Error in the system application. How to fix the "system app is not responding" error on Android? Common mistakes with certificates

During reboot mobile device on the Android OS, the user may encounter a suddenly appearing message “The “system” application is not responding.” The appearance of this message is usually accompanied by a black screen, the device begins to slow down greatly, the sensor works extremely poorly, and audio and video are not played at all. In this material I will analyze what the essence of this dysfunction is and what are the ways to solve it.

This error is quite general character, and hypothetically could appear on almost any gadget with the Android OS. Most often, it is fixed on devices after installing some new third-party application (usually not from the Play Store), although it can also occur after an accidental or intentional reboot of the device.

On the Internet, many experts explain the occurrence of the “system application is not responding” dysfunction by problems in the system kernel (kernel) or application crash. But, nevertheless, the appearance of this dysfunction usually means that the hardware of your gadget does not respond to requests from any application (or does not provide the specified application with the data it needs).

Among the reasons causing dysfunction, the following should be noted:

  • Insufficient memory on the device;
  • Application conflict;
  • Incorrect (failed) system update;
  • Unstable driver;
  • Bad sectors on the SD card;
  • Malicious software installed on the system from an untrustworthy source;
  • "Glitchy" caste firmware.

Methodology for solving the problem “The application “system” is not responding”

To get rid of the “system application is not responding” I recommend using the following methods:

Method No. 1. Reboot your gadget

The most in a simple way To get rid of the System dysfunction that has arisen on the device, simply reboot the gadget. Of course, the specifics of its implementation may differ for each specific device, but usually pressing the power button with your finger for a short time is enough. If this does not help, try holding down the “Power” and “Volume Up” buttons and wait until the screen turns off. Then press the “Power” button again to activate the gadget.

Method No. 2. Free up space

As I mentioned above, a factor causing the problem may be a lack of free space on your device. Try to free up a significant part of the previously occupied space (including by uninstalling a number of unnecessary applications), and reboot the device. Perhaps after downloading the problem with launching the application and the System response will be successfully resolved.

Method No. 3. Remove the SD card to restore the System app

In some isolated cases this error may be caused by incorrect operation of the SD card connected to your device (the data on it may be damaged). In such cases, it is recommended to remove the SD card from your gadget to make sure that it is not causing the problem. If it contains any necessary software, transfer it to your phone’s memory.

Method No. 4. Deactivate root rights

One of the common causes of the problem discussed in this article is the root rights available on the user gadget. It is recommended to get rid of them, for which you need to use one of the specialized applications, for example “SuperSU”. Go to its settings (Settings), select “Full unroot” (full derooting), and confirm the operation by clicking on “Continue” - “Yes”.

Method No. 5. Try Safe Mode

In some cases, the cause of the error in question is a conflict of applications on the user's device. To test this hypothesis, you need to boot into safe mode, which blocks the launch of all third-party applications. If the problem disappears, then some are to blame third party applications(often recently installed) that need to be removed (disabled) on your device.

The specifics of actions to switch to the specified mode may differ for specific model taken device. Usually, when the device is turned on, the power button is pressed until a prompt appears to turn off the device. After that, click on the menu item “Turn off power” and hold your finger until a question appears about the need to switch to safe mode, which must be confirmed. After confirmation, the gadget will boot in the specified mode.

Method No. 6. Hard reset

If none of the methods listed above helped and the “system” application does not respond, I recommend resetting your device to factory settings (for example, I do this through “Settings”, then “ Backup" and "Reset data"). Please note that all your files (including game progress) stored in the gadget’s memory will be deleted.

If your device is not functional, or is completely blocked, then you can perform the specified reset through recovery mode (the so-called “Recovery Mod”). To do this, simultaneously hold down the “Power” and “Volume Up” buttons for more than 10 seconds, and after the device reboots and enters the specified mode, select “ wipe data\factory reset", if necessary, further indicating "yes - delete all data". After this, reboot your gadget.


Problems with system application“Systems” can have a different nature, the specifics of which were listed above. Most effective solution V in this case was a device reset to factory settings, allowing you to restore the basic (usually stable) functionality of your device. Wherein this method It is recommended to use in the most extreme cases, since many user files on the device can then be permanently deleted.

