How to call a Beeline consultant directly. How to call a “live” Beeline operator directly: free phone numbers. Two words about federal numbers

Reasons to contact an operator cellular communications there may be several: questions with choosing a tariff, finding out the cost of services, desire to connect additional function etc. But not all subscribers know how to call the Beeline operator and receive necessary information. This is, in fact, what this article is about.

Any Beeline user can get the information he needs in several ways:

  • office visit;
  • independent search answers on the Internet, including on the official website of the provider;
  • call technical support and talk with the operator on duty.

Each option has distinctive features, not always positive. Office subscriber services Doesn't work 24 hours a day. Information obtained on the Internet may not satisfy the user, without giving him a comprehensive answer to his questions. And only the last option can be called optimal - a qualified consultant will help resolve any problem with the tariff, payment, settings, etc.

How to call the Beeline operator for free from your mobile

For free 24/7 communication There are 2 phone numbers for technical support:

  • short number operator Beeline - 0611;
  • multichannel - 8800-700-06-11.

Often the subscriber hears first, because there are always many people wanting help and operators may be temporarily busy. If, following the robot’s prompts, you cannot solve the problem yourself, you need to wait for a response from a technical service specialist.

Option to contact Beeline technical support via number 0611

Among the options for calling a Beeline operator directly for free, many subscribers prefer the short number 0611. The answering machine lists menu items in detail, the listener selects the one they need and presses the transition button.

The only disadvantage of contacting technical support is the wait. If the line is very busy, a free operator can answer within 15-30 minutes. To avoid listening to a repeating melody on the handset, you can press the “1” button - and the first available consultant will call you back.

To prepare for a call to 0611, you need to know the following information:

  • button “9” means listening to the answering machine message again, from the beginning;
  • “asterisk” is used to return to the main menu;
  • “grid” - listening to the text heard in previous paragraph;
  • “1” while waiting for an operator response, as mentioned above, is equivalent to the service “ back call».

Contacting Beeline customer support via the federal number 8-800

Beeline technical support can be contacted at one of the following federal numbers:

  • 8-812-740-6000 ;
  • 8-800-700-0080 ;
  • 8-800-700-0611 .

Moreover, you can call these numbers even from a landline home phone. To talk to an operator during an answering machine transfer available functions you need to press the “0” key.

Attention: before calling the Beeline operator, the subscriber should prepare the following information about himself:
  • passport details (series, number, by whom and when issued);
  • registration address;
  • your Beeline number;
  • a codeword.

Call Beeline technical support in roaming

Based on the latest statistics, we can conclude that almost every second person on our planet actively uses mobile communications. As with any equipment operation, cellular communications sometimes also stop working, network failures occur, which affects the quality of communication itself and a number of dissatisfied subscribers appear. This can also happen when a telecom operator’s client has questions that he cannot answer on his own.

In these and others similar situations A call to a consultant will always come to your aid mobile operator, who will tell you everything in detail and help you, if, of course, it is in his power. In this material we would like to dwell in more detail on how a subscriber can call the Beeline operator for free with mobile phone.

And so, if you are already an existing client of the company "Beeline" or you are going to become one, then you should know that and like all popular companies providing communication services, there is also a free Beeline hotline where you can contact the so-called "live operator" and receive comprehensive advice on your question or problem.

3 ways to call Beeline from a mobile phone for free

1. The simplest and most correct option is free call from your mobile phone to the short number 0611. By to this number You will be asked to use service department“Mobile consultant” from Beeline, where following the prompts of the voice autoinformer you can easily find the answer to your question or simply wait for a specialist’s answer.

2. C cell phone You can also dial another number - 8-800-700-0611. This method is a complete analogy previous method. You will also contact a company consultant, they will listen to you and try to quickly and efficiently help you solve your problem.

3. One more useful number to contact a “live operator” - 7-495-974-8888, like the previous ones, will also direct you to a free hotline with the operator’s call center specialists mobile communications Beeline.

It is important to keep in mind that before calling any of the indicated numbers, or rather, to contact consultants, you need to prepare the following information in advance:
— passport series and number;
- Full Name;
- a codeword;
— cell phone number (if you are calling from a landline).

If you did everything correctly, five to ten minutes after reading the material in our article, you were completely able to resolve the issue or problem that you encountered with your telecom operator. Bye everyone.

Today we will try to reach the Beeline company. The contact center of this organization is constantly available. You can without special problems Get advice absolutely at any time. You just need to know which combinations should be used in which case. How can I keep in touch with the Beeline mobile operator? What phones will help implement the idea?

Why call?

Before studying the numbers, you need to understand why the Beeline contact center is needed. How will it help clients? What functions does it perform? After all, if for you this service useless, there is no point in calling there. So, the contact center will help you with the following issues:

  • providing advice to clients;
  • connection/disconnection of services;
  • information about promotions;
  • obtaining data on tariff plans;
  • acceptance of complaints and suggestions.

