Calling a spade a spade (manifesto). Calling a spade a spade are keynote speeches by masters of Western European literature of the 20th century. Scanning

Calling a spade a spade Express. Speak directly, frankly, without using softening words or expressions. - It was so good for us... Now it won’t be like this... You will see. - That is, until we called a spade a spade? How childish!(Herzen. Who is to blame?).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST.

A. I. Fedorov.


    See what “Call a spade a spade” is in other dictionaries: call a spade a spade Calling a spade a spade- Razg. Speak directly, sharply, frankly, without etiquette. /i> Tracing paper from French. appeler les choses par leurs noms. BMS 1998, 79; FSRY, 263; ZS 1996, 360; F 1, 313 ...

    Big dictionary Russian sayings call things by their proper names

    - call/name things by their own, real names Express your thoughts without looking for softening words or expressions. With noun with value persons: speaker, journalist, speaker... calls a spade a spade. Let me call... ... Russian sayings call things by their proper names

    Educational phraseological dictionary Russian sayings call things by their proper names

    call things by their real names Russian sayings call things by their proper names

    call a spade a spade Russian sayings call things by their proper names

    call things by their proper names call things by their real names call- verb., nsv., used. very often Morphology: I call, you call, he/she/it calls, we call, you call, they call, call, call, called, called, called, called, calling, called, called, calling; St.... ...

    Dictionary Dmitrieva Name

    - noun, p., used very often Morphology: (no) what? name, what? name, (see) what? name, what? name, about what? about the name; pl. What? names, (no) what? names, what? names, (I see) what? names, what? names, about what? about names 1. A person’s name is a word,... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary DREAM METAPHOR- the idea of ​​a dream as in a special way

indirect and figurative expression of the meanings of the “invisible world” internal. life of our consciousness and psyche. The dream is metaphorical in nature and at the same time it itself serves as a metaphor for understanding the definition... ...

  • Calling a spade a spade, L.G. Andreev. The collection includes keynote speeches by the largest Western European writers of the 20th century, in which they define their civic and aesthetic position: A. Barbusse, R. Rolland, L. Aragon,... Buy for 2220 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • Calling a spade a spade, L.G. Andreev. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology.

881 0

The collection includes keynote speeches by the largest Western European writers of the 20th century, in which... It was so good for us... Now it won’t be like this... You will see. - That is, until we called a spade a spade? How childish! Express Speak directly, frankly, without using softening words or expressions. - Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST(Herzen. Who is to blame?).

A. I. Fedorov 2008

Meanings in other dictionaries

Call black white (white black)

Calling things by other names

CALL THINGS BY OTHER NAMES. CALL THINGS BY OTHER NAMES. To talk about someone or something while hiding their true nature. There are many ways to do this, and one of them is to call things by other names... Here betrayal can be called duty towards the fatherland... It all depends on the person: is he ready for this self-deception? (Herzen. Past and thoughts). Phraseological Dictionary of Russian Literature...

Calling black white (white black) CALL BLACK WHITE (WHITE BLACK). CALL BLACK WHITE (WHITE BLACK). Razg. Iron. Accept or pass off something as the opposite: bad as good, good as bad. And I imagined how... sitting an old man

and he writes everything the other way around - that is, he calls everything white black, and everything black white (V. Kaverin. Two Captains). Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, ...

