How to make a star icon on Instagram. Blue tick on Instagram and new security measures

In each social network you can have certain status. Starting from the initial one, when the page is not yet known to anyone, and ending with the highest – verification or simply assigning a blue tick. But getting it is not so easy, one might even say it’s difficult. The developers do not hand out the insignia left and right to everyone who wants it. In this article we will tell you how to get a tick on Instagram and who is not eligible for verification status.

What is this tick?

While actively using Instagram and walking around its expanses, you have more than once come across users with this icon in their profile header.

This is user verification or a blue tick. It means that this is not a fake account, but the profile of the person whose photos are posted there.

This measure is needed to prevent anyone from passing off their page as someone else’s. Most often, the creation of unreliable profiles happens with famous people. And if someone simply duplicates other people’s photos in their feed, then other accounts are full of false information that misleads the audience.

In 2014, Instagram decided to actively fight for the fair name of users and introduced verification. At first, the flow of requests for official status was continuous, and the system approved most of them. But gradually the administration realized that this approach to the matter did not lead to the intended goal. And now she very carefully checks every request before assigning a person a sign of authenticity.

A blue tick can only be received by a person who belongs to famous people: actors, TV presenters, singers, brands. But even in this case, not every profile will be able to receive a distinctive sign.

How to get a tick on Instagram?

If you are not popular, are not a media person and are not a well-known product brand, then you will not be able to get verification. But if you belong to the groups listed above, then you need to have a page of a popular personality on FB, which is connected to Instagram.

Social network employees will contact you by mail to assign authenticity status to your page if you are truly a famous person. You will be required to provide data that will confirm that you are you: a scan of your passport, for example.

But it often happens that Instagram is in no hurry to send you email with a proposal. Most likely this is human factor, since the verification process is completely manual mode and it’s not so easy to track the emergence of a new “star” on the Internet - after all, more than 1 billion users are registered in it and the number is increasing every day.

In this case, you need to contact technical support yourself:

Why don't they give it a tick?

If your request receives a negative response, then you do not meet the requirements that allow you to receive a mark of authenticity: you are not well known, you have few subscribers. Or you are suspected of using services to promote your page. The presence of bots is the first thing that becomes clear to the applicant.

Try to do the same thing, but when the number of followers is larger and it is desirable that they be real. There is another way to get a checkmark - copy the code from the profile tagged with it and paste it into yourself. But it is temporary - it lasts only until you refresh the page.

Black market for blue ticks

Few people know, but there is a black market for verification. It appeared when an unimaginable hype began around blue checkmarks - everyone wants them, but only a few get them. Therefore, those who fail have to either accept it or look for a workaround.

Purchasing verification is only affordable for wealthy people. Prices start from 100,000 rubles and can reach 1 million rubles. For example, a certain Alejandro Rioja offers to obtain authenticity status for some 400,000 rubles. For Twitter and Facebook, the price tag is lower - 170,000 and 100,000 rubles, respectively. If Rioja fails, it returns the money. During his entire work, he was able to receive more than 15 verifications.

If you were not shocked by such a price for some badge on a social network and instead of buying a good car, you would rather buy it, then your next step will be to find an honest seller.

The ticks are sold by those who directly work on Instagram and are responsible for assigning verification. Or someone who knows a friend who has a friend who knows a friend who works on Instagram. We think the principle is clear.

Conclusion - you can only get status on Instagram with the help of black if you have money and connections.

Think several times before transferring money to a person who promised you mountains of gold. The risk of running into scammers here increases significantly, since the desire to get a “dream” closes the eyes of some and blocks the voice of reason.


A blue icon on the side of your name only means that you are famous for something, have been featured somewhere, and not that something useful can be found on your page. Therefore, in pursuit of authenticity, remember that content plays much more important on Instagram, and the audience will love or hate you regardless of your status.

The process of obtaining verified status.

Previously, instructions for obtaining a blue tick were questionable:

  1. Write to support yourself, through “Report a problem”, telling about yourself. If you really are a star who suits this method, your manager has already done everything for you. Without popularity, this method is not suitable. And in general, I did not see cases when support responded to requests.
  2. Insert confirmation icon via source in the browser by adding a tag with classes: mrEK_ Szr5J coreSpriteVerifiedBadge . I came across this option, I searched on YouTube for the query “How to check a box on Instagram.” It works until the page is reloaded, but you can take a screenshot and show it to your classmates.

Both methods are clearly useless to anyone reading this text.

