Google link shortening. Shortening links using Google's service Google shortened

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Let's immediately try to answer the question - why might shortening (shortening) links be necessary? In fact, there are many options.

For example, it will be much more convenient to send short links via SMS or instant messaging service than the original URL, which can contain hundreds of characters (it will be painful to type). True, in this case it can help, which will be easy to read from a mobile phone, but it’s better to be on the safe side.

However, if you register with the shortener (you can use your existing social media accounts for this), you will be able to access advanced statistics, and you will also be able to change the appearance of received short links at your own discretion (if this option is not already used by someone):

Shortened links starting with Unnecessary links can be sent to the archive, and it is also worth knowing that the service uses a 301 redirect for redirection, which gives some hope that such a link will transfer weight (this is important for site owners and SEOs).

  • is one of the first shortening services, which during this time has gained a fairly solid army of followers. True, its current appearance does not somewhat meet the demanding requirements of users, but it works quite well.

    As you can see in the screenshot, if you wish, you can change the proposed URL to something meaningful. This service does not provide any additional functionality.

  • U.T.O.— this shortening service belongs to the uCoz company. The resulting link is even shorter than that of most competitors, due to the very short domain name of the service. If you register, you will get access to statistics on shortening clicks, as well as the audience producing them (country, browser, OS, etc.).
  • How can you make money from short links?

    Oddly enough, you can make money in this business. There are special services that allow you not only to shorten links, but also receive money for clicking on them. The fact is that on the intermediate page the user will be shown a small advertisement, from which this service makes money, sharing part of the profit with you. It turns out something like advertising when switching satellite television channels (such as Tricolor).

    Moreover, such shortened links can be placed both on your website and anywhere else on the Internet (forums, social networks, blogs, etc.). Any transition through them will be paid for, which together can result in quite decent sums with the proper approach. In principle, there are many similar services, but from them I would choose one proven one that you can trust:

    Which link shortener should you choose?

    It all depends on the tasks facing you.

    1. If you need to shorten the URL of a page once a month and then there is no need to track conversion statistics or simply access the list of previously shortened page addresses, then the simpler the service, the better. Perhaps the only thing worth taking into account is their reliability, so here we can recommend or due to their simplicity and belonging to the major players of the Runet.
    2. If you carry out, for example, systematic shortening your referral links, then it would be very desirable to be able to periodically access their list and view the transition statistics for them. Here we can definitely recommend or
    3. If you plan use short links in email newsletters, then it is better to choose, because, as already mentioned, may suddenly stop opening shortcuts under the pretext of suspicion of sending spam.
    4. If, among other things, you also want to make money on shortened links, then you can try CatCut

    As for the rest, everything is determined by your taste, preferences or habits.

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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    The problem is that finding such a record is not easy. Therefore, it is better to use the URL to a separate post page. How to do it?

    Step 1: Hover your mouse over the entry you are interested in in the feed. In the upper right corner there will be an icon “ Actions"with a down arrow - click it.

    Step 2: in the menu that opens, find and click the item “ ».

    Step 3: in the window that opens you will be offered a recording link - copy it ( Ctrl+C) and click the button Ready».

    Profile ID- This unique identificator page author profile or personal URL. This can be a user profile or a profile plus pages.

    Record ID- This unique identificator, generated for a post published under a particular profile. Those. it can be repeated for different profiles.

    Note: Posts posted to a community feed are linked to the user or page profile, not the community.

    Cyrillic URLs

    Obviously, if the user used Cyrillic in his personal URL, links to his posts can be quite long, for example: +%D0%9A%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%9A%D0%B8% D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8E%D0%BA2/posts/VncGMSoGXUX

    To get a more acceptable view of the URL address for a post on the Google+ social network, you can use one of the methods below.

    COPY URL extension

    The problem of copying Cyrillic URLs can be solved by special extensions for browsers that decode them into a readable form.

    For example, for the Google Chrome browser there is an extension COPY URL from Dmitry Dyakonov. You can download it from the Chrome Web Store by following this link.

    However, this extension does not allow you to copy the URL from the Get Link window form. Therefore, use the context menu item " " for the link next to the date of publication of the entry.

