Methods of communication on the Internet. Methods of communication via the Internet. Blogs. Virtual diaries

Nowadays, when information technology has reached the peak of its development and almost every day becomes more and more simple and enjoyable to use, communication via the Internet is becoming an integral part of the daily life of a modern person. Communication with family and friends, contacts with work partners - all this is an important and, undoubtedly, quite serious detail of our daily routine, and in this field the communicative function of the World Wide Web is fully realized. Agree that it is not always possible to pay attention to everyone at once, contrary to your desires, and therefore you have to maintain contact with many only through the functionality of the Internet.

The choice of the most convenient methods of online communication for a modern user is extensive, and each of the proposed options has its own advantages and disadvantages. Now we will analyze the main ones in more detail and detail, and establish the key differences between them. So let's get started.

The first way of communication that you have undoubtedly heard about is connecting with people on social networks. The phenomenon of social networks itself began to actively develop in 2003-2004, when projects such as Facebook and MySpace became known to Internet users. The first social network in the world was the project, created exclusively for communications between students and classmates, but later these resources began to be used by more and more wide circles of people.

What is the main advantage of such projects? The fact is that, in addition to instant messaging, the user can share public information with the Internet community - upload their favorite music, their photographs and graphic works to the page, and show videos. And this is only a small part of what social networks allow those interested in this type of communication to do. Some projects of this kind even offer a wide range of simple but exciting flash games with which you can kill time.

What about the disadvantages? And they exist too. These include a rather long (compared to instant messengers) messaging and an overly complicated interface, which, to put it mildly, is intended exclusively for amateurs. At the same time, social networks are addictive for most users, which directly follows from their wide possibilities.

The second option - probably even more common - is special programs for instant messaging. They are called messengers (from the English "message" - "message"). They, unlike social networks, are not replete with a wide range of possibilities, but at the same time they have everything you need for convenient and quick correspondence, and not only - for example, here you can use the font that you like, or put short statuses in the form of icons with attached text, the set of which was initially included in the program.

So, what are the main advantages of instant messengers? Undoubtedly, in high-speed, instant messaging and ease of use - the interfaces of the overwhelming majority of them do not cause rejection among both beginners and old-timers.

I would like to note the fact that there are both versions of programs for PCs and for mobile phones and communicators, and from this it directly follows that messengers are more mobile and practical than social networks.

Now about the disadvantages. In principle, there are not very many of them, and they are quite well compensated by built-in utilities - for example, the inability to “post” a photo or video is replaced by a rather practical opportunity to exchange files, as they say, “right now” (in this case, the file can have any resolution, which , can definitely be attributed to the advantages of this type of program).

I am sure that you have repeatedly heard the word “blogosphere”. This is the third way to keep in touch with people and make new acquaintances. The essence of a blog is that the author (owner) of one creates a main message on his page, and communication takes place directly in the comments to the post - both on a topic set by the author, and on completely arbitrary ones, if approved.

What advantages can you highlight in a blog? Undoubtedly, those who like new acquaintances will be attracted by the publicity of the blog - unlike social networks and instant messengers, everyone will be able to view your posts, as well as comment on them. Here you are given a unique opportunity, as the owner, to create topics of any nature and manually moderate them (delete messages in comments, for example). In fact, a blog is a diary that you keep, and which can be viewed either by those who are on your friends list, or by everyone without exception.

What about the cons? An obvious disadvantage is the slowness of communication in the comments. It is quite difficult to track online blog visitors through your own, and for full communication the blog must be popular with other users - the fewer visits per day are recorded, the less intense communication in the comments will occur.

Next, I suggest you pay attention to Internet forums - a fairly convenient way to contact people on the World Wide Web. In short, a forum is nothing more than a thematic resource, divided into sections, in each of which registered users create topics of interest to them and discuss. At first, any forum may seem cumbersome and confusing, but already at the first stages of use, the structure becomes extremely clear and even inviting.

The main advantage of the forum (and, in my opinion, the most significant of all) is a well-developed and effective moderation system. The forum administrator appoints special people - moderators - who monitor the order in the distribution of topics across sections and are responsible for censoring messages - down to every letter. Thus, a subjective approach to maintaining order is a significant plus in the collection of forums as such.

