Material and information models. Tabular Models

| Lesson planning and lesson materials | 8th grade | Planning lessons for the school year | Tabular Models

Lesson 12
Tabular Models

Tabular Models

Questions studied:

Tables of the “object-property” type.
- Table of the “object-object” type.
- Binary matrices.

Object-property tables

Another common form of information model is rectangular table, consisting of rows and columns. The use of tables is so familiar that understanding them usually does not require additional explanation.

As an example, consider Table 2.1.

When compiling a table, it includes only the information that interests the user. For example, in addition to the information about books that are included in Table 2.1, there are others: publisher, number of pages, cost. However, for the compiler of Table 2.1, there was enough information about the author, title and year of publication of the book (columns “Author”, “Title”, “Year”) and information that allowed you to find the book on the shelves of bookcases (column “Shelf”). It is assumed that all shelves are numbered and, in addition, each book is assigned its own inventory number (column “Number”).

Table 2.1 - This is an information model of the book collection of a home library.

The table may reflect some process occurring over time (Table 2.2).

The readings, which are listed in table 2.2, were taken over five days at the same time of day. Looking at the table, it is easy to compare different days in terms of temperature, humidity, etc. This table can be considered as an information model of the process of changing weather conditions.

Tables 2.1 and 2.2 are the most commonly used table types. They are called object-property tables..

One row of such a table contains information about one object (a book in the library or the weather condition at 12-00 on a given day). Columns are individual characteristics (properties) of objects.

Of course, the rows and columns in tables 2.1 and 2.2 can be swapped by rotating them 90°. Sometimes they do this. Then the rows will correspond to properties, and the columns will correspond to objects. But most often tables are built so that they have more rows than columns. As a rule, there are more objects than properties.


  • table of type "objects-properties"
  • object-object-one table
  • calculation table
  • one-to-one correspondence

Table design rules

To describe a number of objects that have the same sets of properties, tables are most often used.

You know well table view lesson schedules, in tabular form timetables for buses, planes, trains and much more are presented.

The information presented in the table is clear, compact and easy to see.

The table may contain information about various properties of objects, objects of the same class and different classes, about individual objects and groups of objects.

The following rules for formatting tables must be observed.

  1. The title of the table should give an idea of ​​the information contained in it.
  2. Column and row headings should be short and not contain unnecessary words and, where possible, reductions.
  3. For numerical values, the table must indicate units of measurement. If they are common to the entire table, then they are indicated in the table title (either in parentheses or separated by a comma after the title). If the units of measurement differ, they are indicated in the headings of the corresponding rows or columns.
  4. It is advisable that all table cells be filled in. If necessary, enter the following: symbols:
      ? - data unknown;
      x - data is impossible;
      ↓ - data must be taken from the overlying cell.

In order to create a tabular model based on the information presented in text form, you must:

  1. highlight the names of objects, the names of object properties and the values ​​of object properties in the text;
  2. clarify the table structure;
  3. Fill out the table by transferring information from the text into it.

When highlighting object names, property names and their values ​​in the text, it is convenient to underline them different lines. Let's agree to underline object names with a straight line, property names with a double underline, and property values ​​with a dotted line.

For example:

    The capital of France is Paris.
    The depth of the lake is 3 m.
    The girl's name is Masha.

Each of the properties considered in these examples (“capital”, “depth”, “name”) characterizes only one object. We will call such properties single.

Very often, a property characterizes a couple of objects at once. We will agree to emphasize this paired property with a triple line.

For example:

    The distance from Moscow to Cheboksary is 600 km.
    Vova has a “four” grade in history..

Table of type "objects-properties" (OS)

An object-property table is a table containing information about properties individual objects belonging to the same class (Fig. 32).

Rice. 32

The number of rows in the table depends on the number of objects present, and the number of columns depends on the number of properties being considered.

Example 1

Table 3.
Cities of the Golden Ring of Russia

Table 3 provides information about some ancient Russian cities that preserve unique monuments of our culture and history and form a world-famous Golden ring Russia. This information is reflected in the table header.

The table shows the objects “Vladimir”, “Kostroma”, “Pereslavl-Zalvesky” and “Gus-Khrustalny”, belonging to the “city” class. For each object, the values ​​of the properties “year of foundation”, “founder” and “landmark” are given, expressed in numbers and words.