In contact with

In the Play Console, you can view information about application crashes and ANR errors ("Application not responding"). The information comes from Android devices whose users have allowed diagnostic data to be sent automatically.

Significant data changes (problems) are displayed above the failure data. Problems can only be detected for crash stack traces without obfuscation. To receive notifications about problems in the application, in the right top corner pages General information select Notification settings.

If your app crashes frequently, find a solution to the problem on the Android Developers site.

ANR ("Application not responding") errors

When an application does not respond, a dialog box appears prompting the user to wait or close the application. These failures are called ANR errors. Information about them can only be found in the Play Console.

Significant data changes (problems) are displayed above the ANR error data. To receive notifications about problems in the application, in the upper right corner of the page General information select Notification settings.

If your application frequently encounters ANR errors, find a solution to this problem at

Sometimes the owner of a smartphone may see information pop-up on the screen “the system application is not responding to Android”, what should you do in this case? Here quick guide how to fix this common software problem Android software and how to make sure something like this doesn’t happen again.

“The system application is not responding” is a fairly common and common error that fundamentally disrupts the operation of any Android device.


The problem occurs on many gadgets, especially when you try to launch some recently installed applications.

If you are faced with the fact that the system process is not responding to requests from your Android phone, this article will help you solve this inconvenience in a matter of minutes.

Reason for the error

No matter what Android device you use or how old it is, The bug is known to affect the entire phone running any version of . However, this is usually due to a recently installed application or software.

While other errors on Android are often self-explanatory, dealing with system processes somewhat different. In general, the error basically means that Hardware or the Android OS itself does not respond to the active (or) actions of a particular application. When a system application does not respond on Android, we will look at what needs to be done in this case. specific examples, because There are many options for troubleshooting.

Solution 1: Restart your smartphone

Especially good this method works if the problem occurred very recently after an erroneous installation of the application or an unexpected failure, i.e. The problem is caused by an incorrect activity happening in the background.

Solution 2: Update the apps installed on your phone

How often does the "system application is not responding" error occur?

Another common solution you may see is update all installed applications via Google Play Store. If you don't have a permanent dedicated wireless network connection or disabled automatic updates, this may cause them incorrect operation, because software, like any OS, does not stand still and requires constant improvement.

Solution 3: Make sure your system software is up to date

You need to make sure that all the latest smartphone add-ons and upgrades have been downloaded and installed on your smartphone or tablet.

Solution 4: Clear device cache

If mobile app does not respond on Android again, what should I do in this case? usually cleans absolutely all processes in and responsible for the occurrence system errors. However this step may lead to

Android is considered one of the simplest and most reliable operating systems, but it is also like other OS subject to various errors and failures. AND the main problem- these are applications that may not start, malfunction, do not respond, or even slow down the entire operation of the Android system as a whole. In this article, we will look at five main errors that Android users encounter. Let's look at why this happens and what to do to resolve these errors.

First error:

495: Errors with downloading applications from the Play Market.

Usually occurs in only two cases. The first and most common: the software developer simply deleted the application from the server. Therefore, an error pops up and says that the file was not found. Here you just have to wait until the creator of the program uploads a new one and updated version. But if other applications do not install and the system does not respond when interacting with Play Market, which means you should do the following.

This problem may be caused by a Boot Manager buffer overflow. In order to clear it, you need to go to Settings - Applications - All - Download Manager and clear the cache. Next you should reboot your Android device. You can also use special utility"Easy cache clearing" The irony is that it must already be installed on the device, because error 495 simply will not allow the program to be installed.

If the application still does not respond, then, just in case, it is worth checking whether the time and time zone are set correctly on your Smartphone or Tablet.

It’s also worth checking exactly how your Internet connection is configured. It happens that the settings go astray to WAP instead standard Wi-Fi or simple mobile internet. If this does not help, then clear the data of the app that is crashing.

Second error:

101: Loading error.

This system malfunction is also related to downloading and updating applications. What she writes: Can't load/update app name due to error 101 . The solution to the problem is very simple. The time is set incorrectly in your Wi-Fi router, update it and everything will load. Reboot your Android Smartphone or Tablet and set right time on a Wi-Fi router.

