How to find out which iOS is on iPhone 5s. How to find out the iOS version (iPad, iPhone, iPod)

In order to fully use the iPhone, you need to know the firmware version - it may determine whether it will start specific application on the device or not. Finding out this information is not difficult at all and there are two different ways to do this.

Only owners of new devices may be uninterested in the version of iOS installed on the device - they have practically no problems running any applications, since one of the following is installed on the iPhone latest firmware. However, they will also have to delve into it over time, because time flies quickly and very soon Apple will introduce iOS 8, and many applications will run exclusively on it.

Where can I see the iPhone firmware version from the device?

Step 1: Go to Menu Settings -> Basic

Step 2: Select an item About this device

Step 3: Scroll down to the line Version

Here is indicated Current version iOS installed on your iPhone. You may need to update it (at the time of writing, the latest version is iOS 7.1.2) - this is not difficult to do.

How to update iPhone firmware version from device?

Step 1: Go to Menu Settings -> Basic

Step 2: Select an item Software Update

Step 3. In case available update click Install

Step 4: Accept Terms of use and wait for the installation to finish

Be careful, successful installation will require a battery charge of 50% or higher. The update itself takes place quite quickly - you can monitor the status on the screen of your device. The key here is patience.

To know iOS version You can also use a computer, but for this you will need to have iTunes installed.

Where can I see the iPhone firmware version from my computer?

Step 1: Connect your iPhone to your computer using a USB cable

Step 2. If iTunes does not launch automatically, open it

Step 3. Wait until the device is detected in the program

Step 4. Click on the button labeled your device and look at the firmware version to the side of the device name

You can find out the firmware version on your device without the Internet. Viewing instructions are the same for iPhone and iPad
To do this you need to use the Settings application.

How to find out the firmware version

To determine which version is on your device, there are 2 ways
  1. Find out the version through settings
  2. Find out the firmware version on iPhone via iTunes
The first method is the easiest, you need to perform 2 simple steps
  1. Launch the Settings application
  2. Go to General -> About this device
  3. Scroll down and find the "Version" field
The firmware version of your phone will be written in the "Version" field. It will contain 3 digits separated by a dot and hexadecimal code in brackets

The method of viewing the version via iTunes requires installing iTunes and connecting the device via a data cable or Wi-Fi.
After connecting, you need to select a device in the list on the left. A device card will open showing the version.

What is the firmware version?

The firmware version is the operating version iOS systems, which is installed on your device. The manufacturer recommends installing latest version iOS so that all applications work stably.
For example version 9.3.4
  1. 9 - main number versions, major version. When you change your number, many new functions appear and the interface changes
  2. 3 - minor version number. Usually, when changing such a number, minor errors are corrected.
  3. 4 - technical number versions. For a regular user not needed
The hexadecimal number in brackets indicates symbol release.

Is it worth upgrading?

If you have old version firmware, then it is worth updating it. Especially if the major version number is different. Changing the major version number entails significant changes in the operation of the interface.
If your auxiliary or technical number is different, then it is not necessary to update the version. You can wait for the release of the new major version.
The only time it is not recommended to update the firmware is if 2-3 years have passed since the release of your phone. Updating an old device may cause slowdowns and incorrect work devices.

Today we’ll talk about the heart of the iPhone and I’ll tell you what iOS is. Oddly enough, some people do not know the name of the operating system on the iPhone.

There is nothing wrong with this, because now you are here and can read this material. I will try to briefly present the information that I have.

iOS system - what is it?

Well, I’ll probably start with the fact that as soon as the first iPhone was released in 2007, there was no name for the operating system yet. Considering that it was based on an OS identical to the MacBook, it was called OS X.

I won’t talk about the name for a long time, because it’s already clear that Apple feature just add an “i” to everything at the beginning. So it turned out to be iOS, and I think it’s no secret that OS is Operating System.

Although it is quite possible that it stands for “iPhone Operating System”. Apple gives its users the opportunity to think for themselves.

It doesn't just work on iPhones. It was developed for major mobile devices, and you can also add iPad and iPod here.

The entire operation of the system is based precisely on touch screen. There are no styluses, only fingers. The exception was not long ago iPad Pro, but there is something like a pen and it is needed exclusively for drawing.