In small tables (3-4 rows), objects can be listed in any order. If there are a lot of objects in the table, then they need to be arranged in some meaningful order, according to some rule. For example, in Table 3, cities may be listed: in alphabetical order in ascending or descending order of the year of their founding.

If a table of the OS type has more properties than objects, then it can be “turned on its side” - the rows can be turned into columns, and the columns into rows.

What exactly to place in the row headers and column headers - objects or properties - depends on the specific table. As a rule, a table with many rows and few columns is more convenient than a table with few rows but many columns.

Objects-Objects-One (OOO) table type

An objects-objects-one table is a table containing information about some single property of pairs of objects, most often belonging to different classes.

The general view of LLC type tables is shown in Fig. 33.

Rice. 33

In this table, the column headings have a complex (two-tier) structure.

Example 2

Table 4

An LLC type table can be “turned on its side” - the rows are turned into columns, and the columns into rows (Table 5).

Table 5
Computer science grades for 6th grade students

An OOO type table records one property of a pair of objects, so its cells always contain values ​​of the same type: either numbers, or words, or graphic images.

Example 3

The table “Distances between cities” presents the distances between pairs of objects belonging to the same class “city”, therefore objects of this class are included in both rows and columns of the table. As a result, the table head “loses” one level, and the table itself looks simpler (Table 6). This table also applies to the LLC type.

Table 6

Similar tables are in atlases highways. True, there they are formalized like this (Table 7).

Table 7
Distances between cities (km)

Example 4

Table 8
Hobbies of 6th grade students

From Table 8 you can get an idea of ​​what 6th grade students are interested in, what clubs and sections they attend. If the student is interested in dancing, sports or computer graphics(attends the corresponding circle or section), then 1 is placed in the cell, and if not, 0.

An important feature of this table is that it records not quantitative (how many?), but qualitative properties (the presence or absence of a connection between objects).

Calculation tables

Computing we will call such tables in which the values ​​of some properties are calculated using the values ​​of other properties from the same table.

Example 5

Table 9
Gift set for a first grader

This table is specific to OS type. The values ​​in the “Cost” column are calculated using the formula: price x quantity.

We will call the last row of this table the final row. It is intended for recording results. The total row has the heading "Total:" or "Total:".

The total row cells contain the sums of numbers from the corresponding columns. But these amounts must make sense. So, if we add up all the numbers in the “Quantity” column, we will find out the total number of items included in gift set. The total cost of the set is found by summing all the numbers in the “Cost” column. But the amount in the “Price” column does not make any sense.

Example 6

Getting ready to go to the beach, the cheerful little people decided to stock up on soft drinks. Dunno took with him 2 liters of kvass, 1 liter of soda and 1 liter of raspberry syrup, Donut - 3 liters of soda and 2 liters of raspberry syrup, Toropyzhka - 2 liters of soda, Doctor Pilyulkin - 1 liter of kvass and 1 liter of castor oil. How many liters of each type of drink did all the little men take together? How many liters of drinks did each of the men take with them? How many liters of drinks did all the little men take together?

Let's present the available information about pairs of objects of the classes “person” - “drink” in a table of the LLC type. In this case, the property of a pair of objects will be the amount (in liters) of the drink stored by the man.

Table 10

The answer to the first question is in the summary column of the table (it has the heading “Total”). The answer to the second question is in the bottom line. The answer to the third question is in the lower right cell - at the intersection of the total row and the total column.

Note that the last number can be obtained in two ways. You can find out how many drinks the little men took with them if you add up the number of drinks taken by Dunno, Donchik, Toropyzhka and Pilyulkin (summing up on the final line). The same number will be obtained if you add up the amount of kvass, soda, raspberry syrup and castor oil taken by the little men (summing over the final column). This feature of the number in the lower right cell of the table can be used to control your calculations.

Solving logical problems using multiple tables

Objects of two classes can be in a one-to-one correspondence relationship. It means that:

  1. these sets have the same number of objects;
  2. each object of the first set is connected by a given property with only one object of the second set;
  3. each object of the second set is connected by a given property with only one object of the first set.

In the corresponding LLC type table, each row and each column will contain only one 1, indicating the presence of a relationship between objects. This property can be used to solve logical problems.

