MTS internet help desk telephone. MTS support help desk

Mobile TeleSystems Company provides quality service and a wide range of interesting offers to reduce costs and increase the efficiency of a cell phone. Sometimes the consumer has situations or questions that he cannot solve on his own. What to do in this case? The provider found a way out. The company has organized a convenient and high-quality feedback system - a hotline. Let's look at all the effective ways to call the MTS operator.

Single short number

Often, while using a mobile phone and cellular communications, the user encounters problems that he cannot solve on his own. In this case, the right way out would be to contact a qualified specialist from the provider company. For this purpose, a simple and short telephone number for the provider “0890” has been implemented.

You can contact the call center (MTS support service) in any situation related to cellular communication services, for example:

  1. Ask the operator for advice regarding service and the terms of additional services or tariff plans.
  2. Get accurate information about the current offers of the provider at the current time.
  3. Solve problems with blocking, loss of a phone number or changing it.
  4. Order accurate data about connected options, contracts and subscriptions on your mobile device.
  5. Activate or cancel services and functions remotely.
  6. Resolve financial issues.

This is an incomplete list of problems being solved. Using the specified contact, MTS services will be able to answer any question regarding the operation of cellular communications.

If you need to contact a MTS company consultant directly, dial this telephone combination. After this, you will hear the voice of an automatic informant in the handset, which will list personal information about your account status and offer interesting offers for connection.

Often users do not wait for a response from the manager and accept the help of an answering machine. To select a specific item and manage the menu, you must switch the device to tone dialing mode, and press the corresponding key to go to the desired section.

If you do not want to listen to information messages and immediately go on line with a specialist, you need to press the “0” button. Please note that during busy periods you will have to hang on the phone waiting for an answer. You will be asked to pay 20 rubles, for which you will be moved to the front of the queue.

Attention! Communication with the operator throughout Russia and in the MTS Belarus and MTS Ukraine networks is not subject to tariffs and is free.

The telephone combination is available only to MTS customers. Subscribers of other operators will not be able to contact a consultant using this number. To resolve issues regarding changing the tariff plan, connecting or disconnecting services, you will be required to dictate your passport data and answer a number of additional questions.

If you have questions about the maintenance and use of mobile communications, then in addition to a short service contact there is an additional digital combination to contact the MTS operator. It is a duplicate of the previous one, remember the following numbers “8800 2500890”. After dialing, you will hear the same voice of the automatic informant. To have a direct conversation with an operator, click on “0”. Outgoing calls to this contact are free in the region and throughout Russia.

Please note that all conversations with a specialist are recorded to monitor the quality of service, and after successful communication you will be asked to rate the work of the support service.

How to call from another operator

If you don’t have access to your mobile device, and only have SIM cards from other Russian cellular companies at hand, then it’s okay. You won’t be able to call your provider from someone else’s phone number using a single short combination. For such cases, the following sequence “88002500890” was implemented. You can use it to connect with a consultant even from a landline phone. Outgoing calls on the line are not subject to tariffs.

Help Desk for Corporate Clients

In addition to individuals, MTS actively provides services for corporate clients. Special offers have been implemented for them to normalize communications in their organization and increase business efficiency. To resolve any issues that arise regarding mobile communications services for legal entities, a special hotline has been implemented - “88002500990”. With its help you can solve the following problems:

  1. Issues related to mobile or fixed-line communications provider.
  2. Receive or order detailed information about the account status of your or your employees.
  3. Connect, disable and configure additional services and functions.
  4. Blocking and exiting it.
  5. Tariff plan maintenance.
  6. Solving financial problems and tasks.

An MTS contact center specialist may request your personal data and ask several questions to confirm your identity. Corporate clients can order a code word, which will be used for identification.

If you are outside Russia in international roaming and you have a question regarding mobile communications, then you will not be able to connect using the standard MTS 0890 contact numbers that we discussed earlier. Therefore, the provider has created a single feedback channel for individuals and corporate clients. Remember the simple telephone contact “+7 495 7660166”. Don’t worry about the difference in time and time zones, the MTS help desk works around the clock. When dialing from a mobile phone, be sure to enter “+7” in the international format. Voice communication with the operator is not subject to calculation when using this combination from an MTS SIM card.

If you are not satisfied with a live conversation with a consultant or your problem does not require an immediate solution, then use other methods:

  1. Start an online chat with the provider on the official website in your personal account or through the My MTS mobile application. To do this, go to the appropriate section and describe your problem.
  2. For corporate clients there is a dedicated email for consultation - “ [email protected]" In this case, you will have to wait until the system processes the application.
  3. Personally visit the nearest sales and assistance provider salon, ask for help from a free manager.