Third error:

Error loading the device system itself.

If your smartphone or tablet does not want to boot, displaying the message system app is not responding, close it ?, G-sensor stops working and the screen for a long time remains in black mode and only after that Android decides to boot, then only resetting to factory settings will help here. More precisely, not just a reset, but the so-called hard reset(with all wipes from the recovery menu).

After entering recovery you need to do wipe data and wipe cache.

After this procedure, the problem with system should be resolved. But if this method fails to get rid of the system error, then this means that the firmware is damaged, and only flashing the device can help. Error system app is not responding often associated with having suffered system files, which can only be returned by flashing the device.

Third error:

Errors with certificates.

If the Android system writes that the certificate has expired, this means that you installed an application that was signed by an expired this moment time with the application certificate. How to solve this problem, if the program does not respond? If you know when this certificate was valid, to which the application is signed, then change the date on your device to the date the certificate was received and try installing the application again. But most likely users do not know this date, so the simplest thing is to set the date back a year and then install the program. After you have managed to install the program, you can change the normal date on your Android device.

Information for users.

In fact, most problems are fixed by updating software your device. Updates are usually installed in automatic mode, but sometimes you have to install them manually. In order to start downloading updates, you need to go to the gadget settings, there click on phone (The name of the device will be in the tablet). Here you will find a button check for updates . You need to remember that the updates that are installed on your device can cost a pretty penny, so first check how many megabytes of Internet you have left. Better update via Wi-Fi. Install them and reboot the gadget. Perhaps errors related to system and many, many others will disappear.

Windows versions are updated, but the problem with programs freezing does not go away, so the user should be prepared for possible problems The computer freezes due to an unresponsive program. There can be many reasons, it is impossible to insure against all of them, but yes, it can be solved.

We will also consider the key and frequently occurring causes of this problem, if possible, since in some cases the cause may not be the program itself, but the environment in which it is launched or even failing computer hardware.

Elimination of freezing is divided in the same way, that is, sometimes it is enough simple action in 2 steps, and in other cases it may be useful third party utility or restart Windows.

Most often, there is nothing wrong with freezing, even if these are consequences virus attack, usually it can be easily stopped.

Causes of programs freezing and their solutions

Common problems that cause programs to freeze:

1. Unmet program requirements - you should review system requirements programs, most often they can be found on the official website;

2. Outdated version Software – you should check for updates, maybe they will help you solve your problem;

3. Outdated or incompatible drivers– occurs quite often, to solve the problem you should install a set of drivers appropriate for your computer;

4. Consequences of your system being infected with viruses - for this there is a large variety of anti-virus software that can help you, sometimes you may need to go through several of these utilities, since the functionality and scanning method are different. It’s worth starting with the most well-known and time-proven ones, and then trialing the programs empirically until the problem is solved;

2. Here is a list running applications and there is a column “Status”, most often it will display “not responding”, sometimes it is indicated that the program is working, but in fact it is not;

3. Select the desired option and click “End task”, you will be presented with a warning that you should agree to, but in this case, if the application does not support recovery, you will lose its contents.

Method 2

This should be enough, but this is not always the case, when when you uninstall an application nothing happens, you should use the “Processes” tab, for this:

1. Launch “Task Manager”;

2. Go to the “Processes” tab;

3. Find the process you need, most often they are called as part of the application name or an abbreviation for it;

4. Next, remove them one by one, if there are many, until you see a change. All programs are launched on behalf of the user, so if the “User” column indicates “System”, “Network Service”, “Local Service” - you should not touch these processes;

5. If processes restart themselves and deleting one by one does not bring results, you can use the “End process tree” function, to do this, click right click By required line and select the appropriate option.

This is almost always enough, but sometimes you have to work around it.

Eliminating program freezes using the AnVir Task Manager utility

This is a very easy-to-learn and resource-required program that will help you find the file that starts the process, see the level of trust in the application and remove processes.

1. To use this application, download it from the official website;

2. Install the application, it happens very quickly;

3. Try to close the program using its functionality; if this does not work, and the problem occurs constantly and restarting the computer does not help, you can delete the file used by the application in safe mode. You can take the path from the utility.

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