Example 7

Masha, Olya, Lena and Valya are wonderful girls. Each of them plays a musical instrument and speaks one of the foreign languages. Their tools and languages ​​are different. Masha plays the piano. A girl who speaks French plays the violin. Olya plays the cello. Masha does not know Italian, and Olya does not speak English. Lena doesn't play the harp, and the cellist doesn't speak Italian. It is necessary to determine what instrument each girl plays and what foreign language she speaks.

The problem considers objects of the classes “girl” (objects with the names “Masha”, “Olya”, “Lena” and “Valya”), “musical instrument” (“grand piano”, “violin”, “cello”, “harp”) and “foreign language” (“French”, “German”, “English”, “Italian”). Pairs are formed from objects of the classes “girl” - “musical instrument”, “girl” - “foreign language”, “musical instrument” - “foreign language”, and there is a one-to-one correspondence between the objects of these classes (Fig. 34).

Rice. 34

The problem statement explicitly indicates the presence or absence of a connection between some objects of the classes under consideration.

You can build two separate tables type 000 for pairs “girl - musical instrument” and “girl - foreign language”. It is more convenient to combine them into one table (Table 11). The presence of the property in a pair of objects “a girl plays a musical instrument” (“the girl speaks a foreign language”) will be denoted by 1, and its absence by 0.

In the example under consideration, it is convenient to first fill in top part tables based on the information that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the set of girls and the set of musical instruments, and also that:

Masha plays the piano;
Olya plays the cello;
Lena doesn't play the harp.

Table 11

Now, taking into account the connections recorded in the first part of the table, let’s proceed to filling out its second part, using the data from the problem statement:

A girl who speaks French plays the violin.
Masha does not know Italian, and Olya does not speak English.
The cellist doesn't speak Italian.

Table 12

Thus, Masha’s hobbies are piano and English, Olya’s are cello and German, Lena’s are violin and French, Valya’s are harp and Italian.

Is a rectangular table consisting of rows and columns. The use of tables is so familiar that understanding them usually does not require additional explanation.

As an example, consider Table 2.1.

Table 2.1. home library

When compiling a table, only the one that interests the user is included in it. For example, in addition to the information about books that are included in Table 2.1, there are others: publisher, number of pages, cost. However, for the compiler of table 2.1 there was enough information that allows one to distinguish one book from another (columns “Author”, “Title”, “Year”) and to find the book on the shelves of book racks (column “Shelf”). It is assumed that all shelves are numbered and, in addition, each book is assigned its own inventory number (column “Number”).

Table 2.1 is an information model of the book collection of a home library.

Table may reflect some process occurring over time (Table 2.2).

Table 2.2. Weather

Temperature (degrees C)
Pressure (mmHg)
Humidity (percent)
No precipitation
No precipitation

The readings were taken over five days at the same time of day. Looking at the table, it is easy to compare different days in terms of temperature, humidity, etc. This table can be considered as an information model of the process of changing weather conditions.

Tables 2.1 and 2.2 are the most commonly used table types. We will call them tables of the “object-property” type. One row of such a table contains information about one object (a book in the library or the weather condition at 12-00 on a given day). Columns are individual characteristics (properties) of objects.

Of course, the rows and columns in tables 2.1 and 2.2 can be swapped and rotated by 90 0. Sometimes they do this. Then the rows will correspond to properties, and the columns will correspond to objects. But most often tables are built in such a way that they have more rows than columns. As a rule, there are more objects than properties.

Tables of the "object - object" type

Another common type of table are tables that show relationships between different objects. Let's call them object-object type tables. Here is an example of a progress table that every student can understand (Table 2.3).

Table 2.3. Academic performance

Rows refer to students - this is the first type of object; columns - for school subjects - the second type of objects. In each cell at the intersection of a row and a column is the grade received by a given student in a given subject.

Table 2.4 is also of the “object-object” type. However, unlike the previous table, the rows and columns in this table refer to the same type of objects. This table contains information about the availability of roads between settlements from the map from § 2.

Table 2.4. Roads

Binary matrices

In mathematics, a rectangular table made up of numbers is called a matrix. If a matrix contains only 0s and 1s, then it is called a binary matrix. The numeric portion of Table 2.4 is a binary matrix.

Table 2.5 also contains a binary matrix.

Table 2.5. Electives

It provides information about four students attending three electives. It should already be clear to you that one means a visit, zero means a non-visit. From this table it follows, for example, that Rusanov attends geology and dancing, Semenov attends geology and floriculture, etc.