If you encounter problems using mobile communications that you cannot solve on your own, call the operator directly and ask for assistance. All listed technical support contacts are valid at the current time and work around the clock.

Apparently, like me, you also thought that cellular communications from MTS were the best? And, they say, MTS’s technical support is generally excellent. That's what you thought? I thought.

And I believed in all this until I myself had to face the search for an answer to a seemingly simple question: How can

Well... This is completely justified and deserved - MTS’s connection is truly stable and reliable.

But if any problems arise, it turns out that MTS’s service is not so bright and rosy. And it’s worth admitting that it can be quite difficult to contact an MTS operator and get a “live” consultation with a specialist. Because the MTS company did almost everything possible so that you could not call the MTS operator.

As a result, when you call the MTS office, instead of the joyful voice of a living person greeting you with all the warmth and cordiality, you hear in response the voice of an answering machine. Also, of course, similar to a human, but indifferent to your problems, right?

But I really wanted something else... So that MTS would have a hotline whose telephone number would be available 24 hours a day, right? 😉

Well, is it impossible to contact the MTS operator, and is it time to fall into despair? But no! There is a way out, because there is a support phone at MTS, specifically created for such cases.

Moreover. In MTS, the operator’s telephone number is quite simple, and you can almost always call the operator for free from both a mobile phone and a landline number.

In general, when you know the solution, then calling the MTS operator is not so difficult. There are 4 such methods. Let's talk about each of them in order.

The easiest way to call the MTS operator

In order to hear a “live operator”, you need to call the single MTS support service number 0890 .

A call to this “service” number of the MTS operator is free! It is not charged.

However, you must be located on the territory of Ukraine, Russia, Uzbekistan or Belarus. But we believe that this is 99.9% true, and we continue to act further.

After the auto-informer starts dictating the menu, don’t wait for the end of his verbal diarrhea! Immediately press 2, then 0.

And here the long-awaited miracle will finally happen. The switch will switch to a connection with the “live” MTS operator.

Let's clarify. It may not happen right away. You may have to wait in line for a bit. You will be kindly notified about the duration of this. But still, the main task has been completed - you can talk to the MTS operator.

How to contact the MTS operator from a landline phone

Well, if you call a short number 0890 You can not? If a phone with an MTS SIM card is not available. What to do then?

The task becomes slightly more complicated. After all, MTS has created a support phone number for this case as well. You can call the MTS operator both from a landline phone and from a mobile phone of any other operator.

You just need to dial not 0890, but 8 800 250 08 90 .

In this case, you will call the same Call Center as the number 0890 . Therefore, the further procedure will be exactly the same.

First, you will hear a voice menu that will dictate a lot of different information to you. You don't have to listen to everything - just Press button 2 immediately, then 0. And after a while you are connected to a representative of the MTS call center.

Moreover. This MTS operator phone is free in the same way as 0890.


If you are one of the corporate clients of MTS, a separate telephone number has been created for you - 8 800 250 09 90 .

Or is it just short - 0990 . A “live” MTS operator will also answer you on it. The phone number is free for calls from mobile phones connected to MTS

How to call an MTS operator while roaming?

Are you outside the Russian Federation? Not a problem either! The MTS operator has allocated a telephone number to contact a support specialist in this case as well.

You always have the opportunity to receive highly qualified advice from a “live operator” even in international roaming.

just call the phone number +7 495 766 01 66 .

The best part:

All calls to this operator phone created by MTS are also absolutely free!

Even if you are in long-distance or international roaming

How to contact the MTS operator without a phone

Well, as a last resort. When suddenly you absolutely cannot make a call.

A method will help you that is needed just in case the MTS support number is unavailable for some reason. If you suddenly have difficulties with telephone communication, contact the official MTS website for help.

On the website you can write message to customer support– you can ask it in a special feedback form. And in a very short time you will receive an answer to your question.

It's completely free and the number of questions is unlimited.

Support centers are created by operators to provide the client with the most convenient assistance when communication problems arise. But center operators can solve almost any issue. Calls to them are made absolutely free , and employees work around the clock.

Question: “How to call the MTS Russia operator?” may arise in other cases, for example, when it is required detailed information about the tariff. It is useful to call the operator and, if necessary, connecting additional services or internet settings. After all, it’s much faster to take advantage of the MTS opportunity call the operator for free than going to the office for every action or looking for commands on your own.

