How to properly clean your laptop from dust. How to clean your laptop from dust yourself (with or without disassembly) at home? – tools and devices; information for those who are technically savvy. A simple way to clean your laptop from dust

Prevention is a set of measures aimed at preventing a number of negative consequences that occur in the absence of prevention. In general, prevention is an extremely useful thing. With it, the car will drive further, and the printer will print more pages, and in principle, nothing will break for a very long time. In this article we will tell you how to carry out preventative maintenance on your laptop at home. After all, our favorite laptop is an indispensable assistant in studying, and it is much more profitable to do preventive maintenance in time than to replace the entire board, waiting for a good half of the capacitors to burn out overnight.

So, here it is - our laptop. We want to carry out prevention, that is, clean the laptop from dust ourselves. Where to begin?

To begin with, of course, you need to understand that prevention is necessary. How? Very simple! Your laptop itself will tell you about this when the cooler hums without interruption, and the case begins to heat up like a hellish oven. Especially if you are a fan of lying down with your laptop somewhere on the sofa, next to a dusty blanket. Get ready for the fact that “pieces” of this very blanket will have to be taken out of the laptop.

What we need to clean the laptop from dust:

  1. Free flat surface
  2. Set of screwdrivers, napkins
  3. Thermal paste
  4. Solvent
  5. Cooler lubricant
  6. Accuracy, self-confidence, calmness

First, let's disassemble the laptop. As a rule, this requires either Phillips screwdrivers or star screwdrivers. First of all, we take out the battery!

In order not to forget anything, you can draw a diagram and arrange the screws in accordance with it. Or take pictures of your every action. This way you will definitely put your laptop back together, and there will be no extra parts left. You can also try to find the diagram and procedure for disassembling your particular model on the Internet.

If you want to do everything efficiently, you will need to disconnect HDD, keyboard, speakers, freeing up space as much as possible. Again, be sure to remember what was where and how it was connected. Then we begin to carefully remove dust.
Of course, the main thing is to pay attention to the cooling system: radiator, cooling circuit and cooler.

You should carefully disconnect the cooler from the radiator, and the radiator, in turn, from the board on which it is mounted directly above the processor. As a rule, the cooler is also dismountable, so we disassemble it, clean it, and lubricate the spindle. This simple procedure will greatly facilitate the operation of the cooler.

Dust can be carefully removed with a brush, or you can use a home vacuum cleaner. The main thing is don’t get sucked in small parts and screws!

If necessary, change the thermal paste applied to the processor crystal. Thermal paste has excellent heat-conducting properties and prevents your laptop's computer from overheating. However, over time it dries out. In this case, you need to carefully remove its remains using a solvent and cotton wool, degrease the surface, and then carefully apply a layer of new thermal paste. You can buy it at any specialized computer store or in the “electronics and radio products” section. Rubber thermal pads should be wiped with a cotton swab and solvent.

Separately, a few words about how to clean a laptop keyboard. You should not clean it with a vacuum cleaner, as you can permanently lose all the letters. Use a brush and a special cleaning foam to clean the keyboard; if possible, blow the keyboard with a stream of air, but without particularly strong pressure. A useful article is located at the link, we recommend it.

All! You can assemble the laptop in the reverse order of disassembly, wipe the screen special means. And voila - enjoy quiet operation Your crystal clear laptop.

Important! If your laptop is still relatively new, remember that if you perform maintenance on your own, you will lose your warranty. service maintenance. But you gain valuable experience in independent work with technology. Especially if the laptop is not under warranty. Cleaning it from dust and dirt at home is often much more profitable than going to a service center.

Once again, we advise you to act carefully and carefully - then everything will work out, and your laptop will remain an indispensable assistant learning! After all, in modern world quality learning without using computer equipment simply impossible!

However, there is a way out even from a situation when your faithful assistant died a heroic death, and all your coursework also self-destructed, and even on the eve of defense. A useful article about that will not be superfluous.

