What channels are included in Beeline television. Setting up and managing the application. High definition TV in HD quality

Today I decided to write a post, finally, not even a post, but a whole article) In general, I won’t delay, we’ll talk about online television . I liked this topic at one time, until the TV itself appeared, as Appliances=). Well, it’s convenient, I launched the player on my computer and watch almost any game for myself TV channel on the Internet.

Besides watch watch TV online internet Beeline on a computer can also be done from a work computer, but this is no longer about Beeline TV, but I’ll still tell you at the end of the article. That was the theory, now let's move on to practice, so to speak, the setup itself and use.

1. The first thing that is necessary is to download the player itself through which we will watch Beeline Internet TV. Suitable for us VLC media player, .

2. Install the player on your computer. The installation is simple, click everywhere further next, I just want to draw your attention to this installation menu, if you do not want VLC to be the default audio and video player, uncheck the boxes as in the screenshot.

3. Now we need list of online TV channels which we are going to watch. I divided the channels into local and Internet channels, those that local ones will be shown without VPN installations connections. That is, if you do not pay for the provider’s services on time, within two weeks you will have access to local resources, which include local online television.

Download a playlist with local channels + 2 playlists with Internet channels from here: Beeline TV playlist

First, Russia 1, NTV, channel 5, Russia 2, Russia 24, Russia K, Russian Night, Carousel.

Playlist with Internet channels includes:

First, Russia 1, TVC, NTV, Russia K, Russia 2, MUZ TV, REN, Home, STS, DTV, TNT, Disney, TV3, MTV, Euronews, Stolitsa, 2x2, TV club, RAZ TV, Fashion TV, TV Hits, Soyuz, Bridge TV, Sport 1, Cartoon Network, MCM Top, MTV Dance, Da Vinci Learning, Viasat Explorer, CNN, Viasat Nature, Disney, Animal planet, TLC, Mezzo, Zone romantica, Fighter TV, Auto Plus, Extreme sports, TV Chanson, Rain, RTG TV, Music BOX, TV5 Mondel, Bloomberg, World Fashion, Nickelodeon, BBC World, Russia Today, Child's world- TV club, DIVA Universal, Zvezda, Eurosport, Eurosport2, Amazing Life, RBC, Agro-TV, Comedy TV, TV 1000, Expert, RUTV, MIR, O2TV, St. Petersburg channel 5, Karusel, channel 3, KHL, Aljazeera, 9 Orbita, Russia24, StyleTV, Trace Tropical HD, Channel 8, Russian Railways, TNV, MORNING, CCTV News.

4. Now launch the program and open the Player Playlist.

5. Next, let's upload the downloaded playlist to VLC program. It's very simple. Launch the program from the shortcut and open the program playlist. Below in the pictures: Open the downloaded archive and drag the playlist into the program window.

Home TV from Beeline - “Basic 2.0” tariff - 4.3 out of 5 based on 16 votes

If you haven't used interactive television yet, then you should do it right now. After all, the quality and capabilities of this TV are not comparable to satellite TV. Interactive TV allows the subscriber to perform various actions with the broadcast - control it, which are not available when normal viewing cable television. You can watch the broadcasts of the previous two days

IN Lately you can see a widespread offer to connect interactive television. And those who have already managed to connect know how much this type TV is superior to all others. What will the user receive when connecting? Home TV Beeline:

  1. 125 TV channels, with many channels broadcast in HD quality
  2. Ability to pause while watching or record the broadcast
  3. Ability to view programs from the previous two days

All that is needed to connect this television is high-speed landline Internet access, since the broadcast occurs via the Internet, a set-top box.

List of channels of the “Basic 2.0” package

In addition to purchasing a set-top box and connecting a landline Internet line, you need to connect basic package channels. The cost of connecting to the basic package is 345 rubles per month, and you will be provided with 125 channels to watch in high quality. Among them will be: news, sports, entertainment, music and educational channels. If necessary, you can expand this list by selecting additional channels during the conclusion of the contract, or connect them yourself through the user’s personal account. Additional channel packages include the following: “Match! Football”, “Our Football HD”, “Educational”, “Cinema”, “Children”, “For Adults”. Connection occurs for a fee, that is, a fee for each of the packages you choose will be added to your monthly subscription fee. For example, if you order the additional “Cinema” package, you will have 26 channels added and the monthly subscription fee will be 594 rubles.

How to connect home TV Beeline

As for the connection, there are several ways to make the connection. First of all, pay attention to the quality and speed of your Internet access. You must have a fixed line access with a speed of 100 Mb/s. If you do not have Internet at home, then you can connect to Beeline home Internet when ordering interactive TV. In this case, you will have a discount. Next, you can apply for connection at the company office, see where the nearest company office is located on the map beeline.ru/customers/beeline-on-map/ .

