Channels not found, please use the search. Free channels are not shown, but the information channel is working. Yes, you have such an opportunity. Our kits come with installation and configuration instructions. You can also use the services

One of the most popular satellite broadcasting operators in Russia is Tricolor TV. Naturally, the problem of how to update the list of channels on Tricolor is relevant for many users. It is not surprising, because some programs disappear into oblivion, others come to take their place. Therefore, you need to monitor the situation and try to regularly update the list of channels so as not to lose your favorite programs.

The losses are due to the fact that television companies cannot find a common language with those who broadcast them, so cooperation simply stops. In addition, many programs disappear after a new firmware version has been installed on the TV. Then the receiver messes up all the settings and you have to search manually.

How to update Tricolor TV channels yourself?

First of all, you need to try to automatically search for channels. Perhaps the lists were not restored before simply because not all updates were installed after flashing, or there was a glitch in the system. So, to search for channels and test this theory, you need to take the following steps:

    Enter the menu;

    Select the “Settings” section;

    Enter the access code. It is the standard "0000";

    Launch "Automatic Search".

If all is well, the list will quickly be restored, although not in the same form as it was. Therefore, it will have to be reduced by removing unnecessary channels. If the instructions did not give any results, or Tricolor did not find all the channels that were there before, then the problem has not gone away, and the obvious solution will not work for it. You will have to use the manual configuration method. In this case, the algorithm of actions becomes more complicated, but nevertheless remains clear:

    Enter the “Menu” panel;

    Select the “Settings” section;

    Enter the already known PIN code “0000”;

    Go to the “Manual Search” section;

    Enter parameters - frequency, polarization, flow speed;

    Click on “Find”.

By the way, it is impossible to update channels on Tricolor TV manually if you do not know the broadcast parameters. To obtain this information, you must first go to the provider’s official website and look at the data for 2017. Once the procedure is completed, you can optionally sort the channels and create favorite lists according to your interests.

What to do if the list is empty after updating

It often happens that even if the channels are updated perfectly, at one point the TV will simply stop showing them. First, you need to conduct a search again, checking if the settings are lost. If even after this nothing works, then the reason must be looked for elsewhere. Most often the problem is either in the receiver, the cable, or the antenna.

Here are the most common factors that cause TV channels to disappear:

    Weather conditions: snow, rain, icing, strong wind, etc.;

    Unreliable antenna mounting;

    Breakage of some part;

    Frayed cable.

Naturally, these are not all the problems that can cause the lack of video. But in any case, it is better to contact a specialist who will find the cause of the breakdown and fix it, than to try to do everything yourself and only worsen the situation.

How to update the channel list on new software for Tricolor TV

The problems may be related to new software. It was released on September 20, 2016, for DRS 8300, GS 8300M, GS 8300. Once you install it, you no longer have to think about how to update channels on Tricolor TV yourself, because the procedure is very simple and practically no different from the standard.

Each Tricolor subscriber is required to receive a high-quality signal that ensures high quality broadcasting. But sometimes satellite television customers are faced with rather unpleasant situations when all available channels suddenly disappear. This happens especially often after updates. It can be difficult to figure out why the Tricolor channels disappeared after an update; it is even more difficult to return broadcasting, but it can take a long time to wait for a visit from a technician who will restore the operation of the receiver. In addition, his services can be too expensive. Therefore, you should try to deal with the difficulties yourself, especially since solving most problems does not take a long time.

To understand what to do with a sudden problem, you should find out the reasons for the disappearance of TV channels. Typically such problems are associated with:

  • incorrect update;
  • failure in settings;
  • the need to re-configure channels;
  • problems with the antenna and poor signal reception;
  • improper use of the Smart card;
  • lack of payment.

Moreover, the last three points are not directly related to the update, so the likelihood of the broadcast disappearing due to them in this case is minimal. Additionally, it should be noted that the update and maintenance work may coincide. In such situations, users only need to wait for the completion of technical procedures and the resumption of broadcasting. You can learn about prevention on the official website of the satellite company.