Chapter 245. We must call a spade a spade and seriously take up the fight against what Russia now has to fight.
Dream: On this day I expect the start of the war with the Nazis. And they are just recruiting 4 of us for military service: two, including me, go to the army, two stay at home.
The war with the Nazis is about to begin. I determine this by the date last year when the war began, June 22.
I tell everyone, but everyone turns a deaf ear. Those two from home come to Moscow to see us off. And here at the station there are trains all around: to the left, and to the right, and across - it’s hard not to get lost.
An officer performs at the club. There are a lot of people everywhere. And the time is coming. We are practicing shooting. But all this is somehow frivolous. I assure everyone that I am serious. Everyone continues to disbelieve.
In 1996, the events in the yard were like the station shown in the vision, where trains go in all directions, including across. It was difficult to understand what was happening. Let me remind you that this year the time of Gaidar’s “five hundred days” reforms is far behind and the prosperity Gaidar promised not only did not come, but became even worse than it was. It is no coincidence that the rating of Russia's first president, Yeltsin, was only two percent this year. And he, not entirely sober, traveled everywhere, campaigning to vote for him. The army was almost disbanded, factories were destroyed, inflation was such that you needed money like cabbage to buy anything. It was at this time that rubles began to be called cabbage. People took to the streets to sell household and factory goods: the surviving enterprises, which were still working somehow, paid wages in the products they produced. In a word, such a circus that it was impossible to understand which way the trains were going in Moscow. If earlier they mostly traveled from Moscow to the provinces with sausage, now they went abroad with handbag entrepreneurs (speculators).
Personally, all this fuss didn’t bother me very much, because I was almost entirely involved in spiritual matters: every day I wrote down visions, deciphered them, and on the weekend I taught classes at the Spiritual Center, where (in meditations) on the subtle plane we fought with the Forces of Evil , which were the cause of everything that happens on Earth. We will win in Heaven, I thought, and everything on Earth will begin to turn in the right direction. And the necessary side, meanwhile, was something to which people for the most part never dreamed of turning. The German in Blavatsky’s story openly laughed at what the Japanese told him about the spiritual world. He considered all this to be fairy tales and agreed to have the door opened for him only because he did not believe in any doors. The Japanese warned him that once the door was open, it would then involuntarily open a crack at certain moments in his life. In the first book, I talk in detail about my unbelief: I looked at my friends in a spiritual group, how they wrote down prayers, and was surprised that they wrote down exactly the same way as it happens when someone dictates it to them. Then, when this door opened for me, I no longer doubted that they could not only dictate from there. Serge. above talks about events in his life that happened to him not entirely according to his will. He did not dream of any construction work at his already advanced age, but he began to work. He noticed that it was not his will that this happened to him. Basically, people not only do not notice anything, but also do not believe in the possibility of being controlled from above.
“God, of course, exists, but he still doesn’t exist,” is what Alexander Lushnikov calls his article on He conducts classes with people, setting them up with various trainings to overcome difficulties in life. I just spoke above about this ability of Black Matter to overcome. In fact, in this title of Lushnikov’s article main principle philosophy of Black Matter. She acknowledges the existence of God. Lushnikov speaks about God so precisely that the recognition of God can hardly be called false:
“God has no body, he only has the ability to think. He, with the help of thought, created (invented) our Universe in his imagination, like a game.
It has been said thousands of times that our world is not material, that it is an illusion, but it was difficult to understand because there was nothing to compare it with. To modern man It is easier to understand that the Game (Universe) is in the imagination of God, because programming and computer games appeared.
God created the Game as a program!”
And then Lushnikov invites a person to play with life, his destiny, as if man himself were God and could model his life:
“You are not a body, it is just a character in the Game, you are a soul. And God has built you into the body so cleverly that you don’t see the boundaries, you don’t see the difference between yourself and the body. And this is the very top of programming - we play live. God’s Game is super-realistic, this is what computer game developers strive for.”
I also just spoke above about this, that a person is not a body, but unlike me, who returns a person to God using my technology with an opening door to another world, Lushnikov does what Black Matter did at the very beginning of human existence, he , on the contrary, separates man from God:
“It is important to understand that after God created us, he no longer creates or develops the Game. God has done his job, now our task is to expand the Game - we are his direct heirs.”
Having separated man from God, Lushnikov still gives him an Angel as a guide:
“The material world does not exist, you are in the imagination of God. It is the Angel, for you personally, who “collects” the Games, sounds, smells, and everything else from the code into a “picture”. The fact that you feel like a human body - you feel the materiality of the world - is the “work” of the Angel.”
If for me a person is led along the path to God by his Spirit (inner Teacher), then for Lushnikov a person is led through life by an Angel, whom “God gave to every Soul.” The question is, where does this personal Angel lead a person? Lushnikov answers this question directly:
“The main function of the Game is the fulfillment of desires. The wish cannot fail to come true! “The miracle is built into the Game by God, the Angel does the rest.”
This is how the human Ego worked when it introduced a person into external life, luring him to fulfill his desires. The Ego invited man (a particle separated from the One) to play life as a game. Why not play: God plays and let us play. And in this way we too will become like Gods. Without a game, they say, it’s boring:
“Either eternal happiness or immeasurable boredom is at stake, and we are all in the same bundle.
So that the Game never ends, God laid in it a level at which each of us can create our own Universe and become God there.”
So precisely, Lushnikov reflects the technology of creating the physical world, with the subsequent creation by man of his own world, which I called the Secondary Spiritual World, which is simply confessed as God himself (the Devil or Black Matter).
