Normal file manager for mac os android. Commander One is the best file manager for Mac OS X

In this publication we will do short review OS X file managers. The file manager is a program that allows you to make working with the operating system convenient and efficient without leaving your keyboard. Naturally, to achieve such results you need experience, or rather, skillful hands.

IN Mac system OS X is one of the most convenient options high-speed navigation is without a doubt Finder program. However, for users who are more advanced, more additional functions, as well as support for navigation without using the mouse.

Disk Order

Disk Order - file manager, which allows you to work on two columns. Each of these columns displays files in the form of a list, icons and columns. this program has access to content iOS devices and successfully supports network connections. Bulk renaming files is one of the useful and required functions in this program.

Let's list the main functions of Disk Order:
Connection to servers is performed asynchronously.
Interface with tabs.
Built-in Applications: Viewer multimedia files and editor.
A client for working with FTP in which you can create, upload and download files, change access rights, view files and perform a number of other functions
Ability to work with zip archives,tar, gz ,tbz, tgz, bz, bz2
Drag-and-drop support.

Color highlighting of files.
Availability Command line.
Support for plugins that extend program functions
Customizable and user-friendly interface.
Customizable hotkeys.

Path Finder

Visually, this file manager is similar to the Finder interface, but Path Finder has many more add-ons. Drop Stack - unusual function from this list. Its essence is that you can throw files into it, and then go to the desired folder and then put the required files into it.

Let's briefly describe Path functions Finder:
Temporary storage panel Drop files Stack.
Bookmarks that allow you to quickly navigate to your favorite files and folders.
Tabs with the function of saving a group of tabs.
Bulk renaming and modification of files.
Hex editor.
Built-in terminal.
Graphic text editor, which allow you to create text, resize and crop photos.

Download Path Finder file manager from the official website.


This is a classic file manager. It has an OS X interface. MuCommander has been in development for many years, so this free program has become one of the best in its segment.

Let's talk about muCommander functions:

Work with FTP, HTTP, SMB, SMB, SFTP and Bonjour servers.
Quickly rename and copy files, create emails with application and folders.
Working with archives. Ability to create, unpack and view ZIP, RAR, TAR, GZip, BZip2, AR/Deb, LST, ISO/NRG content.
Please note that the archives ZIP format can be changed instantly without the need for repackaging.
Multiple application windows.
Display free space section.

Download muCommander file manager from the official website.

Midnight Commander

This file manager is quite famous in the Unix environment and requires no introduction.

Midnight Commander features:
Ability to work with images file systems.
Have FTP and SFTP clients.
Ability to copy and move files to background.
Built-in text editor with syntax highlighting.
Console mode.
List of directories for quick access by pressing Command +.

In this material we have collected several useful tips for speeding up work with dialog boxes " Open" And " Save"in the standard explorer. Thanks to them, you can be more productive on your Mac.

In contact with

To gain access to most interesting opportunities you need to activate the extended view of dialog boxes " Open" And " Save" To do this, click on the downward arrow next to the file name (for example, the “ Save as:»).

7 Tips to Speed ​​Up Dialog Boxes in Finder on Mac

1. Preview using Quick Look

Finder has a great tool built into it Quick Look, with which you can literally instantly open and view the contents large quantities files (images, videos, music, documents, etc.). In this case, a more “heavy” application with which the file format is associated does not launch.

In order to enter the quick view mode, you need to highlight required file and press space on keyboard. Closing is done by pressing the space bar again.

As you probably already guessed, the quick preview function also works in dialog boxes Finder.

2. Use search

The dialog boxes also have a search bar. It will be especially relevant when you, for example, opened an application and already inside it decided to open a file through the “ Open».

Search is located on the right top corner, and to instantly move the cursor to this line, press the key combination Command (⌘) + F.

If the situation requires you to search manually, then when moving through the folder tree, the size of the dialog box can grow indecently in breadth. To obtain extra space enough to hide sidebar(Sidebar). To do this, press the keyboard shortcut Option (⎇) + Command (⌘) + S.

The search bar is also useful when saving files in order to quickly find the desired directory.

You can also move files from the dialog box to any location in the system with a simple drag and drop.

3. Use keyboard shortcuts

If you use Finder... and in general, use shortcuts anywhere and anytime. They incredibly speed up your computer work. In Mac Explorer, keyboard shortcuts let you quickly create and delete folders, activate windows, and navigate to folders.

  • Command (⌘)+ Shift (⇧) + N- creating a new folder;
  • Command (⌘) + Delete- deleting selected files or folders;
  • Command (⌘) + Shift (⇧) + A- quick transition to the “Programs” folder (here’s the association - “A” - “Application”);
  • Command (⌘) + Shift (⇧) + H- quick transition to custom folder(“H” - “Home”);
  • Command (⌘) + Shift (⇧) + G- activation of the “Go to folder:” dialog box (“G” - “Go”);
  • Command (⌘) + O- opening a file.

4. Add and edit tags

5. Open multiple files at once

If in the dialog box " Open» in the Finder you hold down the keys Shift(⇧ - to select all intermediate files between the two specified) or Command(⌘ - selective selection of files), then you can open not one, but several files at once. Of course, you should select files supported by the application in which you decided to open the data.