Settings failure

To return the missing broadcast, the first step is to simply reboot the receiver. Often, such actions are enough to bring television back. If this does not help, you should reset the existing settings to the factory level.

To do this you will need:

  1. go to the receiver menu;
  2. select the “settings” item (it may be called a little differently);
  3. click on the inscription “factory”;
  4. confirm the actions taken;
  5. wait for the operation to complete;
  6. configure the set-top box by specifying the language, region and other primary parameters.

If after these steps the necessary channels are still missing, you should send the receiver for search. In some cases, you can install channels manually.

There are no tricolor channels: use the search - what to do

Most set-top boxes have an automatic channel search that every user can run. Therefore, if after the update the Tricolor channels are not shown, you will have to:

  • open the successor menu;
  • select the “applications” section;
  • click on the “setup wizard” item;
  • click “search”;
  • set search parameters by selecting one of the proposed time zone options;
  • wait for the search for TV channels to complete;
  • check the final result.

Separately, it is necessary to describe the procedure for manually setting up channels in 2019. To start the process you will need:

First of all, you need to go to the signal sources section and select a satellite dish;

  1. then you should switch to manual search;
  2. configure settings;
  3. follow instructions;
  4. save the result.

To avoid mistakes in search settings, you must specify:

  • network search – on;
  • frequency – 12226;
  • speed 27500;
  • satellite – depends on the broadcasting region.

How to return channels to Tricolor TV after updating

The most difficult problem to deal with is when updates are installed incorrectly or the installation is suddenly interrupted. In such situations, it is almost impossible to cope with problems on your own, since the software on the receiver was hopelessly damaged and requires a complete replacement.

To restore the receiver after an update that was carried out incorrectly, you should contact a service center. You should look for the exact address on the provider’s official website.

The cost of possible repairs will be 500 rubles. In this case, you should not count on warranty service, since the equipment malfunction was not the fault of the manufacturer or seller.

Other ways to solve problems

As mentioned above, in order to cope with the problem, you need to figure out why the channels on Tricolor TV disappeared after the update. Sometimes installing new software or changing packages is not a problem. In such cases you can:

  1. check the correct position of the Smart card;
  2. make sure that you pay for connected channels on time and that there is money in your personal account;
  3. check the correct position of the satellite dish;
  4. remove ice from the plate, if any.

In cases where all of the above actions did not bring the desired result, all that remains is to call the provider’s support service. Contact center phone number – 88005000123. After waiting for an answer, you will need to describe the current situation to the operator and wait for his advice. In the most severe cases, the specialist will offer to order a visit from a telemaster. But you need to keep in mind that this service will require payment.

What to do if channels are missing

Every subscriber would like to avoid situations where already connected and paid TV channels are not shown. But, if trouble has already happened, the easiest way is to report the incident to support operators and follow their advice. True, sometimes such a solution is inconvenient and time-consuming. Therefore, you can start by simply rebooting the receiver. Next, you will need to reset the settings to factory defaults and re-enable channel search. If this does not help, all that remains is to check that the equipment is working correctly.

Interruptions in satellite television broadcasting are always an unpleasant thing. But if you can somehow tolerate slight interference in the image or freezing sound, then it’s difficult to come to terms with the complete lack of access to TV. What to do if a Tricolor subscriber has lost the signal on all channels? Should I call a professional, or can I do it on my own? Let's try to figure it out.

Primary diagnosis

If you find a message about no signal when you turn on the TV, do not panic. First you need to assess the scale of the problem that has arisen. To do this, scroll through a couple of dozen connected channels, including the Tricolor TV Infochannel. If there is no broadcast on any frequency, including the information channel, there are obvious problems with the equipment. To find out their reasons, you should check the signal quality at the receiver.

Checking the signal quality

To find out whether information from the antenna is reaching the TV, you need to press one of the following keys on the remote control:

  • INFO.

The choice of button depends on the remote control model. In some cases, to confirm the transition to the information section, you will need to additionally press the green key on the remote control.

After this, an information window will appear on the screen with two scales displaying the level of the incoming signal and its quality. The subscriber's actions to resolve the problem will depend on the readings of these scales. For normal broadcasting, their readings must be at least 80%.