"Main Exam
Emotions are the essence of the Game, as long as there are new emotions, it continues.
When a Game character dies, the Player comes to God and shows all the emotions that he experienced in the Game. This is the main exam. If the Player's emotions are already familiar to God - this is a failure - the Player goes to a replay, the next incarnation awaits him.
If at the main exam you show God emotions that are new to him - this is a test - you have become a real creator. Now you are God the Creator and you have your own Universe!”
Emotions are the expression of feelings. That is, it is proposed to work on feelings. The creation and improvement of feelings are the tasks of the two previous periods of human development on the globes of the Sun and Moon (Figure 8).
Next is a summary, in which I will highlight the desire to win. The desire to win is presented as if it is not a victory over something or someone, but just a game of candy wrappers.
“Let's summarize - we need
Leave the house and learn to experience small events, and win in every event - receive positive emotions.
Learn to live only by desires, accelerate and find your flow in order to manage events easily and simply. To create delight from a wonderful flight towards happiness.
Learn to turn your life into a game, because it is a game according to God’s plan and according to the structure of the world.
Find and live your destiny, because this is the only opportunity to create your own Universe.
I repeat, “learning to live by desires alone” is not future task, and the past one. Moreover, in such a layout, as is done now by Lushnikov, a person has not previously received the technology of life. Previously, all this was given to a person in an abstract form. It is this abstraction that one of the commentators of this article, Viktor Granin, talks about, calling it entropy:
“The process of optimizing human progress does not take place in an environment of ideal ideas. The laws of nature are objective; they cannot be trained even by a highly organized substance. In essence, nature knows only one law - the law of entropy. And on the way to its final expression, leading to a transition to another state of matter, it uses the possibilities of structuring even the ephemeral substance itself, not to mention such rigid structures as a crystal or the consciousness of a stubborn person. The driving force behind this structuring is the desire to minimize effort. How a tree grows, how a river makes its way, how a person decides to act in a specific situation. There are conditions - a person turns out to be considerate and attentive to others, but there are no conditions, or they are completely different - here the person is cruel and self-interested. This is the realm of existence of human morality. Forcing a person to peace and virtue is the most sophisticated form of exploitation of human essence.”
“ENTROPY (from the Greek entropia - rotation, transformation) is part of the internal energy of a closed system or the energy complex of the Universe that cannot be used.”
Above, I somewhat concretized the meaning of this word, calling the abstract guide to action entropy. I will add that the internal energy that exists throughout the Universe, including in humans, contains information that acts as an unspoken guiding program. So we use the Computer without knowing what the programmer put into it operating system, what letters and numbers he drew that make the programs work. In nature it’s the same: in a grain of wheat there is an entire program for cultivation: if this program did not exist, then nothing would grow from the grain. There is such a program for development in feelings.
In particular, Lushnikov objects to his opponent:
Here. The British are running around with their “free market”, which regulates itself. No one is allowed to interfere with the laws of the market. Everything seems to be correct, this is what you are talking about.
- Why did they destroy all other markets and replace them with their own, English?
- Bandits, sir.
Victor, I’m not “pushing” my (invented by me) vision of the world. I just “looked” around the corner... I posted what I saw. It is direct knowledge that will give you the strength to fight off the bandits and become free.
I wrote a response to your review and now I’m “walking in circles”, everything is falling out of my hands... I, in my worries, “didn’t catch up” with your thoughts... I’ll catch up, free myself a little and re-read everything.”
Lushnikov walks in circles because not only in his mind the ends meet: they also do not meet in the technology for development itself. They don’t converge because it’s built into the Program so that ends meet when a person starts to unravel these ends. The Development Program during the period of Involution needs a person to walk in circles, so that he endlessly develops his feelings, which, as Lushnikov correctly noted, end in banditry. Until he wrote this, that the British succeed in banditry, everything was in order with his idea of ​​the pursuit of happiness. And he wrote - and it occurred to him (in an abstract form for now) that not everything is in order if instead of happiness you get banditry.
And in my vision this is called - what happens - even cooler (fascism). I wasn’t the only one who called what is happening in Ukraine fascism. My opponent objected to me, saying that fascism ended in 1945. He has run out because he doesn’t see or doesn’t want to see the obvious. In particular, many people now understand THAT the USA is bringing to other countries in the form of Democracy, but it was called fascism only in Ukraine, and not in general, but in particular, that, they say, these are individual Galician battalions “Aidar” and others who are fascists , and all of Ukraine as a whole is good guys. No, it’s not just individuals, as they sang in Soviet times, someone here doesn’t want to live peacefully, it’s the whole system, the entire system on a global scale is set up to develop such feelings, which ultimately result in fascism.
Many people read what I write, read it with understanding, only a few object, but they think that everything said about the system is frivolous. Everyone thinks that Ukraine can be fixed, and that an agreement can be reached with the American. Good guys make mistakes.
They are mistaken because the System contains this opportunity to come to an agreement as a protection: they say, we need to talk, they say, there are no completely incorrigible people. So, I repeat, the System protects itself and its Program. As a result, it turns out that I am the only one seriously fighting the System. And I started this war back in the early nineties, when I realized that the System was not getting better on Earth, but where it descended in the form different programs for the development of feelings. Up there, I did everything right. But below people need to “catch up” with their minds, as Lushnikov says, that banditry and fascism are not an exception to the rule, but a natural result of the development of what developed in good hopes of happiness.