The disadvantages here are, in principle, the same as those of social networks and blogs - the intensity of communication directly depends on the popularity of the resource and the number of its visits. And the slowness of messaging will clearly not suit many people, although... It all depends on personal preferences.

So, now we have looked at four main ways to maintain contact and communicate with people on the World Wide Web - social networks, instant messengers, forums and blogs. Each of them has its own specifics and features of use, so when choosing the most suitable option for yourself, rely on your needs and preferences. Despite the fact that all of the above are noticeably different from each other, the same function is performed - this is to promote a comfortable and convenient exchange of information.

The last piece of advice that I would like to give you will be quite banal - despite the fact that the Internet makes your life so much easier, do not forget to communicate with people outside of it. After all, no online resource can replace a sincere, kind smile and a piercing, deep look!

Good luck to you in conquering the possibilities of the World Wide Web!


1.Characteristics and role of services on the Internet and the Internet communication system.. 4

1.1.The concept and role of services on the Internet. 4

1.2 Methods of communication via the Internet. 5

2.3. Internet portals.. 11




Communication on the Internet is an invariable component of the life of any modern person. At the same time, online communication has some unique properties that face-to-face communication cannot boast of. These include: anonymity - not a single person can reveal himself anywhere as much as this can be done on the Internet. At the same time, the user himself determines how much he is ready to open up to a particular interlocutor, which of his character traits he would like to show and which to hide, and, importantly, the person himself regulates the duration of his communication, devoting to it exactly as much time as he can afford; a huge audience of potential interlocutors. Only through the Internet is it possible to communicate with people whom a person has never seen before and, perhaps, will never see; the opportunity to find not only friends with similar interests, but also a life partner, if you’re lucky.

This justifies the relevance of studying issues of communication via the Internet. Many programs have been developed for this. Programs for communicating on the Internet today are quite diverse. Some, by modern standards, are already considered a little outdated, but still hold their positions. Such programs, with the help of which communication via the Internet was initially organized, include e-mail, social networks, Internet portals, QIP, Skyper, etc.

The purpose of the essay is to study Internet services, programs and social networks for communication on the Internet.

The objectives of the work were:

1. define and evaluate the popularity of Internet services;

2. present programs for communicating on the Internet;

Characteristics and role of services on the Internet and the Internet communication system

The concept and role of services on the Internet

Internet services are services provided to users in providing access to a social network and using Internet resources. The most popular Internet services are the following:

1. Electronic payment systems. Using the Internet, it is very convenient to order and pay for almost any services or goods in online stores, etc. More and more people use this service every day. Payment service providers receive profit in two ways: either a fixed fee for each transaction, or a percentage of each transaction.

2. Internet advertising. Today everyone understands the importance of advertising on the Internet on numerous sites, because Internet advertising is cheaper and its audience is constantly growing. Therefore, advertising business on the Internet is a promising activity, especially if an unconventional approach is used in this matter.

3. Online consultations. In order to provide online consultations, you need to register on a special website, indicate your specialization, information about yourself, upload certificates and diplomas and indicate the consultation schedule and price for your consultation.

4.Creation, promotion and administration of websites. If you know the basics of programming or have the opportunity to hire a web programmer, then you can safely start creating and promoting websites. Despite the fact that there is huge competition here, by doing quality work, you can build a profitable business.

5. Web design. Web design is a difficult but relevant topic. There is an opportunity to master it yourself or use the services of professionals. Such a business has one significant advantage - you can start it almost from scratch. The main thing is not to stop developing your business and not to be lazy.

6. Information business. Information is a product that is ideal for sale online. It is in high demand, easy to ship and easy to manufacture. You can sell e-books, audio, video, on topics that are interesting or find a market that has a need for a particular product.

7. Subscription sites. There is such a thing on the Internet as a subscription site. It is possible to create a website and simply sell subscriptions to it, and this can generate income every month. The topics for such a site can be different: from sites dedicated to news and Internet marketing to sites about the purchase and sale of shares, resources in certain industries, etc.

9. Online travel agency. Opening a travel agency online is much easier: you don’t have to worry about office costs, the number of clients, and you can manage it from anywhere in the world.

10. Copywriting. You can make money by selling articles and texts for websites. High-quality text that can improve a site's ranking is now highly valued. Of course, you can’t earn much from copywriting, but if you organize a copywriting agency, you can make good money.