The location of service centers and operating hours will be indicated there. You can first find out if it is possible to connect the service at your address by filling out the form feedback on the company website beeline.ru/customers/products/home/home-tariffs/tv/bazoviy-20/ . To do this, follow the link on the right " Check your home's connection" You can also ask questions about connection at special number 8 800 700 8378 .

Additional channels

If you decide to connect additional TV channels, then you should familiarize yourself with the list of channels offered for connection. For fans of films without advertising and in good quality you can connect the following channel package "Movie". Subscription fee This package will cost only 249 rubles per month, and you will have access to 26 movie channels.

For children you can connect an additional package "Children's". Your children will have access to 11 channels with children's programs and cartoons. This package of channels will cost 149 rubles per month. For sports lovers there is special offer in the form of a package "Sports". IN in this case you will be provided with 15 sports channels for only 299 rubles per month.

How to top up your home TV account

After interactive TV connections All users are faced with how to top up their account. There are no problems with this at all, since you can replenish different ways. To do this, you only need your number personal account, this number can be found in the contract, it is indicated there.

And you can make a replenishment either in cash at the terminals or using bank card or electronic money Online beeline.ru/customers/how-to-pay/oplatit-so-scheta/#/services/category-5 . In this case, replenishment will occur without paying additional fees, which cannot be said about expensive types of replenishment.

Digital television from Beeline is a unique opportunity for subscribers to watch their favorite programs, shows and films in high quality.

It's easy to connect you need to leave a request on the website and wait when you will be contacted and a connection time will be agreed upon. But before you decide to take this step, you should know what the subscriber will ultimately receive.

On this moment the main package is “Basic 2.1”. This offer is the main one and its connection occurs by default, it includes 139 channels, which can be called the most rated and popular at the moment in the territory Russian Federation. It includes the entire list of federal channels, as well as commercial ones, which are very popular among viewers.

Additional offers

If you didn’t find enough of what you need in the main offer from Beeline Digital Television, you can consider additional packages that are tailored to your interests. The most popular include:

  • Movie;
  • Sports;
  • Children's;
  • Informative.


This option focuses 25 channels, which will give moviegoers the opportunity to enjoy a wide variety of genres in cinema: thrillers, comedies, horror films and other genres that you love. More details can be found here https://mirbeeline.ru/tv#/p/channels-kino. Monthly payment will be 249 rubles(in addition to “Basic 2.1”).


For sports fans, connecting to the “Sports” package would be an excellent option. Here you can find broadcasts of events in any sport from classical to extreme sports. Detailed list— https://mirbeeline.ru/tv#/p/channels-sport, payment per month — 299 RUR. (plus the standard).


Beeline has also taken care of young viewers; it contains all the most interesting, exciting, bright and exciting children's programs that can not only interest kids, but also be educational for them. Details - https://mirbeeline.ru/tv#/p/channels-child, monthly payment– 149 rub. (+ to the standard offer).


For curious people seeking to expand their horizons. Details - https://mirbeeline.ru/tv#/p/channels_poznav, Subscription fee - 199 rubles per month to "Basic 2.1".


  • On the website https://mirbeeline.ru/connect;
  • By phone 8 800 700 86 90 .

But first you need to find out whether your home is included in the list of those connected to this service. You can do this here https://mirbeeline.ru/connect/adress.

You can connect the packages you like in Personal account or using the set-top box menu.

Digital TV Beeline is convenient way watch TV in high quality, while choosing only programs that are interesting to you, the choice of which you can coordinate yourself, connecting new ones and disabling those that are no longer interesting. Basic and additional offers formed taking into account a wide variety of interests identified through careful monitoring carried out by company employees.


Do you want to watch your favorite shows in high quality? Then pay attention to the list of Beeline TV channels, the company has tried its best to create unique opportunity users choose the package with channels that you like.

Beeline TV connection

To connect to digital television from Beeline, you need to find out whether your home supports the services provided by the company. This information can be obtained on the website - https://mirbeeline.ru/connect/adress. If all is well and your home is on the list, you just have to submit your application in one of two ways:

  1. By phone;
  2. Using the website - https://mirbeeline.ru/connect.

Then wait for a call from company representatives in order to agree on a connection time with you.

Channel packages

But in order to order digital television from Beeline, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the packages that the company provides.

  • Package "Basic 2.1"

This package is the main one, that is, it is available to absolutely all users. It includes 146 of the highest-rated and most popular channels among Russian residents. There you will find all federal channels, and popular commercial ones. The cost of one month of viewing such a package from Beeline is 345 rubles.