How to call the MTS operator for free

Usually clients no questions arise with how to call the MTS operator. You can find the support center number on all packages and documents included in them. If for some reason paper from SIM card were lost, then it’s worth writing down how to call the MTS operator directly free of charge. For these purposes, the company has allocated a special number 0890 . Regardless of region connection is the most convenient way to call the MTS operator.

Before the MTS operator answers, the phone number support center allows you to view the menu where you can find it yourself lots of useful information. It is likely that this will be faster, since you will be able to talk to the MTS operator only after a long wait.

Important! MTS subscribers have access to a free call to the operator in any region of Russia. In addition, you can reach a specialist even if your SIM card is blocked due to a low balance.

The most frequently asked questions related to how to quickly call to the MTS operator, specifically for mobile users. Them recommended to use single support number 0890 . Also call the MTS operator from mobile for free subscribers can use the phone 8-800-2508-250 . This number allows you to call the MTS operator for free from any home and mobile Russia.

Important! When you are in intranet roaming, it is better to use the number 0890 to contact the operator. This will help avoid billing errors.

Today, the services of MTS are very diverse. Among them there are not only cellular communications, but also the Internet, television and even banking. If the subscriber no possibility call from an MTS cell phone, then he should dial the number 8800250-0890 .

When you find outside Russia Toll-free 800 series numbers will no longer be available. Nevertheless, a person may need to both call MTS and resolve urgent issues . In this case, federal MTS telephones are available for communication with the operator +7-495-7660166 .

Important! Call the number+7-495-7660166 free only for MTS clients. In other cases, you will have to pay for the call according to the terms of the tariff plan.

Phones for communication with mobile operators of other operators

Short number available only to subscribers registered in the MTS network. The rest will have to for free communication dial the phone with the operator 8800250-0890 . This number is available from all mobile and landline phones that are registered from Russian telecom operators , you won’t be able to call it from other countries.

MTS Customer Application Processing Center

Service legal entities differs significantly from providing services to private clients. They need to record their requests through a specialized service . Let's look at its main features:

  • Activation or deactivation additional options, services, etc. are performed based on requests within 1 day .
  • You can use the service only after submitting written statement to link the organization's mail. It certified by seal, signed by the director of the company and on paper transferred to one of the nearest salons.
  • Applications can be submitted via corporate e-mail address or by fax +7-495-7660058 . In this case, the papers no longer need to be certified by the head of the organization.

MTS support for organizations

The company service center is ready to help clients and legal entities at any time. persons. Through it you can do following operations :

  • Transfer money And options between accounts, as well as their combination.
  • Order and receipt financial documentation, including a variety of reports in paper or electronic form.
  • Ordering new numbers And services, as well as turning them off.
  • Tariff changes And numbers, as well as installing and removing locks.

Support for legal entities persons by fixed numbers

Organizations also can 24/7 contact support. They have access to information, including on fixed-line services. Support center operators will answer all questions by services offered, will tell you about long-distance communication services, help you connect or disable additional options, and also accept an application for concluding a contract.

Communication issues cannot always be resolved independently, so the MTS Russia operator has provided options for connecting the client with the support service:

  1. You can make a free call to the number 8 800 250 08 90. You can call the service operator in this way not only from the MTS operator’s phone, but also from landline phones or phones of other mobile operators in any region, including Crimea. After waiting for the voice menu to turn on, press the number “4”, then “0” or “1”, then “0”. Next, you will be asked to rate the operator’s work. This is a voluntary action and by clicking “0” or “1” you agree or refuse to take part in the survey. In any case, the autoinformer recommends waiting for a connection with a specialist, informing that the conversation with the support service employee is being recorded.
  2. You can call the help desk using the MTS short number 0890 or the new number 08460, which is visible only in the “My MTS” application. While you wait for the voice menu to start, you will have the opportunity to find out the news and offers that are relevant for today in MTS. You can not waste time while the autoinformer announces all the points, and immediately go to the number “2”, after “0” or “5”, after - “0”. You will be asked to evaluate the connection and level of service of the company, which is also optional. Typically, you can directly connect with a “live” call center employee quite quickly – within a few minutes.
  3. In international roaming mode, you can contact the operator at +7 495 76 60 166. If you have an MTS card on your phone, the call is free. Do not forget that the number must be dialed in international format - with “+7”.

Working methods of CALLING from site visitors:

Guest: After reading the reviews, I immediately decided on a long-term solution to the problem. But I got through relatively well. Dial 88002500890-1-2-4-0.
Hope (for the best): download the My MTS app, everything is transparent there)) My niece told me. And there you can make a free call to the operator by adding 1 and 0 to it.