What to do? Remember those who are ready to do the work efficiently, in full accordance with the requirements and the required deadlines. Learn and remember - you can always rely on us.

Finally, after we talked about how to clean a laptop yourself at home, we suggest watching the video “How to clean a laptop.” We hope this information will be useful to you. Good luck!

At a certain point, the ergonomics and portability of a laptop become a disadvantage in the eyes of its owners. It’s enough to imagine a situation where you need to upgrade the hardware of a compact device, and all the “indisputable” advantages turn into one big problem“labor-intensive dismantling of the housing.” Infrequently, but still a need arises in the form of a question: “How to clean a laptop from dust without disassembling it?” - for many users it seems completely unsolvable. But is this really so? Let's find out!

Difficulty understanding the service process

How do you know when it's time to service your laptop?

So, the feasibility of the actions taken in resolving the situation “how to clean a laptop from dust without disassembling the device?” - This is, first of all, carefully carried out monitoring of the working elements of the system.

  • Go to your computer's BIOS.
  • Depending on the manufacturer basic system, as well as its versions, the section in which temperature information is displayed is often called PC Health Status.
  • New UEFI firmware displays "degree" readings in the main BIOS window.

If you see the current value of 60 degrees Celsius or higher, it’s time to clean the “patient”. An ear-irritating fan hum, statistical crackling and groundless “braking” of the OS are also unfavorable signs and a reason for your intervention. Of course, during the game you can feel the “hot potential” of your computer. However, this phenomenon may not always be a cause for concern. It is quite possible that you are “straining” the video card and central processor for too long. As you can see, the question: “How to clean a laptop from dust without disassembling it” can be anticipated!

Thoughtful design from caring developers: easy dismantling

Let's move a little out of context main problem and yet let’s touch on the question: when is the disassembly process appropriate?

However, the question is: “How to clean Acer laptop?, - is resolved just as easily. Despite the fact that the process of disassembling devices of this brand is often incredibly difficult to implement. However, you can do without “crawling” inside with a screwdriver...

Internal cleaning of a laptop from dust contamination without “hacking” the case

Watching a video manual for servicing your specific laptop model is the first thing you need to do to make sure that unhindered access to the cooling system is not possible. Then remove the battery and follow simple recommendations, which ultimately will be a practical answer to the question: “How to clean a laptop from dust without disassembling it?”

How to clean

Acer or HP modification of the laptop, as well as portable device another company may become unmanageable! And in the literal sense of the mentioned expression.

If sweat marks are a blessing for fingerprint experts, then in the event of a critical accumulation of such a human waste product, it simply cannot be avoided. Dust and grease will cause the keyboard to become partially inoperable.

  • Using a brush (by the way, the bristle should be of medium hardness) thoroughly clean the laptop control module.
  • Pay special attention to the space between the keys. This is where you need alcohol!
  • A drop of the mentioned substance between the buttons and a few intense presses will certainly give a positive result.

When self-cleaning can be dangerous: what to do?

In the event that dirt gets under the body part of the buttons, the process of step-by-step removal of each such element cannot be avoided. In this case, it is advisable to clean the laptop (the price of such a service is from 300-700 rubles, by the way, not high) in a special service center or a workshop for repairing such electronics. As a rule, non-island buttons have a complex design, and if you remove them yourself, there is a high risk of breaking the latches and fixing elements of the keys. However, for those who doubt their abilities, whose equipment is still under warranty, it is, of course, better to turn to specialists. Agree - this will be a wise decision!

  • Buy a special vacuum cleaner for your laptop.
  • Do not use the portable device outdoors in high humidity, dust, or in an environment that is considered unfavorable.
  • Carry out systematically complete cleaning devices.
  • Remember: Free access air to the ventilation ducts of the laptop - this is full-time job cooling systems. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to use a laptop when it is “sinking into the arms” of upholstered furniture or is in “on your lap” mode for a long time.

In conclusion

Now, if you have a question: “How to clean an HP laptop?” - you know what steps need to be taken for this. After all, literally all portable electronics undergo, in general, the same “sanitization” process.

