The blogger died from the bite. Famous blogger Arslan Valeyev died after being bitten by a snake live

Everything happened so unexpectedly that many of Arslan Valeev’s fans still cannot believe what happened. Shortly before the tragedy, the video blogger and his girlfriend took the puma cub to the doctor, after which the young people decided to celebrate this event. Soon after, Arslan went live on YouTube to chat with his fans. According to eyewitnesses, the guy left for just a few minutes, and then came back and showed the snake bite.

Stunned viewers listened in horror as the video blogger informed them of his approaching death. After that, Arslan showed his ex-wife's phone number and asked his fans to tell her that he loved her very much. The video blogger said that he would be glad to see her one last time. Soon Ekaterina herself, Arslan’s ex-wife, appeared and turned off the broadcast.

Later it became known that due to the bite of a black mamba, the video blogger fell into a deep coma. The doctors made every effort to save Arslan, but, unfortunately, they failed. The news that the blogger died became known this afternoon. Some fans believe that it was suicide, to which the guy was pushed by separation from his wife.

In contact with


31-year-old blogger Arslan Valeev, author of the BobCat TV and Private Exotarium video channels dedicated to exotic animals, passed away on Monday afternoon. The young man's death was due to a black mamba bite he received during a live broadcast on YouTube on the night of September 23. After this, Arslan was in a coma. Doctors fought for Valeev’s life, but they could not save him.

In addition, information is being spread on the Internet that shortly before his death, Arslan’s mood worsened due to the departure of his wife Catherine. According to some reports, Valeev seemed to be very jealous of her and even beat her the other day, and on the eve of the tragic incident he behaved strangely - he used obscene language and talked about death and pain.

On the eve of the tragic incident, Arslan met a good friend, Marina, with whom he took a puma cub to the hospital. Friends celebrated this event. After Valeev’s friend left, he again got in touch with subscribers. At some point, Valeev walked away from the computer, and then returned, demonstrating a snake bite.

“I’ll just stay with you for a little while. If anything, there is an entry on the phone for Katya. Just reading your messages. Tell Katya that I loved her very much. Bye everyone. I can’t even believe that this is happening to me. This is Katya’s phone number, if she manages to drive up to me and see me, I would be glad. In fact, I'm already dying. Farewell. But I would be glad to see Katya. I’m shaking,” noted the young man.

Valeev's worried spectators could not understand what had happened. After some time, an ambulance was called, and the moderators turned off the chat, saying that Arslan was alive. Throughout this time, the young man’s subscribers watched what was happening live and panicked. Then Ekaterina came to the blogger and turned off this broadcast.

Subscribers' opinions regarding what happened to Arslan vary. Some of them believe that he decided to commit suicide. At the same time, others, on the contrary, believe that Valeev did not plan to take his own life, and his dying speech was not planned and represents the body’s shock reaction to a snake bite. They note that the Internet activist was the victim of an accident. Many of Arslan’s followers urge him not to blame his ex-wife for what happened to him.

Arslan's admirers wish him to rest in peace. Netizens write that they do not believe in the sudden death of the blogger. It seemed that there were no signs of trouble. Valeev seemed to be a purposeful young man who cared about animals with all his heart.

“We remember, we love, we mourn”, “Please take care of yourself”, “Sincere condolences”, “This is creepy. Hurt. I hope his soul is at peace. Sleep well, good friend,” “Like I lost a loved one,” “Very sad,” “Looks like a bad dream,” “His channel gave me so much positivity,” Valeev’s fans discuss.

It became clear that the blogger had separated from Ekaterina in April of this year. Valeev’s followers suspected that difficulties had arisen in his relationship with his wife, and bombarded the young man with questions.

“Why are there so many channels? Where is Katya? Why is that? Why is this? Yes, we separated, it’s simple. And there are no problems with this, just to get rid of unnecessary questions. We’re dividing everything up little by little,” Arslan said a couple of months ago.

Last Thursday, Arslan publicly apologized to his wife. The blogger noted that he behaved unworthily, omitting unflattering statements about his ex-lover. The young man said that he was hurt and lonely.