There is also a story that the symbol or emoji with Instagram check mark You can copy and paste it into your name in the settings. That's bullshit. Even if you choose the appropriate emoji, it will look ugly, and the resemblance to a verified account is zero.

You won't be able to buy a tick. Who can do this? The stars will not sell their accounts, the support of the social network will not take such a step either, and there is nowhere else to turn. If you are offered such a service, it is a scammer!

Above I have given popular non-working options for how to get verification found on the Internet. And lower - working official instructions . There is no need to distract support and try to learn html; in 2019, you can submit an application yourself.

How to apply for account verification

Before submitting your application, please prepare your identification document; it must be shown when submitting your application. A passport, driver's license, insurance policy, military or student ID will do. Full list there are suitable documents.

Now open Instagram client on your smartphone and do as in the video:

Or follow the instructions below:

  1. Open your profile;
  2. Click on the menu icon in the upper right corner;
  3. Go to “Settings” → “Request confirmation”;
  4. Fill in the “First and Last Name” field;
  5. Next to the heading “Attach a photo of your ID”, click on “Select file”;
  6. In the menu that opens, select “Take photo” and take a photo of the prepared document;
  7. Click the "Submit" button.

The instructions were written from the client on an iPhone, on Android instructions similar.

There is no "Request Confirmation" button

If you do not have an item in the menu to request verification, update the application.

Didn't show up? This may be a bug, but you have no choice but to wait. It is useless to write to support; you will not get an answer.

Profile requirements

Verification is possible for accounts of popular figures, celebrities, famous brands, media or organizations. It is impossible to find out in advance whether your account is suitable for verification; you can only check it empirically.

IN currently Verified business cards on Instagram only have the accounts of people who are most likely to be impersonated by imposters.

Instagram Help Center.

There are several factors that increase the likelihood of verification:

  • The profile says real name and last name;
  • You have many living and active subscribers: they like and leave comments;
  • You have no traces of cheating: likes and subscriptions from bots.

What does a tick mean on Instagram?

Verification is needed for account authentication. If you are regularly copied, then you will be distinguished from fakes in searches and the user will immediately find the official profile.

But due to the difficulty of obtaining it, the association “blue tick == cool account” arose, so many bloggers and normal users of the social network wanted to get it. There is no practical sense: there is no priority in the feed, no personal support either, only a small visual feature.

Did you manage to get your verification badge? Share your result in the comments, even if you were rejected.

In general, there are many ways to get a tick, not just the official one. 🙂

At the end of August 2018, Instagram for the first time made it possible to directly submit a request to verify your account in order to receive the coveted “blue check”.

In contact with

Checkmark icons on Instagram of blue color are quite rare, even among famous brands and celebrities. The process of account verification (verification) has always been shrouded in an aura of uncertainty - no one ever knew how the verification took place. There is even a special black market where coveted verified account badges are offered for thousands of dollars.

Now everything has changed. From now on, the verification process has become much simpler and clearer. Now any user can apply for verification of their account after walking a few steps. It's worth noting, however, that the account verification option is currently only available on iOS.

From the description new system Instagram verification:

“The flag is an important sign that the account you are dealing with actually belongs to a well-known public figure, celebrity or global brand. WITH today we provide accounts with a large number of subscribers and meeting our requirements new opportunity submit a verification request via special form in the Instagram app."

How to get a blue tick on Instagram

Submit a request

1. Open your Instagram profile, go to "Settings" and select a section "Confirmation request".

2. Provide the required information.

3. Provide documents confirming your identity (passport or driver's license). Alternatively, you can submit invoices for public utilities or tax returns. Don't worry, these documents will not appear in your account.

If the name on your identification documents does not match your username, account verification may be difficult.


After doing all of the above, please be patient while Instagram specialists check your data. They will inform you of their decision in a special notification. If rejected, you can reapply after 30 days.

Tips and Requirements

Before you apply for verification of your account, make sure it meets the requirements. First of all, your account must not violate the terms user agreement. In addition, Instagram experts will review your page for “authenticity, uniqueness, completeness and outstanding qualities.”

What do these definitions mean from an Instagram perspective? Authenticity implies that the account really belongs to a real person, brand or registered company.

Uniqueness means that only one account belonging to one person or company can receive verified status. The exception is accounts created for certain languages. Accounts dedicated to broad interests (for example, dogs) are not subject to verification.

An account is considered complete if it is public, with a required profile photo, completed bio, and at least one post. Please note that the page should not contain links to your profiles on other social networks.

The last criterion is the most stringent. On Instagram, a prominent account is an account belonging to a famous person or brand that is often entered into the search engine. The social network regularly checks pages that appear in the news, while paid content not taken into account. Although the account verification process is now much more transparent, the last criterion can be interpreted in different ways.