10. Online real estate agency. The advantages here are similar to those of a travel agency. Large expenses will be spent on advertising, but they will still pay off.

Ways to communicate via the Internet

Let's present a rating of the most popular programs for communicating on the Internet. Programs for communicating on the Internet are programs that help you communicate in various ways with an interlocutor sitting at another computer. Methods can range from simple correspondence using text instant messages to video calls. Most programs have the ability to send SMS messages to mobile phones.

Communicating through messengers (programs for communicating via the Internet) is very convenient, since you can conduct a dialogue simultaneously with many people who can be located anywhere in the world where there is Internet. There are a great many programs that use both the ICQ protocol and their own. Let's look at the most popular ones.

ICQ (and its various builds). This program is particularly popular, but the quality of information transfer is low. Firstly, ICQ suffers from poor optimization, which is why it requires a large amount of system resources and traffic. The heaviness of the program is given by various less useful functions, such as the game service, which are removed in other versions. Secondly, ICQ has the status of “adware”, that is, the user is forced to endure an advertising banner as payment for the program. Among the advantages I would like to highlight is a pretty good appearance and support for skins. But this advantage does not cover other disadvantages.

Table 1 – Characteristics and evaluation of ICQ

QIP 2005. QIP is a messenger that does not have all the shortcomings of the previous one, being a fast and compact program. It supports skins, has many quite useful functions, such as anti-flood protection, the ability to quickly switch interlocutors in one window and many other features.

QIP supports a huge number of languages, and you can install additional emoticon packages. Many users love QIP for the ability to communicate from two numbers at once. You just need to run a second copy of the program. There is also a mobile version of QIP for smartphones.

Many QIP users have questions related to file transfer.
Of course, QIP is not without its drawbacks. For comfortable work you will have to use the latest version of the program; there is a connection limit. But all these are small things compared to the significant functionality of the program.

Table 2 – Characteristics and assessment of QIP

Miranda. This is a multifunctional client that supports all popular protocols. Significantly expandable with plugins, thanks to open source code. Because of this, it has unlimited expansion potential.
Miranda has quite significant security, both from hackers and from spam and flooding. For an online chat program, Miranda is very small in size and consumes few system resources. The only thing that not everyone may like: to ensure sufficient functionality, this program needs to be customized, unlike QIP, which comes already assembled. Although there is a solution for such people - ready-made assemblies of the program.
Table 3 – Characteristics and assessment of Miranda

Skype. The difference between this program and the others is that the main advantage here is video communication. Now you can see the interlocutor and hear his voice. Skype will help you establish a connection between two computers completely free of charge. It is enough that this program is installed on both computers with an existing Internet connection. Using Skype, you can exchange not only text messages like ICQ clients, but also establish voice and even video communication (if you have headphones and a microphone, and a web camera for video calls) with another Skype user.

In addition, using Skype you can make calls via the Internet to any mobile or landline phone. But these are already paid services, although their cost is low compared to a regular call. Payment is made through a personal Skype account, to which funds can be deposited in any convenient way. The Skype protocol is highly secure, tested by German intelligence services who tried to intercept the conversation through this program. All this works thanks to specialized communication technology.

Table 4 – Characteristics and evaluation of Skyper Agent. This program is the official messenger of the most popular Russian mail service Only registered users of the named site can use this program. The popularity of the program is ensured by the popularity of the mail service. All users using the program understand Russian. The agent also has an excellent search for interlocutors (even the best), so you can always find someone to talk to.

As for the functionality of the program, in addition to standard messaging there is the possibility of voice communication and the possibility of video calls implemented in the latest version. A rather interesting solution was cartoons - small flash cartoons that express some emotions like emoticons, but more colorfully. And in general, the agent is one of the most colorful programs for communicating on the Internet.

Since the program is connected to the service, it is possible to notify about new letters and enter the mailbox directly from the program window without entering a password. And in general, the agent is very closely intertwined with the service that supports it, which should really please the owners of mail on

Although the program has many advantages, it is not without its disadvantages. The main drawback is the speed and glitches of the server, which is why constant crashes occur. Communication with a slow Internet connection will also be very problematic and stressful.