6. Customize your sidebar

In dialog boxes, as in the main Finder window, there is a sidebar (Sidebar). You may not need all the points of this interface element, and the extra ones will only distract attention, clutter the interface and complicate the search for a split second.

To customize the sidebar to your liking, while the main Finder window is active, in the menu bar, open Finder → Preferences…(combination Command keys(⌘) + , (comma)), and then go to the " tab Sidebar».

Also, do not forget that you can place absolutely any folders in the side menu by simply dragging and dropping. To delete a folder, drag it anywhere outside side menu and wait for a cross to appear near the cursor or click on the folder right key mouse and select " Remove from side menu».

I propose to dedicate today’s material to multi-platform file managers and understand how successfully they integrate into general concept OS X

Midnight Commander

Ideological heir Norton Commander, came to OS X straight from *nix operating systems. This is the only thing console application in our review, which is merciless to beginners.

Immediately after installation, we try to find the application icon in Launchpad and realize that it is not there. The reason is simple: Midnight Commander is a console application. And therefore you need to launch it from the console. Open Terminal and type in the letters mc.

They launched it, but they didn’t provide mouse support. Therefore, all operations are performed using the keyboard and hot keys. There are hints at the bottom of the screen, access to top menu carried out through function key F9 (Fn+F9), then use the cursor control arrows to select the desired item.

In general, the control concept is clear, let's start testing using our methodology.

The general impression of Midnight Commander can be expressed in a succinct and offensive word - red-eyed. I understand everything, but appreciate the power and elegance of this product I can not. I know its capabilities: I have used MC in Linux for many years, I know what it can do. And therefore it is not for the poppy. Very poor integration into the system, many obstacles in the way of use for beginners. Right from the doorway he declares, they say, pass by, leave me to the professionals and retrogrades. I think I agree. Let's find something friendlier and leave the MC to others. It seems that it is precisely for them that it is created.

Final score: 58.6 points

  • File operations: 38
  • Working with archives: 9
  • Network capabilities: 7.2
  • Miscellaneous: 4.4

Download Midnight Commander!


Another representative of an alien system, written in Java, as a result, has a slightly clumsy interface. But everything has a price, and supporting multiple platforms results in appearance issues.

muCommander turned out to be a worthy representative of two-panel file managers. It's fast, has good interface ergonomics, and is good at processing large amounts of information. But there are minor flaws, starting with the general foreignness of the interface and ending with restrictions on quick view documents, allow us to recommend it solely as an addition to the Finder for rare operations, but not as a permanent replacement.

Final score: 63.4 points

  • File operations: 33
  • Working with archives: 8
  • Network capabilities: 18.4
  • Miscellaneous: 4

Download muCommander!

Double Commander

One of the most promising projects for people nostalgic for Total Commander. The development team directly states that the leader of the Windows market is an example for them.

Like the mastermind, he uses Free Pascal and the Lazarus development environment, to which Total Commander recently migrated.

Double Commander. Behind loud statements There is a strange trick hidden about the successor to TC for other platforms. It seems that this is exactly what I expected, but the feeling of a cheap Chinese “replica” does not leave me for a second.

It was not possible to derive any real benefit from the stated support for extensions, since extensions are only available for Windows and Linux.

The interface is even worse. Sprawling layout, runaway buttons appearing in unexpected places on the scrollbar. Overall, I can’t recommend it for use.

Final grade: 73 points

  • File operations: 41
  • Working with archives: 11
  • Network capabilities: 16.8
  • Miscellaneous: 4.2

Download !

Fast Commander

I am pleasantly surprised by this application. I'll say more. I'm ready to give it a chance and that's why I left it on my computer. Fast Commander fully lives up to its name: instant launch + all operations are performed very quickly. Looks nice. The most important thing: the author, like me, is of the opinion that a file manager is for any operating system should be “native”, fast and convenient.

When comparing, I will not dwell on each point separately, but will simply go through the milestones, since functionally Fast Commander lags far behind the other members of this review.

  1. File operations – 19
    Work with standard files for all two-panel panels: F5, F6, F8. When working with groups of files, multi-select by double click keys «-» , where you can specify the types of filters/masks separated by a space.
  2. Working with archives – 6.5
    Supports exclusively ZIP for packing and unpacking. Doesn't know how to work with Cyrillic in archives created for Windows, but at the same time, creating archives with Cyrillic characters in file names, does it correctly for users as well Windows problems does not occur
  3. Network capabilities – 2.4
    Absent, on this moment this is exceptional local file manager
  4. Miscellaneous – 3
    A native interface and a price of 10USD, that’s all the additional features.

Strange feeling after using Fast Commander. On the one hand, this is a fast, neat file manager that looks good - from the general layout of the interface to the selection of fonts and color scheme. On the other hand, it is written by one person, and this process is not quick. By by and large, we can only recommend it for quick operations with archives. But at the same time, there is some kind of Apple magic with this application, the desire to do it “right”. Therefore, I will keep an eye on this application and strongly recommend that others try it to get an idea of ​​what a proper file manager looks like.