Even with new form Not all users will be able to receive the coveted check mark to submit an application. There is an element of unpredictability here. For many popular accounts there is no verified status, but others, seemingly not so well-known, have it. What this is connected with is unclear.

Like many social networks, Instagram has a special attribute of account authenticity. This is the so-called blue tick. It is quite difficult to obtain this insignia, but there are several ways to achieve your goal. More details on how to do blue tick part of your name on Instagram and why it is needed will be explained later in the article.

What does the blue tick mean on Instagram?

Since social networks do not require special data to confirm identity during registration, a situation is possible when a person tries on the identity of another person. This often happens with popular people. Not the most pleasant situation, because an anonymous person can say absolutely any thing on someone else’s behalf and simply misinform other users.

The Internet service support team comes to the rescue. They are placed next to the nickname of the official account of a person or organization special sign differences are a blue tick. The presence of this symbol on the Internet is a kind of insignia for large number people have a reason to consider you important in the Internet space.

By the way, about registration. If for some reason you need to refresh your memory, this article will help you with this.

What is account verification?

Instagram account verification is a process as a result of which, after confirming your identity, you will be assigned the coveted “tick”.

Instagram representatives will ask celebrities and popular companies for copies of documents confirming authenticity. You just need to send it in response by email necessary information. The procedure is quite rare and is carried out manually by the resource administration.

However, the profiles of many celebrities still remain without a distinctive sign. Therefore, if you have not received your “tick”, do not be upset and especially do not trust people on the network who promise to provide your account with this symbol for monetary reward.

How to get a tick on Instagram

If you still want to acquire such a popular icon on social networks, but are not a media personality and do not represent any large organization, you will have to take the initiative yourself.

There are several ways to get a tick:

  1. To implement the first method, you will have to wander around the Instagram settings a little, but it won’t take much time:
  • Open your profile on a social network.
  • Select "Options".
  • In the “Support” tab, find and click the “Report a problem” button.

After all these actions, little remains to be done. You need to wait for a support response. IN best case scenario return letter on email you will receive it in a couple of days.

If your request was not approved by the network administration, try again later when you type larger number subscribers. As your account activity increases, the situation may change. better side.

  1. The second method is intended for those who have a certain audience and verification in other social networks. All that remains is to link them to your Instagram profile:
  • open your profile page and click the “Options” button;
  • in the “Settings” tab, select “ Linked accounts»;
  • click on the button associated with the required Internet platform;
  • Expect an email from the Instagram administration regarding further actions.
  1. There is a third way. However, it is a fleeting bug in the system that will disappear immediately after refreshing the page. It consists of copying the code of the “checkmark” element into your nickname.

Of course, you can take a screenshot and show off to your friends, but then the blue “tick” will disappear from your account name as quickly as it appeared there.


Remember that having a sign next to your name does not make what you do better. Improve your skills and level up your content until the check mark becomes a nice addition. After all, the purpose of this symbol is to identify the real author, and not to determine the author himself.

Today we will talk a little about verification on the social network Instagram. There are a lot of questions about this. People are wondering if it is possible to get that coveted check mark, which means your account is genuine.

Account confirmation

Let me answer your question right away: is it possible to get identified on Instagram and how? On this moment this is, unfortunately, in automatic mode impossible. “Ticks” are currently assigned only to accounts of famous people. Verification is carried out manually, no requests from you will help. You have to be either a famous actor or an athlete or something like that. It is pointless to look for any ways at the moment.

Of course I saw one online interesting way. Replace the page code on the official Instagram website. A lot of videos have been made about this method, but the method is crazy. You add a check mark to your page once, and after refreshing the page it disappears. Naturally, this is not an official verification and doing this is just wasting your time.

How can verification on Instagram help us?

If you want to find someone on Instagram famous person, then verified accounts will help you with this. The fact is that there are a lot of fakes on the Internet. You can subscribe to some star, but it will turn out to be a page created by an ordinary school student to imitate an idol.

Let's try to find the Instagram account of one of the most outstanding football players in history - Lionel Messi. .

I launch the Instagram application and in the bottom menu click on the “Magnifying Glass” icon. I write “Messi” in the search bar.
I draw your attention to the leomessi account. It is he who stands first in the search results and it is opposite him that our treasured checkmark is placed.

Click to go check it out.

Judging by a huge number subscribers and the same checkbox opposite the login - this is really real account football player.

And that’s all for today, friends, I have nothing more to add.