Table 5 – Characteristics and evaluation of Skyper

Viber. First of all, the system allows you to send free messages, high-quality photos, videos, geolocations - information can be transmitted very quickly. The data transfer speed depends only on your Internet connection. If you want to save money on communication, then connect yourself to a tariff plan with unlimited Internet. The functions don’t end there / Using the application, you can talk for free - make calls to any device on which the messenger is installed, in all countries of the world (even in Honduras, Senegal, Madagascar). At the same time, the quality of communication will be excellent in 3g, 4g and Wi-Fi networks. The most important “secret” that many people don’t know about: you can call landline (landline) and mobile phones for pennies: the system allows you to dial a number when the Internet is turned off: you will always be in touch. Such communication is not free: the price of a minute of conversation depends on which country you are calling to. The cost varies from 2 to 15 rubles (it used to cost less, but, unfortunately, the dollar has become more expensive).

So, there are quite a lot of ways to communicate on the Internet using programs, and everyone independently chooses a program based on their own needs.

The following forms of communication on the Internet can be distinguished: teleconference, chat, various forums and correspondence by e-mail. Internet communication researchers typically categorize online communication methods according to their degree of interactivity. The most interactive communication environments are chats and forums, the least interactive are e-mail and teleconferences. In a teleconference and when communicating via e-mail, communication occurs off-line, in contrast to a chat, where people communicate on-line. In a conference, communication occurs around a specific subject, while chat does not have its own topic. However, chat rooms are mostly about communication for the sake of communication, while teleconferences are often about a specific subject. As a separate form of communication on the Internet, we can highlight communication in the so-called MUDs (from “multi-user dimension” - a role-playing game in which many users are united in one virtual space), which is close to chatting in that it happens on-line , but differs from it in the presence of a goal - the desire to win. Now we will consider each form of communication separately and draw conclusions about the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

3.1. Email.

It is an analogue of the well-known system of communication through letters sent in envelopes indicating the destination and addressee data, differing in that the letter exists in the form of an electronic message that is sent from the addressee’s computer to a mail server, and then delivered to the addressee on his mail box. The entire procedure under good conditions takes no more than 3-5 minutes. The mailbox address is the following: [email protected] (for example: [email protected]). A letter, like a regular letter in an envelope, can contain various attachments in the form of graphics (photos, drawings), audio (music, speech) and other types of files. Like paper correspondence, electronic correspondence has some peculiarities. Such communication, as a rule, is more often of an interpersonal or group nature, but sometimes it can also be mass (in the case of sending one letter to a large number of recipients). It is always indirect (the computer and the postal service act as intermediaries) and remotely. According to the method of interaction, it can be a monologue or a dialogue (if each subsequent letter answers the questions of the previous one). The form, as on paper, is written, but if communication takes place using audio speech files attached to letters, then this form can be called oral. There are no restrictions on the style of speech: it can be either official business or any other, even colloquial speech and the use of profanity. Here a lot depends on the level of development of the interlocutors, their relationships and the goals they pursue. Advantages of email compared to paper:- scanty time spent (both by the addressee to send, and by the addressee to receive and respond); - minimal cash costs for shipping; - less required data for successful delivery; - the ability to send audio materials along with a letter; - the possibility of simultaneously sending one letter to several recipients; - possibility of forwarding letters. Flaws:- you must have a computer, Internet access, an electronic mailbox, as well as basic knowledge of managing PC software; - when sending a large number of attached files or large files (from 25 MB), it may be more advisable to use regular mail.

Communication on the Internet is an invariable component of the life of any modern person. At the same time, online communication has some unique properties that face-to-face communication cannot boast of. These include:

  • anonymity - not a single person can reveal himself anywhere as much as this can be done on the Internet. At the same time, the user himself determines how much he is ready to open up to a particular interlocutor, which of his character traits he would like to show and which to hide, and, importantly, the person himself regulates the duration of his communication, devoting to it exactly as much time as he can afford;
  • a huge audience of potential interlocutors. Only through the Internet is it possible to communicate with people whom a person has never seen before and, perhaps, will never see;
  • the opportunity to find not only friends with similar interests, but also a life partner, if you’re lucky.

In our article we will talk about existing programs for communicating on the Internet, discuss their main differences from each other and their advantages for the user. In addition, we will give you some tips on how to more organically join the Internet crowd in order to avoid discomfort and create an interesting social circle for you.