Final grade: 33.9 points

  • File operations: 19
  • Working with archives: 6.5
  • Network capabilities: 2.4
  • Miscellaneous: 3

Download FastCommander!

In conclusion, I will say that today we have reviewed a very diverse company. There is the console Midnight Commander, a Java representative represented by muCommander, and a Total Commander clone represented by Double Commander. But, oddly enough, I only want to use the baby Fast Commander. The rest have too much left unthought of: everything seems to be there, but there is no thorough approach to development and understanding of user needs.

Path Finder offers a set of tools needed to access and manage files on OS X. It would seem that everyone has the good old Finder from Apple and why reinvent the wheel? But you probably don't yet know about all the capabilities of Cocoatech's Path Finder.

The Path Finder file manager is already for a long time tried to supplant Apple's Finder. Cocoatech offers a free 30-day trial trial version Path Finder while licensed version costs $40. Today we will tell you in detail about this program and offer you to get a licensed Path Finder 6 completely free of charge!


The Path Finder interface looks very familiar: the same folders as the Finder, only with the addition of Safari-style tabs and big amount buttons Navigation is the same as Finder, but you can still use additional elements navigation such as tabs or links. Path Finder includes the best elements of the browser, so if you've used Finder and Safari before, you'll feel right at home with Path Finder.

Tabs, perhaps, the best graphic element in applications and our file manager is no exception. The Path Finder tabs are very easy to use. Not only can you always see which folders you have open and how easy it is to switch between them, you can also easily drag and drop files between tabs.

Another great feature is tab sets, which are essentially separate, customizable workspaces. This is very convenient, for example, if you are working on a project and need fast access to all relevant folders, applications, downloads. Tab sets store the folders that were last opened.

Drop Stack provides temporary storage where files can remain while they are being moved. This simplifies the process of moving files to new directories, for example if you are cleaning out your downloads folder.

View Mode “double-panel conductor” The Path Finder splits the window in half so you can see two folders at once. Very useful when comparing the contents of folders or moving files between folders. Each panel is separate file browser. You can switch to this viewing mode by clicking on the icon at the bottom left.

View Switches and Sections allow you to display Additional information in the browser. By selecting the view switch icon, the screen at the bottom splits in half and displays customizable information about the selected files. Sections do the same thing, but file data appears on the left, right, or bottom of the browser.

Path Finder has the ability filter files by keywords, extension or type (search box at the top right). If you want to select files based on a set of parameters, click on the search icon on the toolbar at the top right, enter search word and click “+” to add search parameters.


Path Finder has additional tools to perform some tasks so you don't have to run additional programs. Path Finder utilities include: a text editor, a simple image editor, an application launch model, and a file archiver.


Of course, you can look for other Finder alternatives, but you probably won't find a better file manager than Path Finder. Perhaps someday Apple will think about updating Finder, but for now Makovod recommends that you take a closer look at Path Finder and take part in our competition!


Makovod is holding a drawing for three Path Finder licenses, one in three in social networks: Facebook, Twitter and Vkontakte. What to do to get a licensed Path Finder:

  1. Become a fan of the page

Path Finder is one of the best file managers, with an interface thought out to the smallest detail: the presence of tabs, preview document or audio/video files, process management, working with archives, installing/uninstalling applications, two-panel functionality and much, much more. Path Finder can serve as a complete replacement for the standard Finder with much greater functionality.

Tabs, perhaps, is the best graphic element in applications and our file manager is no exception. The Path Finder tabs are very easy to use. Not only can you always see which folders you have open and how easy it is to switch between them, you can also easily drag and drop files between tabs.

Another great feature is tab sets, which are essentially individual, customizable workspaces. This is very convenient, for example, if you are working on a project and need quick access to all relevant folders, applications, downloads. Tab sets store the folders that were last opened.

Drop Stack provides temporary storage where files can remain while they are being moved. This simplifies the process of moving files to new directories, for example if you are cleaning out your downloads folder.

Dual-pane explorer view mode The Path Finder splits the window in half so you can see two folders at once. Very useful when comparing the contents of folders or moving files between folders. Each panel is a separate file browser. You can switch to this viewing mode by clicking on the icon at the bottom left.

Path Finder dual pane view
View switches and sections allow you to display additional information in the browser. By selecting the view switch icon, the screen at the bottom splits in half and displays customizable information about the selected files. Sections do the same thing, only file data appears on the left, right, or bottom of the browser.

Path Finder modules
Path Finder has the ability to filter files by keyword, extension or type (search box at top right). If you want to select files based on a set of parameters, click on the search icon in the toolbar at the top right, enter a search word and click "+" to add search parameters.

Path Finder has additional tools to perform some tasks, so you don't have to launch additional programs. Path Finder utilities include: a text editor, a simple image editor, an application launch model, and a file archiver.

What's new:

Version 7.6.2

  • Fixes empty keyboard preferences list on macOS 10.13 (High Sierra).
  • Fixes secure delete on APFS volumes.
*Fixed some other minor incompatibilities with macOS 10.13 (High Sierra).