The main feature is that the system is completely closed. You will not be able to transfer any file to your device. To do this, you will have to do various manipulations and download a special application.

If we talk about applications and games, they can be downloaded from App Store. There are a lot of them there now and you can find absolutely everything you need.

How to find out which iOS is on an iPhone?

If you are interested in viewing your version of iOS on your iPhone, you can do this in just a couple of seconds. Just follow these steps:

  1. choose Settings;
  2. then click on Basic;
  3. Now About this device;
  4. opposite the word "Version" we have the current iOS number.

Such in simple steps, you can find out the version at any time you need. The first time according to the instructions, and then I think you will remember.

How is iOS different from Android?

I won’t say too much here, I’ll just tell you the most important ones iOS differences from Android and how things are going at the moment.

The first thing I would like to note is probably safety. After all, Android devices are most often hacked; placing a virus there is not such a problem.

There are probably several reasons for this. The first is that Play Market checks applications a little worse and you can take into account that people like to install cracked software.

Well, the second thing is that Android is completely open. Everyone studied her up and down. So everyone knows her strengths and weaknesses.

The second difference can be called ecosystem. Because now, before choosing a device, you must understand what services you want to use.

Android has all analogues for Apple services. Speaking about iCloud, we immediately remember Google Drive. If it's Siri, then OK Google and so on.

Both sides have their pros and cons. But this is an individual matter and it is best for you to consult with users or simply read information on the Internet.

Further we can call work stability And device support. In principle, today the difference is not as big as it was before.

If you picked up an Android smartphone three years ago and used it, you would probably find a bunch of lags and slowdowns that were incredibly annoying.

Today, of course, sometimes this is also observed, but much less often. What worries you more is that when you buy a device on this OS, how long will it take to update it to the latest versions.

For Apple, this period is usually around four years. While Android is a couple of years old and you can forget about the latest versions.

It is worth considering that each developer has his own shell. Because of this, it is not a fact that you will be able to receive updates immediately after release. new version Android.

Greetings to all readers of the computer blog site! The other day, a friend of mine approached me with a request to unlock his iPhone 5s. According to him, while he was drunk, he set a password on his phone (from his girlfriend), but in the morning he could not remember it. After several unsuccessful attempts entering the password, the iPhone was automatically locked.

When turned on, the message “ iPhone disabled! Connect to iTunes." When connecting to a computer, the problem was not solved - a password was still required.

In this article I will tell you how to unlock any Apple device— iPhone 4, 4s, 5s, 5, 6, 6s, 7, iPad, etc. We will remove the lock by flashing the firmware, i.e. Completely reset the phone to its factory state. Flashing an iPhone is a seemingly complicated procedure, but in reality it’s quite simple, so don’t rush to take your phone to a service center, but first try to do everything yourself.

The firmware will help solve any software problems with your phone. Essentially we will do full reset iPhone to factory condition as if we had just bought it. Let me warn you right away, we will need Internet access.

I unlocked iPhone 5, model a1429, but way firmware is universal, and will work for all Apple devices − iPhone 4,5,6,7, and iPad.

Most often, this article is read by people who forgot your phone password. In such cases, the iPhone/iPad displays messages like: “ iPhone is disabled. Connect to iTunes" or “Repeat in 24,000,000 minutes«.

However, you can try to flash the phone if there are any problems with your iPhone. For example, if your iPhone glitches, reboots, or does not boot and does not turn on at allflashing iPhone can help you!

Alarm! Using this method all information on your Apple device will be erased. Be careful, and if you still hope to remember the password, look for other unlocking methods.

You do all the actions described below at your own peril and risk, and I do not bear responsibility for a damaged phone. Fortunately, the procedure is standard, invented by Apple itself, so go ahead! 😉

I will immediately upset those whose iPhone is linked to iCloud.

If you don’t have access to this iCloud, this method still won’t help you. After the firmware is installed, the phone will start asking for a password from iCloud. In this case, you can restore access to the phone only if you have original box from this phone, and also cash receipt on him. All this will need to be sent to Apple, they will check the information and restore your access.

If you have neither a password nor a receipt, alas, you have a brick. Well, you can change it motherboard, or sell the phone for parts, which is basically the same thing.

