Delete a pinned VKontakte entry. Functions of VKontakte. How to pin a VKontakte entry and what it is

How to pin a post in a VK group in the new design? A simple question, if it were not for the new contact, in which many functions have changed, we would not get used to anything. 2 clicks on two buttons! That's the whole secret).

Hi all!
In this article I will show you how to pin a post in a VK group.
In general, it’s nothing complicated, but it’s a useful thing).
So, why is this feature needed, why do I like it?

For the community

1. The first post attracts the most likes, you can wait a week until it gets likes and reposts, then change
2. Whatever one may say, any group is created to make money.
If an advertiser contacts you, you don’t have to put it in the header! (delete the top entry), you can simply pin the ad as usual for an hour, and during this time you can write and publish posts.
The advertiser will appreciate this). For personal VK page
Look, you have a favorite photo that you want everyone to see.
Logical right?)
The new photo will get more likes and will be in your sight, constantly making you happy or something).
The only problem is, every time you post something new on your page, this one will go down, after 5 - 10 publications it will not be visible at all.
Hmm... annoying?)
No). Pinning a post to a group wall or page comes to the rescue.
Next, I will show with examples how this is done.

How to pin a post in a VK group or on a page in a new design

I will show the example of my account, and the group too).
Repeat after me).
I'll take the video from VK.
A fragment from one of my favorite films, “Steve Jobs - Empire of Seduction.”
I copy the link to it, paste it to the feed, it appears automatically, click “send.”

If you put a photo or picture, just upload it and press “send.”

Find 3 dots above the downloaded file, click on them, a tab will open.
Click “Pin.”
Now this image will always be at the very top of your page.
Let's now try the opposite option.

How to unpin a VKontakte post?

To do this, again look for 3 dots next to the file, click on them, only now click “unpin.”

In fact, it has essentially become even easier than before.
By the way, about the new design, many are not happy with it, but!
Did you know that it has a lot of different features?)
Would you like to make a cover instead of the standard picture at the top of the group?
Like this one for example?

Your image will be stretched vertically to cover the entire length of the group.
Very original, I haven’t seen anything like this before).
Read how to do this in this article.
Also on this blog there is an excellent option for promoting a VK group.

Another interesting topic is how to choose a winner based on reposts.
Excellent, it will help to significantly increase the number of subscribers on the public page.
I talked about all the tools and how to carry it out correctly.
Another cool topic.
How do you like graffiti?
Bet you didn't know about this trick?)
With it, you can remake any of your photos, pictures, or just a recording.
Almost a full-fledged Photoshop, you can laugh at someone’s photo, post it on your wall in VK, pin it and tell it to your friends.
Friends will like it anyway).
Here is just a small selection of this tool.

You can learn how to work with it from my other article.

And many of you don’t like it, new contact!
Maybe in vain?)
Quite a few things have appeared yet.
Read this blog, there are tons of interesting articles here.

This article has come to an end).
If you still have any questions, write in the comments,
always happy to help.
Bye everyone!

Today, when VKontakte is becoming more and more popular in the CIS, most people do not know about many interesting functions of this social network, in particular, how to pin a post on the wall in VK.

And this function is very useful.

The point is that some post will always be above all the others, in first place, and all others, even those that will be posted later, will be located below.

It's actually very easy to do.

Pin a post

Let's look at how you can perform such a task step by step.

  • Step 1. We post some kind of post on our wall. To do this, write some text in the appropriate field, add a link to videos, pictures, and the like. After that, click on the “Submit” button (it’s circled in green in the photo below).

By the way, to add not only text, but also a video, photo or document, just click on the “Attach” button, which is located under the text input window (it is highlighted in orange in the photo below).

After clicking the button, a menu for adding other materials will appear (highlighted with a green frame).

  • Step 2. When the posted post is already on the wall, you need to click on the date it was posted.
    If the post has just been posted, then instead of the date it will say “just” or “posted...” and the time it was added (in the photo below this is underlined in red), and if it has already been on the wall for some time, then the date will be there placement (this option is highlighted in blue).
    You can also click on the post text itself, which is highlighted with a yellow frame in the image.

  • Step 3. In the menu that appears, you need to click on the “Pin” button (it is highlighted in orange in the image).

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How to remove a pinned post?

So, the post on the wall is already fixed. Now, whatever information is not placed on the wall, it will be located below. You can pin only one entry in VK in this way.

If someone decides to mount another post on the wall, they should do all the manipulations described above, but with a different one.

A post that was previously pinned will be unpinned automatically.

As for how to make sure that no post is pinned at all, this is done very simply - open the same menu by clicking on the text of the post or on the date it was posted.

When already placed, it will look slightly different - instead of the “Pin” button, there will be an “Unpin” button (it is highlighted with an orange frame in the photo below).

About pinning someone else's post

How to make it so that there is not your own post on the wall, but someone else’s post? Let's look at everything step by step.

