Mail agent stable version. How to return the old version of mail ru agent

IN Lately many of my subscribers began to ask the question: how to return old version mail ru agent? The problem appeared after the mail ru agent was updated to version 10. Not only is it impossible to connect more than 1 account in this version, but the functionality has become very poor, contacts, other accounts, money from accounts and correspondence history have disappeared. All this caused extreme indignation among those whose agent was updated to new version. Today I will tell you how to return the old version of mail ru agent.

First we need a program Uninstall Tool For complete removal Agent version 10. Download it and run it as administrator, find the mail agent in the list of programs, select it and click the uninstall button. The program will do complete cleaning agent, removing all traces of her. Next you need to download the old version of the agent, you can do it yourself or download it from this link. If the browser complains about the danger of the file, click download the file anyway. After downloading, extract the agent installer from the archive and run the installation. After installation, do not connect to your account so that the agent does not update without asking. Click right click by the old agent shortcut and find the location of the file either in the menu or in the shortcut properties. Go to the folder where it is located executable file agent, find the magentsetup.exe file there and delete it. Next, create a test document and name it magentsetup.exe. Then right-click on the file, select properties and check the read-only box. This way you will delete the file responsible for updating the agent and it will no longer be able to update.

How to remove updates and install the old version?

With the release of the new one, updated version began persecuting the developers - they say, now everything is not the same: the interface has become “Windows 10”, many familiar functions have stopped working, and many things in the new Agent are absolutely not pleasing.

The funny thing is that updating old versions to a new one takes place without asking, and when installing an old version over a new one, it does nothing - after a reboot, the Agent is automatically updated to the new version.

But this can be avoided, and the solution is quite simple:

We remove Agent 10 version through installation and removal of programs. We also remove all sorts of Satellites, Guards and the “mail agent update program”

Install agent 6.x. You can get it from our website - version 6.5

Usually lives in folders:

C\Users\your user\App Data\Roaming\\Agent

C:\Users\your user\AppData\Roaming\Mra\Update\ C:\Users\your user\AppData\Local\Temp\magent..tmp\

To prevent future client updates, be sure to instead deleted file copy the downloaded file magentsetup.exe (weighing 40 megabytes) version 6.5 into the same folders, and set the attribute “read-only” and “hidden” in its properties

We use it.

Mail.Ru Agent 5.10 download free

  • Version: full, free
  • Restrictions: no
  • Developer: Mail

Mail.Ru Agent 5.10 is a client from Mail.Ru Group that makes Internet communication more accessible. If the product was initially used only for chatting and receiving owner notifications mailboxes, then now it's universal utility with maximum possibilities.

Using the program, you can make video calls around the world, communicate via regular or mobile phones, connect with friends on popular social networks.

An additional feature of Mail Agent is widgets, thanks to which you can read news, find out the weather forecast and receive other information.

We offer Mail.Ru Agent 5.10 to download for free from the official website without registration, SMS, viruses and advertising.

Page 2
  • Version: full, free
  • Restrictions: no
  • Language: Russian, English, Ukrainian
  • Developer: Mail
  • Operating system: Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10
  • Bit depth: x32, x64, 32 bit, 64 bit
Download Free official version

Mail.Ru Agent 5.9 is a famous communication client from Mail.Ru Group. Text messages, video calls, SMS, IP telephony, support ICQ protocol with this application is available on different operating systems.

After installing the program, messages about receiving letters arrive instantly without checking Email. There is the possibility of free calls, creating group chats for any number of participants.

Many widgets and personalized settings make Mail Agent convenient multifunctional tool for communicating online, watching videos, getting information about the weather and much more.

Instructions - How to get rid of the agent update [cunning plan]


As you know, the dear and beloved Mail.Ru corporation does not want us, users, to use old and advanced mail agents with bells and whistles and convenient features, such as replacing the Latin alphabet in the text with Cyrillic, or support for social networks. And arranged forced updates to the extremely shitty version 10 with kopecks. But! This problem can be solved. You ask how? I will answer.

Step-by-step instruction:

1. Install the required version agent.2. We are waiting for it to be updated to the shitty version 10+ .3. Ignoring the new version, we install the required version of the agent again, now we have two agents, new and old.4. In the new version, uncheck the box “run when Windows starts.”5. We use the old version, we don’t look at the new one and don’t launch it.

End of instructions.

The method, of course, may seem overly pretentious, but it works. I recommend installing version 6+. That’s where I end this useful post.

Tags:, Visual material, humor

Mail.Ru Agent 6.5.9316

3.7 (73.66%) 41 votes

Exchange systems instant messages via the Internet are very popular among network users. So-called Internet messengers make it possible to instantly receive and send messages to your acquaintances, friends, and work colleagues.
Auto-update to version 10 is disabled.

About the program:

Version: 6.5.9316
System: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
Russian language: Yes

Not so long ago, the choice of such programs was quite poor. However, development popular services allowed to the modern user get ample opportunities and functionality for exchanging information with other service participants and more. For example, the popular Post service Mail.Ru provided its users with a convenient and functional software Mail.Ru Agent, which you can download from our website.

Mail.Ru Agent also provides the user with the opportunity to instantly find out about the arrival new email letters and quickly open your mailbox.


Mail.Ru Agent is also a convenient Internet pager that allows you to combine your contacts from different systems exchange of such messages. With help Mail.Ru Agent you can communicate with your friends who have Accounts in other Internet paging systems and in social networks (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, ICQ, Jabber).

In addition, using Mail.Ru Agent you can communicate via video or voice chat with people located all over the globe, and you can do this completely free of charge. The agent allows you to quickly exchange various files, for example, photographs or documents, as well as send free SMS messages to cellular users.

Besides the rich functionality for communication and information exchange, the program allows you to customize your interface, offering a wide selection of design themes, and the presence of a wide variety of emoticons and animated characters will help make communication brighter and more exciting.

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