How to work with the kuler adobe program. Adobe Kuler - online color scheme maker Adobe color wheel

I'll write how to use the cooler program to find palettes based on available colors . We will need paint or photoshop and the kuler program itself

For example, I'll take my eye color.

1) Open the photo in Paint or Photoshop and use the eyedropper tool to select the desired color.
NB Many people have multi-colored eyes, try to choose the average one, or choose the one that dominates.

2. Open the palette. There will be given coordinates of the resulting color. CMYK or RGB . Choose any of them and remember.

The computer I'm on now has an old version of Paint. RGB is red green blue - the ratio of red, green and blue in color. I have R =38, G=57, B=51

4. Now let's look at the remaining schemes. When choosing a word monochromatic you will get a related scheme - one color with different brightness and lightness. (You can read about a related (monochrome) scheme)

5. When choosing shades There will be variations only in darkness, the brightness will not change.

6. We really need it complementary - allows you to find opposite (complementary) colors. (information about the complementary scheme)
NB The cooler produces dark and light colors randomly, it is important to remember that colors that are strictly complementary to each other do not differ in darkness . So a compliment for my eye color is the rightmost square.

7. No less interesting, providing the basis for expanding palettes - triad - allows you to create equidistant (triadic) circuits. (or you can read about the triadic scheme)

8. To recreate the colors obtained in the cooler in the paint and Photoshop tables, you just need to look at the color coordinates in the cooler (as you can see, there is a plate under each color) and enter them into the palette of your graphics editor, and then fill the table square with them =)

Adobe Color CC is a new Android application for designers. Allows you to save color combinations that you really like so that you can use them later in full-fledged image applications: illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop.

Adobe Color CC for Android

  • Instant color capture - the screen acts as a viewfinder. In turn, the application remembers in real time all the colors that fall into the viewfinder. To save the selected area, simply touch the screen at the desired point.
  • Automatic Photo Saving – If you like a photo, why not save it to an album so you can make the most of color themes in the future.
  • Deep Customizations – Use the slider or interactive color wheel to customize colors. If you need new ideas, then there are ready-made collections with themes at your service so that you can understand how you can open up new possibilities.
  • Get inspired and inspire - share images via email, Facebook, Twitter. You can also publish your work on
  • Take advantage of cloud-based creative libraries - here you get access to compatible desktop and mobile applications of the company - Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign

- an application with which everyone has the opportunity to work with fonts, colors and other things. In other words, you can open a picture or photo you like through this application and save the colors that interest you in it. All this opens up great prospects for creative users, so the application is very useful and will come in handy for those who work in graphic editors.

The application interface is very simple, it will not be difficult to understand it. So you can safely install the program on your mobile device, because you will not find such quality anywhere else. Since the developers of this application are the famous Adobe company, we can safely say that the program is worthy of attention. However, each user will have to register before starting to work in it. This is not a complicated and completely free process. It will take at most five minutes, but you will receive a profile on the Adobe network with which you can later work in other applications of this company.

Such free programs help creative users realize their ideas even while on the move. After all, by installing the application on your smartphone, you have the opportunity to perform actions anywhere. It is also convenient if you decide to go work outdoors. It will be even more convenient with a tablet computer, because the program supports all mobile devices. That is why a huge number of users around the world use this application and recommend it to their friends.

Adobe Cooler— this is the name of the color scheme exchange resource A color scheme is five colors that are combined with each other in accordance with one of the rules of color harmony. When your computer is connected to the Internet, accessing Windows > Extensions > Kuler will display a window in which, on the Create tab, you can select a color harmony rule and, by manipulating the sliders on the color wheel, create your own set of colors. You can save it with your name. It is not clear why only RGB colors are created in this tool, because a similar tool is already available in Photoshop and Illustrator versions CS3, and there you can select any color model, including CMYK. Perhaps in this program this tool is intended exclusively for working with screen content. When working with saving a file in pdf format, you can do without the ability to select the CMYK color proportion; now the RGB-CMYK conversion is performed on the fly, and there are no complaints about the quality of the conversion. But most likely, the ability to work with CMYK colors will appear either in one of the updates or in the next version.

But this tool is also interesting because it forces you to seek new knowledge. Pick up your keyboard, who knows what the rules of color harmony are?

Yes, this question falls outside the range of professional knowledge of most layout designers, but since such a tool has appeared, it is necessary to use it competently. Here well-prepared information about color harmony is posted on the Internet. In general, this is a very interesting site about color - go to the main page and see how much interesting stuff there is. Unfortunately, sites sometimes disappear on the Internet, so if you are interested in these questions, it makes sense to save a copy of the site on your machine.
Another interesting question is what colors to use. The number of colors resulting from iterating over RGB values ​​is simply colossal, and we need a guide to this array of colors. Everyone solves this problem as best they can, here are some ways to solve the problem of getting the names and proportions of colors. - here the name of the color is reported based on the specified RGB proportions.
Another resource is Wikipedia. Type “list of colors” in the search window and get a list of possibly all named colors, translations of names into Russian, and proportions in various models.
Unfortunately, the resource lacks on-the-fly translation from RGB to CMYK. If anyone knows a similar resource, please share. (Or maybe one of the creators of reads our site, and this message will be an idea on how to improve your page).

The two mentioned resources operate with classical, so to speak, names of colors.

But life does not stop, and designers create their own colors. Go to the website, there are many interesting color combinations there. The collection is constantly being replenished, and I also made my contribution - color composition moscow autumn available since last year. Anyone can register and post their successful color solutions to the public.

Best regards, Mikhail Ivanyushin

Quite a lot of people already know it, but for those who are hearing about this service for the first time, this post is for you.

Adobe Kuler is a color mixer with the ability to create, edit, and export various color palettes that can be used in programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.

Perhaps many of you have already encountered the problem of choosing the right color palette for your project. In this case, you can use this interesting tool.

In addition to creating your own color palettes, Adobe Kuler provides the ability to use already created palettes. They are located in the "Explore" section. There you can sort them by popularity, etc.

“Explore” section of the Kuler online service

To take advantage of all the features of the service, registration is required; fortunately, it is free. It is enough to have an account (Adobe ID) on

When working in Adobe Photoshop, you can also use the Kuler extension. In the latest versions of Adobe Photoshop it is present by default. You can enable it via Window -> Extensions -> Kuler. (Window -> Extensions -> Kuler).

This is what the window of this extension looks like in Adobe Photoshop:

Adobe Kuler window in Photoshop

There are a lot of tools similar to Adobe Kuler. There are also online services and desktop programs that you can download and install on your computer.

The advantage of Kuler over desktop versions is ease of use. Even if you have to reinstall the operating system on your computer, you don't have to worry that the color palettes you created will disappear, and they will be saved in your account on

I hope that this note will add another tool to your arsenal of useful services for creating your projects.