How to restart your computer using the keyboard. How to restart a laptop using the keyboard. Properly shutting down your computer

Why does the computer freeze and how to deal with this problem? Look for the answer in the article.

When working at a computer, a process can occur that confuses not all, but many users.

  • A PC freeze is an unpleasant situation when the device stops responding to commands both through the mouse and the keyboard.
  • Some people immediately panic and run to call friends or familiar specialists. Others are overcome with fear, as they think that everything is to blame complex virus that has entered the system or a breakdown important system computer.
  • Let's figure out why the PC freezes and how you can fix it or at least turn off the device.

To understand why the computer freezes and does not work, you need to understand the causes of this problem. These include the following:

  • Poor attitude towards the computer on the part of the user. The processor must be constantly cleaned of dust and checked for functionality of the cooling system (lubricate fans, etc.). If the processor overheats, the computer will freeze and turn off spontaneously.
  • "Contamination" of the OS. The user must periodically clean system disk, registry, delete unnecessary files, do disk defragmentation. If all these steps do not help, then you need to reinstall the operating system.
  • Legacy computer systems: motherboard, insufficient RAM and HDD which requires repair. Technology is moving forward, new programs are being created. We install them and obsolete elements Our PC can't handle the job. Often modern software products not compatible with outdated software and OS. But remember that repairs will cost you more than purchasing a new, more modern computer.
  • The system is overloaded with viruses. Free antivirus programs are usually ineffective. They do not fully protect your computer and do not properly optimize your system. However, even expensive, advertised antivirus programs do not provide 100% protection. It is necessary to surf the Internet wisely and not download programs from unverified sites.
  • Simultaneous launch large quantity applications when the device is turned on. If you want to run many programs at the same time, then first evaluate the resources and capabilities of your PC.
  • Incorrect BIOS setting. This chip will help both increase and decrease the performance of your computer. BIOS Settings must comply with all PC elements and systems.

What to do, how to turn off a frozen computer? Here are the tips:

  • Restart your PC. This usually helps with some problems. This can be done using special button on the processor.
  • Press “Ctrl + Alt + Del” simultaneously. With these actions you call the task manager. If some programs are frozen, then this method is a great way to disable them.
  • If Task Manager does not open and the computer does not respond to key presses, continue to the next step.
  • Turn off your computer. If the above steps do not help, disconnect your PC from the network. You can do this by pressing Reset buttons. But remember that all unfinished programs and actions may be lost during a forced shutdown.

If all else fails, contact service center. IT specialists will find the cause of the computer freezing and fix the problem.

Few users know about the three magic buttons that open the task manager window. We mentioned this above. Now let's take a closer look at which keys to press if it freezes and won't turn off.

So, your PC is frozen, press simultaneously Ctrl + Alt + Del. The Task Manager window will open.

Select with your mouse the required line whose task is not being performed and click on "Cancel task". Opposite tasks that are working normally is the word "Performed". The task that slows down the PC will be indicated in the column "State", How "Not responding".

In the task manager, you will see all the running processes on your computer. When you remove the task that is slowing down your PC, the system will start working normally. In the tab "Details" or "Processes", depending on the OS model, you will see which programs or applications load the most RAM computer.

Video: Computer freezes - (solution)

Good day.

You may need to restart your computer for a variety of reasons: for example, so that changes or settings in Windows (that you recently changed) can take effect; or after installing a new driver; also in cases when the computer starts to slow down or freeze (the first thing that even many experts recommend doing).

True, it is worth admitting that modern versions Windows needs to be rebooted less and less often, not like, for example, Windows 98, where after every sneeze (literally) you had to reboot the machine...

In general, this post is more for novice users; in it I want to touch on several ways on how you can turn off and restart your computer (even in cases where standard way does not work).

1) The classic way to restart your PC

If the START menu opens and the mouse “runs” across the monitor, then why not try restarting the computer in the usual way? In general, there’s probably nothing to comment on here: just open the START menu and select the shutdown section - then from the three proposed options, select the one you need (see Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Windows 10 - shutdown/restart PC

If the mouse does not work (for example, the cursor does not move), then the computer (laptop) can be turned off or restarted using the keyboard. For example, you can click the button Win- a menu should open START, and in it already select (using the arrows on the keyboard) the shutdown button. But sometimes the START menu does not open, what should you do in this case?