Procedure for insufficient signal

If at least one of the scales is filled to 70% or less, and at the same time Tricolor writes “no signal” on all channels, the reasons may be as follows:

  • physical damage to equipment;
  • poor antenna tuning;
  • changing weather conditions.

However, the last reason, if the antenna is installed and configured correctly, should not have a significant impact on the quality of broadcasting. Although, in the northern regions, there are often cases when, after a strong snowstorm, the antenna dish is filled with snow, as a result of which it cannot receive data. But before you go outside or climb onto the roof, you should check the equipment in your apartment.

Checking the physical connection

The satellite signal arriving at the antenna may be lost on the way to the television receiver. This may be caused by damaged wires or connectors, a dropped or cracked cable plug, a loose connector on the set-top box, etc. Therefore, first of all, you should inspect all the equipment in the apartment and reconnect all wires. It is better to turn off the receiver itself at this time.

If problems are detected, parts that have become unusable are replaced. To do this, you may have to contact Tricolor technical support. If everything is fine with the physical connection, you will have to reconfigure the antenna.

Antenna setup

It is most convenient to set up a satellite dish with an assistant. One person rises to the antenna and turns it towards the satellite, the other monitors the position of the signal indicators on the TV screen.

Rotate the plate carefully, about 6-10 degrees at a time. There should be a pause of 10-20 seconds between position changes. Naturally, before tuning, you should clear the surface of the plate from snow, leaves and other debris, if any. Extra items can significantly affect the quality of work.

Adjustments should be made until both scales reach their maximum values. Of course, it won’t be 100%, but it’s worth at least reaching 90. In this case, the operation of the receiver will not deteriorate when the weather changes.

Procedure for normal signal

If the Tricolor TV does not have a signal on all channels, but its level and quality indicators are at a decent level (more than 80%), the cause of the problem lies in the receiver itself. To normalize broadcasting, you should try rolling back its settings to factory settings.

Resetting the settings on the set-top box

To do this, you need to go to its menu. In it, select the “Applications” item, or, on earlier equipment models, the “Settings” or “Settings” item. In the menu that appears, select the line “Factory settings” and click OK. Some set-top box models may require a PIN code to perform a rollback operation. If the subscriber has not set his own code, enter 0000 in the request field.

After all these operations, the set-top box will reboot. During the reboot, the settings will be reset to factory settings. Then the receiver will need to be configured in the same way as after the first turn on. Signs will appear on the TV screen where you will need to set the current date, subscriber region and other parameters. Once the setup is complete, the set-top box should automatically complete the process. The subscriber will only need to save what was found using the OK button on the remote control. After this, broadcasting should resume.

Important! If rolling back the receiver settings did not help, you will still have to re-tune the antenna to the satellite. This can be done either independently or with the involvement of specialists from Tricolor TV.

If the Info channel is working

There are situations in which the message about the absence of a signal does not appear on all channels. At a minimum, the Tricolor information channel continues to operate. Here, of course, the first thing to do is also check the signal level on the television receiver. If the values ​​of both or at least one of the scales are lower than recommended, the antenna is adjusted.

If everything is fine with the signal level, the cause of the problem may be the channel list settings. Tricolor periodically updates the broadcast parameters of its programs in order to optimize the load on the equipment. At the same time, in set-top boxes the channels remain with the old parameters.

Updating the channel list will help here. To do this, select the “Search for Tricolor channels” item in the set-top box menu. The search procedure takes about a minute, after which a list of updated channels appears on the screen. You need to save them and check the broadcast on them.

Despite all the positive aspects of satellite television, Tricolor TV subscribers are often faced with the fact that all or some of the channels are not shown. When faced with malfunctions in satellite broadcasting, not everyone will be able to independently find the cause of the problem and fix it.

This problem can be solved by identifying the cause.