    As a result, you will get the post's URL in human-readable form, like this: +Konstantin Kirilyuk2/posts/VncGMSoGXUX

    That's better, isn't it?

    Replacing a personal URL with a profile ID

    Usage personal URL does not cancel the possibility of use profile ID in the Google+ social media post URL. It will simply be produced on a Cyrillic URL, but still.

    In order to find out the profile ID under which the post was published, copy the URL from the name.

    Here you can even use the standard context menu item “ Copy link address" My profile link looks like this: 117210080099867317492

    We substitute the profile identifier into the post URL and get: 117210080099867317492 /posts/VncGMSoGXUX

    From my point of view, this is a more beautiful view of the URL address for a post on the Google+ social network, but it can be done quite simply.

    Link Shortening

    The simplest and most straightforward way to solve the problem with URL addresses of posts on the Google+ social network is to use link shortening services, for example:

    • - Google URL Shortener
    • - Short URL for everyone! (on Yandex servers)
    • - The Power of the Link
    • - Shorten urls, share files and track visits (I use it often myself)
    • etc.
    I would especially like to mention the service

    With the rise of social media, I constantly notice people becoming increasingly focused on the importance of branding online.

    A brand starts with a cover page, a Facebook page, a custom Twitter background, but that's not all. While sharing anything on these social networks, most of the top companies always prefer to use small URLs for their links instead of long URLs. People also often use short links on their websites in order to attract partners and referrals to various systems.

    If your site is hosted on , then I have good news for you. To get a nice and small URL for your links, you no longer have to resort to third-party URL shortening services. Luckily for us, Google provides a free to use tool/service that creates short URLs, which makes the job quite nice and fast. So in this article I will show, how to create short link url.

    Why use Google URL Shortener?

    On the Internet, people often share a lot of links. With Twitter's word limit, you won't be able to tweet with all your ideas. In this situation, a short URL will help you by giving you a little more space in your tweet so you can express more of your ideas and thoughts. Below are a few benefits of this service.

    • Stability: One of the most reliable services with almost 100% uptime.
    • Speed: Google's high-speed server loads URLs faster than any other service (in a few milliseconds).
    • Safety: Issues alerts and notifications if the URL links to malware or a phishing or spam website.
    • Analytics: The service not only tracks the number of clicks and clicks on your link, but also shows the user’s geographic information.

    How to create a short link address in Google URL Shortener?

    Go to and log into your Gmail account (if you are not already logged in), this will allow you to track the number of clicks on the link you will shorten in this tool. After that, proceed to the next step.

    Next, you just need to enter the message URL or any other link into the address input bar at the top of the page and click on the “Shorten URL” button. When you click on the blue “Shorten URL” button, a new window will appear next to the right, it will give you a short URL, like Look at the screenshot below.

    Your short URL is ready, and it can be used on any social network, i.e. Twitter, Facebook, VKontakte, etc. To check the functionality of the URL, copy the link and paste it into the address bar of your browser. When you click on the modified link, you will notice that the URL will automatically redirect you to the desired page that you just shortened.


    How to track the number of clicks or conversions?

    To track your conversions, you must first sign in to the Gmail account you used to create the URLs. After logging in, go to and on the page in front of you you will see all the links that you have shortened using Google URL Shortener. Select any link you want to view from the list and click the “Details” button to access a comprehensive tracking analysis. It will not only display the number of referrals/clicks, it will also show other details i.e. browsers, referring, country and operating system.

    How many short URLs can you create?

    With Google URL Shortener you can create an unlimited number of short links. There are no restrictions in this free and convenient service.

    Welcome friends to the blog. I recently came across a question from a subscriber my YouTube channel. He asked how I make shortened links that are located in the description under the video. To be honest, I thought this was known information. It turns out - no. Then today I will cover it, especially since the service that will be “distributed” is the undisputed leader in its segment and provides a lot of benefits to those who use it. If you want to make a short link, then read below how this is done using short link services.

    I think you have often come across links like:…. http://site/blogging/skryvaem-partnyorskie-ssylki.html, is converted to . Agree, much more convenient.

