Doesn't connect to WiFi, getting an IP address. Is Bluetooth turned on?

There are many errors that occur when connecting an Android device to the Internet, particularly via Wi-Fi. One of the most common is the error when “Obtaining an IP address.” This problem occurs when a user tries to connect to Wi-Fi networks via a built-in wireless data exchange module. The Android device scans nearby available connections and offers the user a list of detected networks to select from. As soon as specific network Wi-Fi is selected and the password (if necessary) is entered, the device tries to obtain an IP address for itself on the selected network. When any problem occurs, get the IP address on the network Wi-Fi device can not. IN automatic mode it disconnects from that network, reconnects, and tries again to obtain an IP address. And these attempts do not stop.

It's very annoying when your smartphone or tablet can't connect to the network via Wi-Fi. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate this error in order to be able to continue communicating, playing and getting information from the Internet. There are many ways to fix the error " Obtaining an IP address" while your Android device is connecting to the network via Wi-Fi. Some of them involve turning to third-party applications for help. Let's say right away that these methods do not always work - you need to choose the “right” application specifically for your OS version and gadget model.

There are several reasons causing the error upon receipt Wi-Fi IP addresses. As you know, knowing the cause of a problem helps to cope with it, so we will list the main options.

  • The most basic option is an incorrectly entered password for the Wi-Fi network (perhaps instead of capital letter a lowercase letter is entered, one of the characters is missing, or an incorrect number is entered). Please note: passwords are case sensitive. It is recommended to carefully check your password before pressing “Enter”. This will save your time and nerves.
  • One of the reasons may be wifi router. If your Wi-Fi router is unable to assign an appropriate IP address to your device, you may experience receiving an IP address error in Android.
  • The problem may occur due to poor Wi-Fi network coverage, as well as due to IP address conflicts with other devices connected to the same network.
  • An error in obtaining an IP address can also occur due to network security measures.
  • And finally, it recently became clear that the “Obtaining an IP address” error when connecting an Android device to a Wi-Fi network is sometimes a consequence of your gadget trying to automatically obtain an IP address. U mobile phone included dynamic IP address- DHCP, and a vicious circle arises: the Android device tries to connect, but cannot. And this will continue until something is done to correct the error.

How to fix error when obtaining Wi-Fi IP address?

It's very easy to fix getting an error WiFi IP addresses on Android devices. Fixing the IP address issue varies by version operating system Your device. Below we have listed the main ways to solve this problem: from simple to more complex.

Solution 1: Reconnect to your Wi-Fi network

  • Go to Settings -> Wi-Fi (WLAN);

  • Open the menu of the selected network and click on the item " Delete this network».

Solution 2: Rename your device

Possible reason: Rare crash on HTC devices. Go to Settings Wi-Fi Direct (WiFi -> Advanced settings) and rename your device. You must change the name " android_909892» to any simple word in English language, For example " HTC 10».

Solution 3: Download and install FXR WiFi fix app

Many users report that the app FXR WiFi fix solved the problem of endlessly obtaining an IP address. You can also try installing this application from Google Play Marketa.

Solution 4: Disable Always Searching for Networks

  • Go to Settings -> Wi-Fi (WLAN) -> Advanced settings;

  • Set the switch " Constantly searching for networks" to position " Off».

Solution 5: Assign a static IP address

  • Go to Settings -> Wi-Fi (WLAN) -> Turn on WiFi;

  • Tap and hold on a connected network until you are prompted to change the network;

  • Further Change network -> IP Address Settings -> Menu -> Static;

  • Assign your IP address and leave other credentials unchanged;

  • Save the settings - you're done;

After changing the IP address from dynamic to static, you should close all running applications, turn off Wi-Fi, turn it on again, and then try to connect from your Android device.

Now you can easily connect to your nearest Wi-Fi network if you have the password. But if the method we suggest does not work, you can try using third party applications to solve this problem (they are presented in abundance on the Market). Choose one of them that is suitable for your device and Android OS version, and fix the error in obtaining an IP address.

No matter how fast the modern Mobile Internet, Wi-Fi connection is still a priority for most users. It is all the more pleasant to encounter problems with this very connection, when the device either does not connect to Wi-Fi at all, or connects, but there is no Internet. In such situations, you should check the following basic points and settings.

1) On your Android device, go to Settings > Wi-Fi, select the network you are trying to connect to and click Forget or Delete. This is necessary if the network you are trying to connect to has a common or universal SSID. For example, some popular network coffee shops may have the same chain name for different places, but at the same time have different password to connect. In this case, the Android device tries to use the password that was suitable earlier.

2) When trying to connect to home router The first step in troubleshooting any problems is to reboot it. If none of the connected devices can access the Internet, contact your ISP.