For particularly savvy users, before using the hose high pressure operating compressor unit, you should think about how the organization of such cleaning might end. You might smile, but the result will be a forced movement of the laptop's internal components. Cleanliness to you and long-term operation of your laptop!

A large accumulation of dust interferes with air exchange, which leads to overheating of the computer. Also, if synthetic fibers and wool get in, there can be more tragic consequences, including failure of the system. Laptop users should remember that there is no way to prevent dust from getting into the electronics. Tiny particles of sand, hair, wool, etc. They will always find a way to get in. Therefore, it is worth cleaning your laptop from dust regularly, about once every six months, and even more often when using the computer in more polluted conditions.

In order to still reduce the amount of debris that gets into the device, it is necessary to use cases and bags for carrying and storing the laptop. The degree of clogging does not depend at all on the model of the device; it is influenced by operating conditions. But it’s still worth remembering that some unscrupulous manufacturers pay insufficient attention to installing dust protection. So you should not buy laptops from HP and Chinese Hasee manufacturers.

When is it time to clean your laptop?

If the device begins to make noise and overheat more intensely than before, turning on and off without your participation, you should think about immediately cleaning the laptop from dust. Of course, it is best to take the device to specialized center for the provision of these services. They have more experience and warranty card will provide. If this is not possible, then you will have to clean the laptop from. To do this, you need to have the following simple tools available:

Hard brushes, preferably made of natural hair;

Flat or Phillips screwdriver;

Cotton buds;

Pure alcohol;

Cylinder with compressed air or just a syringe;

Thermal paste.

Of course, wet cleaning This is not the place. Therefore it is worth wearing latex gloves, which will protect the device from moisture and grease.

How to open a laptop

To begin cleaning, you need to open the laptop. On Internet pages you can often find advice on how to clean a laptop without disassembling the device, just use a vacuum cleaner and blow out all the holes, but this is of little use. Therefore, you will have to disassemble it, take a screwdriver and...

Each model opens differently. In some specimens, the ventilation system is located directly under the lid, while in others it is hidden. It's all fairly easy to take apart, but there are a few things to keep in mind:

Any actions regarding disassembly are carried out with a complete blackout;

All operations should be carried out without the use of force;

The screws come in different lengths, and it’s worth remembering which one is from where, as this is not without reason;

If the fastenings are not visible, then there are definitely latches that break very easily and cannot be repaired;

If the latch does not want to be pressed out, not force is used, but a flat, small-caliber screwdriver.

How to clean a disassembled laptop

When the device is disassembled and ready for the procedure, the process of cleaning the laptop from dust begins with the fan blades and radiator fins. The cooler is cleaned depending on its design - right on site or after disassembly. Less advanced users can only confine themselves to removing the fan: it is attached quite easily with regular screws.

Dust particles between the fan blades are removed using cotton swabs or compressed air. You should not blow through the fan with your mouth, as moisture particles may enter the system. You also don’t need to follow the advice on washing the fan; you can never be sure that the bearing compartment is completely sealed.

If you clean the radiator without removing it, the procedure is similar to that described above, only the air flow from a can or syringe should be directed towards the air vents. If it is impossible to extract a strong stream of air with these objects, then use brushes to clean the radiator fins from dust. Under no circumstances should you allow a white coating to appear; it can occur as a result of the reaction of humidity with air, and this is not at all useful.

If you decide to remove the radiator, which is much better for cleaning, then you may need to change the thermal interface on the video chip and central processor. When disassembling, do not use force, but lightly rotate the structure, carefully destroying the cemented thermal paste. It is also necessary to carefully remove white and dried marks from the sole of the cooler. Alcohol and cotton wool are best for this.