  • Step one. First you need to find this post. Below it there will be a “Repost” button in the form of a small megaphone (in the photo below it is highlighted in red). If it is not visible, you need to hover over the “Like” button (highlighted with a green frame).

You can add a comment to the posted post. There is a special field for this (it is highlighted in red in the figure).

You can also add photos, videos or any other additional material to this post.

This is done the same way as before - we point at the “Attach” button and the corresponding menu appears (as highlighted in green in the photo).

VKontakte has long had the ability to pin group or public posts to the top. This possibility also exists for personal pages. How to pin a post in a group instead of a description? Let's first define what a pinned post is.

Watch the video on how to make a pinned post on VKontakte!

Pinned post on VKontakte is a post that will be placed above the wall (at the top) instead of describing the community (group or public page). You can only post one post. You can drag any entry to the top. The post hangs until you unpin it. Updating a wall will not move a pinned post.

This is what she looks like:

How to pin a post to a community wall (group or public page)

At the very bottom just above the comments there will be this “ Pin»

In the end it will work out

The pinned entry will be set instead of the description. Comments will not be displayed.

The social network "Vkontakte" is one of the most popular in the CIS countries. Every day, millions of users actively correspond here, but many of them do not know about the hidden capabilities of the network. For example, how to pin a recording on the wall. This function is considered very useful, but rarely used. Its essence lies in the location of the pinned entry at the very top of the page. And even if a new post is uploaded to the wall, the pinned one will remain in place.

How to pin a post?

Let's look at this issue in more detail in the instructions below:

First, you need to post some kind of post on your personal wall. You need to write certain text in a special area and, if desired, add an image, video or audio, and then send the content to the wall.

As soon as the post appears on your wall, you should then click on the date it was posted. If the information was published within a minute, then along with the date and time there will be an inscription “just now”.

In the window that opens, you need to go from the sections below to “Pin”. In the figure below, the required item is circled in an orange frame.

How can I unpin a post back?

Once you have pinned a particular post, all later added posts to the wall will be located just below. Only one entry is pinned; this operation cannot be carried out simultaneously with several posts. If you decide to change the pinned information to another, then you should carry out all the above steps for the new entry. The old pin will be automatically unpinned.

In order to completely get rid of pinned posts, you should follow these steps. Again, click on the date the news was posted, as a result of which a window that is already familiar to us will open, where at the bottom of the “Pin” item there will be another “Unpin”. Click on it and you're done. In the figure below, this item is highlighted in a frame.

We pin someone else's post.

A page on the VKontakte social network also has the ability to pin other people’s posts on a personal wall. To do this, follow all the steps in the instructions below:

- First, we find any post on the wall of another person or community. At the bottom of the post, there will be an icon in the form of a megaphone, and when you hover over it, the words “Repost” will appear. Click on the icon.

Posting a post on the community wall.

To post a specific post in your group, you will need to follow the above steps to open the “Submit Post” menu. Click on the icon with a megaphone, after which, instead of the first option, select the second “Community Subscribers” (shown in green in the figure below).

The third item in the “Send Post” window allows you to send the selected post as a personal message to one of your friends. After selecting this option, a list with friends to whom you can send news will open. Type the required comments and add the required file. Next, click on the “Share post” button.

Along with regular pages, many users create public pages. This could be a news portal or just a group for like-minded people, a venue for competitions, etc. All group administrators are interested in how to pin a post in a VK group, since this information will be displayed in the most visible place - at the top of the page. This is quite easy to do.
First, you need to select or create an entry that you want to pin. This could be a photo for a group on VK, text or video. Now look carefully at the upper right corner of the post, there is an “ellipsis” icon here. You need to hover over it and select “Pin”.
All that remains is to refresh the page and enjoy the result. You can unpin a post in the same way.

How to pin a post in a VK group? Underwater rocks.

Can't pin a post? Just can't find the Pin button? There are two reasons for this:
You are not a group administrator.
The entry was published on behalf of the user, not on behalf of the community.
Important! You can change your VKontakte entry throughout the day. You can add emoticons, pictures, and also make emoticons or text a VK link.

How to delete a VK group if you are the creator?

It happens that a personally created group is no longer needed. Perhaps you saved all the blue whales on the planet or sold out all the goods in your online store. In any case, the question very often arises of how to delete a VK group. If you are a creator, doing this is quite simple:
1. Go to “My Groups” and click on “Manage”.
2. In front of you are groups in which you are the admin. Select the one you need.
3. Under the group name, follow the “Community Management” link.
4. Here is information about the group. At the bottom, in the group type section, indicate “Closed”. Here you can delete any information about the group, replace it with any symbols, etc.
5. Go to the “Participants” tab. You need to remove everyone except yourself.
6. Delete all videos, albums and discussions.
7. Delete ourselves. A “Warning” will appear on the screen - click “Leave Group”.