Programs for communicating on the Internet

Programs for communicating on the Internet today are quite diverse. Some, by modern standards, are already considered a little outdated, but still hold their positions. Such programs, with the help of which communication via the Internet was initially organized, includes e-mail. By logging into your mailbox on the selected service, you can read and write letters. Examples of such services are, hotmail, and other mail sites.

Of course, mail is great, but first it is logical to find those to whom you can write letters. Traditionally, forums and chats are considered convenient for finding new acquaintances, where you can organize a discussion on a topic that interests you, make inquiries on topics that interest you, receive answers to questions asked, and ultimately form a certain circle of communication, the unifying factor for which will be common professional or personal interests.

Forums can be highly specialized (for example, a forum about computing and digital technology) or general topics, which cover a variety of topics that are interesting to a specific target audience. There are also universal forums where you can just chat with people “about nothing.”

A more dynamic program for communicating via the Internet is chats such as ICQ, Skype and others. There are thematic and general chats. It is in chats that you need to be active and quickly respond to events! Probably one of the most common chat programs today is ICQ, and this is quite understandable: the program allows you to quickly and easily communicate with online users. At the same time, the program does not load PC resources and takes up minimal space on the monitor. Using this program you can send files, links to pages, SMS.

Some useful tips for chat life newbies:

  1. Always say hello when you arrive and goodbye when you leave. This is a basic rule of politeness, do not neglect it.
  2. Try to choose chats with fewer visitors, then there is a greater chance that you will be able to find interesting interlocutors with whom it will be easier to communicate in the future in real life.
  3. Avoid large capital letters! In chats, this is considered a sign of bad taste, since it means shouting, and screamers are not liked.
  4. Add emoticons to your phrases, especially if this is the only way to determine your true attitude to what is written.
  5. Don’t have a complex about inserting yourself into someone else’s conversation. The whole point of chats is that if the conversation takes place in an open mode, the interlocutor can join in at any time. However, intervene as tactfully as possible, do not start communication with accusations or arguments.

Of course, sooner or later you will be faced with the question, what next? Should we limit ourselves to written communication or meet live with interesting interlocutors? You decide! Most chat rooms traditionally gather in certain places where people can chat with each other live and make new friends.

Social networks for communication

Now we invite you to talk about such a modern phenomenon as “social networks for communication.” There are countless of them!

WhatsApp is currently considered the most popular service for communication around the world. The program can be installed on any mobile device and is suitable for any operating system; WhatsApp can be used by Apple fans, BlackBerry lovers, and owners of Windows Phone smartphones. The essence of the program is that it searches for all users known to it by phone numbers, with its help you can send text messages to these users for free during the first year of using the application, and starting from the second year, pay $1 per year for this service. In addition to text correspondence, using this service you can exchange photo, video and audio files.

A program similar to WhatsApp that uses the subscriber’s number as a subscriber identifier is Viber. In addition to the listed functions, the program makes voice calls. And unlike its main competitor, this program is free.

The ChompSMS/Textra program has been developed specifically for the Android platform. This program sends a message to any number, bypassing the mobile operator’s network, but not for free, but in accordance with the prices on the official website.

Naturally, we couldn’t ignore the global giant – Facebook Messenger! This program allows you to exchange text messages with friends from Facebook without going to the network's website, as well as view your news feed and notifications. In addition to text messages, you can also send voice messages, but only if you are in a Wi-Fi zone.

The developer of the most famous social network in our country, VKontakte, Pavel Durov, created the Telegram messenger, which is essentially similar to WhatsApp. One feature is that sent messages can be prohibited from being forwarded to anyone else and the program can be configured so that they self-destruct after some time. Registration is carried out by phone number.

Surely we will not be mistaken if we say that the main purpose of using social networks is to communicate with the opposite sex on a variety of topics. And indeed, communicating with a girl on the Internet is easier and simpler for those who find it difficult to overcome their shyness and start freely communicating with a person immediately after seeing him for the first time in their life. In this context, social networks play the role of a kind of “bringer” - when people communicate with each other for some time, get used to the communication style, and subsequently it is easier for them to interact in reality. However, we should not forget that not a single one, even the most advanced chat or forum, can replace a sincere conversation face to face in the company of a pleasant interlocutor. So get acquainted, communicate, find new friends and be sure to meet! We wish you good luck!

Currently, there are many ways to communicate on the Internet, the main of which are email, forums, various conferences, chat rooms, online games and much more.

The most universal means of computer communication is electronic mail (E-mail), which is an analogue of the well-known system of communication through letters sent in envelopes, differing in that the letter exists in the form of an electronic message that is sent from the addressee’s computer to the post office server, and then delivered to the recipient to his mailbox. An e-mail, like a regular letter in an envelope, can contain various attachments in the form of graphics (photos, drawings, pictures, diagrams, tables), audio (music, speech) and other types of files.

Electronic correspondence has some features:

  • a) communication is interpersonal or group in nature;
  • b) communication is always indirect and remote (the computer and the postal service act as intermediaries);
  • c) according to the method of interaction, virtual communication can be a monologue or dialogue;
  • d) the form of communication can be written and oral (if communication is carried out using audio speech files attached to letters);
  • e) the style of speech can be either official business or any other, up to colloquial speech and the use of profanity.

Here, much depends on the level of development of the interlocutors, their relationships and the goals they pursue.

E-mail has some advantages over paper mail, which are as follows:

  • - scanty costs of time and money for shipping;
  • - less required data for successful delivery;
  • - the ability to send audio materials along with a letter;
  • - the ability to send one letter to several recipients at once;
  • - the ability to forward letters, etc.

E-mail also has such disadvantages as:

  • - the need to have a computer, Internet access, an electronic mailbox, as well as basic knowledge of managing PC software;
  • - when sending a large number of attached files or large files, it may be more advisable to use regular mail.

Another way to communicate on the Internet is forums, i.e. organizing the exchange of information and communication between a large number of interlocutors who are not uninterested in the topic of discussion, which is the reason for the concentration of these people in one place to bring it up for general discussion. Their main difference is that when organizing Internet forums there are no strict restrictions on the number of participants - they can be any users registered on a particular forum; there is also no time frame for discussing a topic - the process continues until the topic interesting for interlocutors.

There are forums of different topics, participants and goals pursued: some are Internet - analogues of previously held meetings on some topics that require further discussion, others exist to organize communication between people (usually having friendly relations outside the Internet, i.e. in everyday life), for various reasons, unable to gather in one place for live, non-mediated communication. Forums of the first type usually have scientific or socio-political topics and pursue corresponding goals, which may include solving any problems related to this topic. Such forums are characterized by a certain formality and an official business, scientific or scientific journalistic style of speech.

Forums of the second type differ, first of all, in their subject matter - various everyday spheres of life, social events, or the work of creators in the field of art (including music, painting, poetry and prose, etc.) can be discussed, as well as in the informality of communication . In addition, depending on the number of participants, all language means are used without restrictions. Communication takes place mainly in a conversational style of speech, but there are no strict boundaries here. The goals can be considered to be the acquisition by participants of various knowledge, communication experience, as well as obtaining some truth in disputes regarding a particular phenomenon or individual preferences.

Advantages of Internet forums over live communication:

  • - no need to travel to the forum venue - just turn on the computer and type in the email address;
  • - enormous savings of time, effort and money when participating in the forum;
  • - the opportunity to take part in several forums at once;
  • - the lack of physical contact with opponents excludes the possibility of using physical force in controversial situations;
  • - the period of the forum does not have a strict time frame.

The disadvantages of Internet forums are as follows:

  • - you must have a computer, Internet access, an electronic mailbox, registration on the forum, as well as basic knowledge of using PC software;
  • - frequent lack of visual representation of interlocutors due to their reluctance to display their photos for public viewing.

There is also such a way of communicating on the Internet as “I Seek You” (ICQ - “I Seek You” - “I’m looking for you” or simply “ICQ”) - this is a program that allows you to communicate with your friends online - t .e. in real time. It operates on the principle of e-mail, only the principle of its operation is even faster. This method of communication is somewhat reminiscent of passing notes. You can send them messages, various files, call them to chat, send an invitation to launch network programs, etc.

There are many other ways of virtual communication on the Internet - these are network games (strategic and intellectual), and the virtual world (as a community of people who build an interactive virtual life), and clubs (which are like a mixture of a conference and a chat), etc.