    Why these short links created by services can be useful:

    1. Reducing link length. This will come in handy, for example, if you want to include a link in a tweet on Twitter. Initially, you are given the opportunity to use no more than 140 characters in a tweet. This is where shortening links comes in handy to create a shorter message.
    2. Hiding affiliate links. Not many people want to show their referral link and show their affiliate ID (by the way, I wrote about the implementation of this mechanism in). Using such services is ideal for this. And, as many people like to do, it is not possible to remove the referral part from the link.
    3. Analytics. Many services provide data on clicks on the created shortened link. Where did you access it from, what browser operating system, when, and so on.
    4. Minimizing Source Link Distortion. Sometimes, the url contains various characters (for example, a question mark), which some browsers do not deliberately distort. Using a shortened link will save us from this headache.

    These are the main advantages I see. In fact, there are many more, but I focused on the most obvious ones. I hope you have realized the need to use them.

    How to make a short link using Google's short link service - Google Url Shortener

    So, I want to introduce you to the most popular, in my opinion, service. There are, of course, many more. But I don’t like to spray myself, and I only give you what I regularly use and have tested its quality on my own skin, so to speak.

    This is a free online service that I use all the time. Its main advantage is that it saves all links entered into it. That is, for example, having registered in some affiliate program, you have a referral link in your hands. You enter it into this service, it generates a short display of it for you and leaves all the statistics on actions with it.

    If you want to use it again, you won’t have to log in and look for it again. It's already in it. I think this is the most important competitive advantage compared to other analogues. This service, in fact, can also be used as a storage of affiliate links.

    Since this is a Google product, you must have a Gmail account to activate it. I would like to immediately make a reservation that all statistics on created links and clicks on them are associated specifically with your Google account.

    Let's go to the service. And in the line we insert our long source link. Click on Shorten Url (shorten it) and get a generated short one.

    Let's look at the details of its placement on this service. The right column contains long links, the dates of their creation, and the short links themselves. On the right is a transcript of this link. It is very convenient if you have forgotten where this original link came from, you can select it and the service will display the page that you will be taken to by clicking on it. To view statistics on it, click on Details (point 3).

    We are provided with an actionable infographic with this link. Detailed information about where it came from, from which resources, countries and which browsers. It’s very convenient that the service immediately generates a QR code that you can use by copying its image.

    Popular short link services

    Let's look at some alternatives to the suggested undisputed leader above. These are the most popular services, but in reality there are many more.

    1 service.

    Quite a popular service in the Burzhnet space. Authorization through standard registration, or through social network accounts. It's simple. You enter the original long url. The service generates a shortened link with the address It is possible to create your own name for the link.

    2 service . Serious URl shortener - Clicker.

    This is how they position themselves. This is a service from Yandex. No registrations or unnecessary movements. Enter a long URL into the command line and you will receive a short link like, its QR code and below - a letter-by-letter storyboard of the code. The service doesn't remember anything. Very convenient for one-time generation.

    3 service . Shortening service from Ukoz –

    Everything is standard. Enter the source URL and click Shorten. The output is a link like . Nothing special. Ordinary unpretentious service.

    These were one of the most popular in the RuNet space. In general, if you type the phrase “short links” into the search bar of any browser, then the first search page will certainly consist of only services providing this service. In fact, any of them is suitable for creating a one-time link.

    But if you want your link to be active for years, then, of course, the service from Google is beyond any competition. After all, using a little-known shortener does not guarantee the existence of this link. It is not clear how long this service can last.

    By the way, for those who make money on affiliate programs and for whom the type of link is vitally important, a service was recently launched that allows you to professionally shorten a link. It will have a domain name and will not cause concern to a potential partner. See the service review below for more details.

    It should be noted that you should follow the generated short links with caution. After all, you don’t know where you will actually be redirected. Therefore, use them only in cases where you are confident in the reliability of the source of their receipt. Here's some advice from me.

    That's all. It is impossible to embrace the immensity and talk directly about each service, and this is not necessary. If you want to make a short link, use Google Url Shortener - a free short link service from Google. They certainly won't disappear anywhere. Subscribe to blog updates, there is still a lot of interesting things to come. Bye.

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