And now that the thermal paste has been removed, you need to apply it again in a thin layer using a dispenser. After this, we immediately send the radiator into place. We tighten the bolts tightly, often the tightening order is indicated by numbers, so follow it. After that, there is not much left to clean from dust. All ports, air vents and the keyboard are purged with air in the cylinder. In addition, it should be taken into account that the dust settles back, so a vacuum cleaner will not hurt. Only with a vacuum cleaner are dust particles collected not from the surface of the laptop, but directly in the air, swept away with a spray can or brush.

Finish line

To clean your laptop from dust, do not use any wet wipes and any cleaning products. Now all that remains is to assemble the device. The most difficult thing now is to ensure that there is nothing left over. Dust from the keyboard, monitor and under the cover is removed with a cloth soaked in alcohol or a cloth specially designed for this purpose.

If you clean your laptop from dust every six months, it will last for quite a long time, quite possibly until the moment when the owner recognizes the model as clearly outdated.

If in Lately your laptop began to work strangely, making strange noises, like a jet plane, when you clean it. No, we're talking about not about cleaning the desktop and deleting unnecessary programs, but about cleaning with a cloth and a vacuum cleaner.

Many people don't even realize how much dust collects inside a laptop. Accumulated over years, it is especially dangerous: every day in the life of your device may be the last!

To make sure that this procedure is necessary, place your palm on the back panel: if it gets very hot, it means the radiators are clogged with dust: the processor cannot cool enough. As a result, the device works tightly and slowly, which can soon lead to breakdown.

Experts advise cleaning at least once a year. This procedure is done for money in service centers, however, you can do it yourself, but you need to know important features so as not to break the device. But how to clean your laptop from dust yourself?

How to clean your laptop from dust without damaging it?

Consider with reverse side your grill device. At the bottom there are holes for supplying air to the fan blades to the processor and video card to cool them.

To the side you will also see a hole for the heated air to escape. After turning on the vacuum cleaner, work on these very places: as a rule, the most dirt accumulates in them.

The ventilation outlet can also be cleaned when the computer is turned off. Place it on the table, like a book, open.

Remove the nozzle from the vacuum cleaner and, with it turned on, hold the pipe to the air outlet grille for a couple of minutes.

Blow out the ventilation inlet with compressed air

The most convenient way to clean the ventilation inlet is with a can of air: they are available both in computer hardware stores and in construction stores. These cans are equipped with a spout that needs to be inserted into the grill and launched.

Since the air is under pressure, it causes the fan blades to rotate, blowing away the dust. To do this, turn the device over and use the same can of air to blow out any debris between the keys.

General cleaning under the case: disassembling the laptop

The laptop should be disassembled when preventative external cleaning has not been carried out for several years.

You can unscrew the case if the warranty period has expired. If the warranty is valid, contact the service center.

Prepare the following tools:

  • a screwdriver for unscrewing the screws of the back cover;
  • a can of compressed air;
  • clean desk for work;
  • antistatic gloves.

Actions are carried out strictly step by step!

  1. Turn off your device. Disable existing wired connections(charger), remove the battery (if your model provides this).
  2. Unscrew the rear cover bolts. They are difficult to find on some models. The manufacturer hides them in rubber feet, under stickers, on the sides of the case.
  3. Remove the cover. It can be moved, not removed. If anything is in the way, make sure you have removed all the bolts.
  4. Locate the cooler and radiator. The cooler is similar to a fan and is placed in a box, and the radiator is in a lattice box.
  5. Blow out these 2 devices with a spray can. You can also carefully process microcircuits.

The problem area of ​​the radiator is the fins. Over time they become clogged big amount dust. To clean them, you can use a thin brush or needle. It is important to work out all the places. Cotton swabs can help in cleaning the fan - they will help remove dense dirt.

The motherboard must not be touched! It is only allowed to blow off the dust with air or vacuum it without touching its surface!

Some users use the entire household arsenal to clean the computer and the motherboard. Rags, sticks, brushes are used. What does this mean? If even microscopic pieces of material get in, a short circuit may occur. A brush can ruin the traces of microcircuits.