The tables, which are binary matrices, reflect the qualitative nature of the connection between objects (there is a road - there is no road; visits - does not visit, etc.). Table 2.3 contains quantitative characteristics student performance in subjects, expressed by grades of a five-point system.

We considered only two types of tables: “object-property” and “object-object”. In practice, other, much more complex tables are used.

Briefly about the main thing

Rectangular tables are widely used to represent information models.

In an object-property table, one row contains information about one object. Columns are individual characteristics (properties) of objects.

An object-object type table reflects the relationship between various objects.

A numerical rectangular table is called a matrix. A matrix made up of zeros and ones is called a binary matrix.

Questions and tasks

1. What is the convenience of tabular presentation of information?
2. Give examples of tables that you have to deal with at school and at home. Determine what type they are: "object-property" or "object-object".
3. What is a matrix? What is a binary matrix?
4. Present in tabular form information about the hobbies of your classmates. What type of table are you using for this purpose?

Timetable of classes

Lesson number






Execute next tasks:
determine the minimum number of physical education teachers required for this schedule;
find one of the schedule options in which you can get by with two physical education teachers;
there are three physical education teachers at school: Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov; distribute lessons among them in the table so that no one has “windows” (empty lessons);
Distribute lessons between three teachers so that everyone has the same workload.
6. B computer network The hub server is the server to which all other servers are directly connected. Given the following binary matrix. In it, C1, C2, SZ, C4, C5 are the designations of network servers.

C1 1 0 0 1 0
C2 0 1 0 1 0
C3 0 0 1 1 0
C4 1 1 1 1 1
C5 0 0 0 1 1

Determine which server is the hub server.

I. Semakin, L. Zalogova, S. Rusakov, L. Shestakova, Computer Science, 9th grade
Submitted by readers from Internet sites

Informatics lesson plans, download tests for free, everything for teachers and students in preparation for a 9th grade computer science lesson, homework, questions and answers

Lesson content lesson notes supporting frame lesson presentation acceleration methods interactive technologies Practice tasks and exercises self-test workshops, trainings, cases, quests homework discussion questions rhetorical questions from students Illustrations audio, video clips and multimedia photographs, pictures, graphics, tables, diagrams, humor, anecdotes, jokes, comics, parables, sayings, crosswords, quotes Add-ons abstracts articles tricks for the curious cribs textbooks basic and additional dictionary of terms other Improving textbooks and lessonscorrecting errors in the textbook updating a fragment in a textbook, elements of innovation in the lesson, replacing outdated knowledge with new ones Only for teachers perfect lessons calendar plan for the year guidelines discussion programs Integrated Lessons

Topic: Complex and simple tables. "objects-objects-multiple(UN)" and type "objects-properties-objects(OSO)"

Subject: Computer Science and ICT

Class: 7

Keywords: computer science and ICT, textbook Bosovoy 7th grade, tables, lesson on the topic of tabular modeling, lesson notes on the topic of tables, practical assignment on the topic of tables, tabular information models

Equipment:8 workplaces for students equipped with computers with a program installed on themMSWord and Internet access ;

workplace teachers;

text blanks for pair work, containing material for converting it into a table of the UN or OCO type .

Lesson type: combined.

Lesson format: depending on the stage of the lesson, frontal, individual, group (pair).

Methodological development lesson.

The purpose of the lesson: Conduct a lesson on organizing student activities that implements the functions of systematizing and summarizing knowledge based on the topic “Tabular Information Models.”

Lesson objectives:

    Strengthening students' perceptions of students' knowledge on a topic using online testing.

    Expanding and systematizing students’ understanding of tabular information models.

    Developing the skill of creating tables using analytical text transformation.

    Establishing intra-subject connections between students’ knowledge of tabular information models and techniques for constructing tables in Ms Word.

    Carrying out pair work to check the level of development of the skill of constructing tables using Microsoft applications Word operating system Windows.

    Organization of a lesson using basic principles health-saving technologies.

Student composition: For computer science and ICT lessons, the class is divided into groups. There are 12 students in this group.

Methodological component: When teaching computer science and mathematics, the student consistently moves from studying one didactic unit to studying another. At the same time, as a rule, he forms linear connections between various didactic units. With the increase in the number of didactic units, the chain of linear connections between them increases, it becomes difficult for the student to retain it in memory, so gradually computer science begins to appear to him in the form of a set of certain definitions, methods of working on a computer and the names of its components.

One of the main goals of teaching computer science is to form a student’s understanding of the information picture of the world, of the place information processes and information in the surrounding world. Moreover, the value for further development schoolboy has only specific system knowledge, for the formation of which it is necessary to organize the activities of students in a special way at individual stages of training. This activity should be aimed at creating compact system knowledge with nonlinear connections between content units and implement the functions of generalization and systematization of knowledge.

Systematization consists of establishing relationships between individual elements of knowledge, their connections with previous topics, sections of the computer science course, ways of applying these facts when solving new problems, connections with other academic subjects. The function of generalization in the study of a certain subject is to derive the main thing - leading concepts, provisions, methods.

The lesson of systematization and generalization should, first of all, include material that will subsequently develop from a subject of study into a means of study. IN in this case skill analytical processing text, compiling a complex table (both on paper and using a text editor), knowledge about tabular information models and their application are just such means, tools for developing meta-subject skills in processing large arrays text information.

The forms and methods of work in the classroom are determined by the psychophysiological characteristics of students of a given age, are based on an activity-based approach and are designed to eliminate the passive perception of knowledge, ensure the inclusion of each child in educational activities, generate interest in learning, and create a positive emotional background in the relationship between the teacher and students. Are used verbal, visual, practical, activity methods in individual and group form. During the lesson, a dialogue form of work is constantly present, which allows the teacher to determine the effectiveness of each stage of the lesson and flexibly adjust the course of the lesson.

In progress practical tasks Group work is used, which allows you to more effectively look for ways to solve assigned problems, the ability to work in a group, forming the information and communication competence of students.

Lesson performance criteria:

    well-formed ideas about ways to transform a textual verbal information model into a tabular information model;

    freedom to master the skills of creating tables in text editor Windows OS;

    student activity during the lesson;

When designing a lesson, I coordinated the plan with compliance health principles:

    different types are used in the lesson educational activities(listening, practical work with a table, practical work with a text, discussion in pairs, taking an online test, oral work with questions for a paragraph, practical work on a computer);

    when performing different tasks, students move from one workplace to another, they do not spend the entire lesson sitting at a desk or computer;
    the amount of time working at the computer is limited to the time spent working with the test and table and does not exceed SanPin standards;

    During the lesson there are several moments of emotional release: converting text into a table using underlining, receiving test results with the computer automatically grading them, moving from task to task.

During the classes:

    Organizing time

Greetings, checking readiness for the lesson

    Updating knowledge. Examination homework

Teacher: suggests remembering the name of the program that the students worked with in the previous lesson. Determines the procedure for checking homework. Students are divided into two groups: answering teacher questions orally based on the material in the paragraph, and completing the task of an online test.

Questions for oral questioning are proposed in accordance with §2.5 of the textbook Informatics: a textbook for grade 7 / L.L. Bosova. – M.: BINOM. Laboratory of knowledge, 2008:

    What advantages do tabular models provide over verbal descriptions? Give an example.

    Can any verbal description be replaced by an information model? Give an example.

    Give examples of tabular information models that you encountered in school.

    Give examples of tabular information models that you encounter in everyday life.

    What rules should you follow when compiling tables?

    What types of information are placed in the columns of the table? On the side of the table? What does the table head consist of?

    What types of tables do you know?

    Give an example of a table of the “objects-properties” type.

    Give an example of an object-objects table.

    What types complex tables You know?

An online test, which takes place in parallel, is available on the website methodological service of the publishing house "BINOM. Laboratory of Knowledge" in the laboratory of L.L. Bosovoy in the electronic section educational resources for the teaching materials of this author. The test, among others, is included in a set of presentations, training and test tasks necessary for studying the subject “Informatics and ICT” according to L. L. Bosova’s educational complex. Author of the resource A.M. Antonov. The site offers a Windows version, a Linux version and an Internet version.

6-8 students take this test, the mark is set by a computer.
At the end of the survey, each student receives a mark - for an oral survey or for a test.

3. Practical work with text. Data analysis.

Teacher: Let's move on to the next stage of today's work. Learning to analyze Text Document and create an adequate tabular information model based on it. To do this, we will do some work with the text. First, let's define the concepts:
An object– this is what we are talking about. Object class– a set of objects united by some common properties. Properties– characteristics, attributes of the object.

Each property has a name and meaning.

We will highlight objects, names and property values ​​using underlines different types. The name of the object will be underlined with a straight line, the name of the property with a wavy line, and the value with a dotted line. If there are two objects in the text, then the first object will be emphasized with one line, the second - with two.

Read the text. Will the table model we compiled be of the type of complex tables or simple tables?
The first test presented is a simple tabular model.

Students, working in pairs, perform actions under the dictation of the teacher.

"Object - Object"

"Object - Property"

1) Select objects and properties. In each phrase, underline the name of the first object in the pair with a straight line, the name of the second object in the pair with two straight lines, the name of the property of the pair of objects with a wavy line, and the value of the property with a dotted line.

2) Write the property name in the table header.

3) Name the class of the first objects in the pair. Write the name in the sidebar title.

4) Name the class of the second objects in the pair. Write the name in the top tier of the head.

5) Write down the names of the first objects in the sidebar.

6) Write the name of the second objects in the lower tier of the head.

1) Select objects and properties. In each phrase, underline the name of the object with a straight line, the name of the property of the object with a wavy line, and the value of the property with a dotted line.

2) Name the class of objects. Write the name in the table title and in the sidebar title.

3) Write down the names of the objects in the sidebar.

4) Write the names of the properties in the head.

5) Write the property values ​​in the chart.

Students make up a simple table depending on the option.

The teacher checks the work: if the underlining is done correctly, then the pair receives a lined form of a “silent” table and fills it out. The first student in the pair underlines, the second student fills out the table.

Texts for work and methods of working with text are presented in the Workbook, ed. I.G. Semakina, E.K. Henner. − M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2008.

The second text is processed in the same way. The second text is a verbal model implemented by a complex table.
The text for a tabular information model of a complex type is supposed to be taken from the materials of the computer workshop of the current textbook. Task No. 5 of student 6 is most consistent with the objectives of the lesson. The “silent” version of the table is given to pairs to fill out:

    Select objects and properties. In each phrase, underline the name of the first object in the pair with one straight line, the name of the second object in the pair with two straight lines, the name of the property of the pair of objects with two wavy lines, and the value of the property with a dotted line.

    Write the names of properties or paired properties in the title.

"objects-objects-multiple (UN)"

“objects-properties-objects (OSO)”

3) If objects are represented by a pair of object classes, then the name is written in the sidebar title.

4) Write down the names of the second objects in the pair in the upper tier of the head.

5) Write down the names of the first objects in the sidebar.

Write the names of the second objects in the middle tier of the head.

6) Write the names of the properties in the lower tier of the head, repeating them for each object from the middle tier.

7) Write down the property values ​​in the chart.

3) Write the name of the class of objects for which single properties are specified in the sidebar title.

4) Write the names of single properties in the head next to the sidebar title.

5) Name the class of objects for which only paired properties are specified, but single properties are not specified. Write the name of the head in the upper tier of the head in Part III of the table.

6) Write down the names of first-class objects in the sidebar.

7) Write the names of objects of the second class in the middle tier of the head in part III of the table.

8) Write the names of paired properties in the lower tier of the head in Part III of the table, repeating them for each object from the middle tier.

9) Write down the property values ​​in the chart.

Students underline and, after checking by the teacher, fill out a “silent” table. Moreover, when moving on to compiling more complex tables, students change places: now the second student underlines, the first student fills out the table.

4. Computer workshop

Teacher: The final part of the work is to draw a table from the last assignment in the operating room text editor Windows systems.
Drawing a table of a complex type requires students to master many operations for creating and editing tables: splitting cells, merging cells, etc. Thus, the teacher can adequately assess the development of students’ skills.

Based on the results of their work, students in pairs receive a second grade.Homework: L.L. Bosova. Computer Science, 7th grade.. Workbook. Page 51, No. 28. 29, 31, 32.

Appendix: sample assignment completed by students.

Chronological tables Key dates in the history of computers Date Event BC Abacus in China g. Pascal's adding machine g. Leibniz's adding machine g. Jaccard's punched cards e years Babbage's programmable machine g. Hollerith's adding machine g. First computer g. Invention of the transistor g. .Appearance integrated circuits

In Spain, the national dress of a woman is a fluffy dress with flounces Bata de cola, a headdress - a mantilla or cofja de papos, an instrument - a guitar and castanets. In Russia, women's national clothing is a sundress, kokoshnik or scarf. Instruments - balalaika and accordion. In India, women wear a sari, choli, dupatta, and the national instrument is the sitar. Bata de cola - a fluffy dress with flounces and frills. Mantilla - lace cape on the head Coffia de papos - lace cape on the head with a high raised base Sari - material 5-7 meters long, which is wrapped around the body in a special way. Choli is a short T-shirt worn under a sari. Dupatta is a light silk scarf. National Costume

Rules for designing a table 1. The title of the table should give an idea of ​​the information contained in it. 2. Headings of columns and lines should be short. 3.The table must indicate units of measurement. 4.All table cells must be filled in. If necessary, the following signs are entered in them: ? – data unknown; – data is not possible; – data must be taken from the overlying cell.

Objects-Objects-One Table Tables of the LLC type contain information about some single property of pairs of objects, most often belonging to different classes. Name of the first class of objects Name of the second class of objects Name of the 1st object of the 2nd class Name of the 2nd object of the 2nd class... Name of the 1st object of the first class Name of the 2nd object of the first class Value of the property of the pair of objects

Table of the “objects-properties-objects” type Student Height, cm Weight, kg Exercise Standing long jump Running 1000 m Result, cm Score Result, s Score Bautin D Zaitsev I Anthropometric data and sports results Tables of the OCO type contain information about properties pairs of objects belonging to different classes, and about single properties of objects of one of the classes.

Computational tables Computational tables are tables in which the values ​​of some properties are calculated using the values ​​of other properties from the same table. Product Price (RUB) Quantity Cost Notebook 31030 Album 5420 Fountain pen OS type table

Solving logical problems using several tables Objects of two classes can be in a one-to-one correspondence relationship: 1) these sets have the same number of objects; 2) each object of the 1st set is connected by a given property with only one object of the 2nd set; 3) each object of the 2nd set is connected by a given property with only one object of the 1st set.

Masha, Olya, Lena and Valya play one of the musical instruments and speak one of the foreign languages. Their tools and languages ​​are different. Masha plays the piano. A girl who speaks French plays the violin. Olya plays the cello. Masha does not know Italian, and Olya does not speak English. Lena doesn't play the harp, and the cellist doesn't speak Italian. Determine what instrument each girl plays and what foreign language she speaks. GirlGirl Musical Instrument Foreign language Let's discuss??

Solution to the problem Hobby Girl MashaOlyaLenaValya Musical instrument Piano Violin Cello Harp Foreign language French German English Italian Masha plays the piano 1 Olya plays the cello 1 Lena does not play the harp 0 Fill in the first part of the table

Solution to the problem Let's fill out the first part of the table Hobby Girl MashaOlyaLenaValya Musical instrument Piano 1000 Violin 0010 Cello 0100 Harp 0001 Foreign language French German English Italian

Solution to the problem A girl who speaks French plays the violin Masha does not know Italian Olya does not speak English The cellist does not speak Italian Hobby Girl MashaOlyaLenaValya Musical instrument Grand piano 1000 Violin 0010 Cello 0100 Harp 0001 Foreign language French German English Italian

Solution to the problem We find that Masha’s hobbies are piano and English, Olya’s are cello and German, Lena’s are violin and French, Valya’s are harp and Italian. Hobby Girl MashaOlyaLenaValya Musical instrument Piano 1000 Violin 0010 Cello 0100 Harp 0001 Foreign language French 0010 German 0100 English 1000 Italian 0001

The most important thing is that tables are used to describe a number of objects that have the same sets of properties. The table consists of columns and rows. The information presented in the table is clear, compact, and easy to see. A table of the “objects-properties” type contains information about the properties of individual objects belonging to the same class.

Most importantly, an object-object-one table contains information about a single property of pairs of objects, most often belonging to different classes. Computational tables are those where the values ​​of some properties are calculated using the values ​​of other properties from the same table.

The most important thing is that objects of two classes are in a one-to-one correspondence relationship if: - these classes have the same number of objects; - each object of the first class is connected by a given property with only one object of the second class; - each object of the second class is associated by a given property with only one object of the first class.

1.Give examples of tables that you have encountered in life. 2.Is tabular presentation of information always convenient? 3.What advantages do tabular models provide over verbal descriptions? 4.Can any verbal description be replaced with a table? 5.What rules should be followed when compiling tables? 6.Give an example of an OS table. 7.Give an example of an LLC table. Let's discuss??