Razg. Speak directly, sharply, frankly, without etiquette. /i> Tracing paper from French. appeler les choses par leurs noms. BMS 1998, 79; FSRY, 263; ZS 1996, 360; F 1, 313.

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    Educational phraseological dictionary

  • - call/call things by their own, real names Express your thoughts without looking for softening words or expressions...

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  • - call/call things by their own, real names Express your thoughts without looking for softening words or expressions...

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  • - CALL THINGS BY OTHER NAMES. CALL THINGS BY OTHER NAMES. Talking about someone or something while hiding their true nature...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - Express. Speak directly, frankly, without using softening words or expressions. - It was so good for us... Now it won’t be like this... You will see. - That is, until we called a spade a spade? How childish! ...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - Razg. Speak directly, sharply, frankly, without etiquette. /i> Tracing paper from French. appeler les choses par leurs noms. BMS 1998, 79; FSRY, 263; ZS 1996, 360; F 1, 313...

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  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 speaking directly...

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  • - adj., number of synonyms: 12 all out the soul wide open sincere calls everything by its proper name frank truthful straightforward straightforward straightforward cuts the truth to the womb...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 12 all out the soul wide open sincere calls all things by their proper names frank truthful straightforward straightforward straightforward cuts the truth...

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"Calling a spade a spade" in books

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From the book Should Children Be Named These Names? author Glagau Erich

5. We must call phenomena by their essential names

From the book “About the Current Moment” No. 7(67), 2007. author USSR Internal Predictor

5. It is necessary to call phenomena by their essential names. People can call phenomena and things in their communication either by their essential names, or by “words-signs” direct meaning which has nothing to do with the essence of those phenomena and things that they designate in this or that

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Method six: call a spade a spade - and everything will get better Many of us have worked under managers who had problems with frank conversations, when you need to say exactly what is on your mind. Instead, such managers used streamlined

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Part 16 Calling a Spade a Spade These Notes on the Lost Space of American Culture are an attempt to at least illuminate some of the ideas, themes, and issues, but they may also contribute to a deeper understanding of American history and culture in terms of

Calling a spade a spade

From the book Who Really Unleashed the Second World War? author Mukhin Yuri Ignatievich

Calling a spade a spade From my own experience, I know that many readers will be categorically dissatisfied with me because I use the words “scoundrels, scum, scoundrels, scoundrels,” and the word “idiot” will appear in almost every paragraph. Let me explain why I do this

Black PR is a phantom or Calling a spade a spade!