Press a combination of buttons ALT And F4 (these are buttons to close the window). If you are in any application, it will close. But if you are on your desktop, then a window should appear in front of you, as in Fig. 2. In it, using .

You can also restart your computer using the command line (you just need to enter one command).

To launch the command prompt, press the button combination WIN and R(In Windows 7, the Run line is located in the START menu). Next enter the command CMD and press ENTER (see Figure 3).

IN command line you just need to enter shutdown –r -t 0 and press ENTER (see Fig. 4). Attention! The computer will restart at the same second, all applications will be closed, and no saved data will be lost!

Rice. 4. shutdown –r -t 0 - immediate reboot

4) Crash work (not recommended, but what to do?!)

In general, it is best to resort to this method last. With it, it is possible to lose unsaved information after a reboot in this way - Windows will often check the disk for errors and so on.


On the case of the most common classic system unit, usually the Reset (or reboot) button is located next to the PC power button. On some system units, you need to use a pen or pencil to press it.

Rice. 5. Classic look system unit

By the way, if you don’t have a Reset button, you can try pressing it for 5-7 seconds. computer power button. In this case, usually it just turns off (why not reboot?).

You can also turn off the computer using the power on/off button next to network cable. Well, or just unplug the plug from the socket (the very last option and the most trouble-free of all...).

Rice. 6. System unit - rear view


On a laptop, most often, there are no special ones. buttons for reboot - all actions are carried out by the power button (although on some models there are “hidden” buttons that can be pressed with a pencil or pen. Typically, they are located either on the back of the laptop or under some kind of lid).

Therefore, if the laptop freezes and does not respond to anything, just hold down the power button for 5-10 seconds. After a few seconds, the laptop usually “squeaks” and turns off. Then you can turn it on as usual.

Rice. 7. Power button - Lenovo laptop

You can also turn off the laptop by unplugging it and removing the battery (it is usually held in place by a pair of latches, see Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Battery removal latches

5) How to close a frozen application

A frozen application may prevent you from restarting your PC. If your computer (laptop) does not restart and you want to figure it out, check if there is such a frozen application, then you can easily find it in task manager: Just note that it will say “Not Responding” next to it (see Figure 9).


To enter the task manager, hold down the Ctrl+Shift+Esc (or Ctrl+Alt+Del) buttons. Actually, to close it - just highlight it in the same task manager

and click the “Cancel task” button, then confirm your choice. By the way, all data in the application that you forcefully close will not be saved. Therefore, in some cases it makes sense to wait; the application may take 5-10 minutes. will hang and you can continue working with mc (in this case, I recommend immediately saving all the data from it).

6) How to restart your computer in safe mode This may be necessary, for example, when you installed a driver and it didn’t work. And now, when you turn on and Windows boot - you see blue screen , or you don’t see anything at all :). In this case, you can boot in safe mode

In most cases, in order for the Windows boot menu to appear, you need to press the F8 key after turning on the computer (and it’s better to press it 10 times in a row until loading PC). Next you should see a menu like in Fig. 10. Then all you have to do is choose desired mode and continue downloading.

Rice. 10. Option to boot Windows in safe mode.

If you can’t load (for example, you don’t see a similar menu), I recommend reading the following article:

Article on how to login safe mode[relevant for Windows XP, 7, 8, 10]

That's all for me. Good luck to all!

Among system administrators There is a joke "Seven troubles - one reset." In fact, a reboot often saves the day. This is the first remedy that is recommended for solving many problems. And often it helps. How to restart your computer, read the article.

Easy way

The simplest and most obvious way. It is used in most cases.

  • Click on the button that opens the START menu.
  • If you're running Windows 7, hover over the arrow next to "Shut Down" and click on it.
  • In the menu that opens, select "Reboot".
  • If you are using Windows XP, click on the "Shut Down" button.
  • After this, a window with three options will appear on the screen. Click on the button that, when hovered over, displays the words “Reboot”.

Without a mouse

If computer then previous method won't do. In operating systems Windows family You can use hotkeys for most common tasks. How to restart your computer using the keyboard?