On all channels except information

  • First you need to clarify the activity of your subscription. This can be done in the following ways: in the TV receiver menu, on the official website (section “Payment”) or in your personal account.
  • If the subscription is active and the problem is not resolved, then you will need to update your activation keys. A request to resend the keys can be made in your personal account. After this, the receiver must be rebooted and left on one of the channels that is not accessible. The TV itself can be turned off. It takes no more than 8 hours for the signal to arrive.
  • Another reason can be identified by the absence of an ID code on the TV screen. The ID may not be displayed because the smart card or conditional access card is not installed correctly in the receiver. To check this option, in the case of a smart card, you need to take it out, reinstall it and restart the power supply. A power reset is sufficient for the access card.
  • If the ID does not appear on the screen, it means that the receiver has stopped reading the card. The solution may be to contact customer service.

Only on some

  • In this case, you will need to run an auto search. New channels must be saved.
  • As a result of the update, the problematic TV channels completely disappeared from the list, which means they stopped broadcasting, i.e. There have been changes in the composition of paid packages. It will be necessary to clarify the new composition.
  • There may be this option: TV channels without access remained on the new list, but the problem was not solved. You need to unplug the receiver and turn it on again.
  • If the channels still do not work, you need to reset the settings to factory settings: in the equipment menu, select the “Factory settings” item and click “Ok”. After this, you need to reboot the receiver and configure it again according to the instructions.
  • If after resetting the settings, access to TV channels does not appear, you should call a technical support specialist to diagnose the equipment.

Inscription on the screen “No signal”

Such an inscription may indicate a loss of the broadcast signal. The reasons for this are different. To determine them, you need to clarify the signal quality: press the F1 button on the remote control.

  1. If power is less than 70%, consider eliminating the following options.
    • Bad weather conditions may degrade broadcast quality. As soon as the weather improves the signal will be strong.
    • Stable broadcasting may be hampered by interference in the area (trees, tall buildings). Relocating the antenna will solve the problem.
    • The cause of the low level may be incorrect antenna settings or cable damage. You can fix these problems yourself or call a specialist.
    • The reason for the missing image may be technical problems on the part of the service provider.
  2. If the broadcast quality is more than 70%, then a series of sequential actions must be carried out (with a transition to the next step if the previous one fails).
    • Search for channels again.
    • Reboot the receiver's power.
    • Reset settings to factory defaults.

If access to TV channels could not be restored

If all of the above manipulations did not lead to the desired result, then you need to contact the Tricolor TV Support Service. This can be done in different ways:

  • +7-800-500-0123
  • Contact via Viber and WhatsApp at +7-911-101-0123
  • Call through the website (in the Support section)
  • Skype: support_tricolor_tv
  • Online chat on the website
  • Application for technical support (you must fill out the application form in the appropriate section)

Malfunctions can occur in the operation of any equipment, and Tricolor TV receivers are no exception to this rule. There are situations when channels from paid packages disappear on a set-top box, and it becomes impossible to use the television service. Fortunately, to fix this problem it is not at all necessary to call a technician from Tricolor TV. Setting up channels on your own will take very little time, even for an unprepared subscriber.

Checking the satellite signal

Despite the fact that the Tricolor company provides its specialists for installing and configuring equipment, many subscribers prefer to carry out these operations on their own. As a result, when you first start using the dish, there are often failures in receiving a signal from the satellite. This may cause broadcast interference and loss of TV programs. Therefore, before moving on to the settings, it is worth checking the signal level at the antenna.

How to check the signal?

To check the signal level from the satellite, you need to press the “i” key on the receiver’s remote control twice. After this, two scales will appear on the screen:

  • Signal quality;
  • Signal level.

For normal operation of the system, their readings must be at 70%. If the scale values ​​are smaller, it is worth carrying out additional antenna tuning. Its position is changed until the scale readings become satisfactory.

Important! Often, when setting up on their own, subscribers set the scale values ​​to the minimum. As a result, with the slightest change in weather (cloudiness, precipitation, etc.), the receiving capacity of the antenna drops and broadcasting disappears. It is necessary to try to bring the level and quality of the signal to at least 85% in order to be insured against such troubles.

Recovering a missing broadcast

If the satellite signal is normal, you will have to carry out some operations with the receiver. Step-by-step setup of Tricolor TV channels will look different, depending on how the equipment behaves. There are two options:

  • all TV channels disappeared;
  • only one is displayed.