Black PR is a phantom or Calling a spade a spade! On April 26, State Duma deputy Alexei Mitrofanov and his film “Yulia” won in the category “PR of the Year or Attack of PR” at the “Silver Galosh” award ceremony. But not so long ago the magazine “Message”, a magazine about

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3.Calling things by their proper names

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3. Calling things by their proper names The most striking event of October 2002, to which the media around the world riveted the attention of ordinary people living today who do not think about the long-term political perspective, was the seizure by Chechen “partisans” in Moscow

About the current moment 10 Calling things by their proper names

From the book About the Current Moment No. 10, 2002. author USSR Internal Predictor

About the current moment 10 Calling things by their names 1. What they are calling for The most striking event of October 2002, to which the media around the world attracted the attention of ordinary people living today who do not think about the long-term political perspective, is the capture

Calling a spade a spade

From the book Scum of History. The most sinister secret of the 20th century author Mukhin Yuri Ignatievich

Calling a spade a spade From my own experience, I know that many readers will be categorically dissatisfied with me because I use the words “scoundrels, scum, scoundrels, scoundrels,” and the word “idiot” will appear in almost every paragraph. Let me explain why I do this

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4. They will no longer call you “forsaken,” and your land will no longer be called “desert,” but they will call you “I am well pleased with him,” and your land “married,” for the Lord delights in you and the land yours matches. 5. As a young man marries a maiden, so he marries a

6. I call a spade a spade

From the book Dhammapada. From chaos stars are born author Rajneesh Bhagwan Shri

6. I call a spade a spade Lecture given on December 26, 1979 at the Gautama Buddha Auditorium, Pune, India First question: Beloved Master, Yesterday You said that You do not need to know all of us personally. I feel like we're all in different places, and everyone has their own

Calling a spade a spade call/call things by their proper, real names Express your thoughts without looking for softening words or expressions. With noun with value persons: speaker, journalist, speaker... calls a spade a spade.

Let me call things by their real names. I... am used to expressing my opinion directly. (A. Chekhov.)

Zhenechka was only waiting for a letter, and it came. Relatives called a spade a spade - dear Eugenia could no longer be invited to visit. (T. Tolstaya.)

Educational phraseological dictionary. - M.: AST. E. A. Bystrova, A. P. Okuneva, N. M. Shansky. 1997 .

See what it means to “call a spade a spade” in other dictionaries:

    See what “Call a spade a spade” is in other dictionaries:- Express. Speak directly, frankly, without using softening words or expressions. It was so good for us... Now it won’t be like this... You will see. That is, until we called a spade a spade? How childish! (Herzen. Who is to blame?) ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    See what “Call a spade a spade” is in other dictionaries: call a spade a spade Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    Call/call things by their own, real names Express your thoughts without looking for softening words or expressions. With noun with value persons: speaker, journalist, speaker... calls a spade a spade. Let me call... ... call things by their proper names

    Call/call things by their own, real names Express your thoughts without looking for softening words or expressions. With noun with value persons: speaker, journalist, speaker... calls a spade a spade. Let me call... ... call things by their proper names

    Call/call things by their own, real names Express your thoughts without looking for softening words or expressions. With noun with value persons: speaker, journalist, speaker... calls a spade a spade. Let me call... ... call things by their proper names

    Call/call things by their own, real names Express your thoughts without looking for softening words or expressions. With noun with value persons: speaker, journalist, speaker... calls a spade a spade. Let me call... ... call things by their proper names

    call things by their proper names call things by their real names Name

    Dictionary Dmitrieva Name

    - noun, p., used very often Morphology: (no) what? name, what? name, (see) what? name, what? name, about what? about the name; pl. What? names, (no) what? names, what? names, (I see) what? names, what? names, about what? about names 1. A person’s name is a word,... ...- the idea of ​​dreams as a special way of indirectly and figuratively expressing the meanings of the “invisible world” internally. life of our consciousness and psyche. The dream is metaphorical in nature and at the same time it itself serves as a metaphor for understanding the definition... ... in a special way

indirect and figurative expression of the meanings of the “invisible world” internal. life of our consciousness and psyche. The dream is metaphorical in nature and at the same time it itself serves as a metaphor for understanding the definition... ...

  • Calling a spade a spade, L.G. Andreev. The collection includes keynote speeches by the largest Western European writers of the 20th century, in which they define their civic and aesthetic position: A. Barbusse, R. Rolland, L. Aragon,... Buy for 2220 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • Calling a spade a spade, L.G. Andreev. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology.