Technology 4th grade Rogovtsev workbook

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Russian Academy of Sciences Russian Academy of Education Publishing House "Prosveshchenie" P E R s P E K T I V A N.I. ROGOVTSEVA S.V. ANASCHENKOVA if ECHNOLOGY Workbook: fgos Russian Academy of Sciences Russian Academy of Education Publishing House "Prosveshchenie" PERSPECTIVE N. and. Rogovtseva S.V. Anashchenkova Workbook 4th grade Manual for students of general education institutions 2nd edition Moscow “Enlightenment” 2012 UDC 373.167.1:62 BBK 30.6ya72 R59 Series “Academic school textbook” was founded in 2005 Project “Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Education, publishing house "Prosveshchenie" - Russian school" Project leaders: Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician. V.V. Kozlov, President of RAO Acad. N. D. Nikandrov, CEO publishing house "Prosveshcheniye" corresponding member. RAO A. M. Kondakov Scientific editors of the series: acad. RAO, Dr. ped. Sciences A. A. Kuznetsov, Acad. RAO, Dr. Ped. Sciences M.V. Ryzhakov, Doctor of Economics Sciences S. V. Sidorenko The “Perspective” series was founded in 2006. The workbook was compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education. The manual contains an extensive methodological tool for mastering universal educational activities: templates of parts with drawings, technological maps, tests and other tasks. Completing tasks from the workbook helps students consolidate practical skills acquired in technology lessons. Thematically and structurally, the material in the notebook corresponds to the content of the textbook. ISBN 978-5-09-029323-5 © Prosveshcheniye Publishing House, 2011 © Artistic design. Publishing house "Prosveshchenie", 2012 All rights reserved Dear friends! In this workbook you will find materials to help you complete projects and create interesting products. These are drawings and templates of parts that are necessary for working on products, and technological maps, by filling out which you will learn how to independently draw up a work plan, determine techniques and methods for its implementation, and choose necessary materials, tools and equipment, calculate the cost of the product, present your work and evaluate it. At the beginning of the notebook there is a price contour map Russia. On it you will find and mark cities in which large industrial enterprises of the leading industries of our country are located. In addition, the notebook contains a variety of tasks and tests. While completing tasks, you will analyze, compare, find and systematize information, and draw conclusions. And with the help of tests you can test your knowledge. Good luck to you in your work! Authors » % Map of Russia --L / Legend Come up with and draw symbols for industrial enterprises, with the help of which you will mark the cities in which these enterprises are located on the map of Russia. Carriage factory Car factory Earthenware factory Garment factory Shoe factory Confectionery factory Port Aviation plant Carriage factory Test tfBaroHbi» 1. Look at the railway cars shown in the pictures. Determine what goods are transported in each of them. Connect the corresponding image and definition with an arrow. Definition - a flat car for transporting cars - a flat wagon for transporting timber - a covered wagon for transporting livestock - a flat wagon for transporting bulky goods (building materials, containers, machines) that do not require protection from precipitation 2. Insert the missing words and complete the sentence. The main elements of the car design: ____________ Car model. depends on the purpose i# Car chassis (bogie) Read the work plan for the product “Car chassis (bogie)” on p. 13 textbooks. Fill out the technological map. Technological map Sequence of work Techniques, methods of execution Materials, tools and devices Assessment of the quality of work Sketch Marking Cutting Assembly Finishing Final assessment of the work: Approximate cost of the product: Compare the product manufacturing plan with the technological map. Make a conclusion: which document is more detailed. Justify your answer. nr Make drawings of the development of the base and protrusion, wheel parts on a scale of 1:1 on a sheet of colored cardboard (or thick paper). Make the product as shown in the tutorial. Drawing of the carriage chassis on a scale of 1: 1 "yu 60 "U//// Sh o o Sh" w ill Base development (4 parts) Passenger car Read the work plan for the product, determine and select the necessary materials and tools and manufacture model of a passenger car. Work plan 1. Read the drawing of the product. Make drawings of the body, roof parts and end walls in a scale of 1: 1 on a sheet of colored cardboard (or thick paper) 2. Cut out the development and parts. roof and end walls along the fold lines. 4. Glue the end walls to the body part using the flaps. 5. Glue the roof as shown in the figure. 6. Glue the car onto the two chassis (carts) prepared in advance. V "-X \ \ ■: I \ .. -g J 0 Drawing of a passenger car on a scale of 1: 2 End wall (2 parts) % At the Tver Carriage Plant they developed and manufactured a car of a new design for our country - a double-decker passenger car. This carriage has 16 compartments (8 each on the first and second floors), each compartment has 4 sleeping places, a service compartment for conductors and 3 toilet rooms. Soon such cars will appear on Russian railways. Look at the photo - this is what a double-decker carriage looks like from the outside. Try to imagine and draw what this carriage might look like from the inside. Cisgerna. Assembling the carriage Using the drawings on p. 16, 17 of the textbook, determine and select the materials and tools that are needed to make a model of the tank. Fill out the technological map. Technological map Sequence of work Techniques, methods of execution Materials, tools and devices Assessment of the quality of work Sketch Marking Cutting Assembly Finishing Final assessment of the work: Approximate cost of the product: Determine the correct sequence technological process(fill in the appropriate numbers in the boxes). Sequence of operations for manufacturing a model of a tank car: assembling the body, attaching the body to the stand, assembling the chassis, installing the stand on the chassis. M -\l: % Make drawings of the cylinder, stand parts and body parts on a scale of 1:1 on sheets of colored cardboard ( or thick paper). Make a tank model as shown in the tutorial. Drawing of a tank on a scale of 1: 2 (2 parts) Minerals Test “How oil is extracted” 1. Determine the correct sequence of the technological process (fill in the appropriate numbers in the boxes). The sequence of operations for oil production and transportation: drilling wells, searching for oil fields, transporting oil through pipelines or in tanks, building drilling rigs, preparing fields for development 2. Select the correct answer (check it). Oil and gas fields are depicted on maps using the following symbols: l s 3. Fill in the missing words and complete the sentences. A drilling derrick is a structure above ________________ _______________, designed for lowering and ascent* In its shape, the drilling rig is similar to the fSh L "-V" Drilling derrick Using the drawings on p. 21-23 of the textbook, select the parts and tools that are needed to make a model of a drilling rig. Fill out the technological map, draw up a work plan yourself and assemble the product. Technological map Sequence of work Techniques, methods of execution Materials, tools and devices Assessment of the quality of work Sketch Marking Cutting Assembly Finishing Final assessment of the work: Approximate cost of the product: Consider the model of the drilling rig you have assembled. Determine what geometric figure lies at the base of the model design. Select the correct answer (check it). The design of the model is based on: triangle square rectangle How will the model of a drilling rig change if it is based on a circle? On what geometric figure will such a tower look like? What product of a similar design have you made before? Malachite box Read the work plan for the product “Malachite Box” on p. 26 textbooks. Fill out the technological map and carry out work on the product. Technological map Sequence of work Techniques, methods of execution Materials, tools and devices Assessment of the quality of work Sketch Marking Cutting Assembly Finishing Final assessment of the work: Approximate cost of the product: Remember how malachite products are created using the “Russian mosaic” method. Fill in the missing words and complete the sentences. Pieces of malachite are sawn into ____________________, from which __________________ are selected. Then the resulting ____________________________________ are glued onto _ Compare the sequence of making an imitation malachite box from plasticine, given in the technological map, with the “Russian mosaic” technique. Select and write down general technological operations. > \ h! "", Automobile plant Test "" Automobile plant conveyor " 1. Determine the correct sequence of operations for assembling a car (fill in the appropriate numbers in the boxes): installation of the car frame on the conveyor installation of wheels installation of the engine, cabin parts installation of electrical equipment, steering installation and fastening of the chassis 2. Find out what professions people work at the automobile plant and what technological operations they perform. Fill in the empty columns of the table. Who does (profession) What does he do (operations performed) Welder Mechanical assembly worker Assembles and installs cabin parts. chassis components Electrician Electrical equipment adjuster 3. Find out from relatives if there are anyone among them who have the same professions. Tell us about these people and their professions i£"" i# KamAZ Using the pictures on page 31. , 32 textbooks, select the parts and tools needed to make a KamAZ model. Fill out the technological map. Make a work plan and assemble the product yourself. Technological map Sequence of work Techniques, methods of execution Materials, tools and devices Assessment of the quality of work Sketch Marking Cutting Assembly Finishing Final assessment of the work: Approximate cost of the product: Write down what parts of the metal constructor and what methods of connecting them you used when working on the car model KamAZ. What do you think has in common between the sequence of manufacturing a KamAZ model from a construction kit and the assembly of a truck on a factory assembly line? and. 4, -iT- 1GG-; "i Truck body. Assembling a dump truck Using the drawings on pp. 33, 34 of the textbook, select the parts that are necessary to make the truck body. Fill out the technological map. Draw up a work plan yourself and assemble the product. Technological map Sequence of work Techniques, methods execution Materials, tools and equipment Assessment of the quality of work Sketch Layout Assembly Finishing Final assessment of the product: What other types of truck bodies do you know? Try to design your own model of the body. If you wish, you can make a product and attach it. it to the KamAZ model. Mint Project €“Medal” 1. Definition of the theme and purpose of the project. We will create medals for awarding _ 2. Carrying out pre-project research. A medal is a badge of honor that is awarded to the winners of sports competitions for the first time awarded medals on _____________________________________________________ in --------------- year. Athletes who win first place are awarded _____________________________ medals, second place - _____________________________ medals, third place is awarded _____________________________ medals. 3. Making a sketch of the product. You can come up with a sketch of the medal yourself or choose a ready-made drawing that suits you on p. 25. 4. Distribution of roles, selection of materials necessary for work, and determination of their cost. Product (performer) Material Quantity Cost - 5. Filling out the technological map. Sequence of work Techniques, methods of execution Materials, tools and devices Assessment of the quality of work Sketch Marking Cutting Assembly Finishing Final assessment of the work: Approximate cost of the product: 6. Drawing up a work plan, creating a sketch of a separate product and performing work on it, then on the project in group. 7. Preparing and conducting a project presentation using questions: What is the name of your project? How did the project come about and why did you choose this piece to complete? How much of the project did you do yourself? Which points for each criterion - 5. Compliance with the plan or chosen model Accuracy, precision of execution Composition, color scheme, originality Independence, initiative Conducting a presentation Total points Evaluation of results: 25-23 points: 5 (“excellent”), 22-18 points: 4 (“good”), 17-13 points: 3 (“satisfactory”), less than 13 points: the product still needs work. l \ X g v?>-- Transfer the medal design you like onto tracing paper and use it as a template for making the product. You can use other drawings if you wish. "Faience factory Tes¥ ssHow faience is created" 1. Match the emblems of the factories where faience products are made with the names of the cities in which these factories are located. Connect the corresponding image and city name with an arrow. City Artyomovsk Dmitrov Dulevo Konakovo St. Petersburg Yuzhnouralsk Jk 3 2. Select the correct answer (mark it with a tick). Earthenware is made from: sand feldspar wood oil quartz white clay (kaolin) 3. Fill in the missing words and complete the sentences. When making earthenware, _____________________, ______________________ and ____________ are first crushed and mixed. The resulting mixture is sent to ____________, where ________ is created. After this, the workpiece is placed into the products. For production, presses are used. and perform _________________ cover the earthenware with a thin layer and perform _________________ firing of the product. Then the earthenware is decorated with colored paint and ____________ firing. Product made from _____________ or 4. Write what products made of earthenware you have in your home. Determine where they were made, f "J*-% Basis for the vase Read the work plan for the product on page 43 of the textbook. Fill out the technological map and carry out the work on the product. Technological map Sequence of work Techniques, methods of execution Materials, tools and devices Assessing the quality of the work Sketch Marking Cutting Assembly Finishing Final assessment of the work: Approximate cost of the product: Compare the sequence of making a vase from plasticine, given in the technological map, with the technological process of making products at a faience factory. Select and write down the general technological operations If you decide to make a vase. according to your sketch, make a sketch of the product and determine its details. Don’t forget to think about the decor of your vase. Sewing factory Tes¥ “How to sew clothes” 1. Determine the correct sequence of the process of making clothes at a clothing factory (fill in the appropriate numbers in the boxes): cutting out the details of the product. production and testing of patterns development of a product model and its design preparing fabric for cutting sewing the product and its finishing 2. Remember the rules for taking measurements, insert the missing words and complete the sentence. 1. Tie ______________________ with a cord, elastic band or thin belt. 2. When taking measurements, stand __________________________, without tension, with your arms at your sides. 3. When measuring, do not tighten or loosen 3. Record your measurements in the table. Name of measurements Size of measurements, cm Height Bust circumference Waist circumference Hip circumference 4. Determine your clothing size "to Tack Read the work plan for the product "Tack" on page 50 of the textbook. Fill out the technological map. Technological map Sequence of work Techniques, methods of execution Materials, tools and equipment Assessment of the quality of work Sketch Marking Cutting Assembly Finishing Final assessment of the work: Approximate cost of the product: Draw a drawing of the product on a scale of 1:1 and cut out a pattern Make a tack as shown in the textbook Drawing of a tack on a scale of 1: 2 to New Year's toy 1. Look at the photographs of New Year's toys and determine what materials they are made of. Fill out the table. Toy Material) ^ I W \-\s^ 2, Nowadays, original homemade New Year's toys made from scraps of fabric are very popular. on creating a soft toy. Fill in the missing words. new technology should be good_________________ The light should fall on the work from ____________ side.

For convenience, _____________________ details. Upon completion of work, all tools. into the working box. 3. Determine the correct sequence of the technological process (fill in the appropriate numbers in the boxes). The sequence of work on a soft toy: selection of material and preparation for work; creation of a three-dimensional form of individual parts; marking of parts; finishing (design) of the product; assembly of the product; cutting of parts ($) Bird Using the drawings on p. 52-54 of the textbook, select the materials, tools and devices necessary to make the “Bird” product. Fill out the technological map. Technological map Sequence of work Techniques, methods of execution Materials, tools and devices Assessment of the quality of work Sketch Marking Cutting Assembly Finishing Final assessment of the work: Approximate cost of the product: Make drawings of the parts of the body and head of the toy on a scale of 1:1 and cut out patterns of the parts. Make a toy as shown in the tutorial. Drawing of the “Bird” product on a scale of 1: 2 Torso # Based on the “Bird” product, you can make various soft New Year’s toys: a frog, a bunny, a bear. To do THIS, consider the selected toy model and determine what additional parts are needed to make it. G use carbon paper to transfer the templates of these parts onto paper. You cut the patterns and cut out the details. Draw up a work plan yourself, select the materials needed for the work, and complete the work on the product. Frog Bunny Teddy Bear Upper leg (2 parts) Lower leg (2 parts) Outer part of the ear (2 parts) Inner part of the ear (2 parts) Upper leg (2 parts) Lower leg (2 parts) Ear (2 children! Paw! upper (2 parts) j Foot 1-l g 1’. lower [(2 parts) 1 m\k^1^35

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The workbook is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education. The manual contains an extensive methodological tool for mastering universal educational activities: templates of parts with drawings, technological maps, tests and other tasks. Completing tasks from the workbook helps students consolidate the practical skills acquired in technology lessons. Thematically and structurally, the material in the notebook corresponds to the content of the textbook.

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Dear friends! 3
Russia map 4
Legend 6
Carriage Works 7
Test "Wagons" -
Car chassis (trolley) 8
Passenger car 10
Tank. Car assembly 14
Minerals 16
Test “How oil is extracted” -
Rig 17
Malachite box 18
Automobile plant 19
Test "Conveyor of a car plant" -
KamAZ 20
Truck body. Dump truck assembly 21
Mint 22
Project "Medal" -
Faience factory 26
Test “How faience is created” -
Base for vase 28
Garment Factory 30
Test “How to sew clothes” -
Tack 31
Christmas toy 32
Birdie 34
Shoe factory 36
Test “How shoes are made” -
Model of children's summer shoes 38
Woodworking 40
Test "Wood Processing" -
Technical drawing of a ladder - support for plants 42
Ladder - support for plants 43
Confectionery factory 46
Test "Confectionery" -
Appliances 48
Test “Rules for operating electric heating devices” -
Table lamp 50
Shade. Assembly table lamp 52
Greenhouse farming 55
Test "Greenhouses" -
Project “Flowers for the school flowerbed” 56
Vodokanal 60
Test “How water enters our home” -
Water purification filter 61
Port 62
Test "Work in the port" -
Technical drawing of a rope ladder 64
Bracelet 65
Aircraft and rocketry 66
Test "Airplanes" -
Airplane 68
Space Exploration Test 69
Launch vehicle 72
Publishing 73
Test "Elements of a Book" -
Book “Diary of a Traveler” 74

In this workbook you will find materials to help you complete projects and create interesting products. These are drawings and templates of parts that are necessary for working on products, and technological maps, by filling out which you will learn how to independently draw up a work plan, determine techniques and methods for its implementation, select the necessary materials, tools and devices, calculate the cost of the product, conduct a presentation of your work and her assessment.
At the beginning of the notebook there is an outline map of Russia. On it you will find and mark cities in which large industrial enterprises of the leading industries of our country are located.
In addition, the notebook contains a variety of tasks and tests. While completing tasks, you will analyze, compare, find and systematize information, and draw conclusions. And with the help of tests you can test your knowledge.

▫ Can you give an example of a specific project, Alena Tulkunovna?
▫ Why `was`? The functionality remains the same (with minor exceptions). Are the graphics hosted? Yes. Lyrics? Yes. Video - it is much more convenient to post it on other resources, but here show a link to the film. Sound? Also absolutely no lethality: many have problems, but save the audio on specialized services or in the cloud no one bothers anyone, does not prohibit anyone, and does not persecute anyone for this. Incomplete editor functionality is also not a problem. `Copy-paste` works. Links are displayed. Copying a post before saving is such a job that doesn’t require more than a couple of seconds that there’s even nothing to say. Problems with some users are, of course, a problem. The Portal engine was created in fairly distant times (in a software sense). But for some, the Portal is a problem - and for others, it “flies” and “flies”. Content? And who makes the content, isn’t it the users themselves? If you want something INTERESTING, make it INTERESTING for yourself and everyone. No one is preventing this either, no one is forbidding this, no one is stopping anyone from doing this. ====================== Without 'conspiracy theories', of course, it's a bit boring...) Lyudmila Nikolaevna, haven't these advanced young people explained what it is? what kind of `SYSTEM` is this? Who “breaks up” pedagogical sites? Who is behind this? ... No, well, since they know that there is a “system,” maybe they will share information with us regarding these “system ill-wishers”? So that we can be warned and know who the adversary is? Seriously! Since the guys are so advanced?
▫ Thank you! Thank you!
▫ It still smells like melted snow. Somewhere he sleeps in the hollows. A snowdrop suddenly blossomed like a bright blue amulet Among the thin blades of grass. I'll collect spring flowers and put them on the window. The shadows of Willows in yellow earrings are cast on the meadow. The sun pours tenderness through the window. Everything is transparent and it’s as if music is flying into the windows. It is the spring light that wakes up the tired house. The house welcomes the Wind with sunny freshness. Anna Sudina 6587816-a151550 Good spring day to everyone, Friends!
▫ Thank you for the Poetry, Galinochka! Congratulations on the holiday of the soul! Such a familiar and beloved folk flower, an emblem of hope, a symbol of spring... But every nation has its own snowdrop. There are seventeen species of snowdrop in total. There are Greek, Byzantine, Caucasian and other snowdrops. But still, in most countries, as in England, the most popular snowdrop is galanthus. Although in England it is called a "snow drop", in France - a "snow drill", in Germany - a "snow bell", in the Czech Republic - a "snowflake". There are 12 species of snowdrops out of 18 existing in Russia. Almost all of them are listed in the Red Book and are protected by law, which, unfortunately, does not stop people from picking them. 6509902-a151550

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The workbook is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education. The manual contains an extensive methodological tool for mastering universal educational activities: templates of parts with drawings, technological maps, tests and other tasks. Completing tasks from the workbook helps students consolidate the practical skills acquired in technology lessons.
Thematically and structurally, the material in the notebook corresponds to the content of the textbook.

Look at the railway cars shown in the pictures. Determine what goods are transported in each of them. Connect the corresponding image and definition with an arrow.

The Tver Carriage Works developed and manufactured a carriage of a new design for our country - a double-decker passenger carriage. This carriage has 16 compartments (8 each on the first and second floors), each compartment has 4 sleeping places, a service compartment for conductors and 3 toilet rooms. Soon such cars will appear on Russian railways. Look at the photo - this is what a double-decker carriage looks like from the outside. Try to imagine and draw what this carriage might look like from the inside.

Determine the correct sequence of the technological process (fill in the appropriate numbers in the boxes).

Sequence of operations for oil production and transportation:
drilling of the wells
search for oil fields
transportation of oil through pipelines or tanks
construction of drilling rigs preparation of fields for development

Dear friends!
Map of Russia
Carriage Works
Test "Wagons"
Car chassis (trolley)
Tank. Car assembly
Test “How oil is extracted”
Malachite Box
Automobile factory
Test "Conveyor of a car plant"
Truck body. Dump truck assembly
Project "Medal"
Earthenware factory
Test “How faience is created”
Vase base
Garment factory
Test “How to sew clothes”
New Year's toy
Shoe factory
Test “How shoes are made”
Model of children's summer shoes
Woodworking production
Test "Wood Processing"
Technical drawing of a ladder - support for plants Ladder - support for plants
Confectionery factory
Test "Confectionery"
Test “Rules for operating electric heating devices”
Desk lamp
Shade. Assembling a table lamp
Greenhouse farming
Test "Greenhouses"
Project “Flowers for the school flowerbed”
Test “How water enters our home”
Water purification filter
Test "Work in the port"
Technical drawing of a rope ladder
Aircraft and rocketry
Test "Airplanes"
Space Exploration Test
Launch vehicle
Test "Elements of a Book"
The book "Diary of a Traveler".