As you can see, very useful service. But not everyone knows how to reach him. In general, there are several options for the development of events. How to call the Beeline contact center? This operator offers a variety of phones that will help you in one case or another.

From mobile

The first and most obvious option is to make a call from a mobile device. Quite a common arrangement. What if you need to call the Beeline operator? The contact center will help if you dial the combination 0611 from your mobile phone.

This number will quickly connect you with support. Just keep in mind that this combination is only relevant for Beeline subscribers. From other SIM cards you can call using the number 8 800 700 0611.

By the way, the call will not cost anything for Beeline subscribers. You can talk as much as you like. Please note that when you make a call, a robotic voice will answer you. You can use the proposed voice menu to get an answer to your question. Or wait for the operator's response. There is nothing difficult or special about it.

Wireless Internet

The previous option is a universal service. But there are still some options for the development of events. Do you want to call the Beeline contact center? You already know the operator's number - 0611. But what if you want to get advice only regarding a Wi-Fi connection? Do you really have to listen to the entire long voice menu?

Not at all. There is a completely different combination for this idea. You can use the Federal number, which will help you quickly get advice on issues wireless internet Wi-Fi. To do this, dial 8 800 700 21 11. Wait for the answer and enjoy the result achieved.

Please note that calls within Russia are free. It will not require any expenses from you. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about your balance on your phone. Very comfortably. You will not receive any third-party advice from this service. What else can Beeline offer? The contact center of this organization includes many divisions. And for some of the most popular ones, separate phone numbers are used. Everything for the convenience of clients!


What other numbers can be offered to subscribers? For example, you can call the company’s hotline at any time and ask your questions regarding mobile communications and the Internet. There is a separate combination for this.

In this case, the contact phone number looks like this: 8 800 700 06 11. It has already been said that this combination is suitable for communicating with the operator from other mobile devices. But now you know that it is also a hotline.

Of course, the call is free throughout the country. There are no additional costs for communication with the operator. This fact pleases subscribers. You can call the support service at any time and get advice on mobile communications and Internet issues.


It's no secret that modern mobile operators are not limited to cellular communications. They often offer the purchase of USB modems. The Beeline Contact Center also has a telephone number for consultation in this area. As in all previous cases, they will not charge you any fees if the call is made within Russia.

Which combination should I use? To contact the Beeline department responsible for USB modems, dial on any telephone device 8 800 700 00 80. Wait for an answer, and then ask all your questions. Having a separate number for the company’s most important services pleases customers. There is no need to listen to the answering machine for a long time or wait until you get to a “live” operator. With help specified number You can quickly solve the problem of communication with Beeline.


Many people love to travel. And now, even at such moments, it is impossible to imagine a person without a mobile phone. Everywhere and always you want to keep in touch. Immediately after crossing the border you find yourself in roaming. What does Beeline offer to support communications? The contact center has a separate combination that serves to provide advice to subscribers in roaming.

It is very comfortable! Now, if you have any questions while traveling, you can always get answers to them. Just dial 7 495 974 88 88. Then wait for the operator’s response.

Do I need to pay for such a connection? It all depends on which number you are calling from. If we're talking about about subscribers of the Beeline company, they will not require any money from you. Otherwise, you will have to pay as much as a minute of conversation in roaming on your tariff plan. You can call this number at any time, this 24 hour service support.

Other communications

Perhaps these are all common and useful combinations, which the mobile operator Beeline can offer. The contact center, as you can see, has many divisions. And you are able to take advantage a huge amount various combinations to get advice from this company.

It just doesn't end there possible means connection with the Beeline operator. What else can it offer this company? All subscribers (and not only them) have every right contact the Beeline operator using the Internet on your mobile or computer. Simply visit the official website of the corporation and then click on “Ask a Question”.

Here you will be offered several options for the development of events. You can ask a question to the electronic assistant, use the form feedback or start a chat with a Beeline employee. This is how easy it is to instantly get advice and understand the services provided. The method is good, but sometimes there is simply no Internet at hand. Then it's better to use the phone. As practice shows, it is the number 0611 that is best suited for communicating with Beeline.

In each large company there is a Contact Center for working with clients, where you can get professional help and technical support, thereby solving various kinds of questions and problems regarding the product or service.

The mobile communications company Beeline is no exception. It has become popular and competitive throughout Russia and Kazakhstan and is focused on customer needs with a wide range of services. The combination of price and quality determines this popularity.

Beeline always goes to meet customers, provides necessary help online around the clock. He is ready to provide technical support to everyone in need qualified assistance, regardless telephone set, mobile network and geography outgoing call. You can contact technical support from any number mobile operator, from any phone, from anywhere in the world.

Methods of contacting a live operator

Almost every client from time to time needs to contact contact center Beeline. Often subscribers prefer live communication work with a mobile communications consultant online assistant or SMS tips. In the process of working with a specialist, you can describe the problem in detail and receive specific help.