How to flash any Apple device - iPhone 4, 5s, 5, 6, 6s, 7, iPad? Step-by-step instruction.

To begin with, you need download and install iTunes from the official apple website:

Installing iTunes should not be difficult for you, but just in case, it is described in detail in video at the end of the article.

So, we have the program installed.

First we need to switch the iPhone into recovery mode. It's very easy to do this:

Congratulations! You are logged in Recovery Mode!

Now let's turn our attention to the laptop screen. iTunes should launch automatically. If this does not happen, start it manually. You will see a window asking you to restore or update your iPhone:

Click the button " Restore«.

Next, most likely, a window will pop up asking you to install the latest version of iOS. After clicking the "Restore and Update" button all data on your iPhone will be erased, then downloaded and installed the new iPhone software. We think, then press this button.

A window like this may pop up:

The firmware download for the iPhone will begin from the Apple website. The download time depends on the speed of your Internet connection. The download progress can be monitored by clicking the icon in the upper right corner:

After completing all the steps, you will see a welcome screen on your iPhone:

Hurray, our iPhone 5 is unlocked! All you have to do is insert the SIM card and set it up as if you just bought it in the store!

iPhone is disabled. Connect to iTunes - how to unlock? [VIDEO]

I advise you to look short video below. In it I talk about the process iPhone unlocking 5 in as much detail as possible:

Do not forget subscribe to my YouTube channel!

Error 4013 when restoring iPhone.

If you read further and are not happy about your “resurrected” phone, it means something didn’t work out for you. To be honest, it didn’t go smoothly for me the first time either. When you first try to restore an iPhone using firmware, at the “ Waiting for iPhone» Happened Unknown error (4013):

“B.., what the f..?!” … "Great!" - I thought. “If I encounter a problem, I can warn my subscribers about it!” I started looking for a solution. The forums were full of advice of various kinds. The option " Put the iPhone in the freezer and then flash it«:

I did not resort to such radical solutions as freezing someone else’s device, and decided to first follow the recommendations from the official Apple website.

When these errors appear, Apple technical support recommended 3 options: install Latest updates Windows or Mac, change the USB cable (I also recommend trying to plug the device into a different USB port), or try restoring the iPhone on another computer:

Since I have many different laptops at hand (), I decided to go the third way, especially since on the first laptop due to the small volume hard drive there was a “stripped down” Windows 7. Of course, without any updates.

What do you think - After running the recovery procedure on another laptop, everything was successful!

If you encounter any other errors when restoring your iPhone, take a look.

If you have any questions or just liked the article, leave a comment below.

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iOS operating system, which is provided to all mobile devices from the American Apple. Any apple smartphone or the tablet is sold with pre-installed iOS, therefore, before purchasing a device, it is very important to make sure that it is installed current version operating system. This will make using the device more comfortable and avoid some problems.

How to find out the iOS version

Before answering the question of how to find out the iOS version on an iPad or iPhone, it is necessary to note why exactly the owner needs mobile device it is necessary to have such information. Knowing the iOS generation will help:

  • have a general understanding of the generation of the system, its functions and capabilities, including the possibility of installation and full use various applications and games;
  • quickly and effectively resolve issues that arise iOS problems, both independently and when communicating with the technical support service of the operating system;
  • have an idea of ​​the opportunity (opening access to file structure OS).

How can I see the iOS version? This can be done quite simply using one of two methods:

How to find out your iOS using a computer

To find out the version of the system used on the iPad using this method, we need a computer with . You just need to connect the gadget to your computer, launch iTunes and wait iPad sync with the program. Then click on the device and go to the “Browse” tab. We see detailed information about the version of iOS installed on the tablet. You can also update the system here if the existing operating system is outdated and no longer relevant.

How to find out which iOS without a computer

In order to see the OS used on the device without connecting the device to a computer, just go to “Settings”, go to the “General” subsection, and then “About this device”. The information we need is displayed in the “Version” column. For iOS updates To get the current one, you will need to go to the “Software Update” main settings item, but this should only be done with a stable Internet connection.

Now you know how to view the iOS version, which means you own useful information about your mobile gadget.