Let's take a closer look at the actions in each situation.

There is no channel

If there is no broadcasting on all frequencies, you need to press the “Menu” button on the remote control and go to the settings section. Depending on the receiver model, it may be called either “Settings” or “Applications”.

Next in this section, using the remote control, you need to find the “Search for channels...” subsection and go into it. The equipment will carry out search operations for some time. Then a list of found channels will be displayed on the screen. The set-top box will offer to save them - this must be done so that you do not repeat the described operations each time you turn it on. To save, just click the “Yes” button in the pop-up dialog box.

One channel displayed

There are situations when, as a result of some user action, broadcasting disappears on all frequencies except one. In this case, the receiver shows a channel with the name “View instructions”, and all other programs included in the package are missing. Resetting the TV set-top box to factory settings and then restoring it will help here.

To reset to factory settings, you need to press the “Menu” button on the remote control and go to the “Settings” or “Applications” section (depending on the receiver model). In this section, select “Factory settings” and press the OK button. To confirm the reset, you will need to press the Info or F1 key on the remote control, and then select the answer “Yes” in the dialog box that appears.

During the reset process, the set-top box will automatically reboot. At the end of this process, a message about the identification of the remote control will appear on the TV screen with a recommendation for pressing the desired button. The recommendation should be followed, after which a table of settings will appear on the screen. It will not cause any difficulties for subscribers who installed the equipment themselves, since they have already encountered it. For the rest, we'll tell you a little more:

  • in the “Selection of languages” table, select Russian as the menu and audio language1;
  • audio2 language can be left unchanged;
  • in the “Operator” section select Tricolor TV;
  • in the “UTC Shift” section, select your time zone, or the one closest to it;
  • in the line “Update from satellite” set the value “Yes”;
  • in the “Automatic search” section in the “antenna” line, select “Tricolor TV”.

Important! If the set-top box is connected to the antenna according to a standard scheme, you do not need to correct the default values ​​in the last section.

Separately, the rules for setting up the region should be noted. The subscriber is offered three options:

  • basic;
  • MSK +0;
  • MSK +2.

You should not select the first item, otherwise the receiver will save only one info-TV channel, and the others will be unavailable. If you select the “+0” option, the broadcast will be conducted according to Moscow time. If you select “+2”, the programs will be available with a two-hour shift from Moscow. You should set one of these two types of time zones based on your own convenience.

At this point the settings are considered complete. After saving them, the set-top box will begin automatically searching for available channels. Based on its results, a list of what was found will be displayed on the screen, which the subscriber will only have to save. To do this, you will need to click the “Yes” button in the dialog box that appears.

Setting up television receivers with a built-in receiver

For this type of equipment, manual tuning of Tricolor TV channels will be required. You can do it yourself by switching the TV to the antenna equipment setup mode. The path to this section may be different, depending on the specific TV model, so you should rely on the instructions included with the equipment.

Settings options

Having entered the desired section, select the “Manual setup” item in the menu, where you set the following equipment parameters:

  • On – in the “Network Search” column;
  • 12226 – in the line “Transponder frequency”;
  • 27500 – in the “Symbol Rate” section;
  • the name of the standard Tricolor TV satellite is in the “Satellite” section.

These parameters are set using the remote control and saved. Next, they start searching for channels, during which they act based on the clues that appear on the TV screen. Based on the search results, the list of found channels is saved.

Attention! Some TV receiver models with CI+ module do not offer list saving automatically. For them, it will be necessary to clarify in the instructions how the search results are saved.

Free channels

Many fans of freebies are interested in how to set up free Tricolor TV channels. In this case, there are no separate secret instructions. The set of federal channels, which by law are provided free of charge to all television subscribers, will be determined by the receiver during the search procedures described above. Tricolor TV has these channels on the buttons:

  • from 1 to 4;
  • 7,8,9;

In addition, under button 13 there is a free channel “Promo TV”, where the operator produces free introductory broadcasts from paid channels. Access to this content also does not require special settings.