  • Addition

In the event that in the main package offered by Beeline Digital Television you do not find something that will be really interesting to you, and those channels that you would like to see are not included in the main package, the company offers to connect an additional package. The cost of each package is additional to the main package, that is, if “Basic 2.1” is paid 345 rubles. per month, and you decide to connect an additional “Educational package”, the cost of which is 199 rubles per month, as a result, for a month of use you must pay 345 + 199 = 544 rubles. Such channels are grouped by interests, but the most popular include:

Educational package– suitable for those who like to learn something new. The package includes channels that can expand your horizons and are suitable not only for adults, but also for children. The cost of this additional package is 199 rubles per month.

Sports– a wonderful option for those who cannot live without sports battles. By connecting this add-on, you can find broadcasts of any sport, and the cost of the package is only 299 rubles per month;

Movie– film buffs, this package is just for you. By connecting the “Cinema” add-on, you will receive 25 channels broadcasting a variety of films, of any genre, from horror films to comedies. That is, you will find everything that you might like as a true movie lover. The cost of the package is 249 rubles per month;

Are you tired of having nothing to watch on TV? Advertising, and that's all? In rainy weather the signal is not at all inspiring. Or is it completely absent?

Every second person faces this. What way out you ask?! Satellite TV Beeline- the choice of many. You don't need to install a dish or struggle with confusing settings. You just need to get connected and get high-quality HDTV, excellent sound and a variety of channels.

What services will you receive?

By connecting to Beeline, a wide range of possibilities opens up for you. What can you get from this?

Features of Beeline television:

  • The coolest one will be available to you entertainment resource;
  • Ability to record multiple channels simultaneously;
  • There is bad weather outside - rain or snow - and you have an EXCELLENT signal;
  • from 100 to 200 of the most popular TV channels for every taste;
  • you adjust the viewing as you wish, you can control the live broadcast, rewind or stop and much more;
  • 26 free channels– guaranteed to everyone immediately after connection;
  • Ability to connect various packages and services.

Are you still in doubt?! A lot of various options?! Do you need to consult with your relatives?! Here are some counterarguments:

  1. Want to watch football in your living room in peace? Let the wife watch a cooking show or series in the kitchen, and the child watch cartoons in his room. Do you think it's impossible?! You are wrong! You can connect up to 4 TVs at the same time. Not a bad service opportunity, isn't it?
  2. I would like to quickly view the message in social network, check the weather or just take a break from TV programs while there is a commercial break, play a sea battle right on your TV! Everything is for you. This feature is also available on your TV.
  3. You Small child, but you don’t want him to see too much? Adult channels need to be HIDED! Take advantage of the service " parental control” and the “adult” video will not accidentally come into the child’s field of view.
  4. There's important boxing, football or hockey on TV, and your wife wants to visit her parents - put it on record and watch it at any time.
  5. And one more unique thing - “Video Wall” - we have always dreamed of watching two or more programs at the same time - dreams come true! With this service, multiple channels on one screen.
  6. And most importantly... well, you feel like going away... oopsss... what to do? The main thing is not to be upset! Switch to your smartphone or tablet and continue watching anywhere.

When connected satellite television Beeline you immediately get 26 basic channels. Great, right?

Beeline television services

let's consider tariff packages that our company provides:

  • The “Mix” package is a list of channels of various directions from cartoons and television series to scientific educational and sports programs. In this package, everyone, both children and adults, will find something to see. The most picky user will find a channel “to their liking”.

If you are interested in a specific direction of TV programs, you can choose one of the packages provided below:

  • Cinema package— there are many channels that will allow you to relax while watching your favorite films. Whether you want to watch a romantic comedy, a detective story or a horror film, this package will satisfy your every whim. After all, there are about 26 channels.
  • Package "Children's"- Do you want to distract your child with interactive children's programs or just watch various cartoons and children's fairy tales with your kids? This package is perfect for you!
  • Package "Educational"— Are you interested in “what’s going on in the animal world?”, “where we came from,” “how to make fireworks at home” - you definitely need to connect this package.
  • Sports package: Do you support our athletes or like to watch football, basketball, hockey, or maybe you just want to relax while watching figure skating or learn new tricks in fishing? Oooh you've come to the right place. Here you will find everything related to sports news. The most interesting things about sports await you in this package.

Can't decide which package to choose? Is one not enough? Do you want everything at the same time? No problem! Select and connect several packages at once.

Beeline - television of the future. Are you still thinking?! Have questions? Do you have any doubts? We will answer all your questions that interest you and dispel the slightest doubt.

ATTENTION! Before connecting satellite TV from Beeline, go to the official website and get an absolutely FREE consultation. We will help you choose the most best option just for you!

What if questions arise after connecting - our technical support operates around the clock. You'll get qualified assistance and support. Join us! We value our customers!

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