When using a vacuum cleaner, you must maintain a safe distance so as not to snag or damage fragile parts. You need to act extremely carefully!

Some laptop models have fans that are detachable. This way you can clean more thoroughly. Go through both the blades and the places near them. Ventilation windows can also become clogged with dust.

After checking all possible places for debris and dirt, you can begin assembling all the parts. You should collect all the details, not forgetting the small elements. Once assembly is complete, you can turn on the device and check its functionality.

Listen to the sound: it should be quiet and pleasant. During prolonged operation there should no longer be overheating.

If the overheating problem persists, contact a specialist for advice!

Cleaning should be done periodically. External cleanliness does not indicate the same internal state. If the procedure is not followed, not only the processor, but also the video chip and bridge chips may overheat.

Elements located around the main parts may malfunction. May happen short circuit. Something as small as dust can lead to major problems, and their solution is expensive. It’s better to prevent the problem!

How often should you clean your laptop?

The frequency of cleaning depends on how the device is used. If the laptop is on the table, it is enough to clean it once every six months.

If the laptop is moved throughout the room, used not only on the table (on the floor, bed, blanket), then this is done more often with disassembling the case and once every three months.

The technician will be grateful to you for this attitude: the cooling process will be of high quality, and overheating will not damage delicate circuits and wiring.

Bonus for readers: rules for using a laptop to prevent contamination

To prevent the internal parts of the computer from becoming clogged and cleaning can be done less frequently, simple rules should be followed.

  1. It is better to use special devices to protect the device, for example, USB coolers: they can be used in the form of a stand. It is especially convenient if you place your laptop on it while working at your desk. In this way, overheating can be avoided, since significant space is created for ventilation.
  2. To work in a chair or on a bed, use special tables. It prevents dust from getting in from soft blankets and upholstery. In addition, it is more convenient to work with it.
  3. You should try not to eat or drink while working with the device. There are many breakdowns, often irreparable, precisely because of food. Try to ensure that other family members, especially children, are also not near him while eating.
  4. Monitor how often you use your computer: turn it on only when necessary, and after work put it into sleep mode. This is a compact device that requires careful attitude, since all the miniature parts contained in it have a shorter service life than parts of a regular personal computer.

Careful attitude and prevention enable equipment to work for a long time. Little tricks, rules, and accuracy in work will allow you to take care of your equipment yourself and not waste money on trips to specialists.

Cleaning is a necessary element of laptop care, which will help you maintain the functionality of your gadget for a long time. It is recommended to carry it out at least 2 times a year. Otherwise in best case scenario The laptop will start to overheat, shut down or slow down. And in the worst case, it will completely fail. So it’s better not to allow this, especially since there is simple ways clean the gadget yourself. To do this you will need a vacuum cleaner, a piece of fabric (or special napkins), brushes, Phillips screwdriver.

First, vacuum the area of ​​the cooler, keyboard and connectors. If necessary, you can help the vacuum cleaner manually, sweeping away dust with a brush. We fix the result with a damp cloth or special napkins. Now let's move on to internal work . To do this, carefully remove back cover

laptop, unscrewing all the screws without breaking the latch. In this case, it is better to first (or simultaneously) watch the corresponding video for your device model.

We remove the cooler (it is better to photograph its original location), wipe it with a damp cloth, and treat the radiator with a vacuum cleaner. We go over the entire back surface of the gadget with a vacuum cleaner. At the same time, make sure that the device tube is at a distance of no closer than 1 cm from the surface. Here the vacuum cleaner can be replaced with a can of compressed air. And under no circumstances touch motherboard

We assemble the gadget back in the same order in which it was disassembled. Please note that the cooler must be inserted into place already dry. Do not be overzealous with fastening the parts, tighten them with a screw. The former may be damaged, and the latter may create difficulties during the next disassembly.

After finishing assembling the gadget, turn it on to check its functionality.

If the procedure self-cleaning the laptop doesn’t seem simple to you, and besides, the laptop is still under warranty - trust it in the hands of professionals from the service center.