flash drive with Lazesoft Recovery Suite Home is ready.

Resetting your account password using a Lazesoft Recovery Suite Home flash drive

Let's boot from this flash drive. In the window that appears, select the item Lazesoft Live CD (EMS Enabled).

In the drop-down menu you need to select the item Reset Windows Password , and then press the button "Next".

Click yes.

Selecting items Microsoft Windows XXxx Edition – Volume 1, or another version, and in the second contribution we select "Reset Local Password".

Among the list of accounts, look for yours, click on it, and then the button "Next".

Now just press the button "RESET/UNLOCK".

The password can be reset very quickly and you only need to restart your computer. You will be logged into your account without entering a password. You can set a new password, the main thing is not to lose it.

A password is the most important tool to protect user data from viewing and use by third parties. However, an unlearned password can also turn against the user himself. And if, for example, recovering a password from an account on any website will not be a problem, then gaining access to the account Windows already questions may arise. But there is a solution, and it is a Windows utility Password Recovery.

In fact, quite a few users find themselves in such a situation as losing the password for their Windows login account. In most cases, users resort to complete reinstallation operating system, which can be avoided if you use the Windows Password Recovery utility to recover your password.

Windows utility Password Recovery is an effective tool that allows you to recover or completely reset your password, as well as create a new administrator account or completely delete an existing one. The utility successfully recovers passwords for Windows 10 and lower versions of this operating system.

Password recovery progress with the Windows Password Recovery utility:

1. First of all, you will need to install the utility on any other working computer in order to create bootable media.

2. After launching the utility, you will be prompted to create a boot disk or flash drive. Please note that the trial version of the program can only create a bootable CD, and to create a bootable USB flash drive you will need to purchase full version programs.

3. Go to tab "Advanced Recovery" , where you will need to select the version of Windows for the computer on which the password will be recovered.

4. Return to the first tab. You will see that a third item has appeared on the screen, allowing you to save an ISO image with the utility to your computer. Subsequently, you can create a bootable disk or flash drive using any other program convenient for you.

5. If you create a boot disk (free version) via Windows program Password Recovery, then all you have to do is click the button "Next" , and then "Burn" for the program to begin creating bootable media.

6. The process will begin, which will take a few minutes.

7. Once the process of writing bootable media is completed, a window will appear on the screen indicating the success of the procedure.

8. Now, armed bootable media, you will need to connect it to the computer on which the password will be recovered, and then enter the BIOS and set the disk or flash drive as the main boot device.

9. If everything was done correctly, the following window will appear on the screen:

10. After waiting for the utility to finish loading, you will need to select the Windows disk on the screen on which the password will be reset.

11. Select the account in which the password will be reset, and just below, select the appropriate action: remove the password, change the password, delete the administrator account, create a new administrator account.

12. In our example, we are changing the old password to a new one, so, accordingly, in the next program window we will need to enter the new password twice.

13. After completing the procedure, you just have to restart your computer as usual. Ready!

Features of Windows Password Recovery:

  • The utility has free version, but there is one caveat: it works purely in trial mode, not allowing you to delete and reset passwords for Windows 8 and other versions of this OS, as well as delete an administrator account or create a new one. To complete these steps, you will need to purchase the paid version;
  • The utility works with operating systems Windows systems XP and higher;
  • The utility successfully resets and recovers the administrator password for Windows 10 and lower versions of this OS;
  • Allows you to delete an existing administrator account or create a new one.

Windows Password Recovery is an effective tool for both ordinary users and professionals who repair computers. Despite the lack of Russian language support, the utility is extremely easy to use, and therefore can be recommended to everyone for quick receipt access to a locked computer.