“There are no justifications for my statements addressed to you personally, I acted basely and stupidly, I am extremely far from the ideal, but you understand, it’s very hard for me now, it’s hard to live within the walls in which we wanted to meet old age, it’s hard to see everything that connected with you and is an obligatory part of my lonely (I have no one!) life, it is very difficult to accept the fact that everything is already behind and nothing can be fixed. And I see that everything has definitely passed for you, a new life has begun with someone you have long sympathized with,” the blogger wrote to Ekaterina.

Valeev also said that the girl was a wonderful person whom he undeservedly offended.

“Not a single impartial statement addressed to you personally has any meaning or weight, all this is a lie out of resentment and wild envy, you know this, but not everyone watching understood this. I have apologized to you more than once. He apologized publicly. I also apologize to the public, I am not a robot for cleaning up after animals and generating videos, I am a person with a rather weak character as I am,” Arslan noted.

Video blogger Arslan Valeev became famous thanks to his public page about big wild cats BobCat TV and the channel about snakes and other reptiles “Exotrium”. He received a bite from a poisonous reptile on live television. It is known that shortly before the transfer he quarreled with his wife.

The bite of a black mamba is fatal to humans if an antidote is not administered in time. The snake attacked Arslan Valeev live, writes MK.


On the night of September 23, the blogger talked about the black mamba, and at some point it bit the presenter. Subscribers watching the online broadcast called an ambulance. Doctors took Arslan to the hospital in critical condition. The doctors did everything possible, but they could not save the naturalist.

It is reported that Valeev’s quarrel with his ex-wife left the blogger very upset. He was jealous of the girl, once even allegedly raised his hand against her (so, in any case, she claims, showing medical documents as evidence). Later, Arslan published a public appeal to Ekaterina Pyatizhkina in one of his groups, where he asked her forgiveness for everything he had done.

“I have apologized to you more than once. I have apologized publicly. I also apologize to the public, I am not a robot for cleaning up after animals and generating videos, I am a person with a rather weak character as I am,” the blogger wrote on the eve of his death on air.

The permanent TV presenter of the program “In the Animal World”, biologist Nikolai Drozdov commented on the tragedy. According to him, attention is dulled on live television, and the black mamba is a fast and merciless snake, REN TV reports.

“You lose attention on live broadcast, you get distracted by filming. It’s very dangerous. I was bitten by a snake only once; I was filmed by a viper, I spent time in the hospital. It’s better not to go on air with snakes. Mamba is very dexterous and fast, bites instantly,” said Drozdov.

The channel of the popular St. Petersburg blogger Arslan Valeev has hundreds of thousands of subscribers. The 32-year-old man talked in his public about big wild cats and exotic reptiles. Viewers could see Arslan walking a puma cub, or a cobra eating a white mouse. And the other day, subscribers to the public had to witness the death of a blogger. Valeev died in front of thousands of viewers during a live broadcast after being bitten by one of the most poisonous snakes on earth, a black mamba. For more than a day, doctors fought for the man’s life, but they could not save him.

Black mamba bite

Blogger Arslan Valeev became known to the public thanks to his channel about the life of exotic animals. The 32-year-old St. Petersburg resident told subscribers about big wild cats and poisonous snakes and showed their habits and habits. In the video, Valeev played with a puma cub, stroked a lynx and deftly handled boa constrictors and pythons, unraveling a tangle of snakes and distributing them in their places.

The blogger's live broadcasts were the most popular. On the night of September 23, Valeev again decided to go live with one of his favorite poisonous snakes - the black mamba. Arslan, as always, turned on the camera and went to take the snake out of the terrarium to move it into a special plastic container for online broadcasts. The blogger has done this many times, but now something has gone wrong. When Arslan took the snake in his hands, it suddenly bit him. The man returned to the computer, showing a bite mark.

The blogger could no longer call an ambulance - his hands were numb.

"I can't believe this is happening to me"

Some viewers at first decided that Valeev was joking on them, but the “prank” dragged on too long. Arslan was getting worse every second. At the same time, the blogger realized the tragedy of the situation, because he himself is an expert in keeping poisonous snakes with 20 years of experience.

If you are bitten by a black mamba, medical attention should be provided immediately. With every second lost, a person's chances of survival decrease. However, Arslan did not stop broadcasting and continued to communicate with viewers, asking them to contact his wife. “I’ll just stay with you a little,” said Valeev. “I can’t even believe that this is happening to me.” Tell Katya that I loved her very much. If she manages to drive up to me and see me, I would be glad. In fact, I'm already dying. Farewell".

Frightened viewers called an ambulance for the blogger. Valeev found the strength to go outside and wait there for the doctors to arrive. Arslan was urgently hospitalized. Doctors put the man into an artificial coma and fought for his life for more than a day, but they were unable to save the blogger. On the afternoon of September 25, Arslan Valeev died.

What will happen to the channel?

Now the fatal broadcast has already been deleted from the network, but viewers still cannot forget this last recording of Valeev. “His channel gave so much positivity!”, “It seems like a bad dream,” “It’s like I lost a loved one,” viewers write on social networks.

The blogger's pets are under supervision. What will happen to Valeev’s projects is still unknown. It is possible that the channel about exotic animals will continue to be run by friends of the deceased man.

“On behalf of the immediate family, as well as the administration of Arslan Valeev’s resources, we express our deepest gratitude to all those who sincerely empathized during this difficult period and brought words of support to the loved ones from Arslan’s social circle,” it is written on the official page of the BobCat TV / Wild community cats." - There are many questions about the future fate of the resources, and we understand your concern about this. At the moment there is no definite answer, but we, as Arslan’s mother, Katya and the absolute majority of viewers and subscribers, would like further development of those projects that were part of life for Arslan.”

The incident with Valeev was not the first in a number of tragic cases involving exotic animal specialists. Thus, in 2006, the famous “crocodile hunter” Steve Irwin died from a blow to the chest from a poisonous stingray. The man's death was caught on film: the last moments of the Australian's life were filmed by a cameraman who was swimming behind him.

Russian Arslan Valeev, known to YouTube visitors for his broadcasts about animals, died from a poisonous snake bite. This was reported on the video blogger’s page. While there are suggestions that in this way Arslan Valeev wanted to attract attention and commit suicide.

Arslan Valeev is a Russian video blogger from St. Petersburg, the author of popular channels on Russian-language YouTube: "Private Exotarium"- on the popularization of terrarium animals (snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles, amphibians, spiders, scorpions) and BobCat TV - about lynxes and other exotic animals. Arslan hosted the second channel together with his wife Ekaterina Valeeva (Pyatyzhkina).

On Saturday, September 23, during a live broadcast, Arslan Valeev talked about his recent separation from his wife and talked about death. For some time he disappeared from the camera's field of view, and when he returned, he said that he had been bitten by a poisonous snake - a black mamba. Next, the blogger dictated his wife’s number and asked to call her. After some time, Valeev lost consciousness live.

While there are suggestions that in this way Arslan Valeev wanted to attract attention and commit suicide. When he lost consciousness, subscribers to his channel called an ambulance, and the blogger was hospitalized. Unfortunately, around noon on September 25, he died without regaining consciousness. St. Petersburg Research Institute of Emergency Care named after. I. I. Dzhanelidze confirmed the death of Valeev.

The tragic event, as it turns out, was preceded by a major quarrel with his wife. According to one version, Valeev has recently been very worried about the separation from his wife Ekaterina (they have not lived together for more than a year).

Two days before the tragedy, the young people filed an application for divorce with the registry office. The initiator was Catherine - allegedly Arslan raised his hand against her. The video blogger accused his wife of cheating and then allegedly attacked her.

Ekaterina reported the attack on Instagram, posting a photo and a medical examination.

Later, Valeev publicly apologized to his wife, but the reunion did not take place.
According to friends, on the night of September 23, the video blogger was slightly drunk. He went live, dictated Catherine’s phone number and stated that he would be glad to see her if she managed to arrive before his death. The young man announced that he was dying and said goodbye to everyone.

The first and only call to the ambulance in Vsevolzhsk (this is where Valeev lived) was registered on September 23 at 1.18. A certain girl called from the blogger's number. She introduced herself as a friend and asked the “03” doctors to urgently come to the house of her friend, who had been attacked by a snake. The young man, according to her, was in an inadequate state.

The doctors were about to rush to the call when the girl called back and canceled the call without explanation. Valeev, after consulting with friends, decided to get to the hospital on his own.

Friends took the blogger to the leading hospital in St. Petersburg - the Emergency Research Institute named after. I. I. Dzhanelidze. The patient was admitted to the toxic intensive care unit. Doctors fought for the patient’s life, but at 11:08 am on September 25, he died.