Professionalism technical service is the main indicator of service quality. By contacting a specialist, you will receive detailed answers and the necessary assistance in online mode. Support center contacts are listed on the company website page in the “Help and Support” section. However, figuring it out on your own and finding the necessary information there is quite problematic, since it is not as widely advertised as, for example, advertising about tariffs and new services. Therefore, there is a need to answer frequently asked questions.

To communicate with a “live operator”, you need to call:

  • to the official short number 0611;
  • to the number with the code 8-800-700-0611;
  • on landline phone 8-800-700-0611 ;
  • from a landline phone 8-800-700-0611;
  • to the company operator from roaming;
  • to the help center 0770.

These are the main technical service telephone numbers. Let's take a closer look at each of the options.

Call to a short number

All Beeline SIM card users can contact a company consultant absolutely free by dialing 0611. After listening to all the tips voice menu, just select what you need and follow voice recommendations. After clicking the required numbers, you should wait for the online consultant to respond.

Operators are not always able to answer due to the large influx of calls, so you need to be patient and wait for your turn.

If you are unable or unwilling to wait for a specialist’s response, use the Beeline service and order a call back by clicking on the number “1”. The first available employee will contact you.

Dial long number 8-800-700-0611

If for any reason you prefer to call from your cell phone to long number, then you can do this the same way as in the first case absolutely free of charge (for Beeline subscribers) by dialing 8-800-700-0611 and waiting for an answer. This number is universal for calls within Russia.

Landline phone 8-800-700-0611 (paid)

The unified support service for Beeline subscribers in Moscow and the Moscow region works for subscribers around the clock and without interruptions.

Single toll-free number for Beeline subscriber support service Moscow:

8800 700 0611 /

Call on single number 24/7 Beeline support center 8800 700 0611 from mobile or landline absolutely free.

How to call Beeline in Moscow?

When calling to " Beeline Moscow hotline» from a mobile phone connected to the operator’s network in Moscow and the Moscow region, please use the free and 24/7 number help desk to connect to an operator reference technical support Beeline.

For calls from a mobile operator of another operator (Megafon, MTS and Tele2) use free phone 8800 700 0611 .

Was there an erroneous charge or do you want to change your tariff and services? Be prepared to provide the operator with your passport data - they are required to provide personal services and secure client identification. You can also contact the nearest Beeline express service office in Moscow and in all cities of the Moscow region.

Helpline number for calls from abroad and international roaming:

+7 495 9748888

When you are roaming from Beeline or in the regions of Russia, all calls to the number +7 495 9748888 will remain free for you from a mobile connected to the Beeline network. At the same time, if you want to call the contact center +7 495 9748888 from any other phones - calls are paid in accordance with the tariffs of your telecom operator. When calling, be sure to dial the number in international format, starting with Russia code +7.

Online support for Beeline customers in Moscow

Our support service works for subscribers not only by phone, but also online. Register in the operator’s official communities and feel free to ask any questions you are interested in, complain about service or fraud - all requests will be promptly reviewed by Beeline employees. Love email? Write to our address This address Email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. — we will try to answer and quickly solve your problem.

Beeline customer service is available for your questions and suggestions on the most popular social networks. Join Beeline groups In contact with , on Odnoklassniki and in Facebook .

Subscribe to the official microblog in social Twitter networks. PR specialists regularly publish the most interesting information and latest company news in Russia.

Cities of the Moscow region in which Beeline operates

Beeline customer support at 88007000611 operates in the following cities and populated areas MO:

Bronnitsy, Dzerzhinsky, Dolgoprudny, Dubna, Zhukovsky, Zvenigorod, Ivanteevka, Korolev, Kotelniki, Krasnoarmeysk, Lobnya, Losino-Petrovsky, Lytkarino, Protvino, Pushchino, Reutov, Roshal, Serpukhov, Khimki, Elektrogorsk, Balashikha, Domodedovo, Yegoryevsk, Zaraysk, Istra, Kashira, Klin, Kolomna, Krasnogorsk, Likino-Dulyovo, Lukhovitsy, Lyubertsy, Mozhaisk, Mytishchi, Naro-Fominsk, Lakes, Orekhovo-Zuevo, Pavlovsky Posad, Podolsk, Ruza, Serebryannye Prudy, Stupino, Fryazino, Chernogolovka, Chekhov, Shatura, Shakhovskaya, Elektrostal, Volokolamsk, Voskresensk, Dmitrovsk, Odintsovo, Pushkin, Ramensk, Sergievo-Posadsk, Serpukhov, Solnechnogorsk, Taldom, Shchelkov, Vlasikha, Voskhod, Star City, Krasnoznamensk, Molodezhny.

In contact details operator Beeline V metropolitan region(Moscow and Moscow region) subject to change. We recommend checking up-to-date information By 24/7 telephone hotline (help desk mobile operator) 8800 700 0611 or on the official website The information provided and links are current as of June 2018.

In order to maintain High Quality customer service, all conversations with specialists help center Beeline is being recorded for further consideration. You can count on prompt answers to any questions, including, for example, “” or “What is the number of the Beeline operator,” through. All tariffs and prices for Beeline services in Moscow are given in current section for informational purposes only.