3) If you are convinced that the Internet is functioning normally, but only your Android device cannot connect, then check the security settings used by your router. First try disabling them completely, if this fixes the situation, then try different security protocols (WEP, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK, TKIP, AES)

4) Turn off the QoS function in the router settings. She is responsible for intelligent distribution throughput channel between devices. For example, if at home there is game console or a TV with streaming streaming services, the router will give priority to connecting to them, cutting off the speed of other connections.

5) Disconnect USB peripherals from the router. If you connected to your router HDD or any other USB device, and the port is not shielded, this may result in signal reception in the 2.4 GHz range.

6) Speaking about the signal range, if you have dual band router operating at a frequency of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz, specify in the settings to force the use of one of the bands. If you have a relatively old device, then it may simply not support operation at 5 GHz.

7) When connected to public networks Remember that they all require pre-authorization before providing internet access. Having connected to such a network, try to open any tab in your browser, the system should automatically redirect you to the authorization page. Make sure you haven't prohibited work system process CaptivePortalLogin, which is responsible for the appearance of the authorization window. You can do this in Settings > Applications.

8) Make sure the date and time on your device are set correctly.

9) Check the "Wi-Fi" setting in sleep mode. Settings > Wi-Fi > Additional functions" As the name suggests, this function is responsible for automatic shutdown Wi-Fi to save battery power. Her incorrect work may cause the device to not connect to Wi-Fi.

10) Turn off the Wi-Fi tethering function.

There are many errors that occur when connecting an Android device to the Internet, particularly via Wi-Fi. One of the most common is the error when “ Obtaining an IP address" This problem occurs when a user tries to connect to a Wi-Fi network using the built-in wireless data exchange module. The Android device scans the nearest available connections and offers the user a list of detected networks to select from. Once a specific Wi-Fi network is selected and a password (if necessary) is entered, the device attempts to obtain an IP address for itself on the selected network. When a problem occurs, the device cannot obtain an IP address on the Wi-Fi network. In automatic mode, it disconnects from this network, reconnects and once again tries to obtain an IP address. And these attempts do not stop.

It's very annoying when your smartphone or tablet can't connect to the network via Wi-Fi. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate this error in order to be able to continue communicating, playing and getting information from the Internet. There are many ways to fix the “Obtaining an IP address” error when connecting your Android device to the network via Wi-Fi. Some of them involve turning to third-party applications for help. Let's say right away that these methods do not always work - you need to choose the “right” application specifically for your OS version and gadget model.

There are several reasons that cause the error when obtaining a Wi-Fi IP address. As you know, knowing the cause of a problem helps to cope with it, so we will list main options.

  • The most basic option is an incorrectly entered password for the Wi-Fi network (perhaps a lowercase letter was entered instead of a capital letter, one of the characters was missing, or an incorrect number was entered). Please note: passwords are case sensitive. It is recommended to carefully check your password before pressing “Enter”. This will save your time and nerves.
  • One reason could be the Wi-Fi router. If your Wi-Fi router is unable to assign an appropriate IP address to your device, you may experience receiving an IP address error in Android.
  • The problem may occur due to poor Wi-Fi network coverage, as well as due to IP address conflicts with other devices connected to the same network.
  • An error in obtaining an IP address can also occur due to network security measures.
  • And finally, it recently became clear that the “Obtaining an IP address” error when connecting an Android device to a Wi-Fi network is sometimes a consequence of your gadget trying to automatically obtain an IP address. The mobile phone has a dynamic IP address enabled - DHCP, and a vicious circle arises: the Android device tries to connect, but cannot. And this will continue until something is done to correct the error.

How to fix error when obtaining Wi-Fi IP address?

It is very easy to fix getting WiFi IP address error on Android devices. Fixing the IP address problem depends on the operating system version of your device. Below we have listed the main ways to solve this problem: from simple to more complex.

Solution 1: Reconnect to your Wi-Fi network

Solution 2: Rename your device

Possible reason: Rare crash on HTC devices. Go to Wi-Fi settings Direct (Wi-Fi -> Advanced Settings) and rename your device. You should change the name "android_909892" to any simple word in English like "HTC 10".

Solution 3: Download and install FXR WiFi fix app

Many users report that the FXR WiFi fix application solved the problem of endlessly obtaining an IP address. You can also try installing this application from .

Solution 4: Disable Always Searching for Networks

Solution 5: Assign a static IP address

After changing the IP address from dynamic to static, you should close all running applications, turn off Wi-Fi, turn it on again, and then try to connect from your Android device.

Now you can easily connect to your nearest Wi-Fi network if you have the password. But if the method we suggest does not work, you can try using third-party applications to solve this problem (they are available in abundance on the Market). Choose one of them that is suitable for your device and Android OS version, and fix the error in obtaining an IP address.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments below.