  • Press the combination: WINDOWS + D - this will minimize the entire window. Then use the combination: ALT + F4 to open the menu.
  • Use the arrows to select the option you want (Reboot) and press ENTER.
  • If some programs are open, the computer will prompt you to either close them or run forced shutdown nutrition. Also use the arrows to move the frame to the desired button, and then press ENTER again.

Task Manager

No software algorithm can be perfect. And errors in programs often lead to endless loops and CPU resource utilization at 100%. Naturally, at this time the PC cannot work stably. how to reboot it? In this case, it is not always possible to open the Start menu, follow these steps:

  • Click on keyboard CTRL+ALT+DELETE.
  • Click on "Task Manager".
  • If you are using Windows XP, select "Shut Down" at the top of the window, and then click on the "Restart" line.
  • How to restart the computer from the keyboard using this method? After the menu is displayed, use the arrows to select the desired inscription. When the Task Manager loads, press the ALT button once, and then also use the arrow keys to highlight the desired line. Once selected, click the ENTER key.
  • If you're running Windows 7 or Vista, at the top of the window, click "File" and then "New Task."
  • In the window that opens, type: cmd and click OK. The command line will launch.
  • Type in it: shutdown -r -t 0. The number in this case sets the time after which the shutdown will occur.

How to remotely reboot your computer?

Often several devices are installed in the house, combined into local network, but how to shutdown one of them if, for example, there is no monitor connected to it, but the machine is used as file server? Follow these steps:

  • Press the combination on your keyboard: WINDOWS + R.
  • In the window that opens, type: cmd and click “OK.” The command line will launch.
  • Enter two teams into it. First: wmic.
  • Second: /node:"IPaddr" /user:"name" /password:"pas" /privileges:enable os where (primary=TRUE) call reboot. Instead of IPaddr, you need to write the IP address of the machine. Replace the values ​​"name" and "pas" real name user and password. If a password is not specified on the remote PC for users with administrator rights, nothing can be done.

Last resort

It happens that it does not respond to any user actions. In this case, first of all you need to try to launch the "Task Manager" as indicated above. If it doesn’t start, try pressing the Num Lock key several times. The indicator blinked several times - wait a few minutes. It is quite possible that the processor is simply very heavily loaded, and the right application is about to launch. How to restart the computer if the indicator does not respond?

Press the power button on the system unit case once. Wait a few minutes; the operating system will try to forcefully terminate all hung programs. If the PC turns off, all you have to do is press the same key again.

When such actions do not lead to anything, some users simply unplug the power cord from the outlet. This decision may backfire. First of all, there is a high risk of failure of the power supply and hard drive. Some controllers on the motherboard also “don’t like” such measures.

How to restart your computer correctly if it is frozen? Press and hold the power button for a few seconds. In this case, the algorithms built into the BIOS will try to do everything possible to prevent the PC from crashing, and then the system will shut down. After loading the OS, a message will appear on the screen that the shutdown was performed incorrectly, it is quite possible that software errors, however, you will be sure that your actions did not lead to hardware failures.

Remember that before you restart your computer, you should save all important data if possible. Some are equipped with protection. In this case, the user, in addition to the standard dialog, is asked whether it is necessary to complete all running processes. But don't rely on software algorithms completely and completely, sometimes they don’t work.

Restarting the computer is often necessary when installing drivers and software, and besides, this is a good way to solve minor problems - sometimes it is enough to free up memory from unnecessary processes to get rid of random problems. In this article, we will tell you how to safely restart your Windows computer. In addition, you may be interested in articles and.

The easiest way to restart your computer

The easiest way to restart your Windows XP/Vista/7 computer is to use the Start menu. In Windows XP, to do this, click the “Shutdown” button and select “Restart” in the window that appears, and in Windows Vista/7, click on the arrow next to “Shut down” and select the “Restart” option.

In Windows 8, things are a little more complicated. Move your cursor along the right edge of the screen or press +[C] and select Settings. In the sidebar that appears, click the “Shutdown” button and select the “Restart” option.

If you have Windows 8.1, you can simply open home screen, click the shutdown button next to your username and select the Restart option. Or you can click right click mouse on Windows icon in the lower left corner or press +[X] and select the option “Shut down or log out > Restart”.

Reboot from keyboard

There is also an option to restart your computer from the keyboard if the mouse is not working. If you have Windows XP, press the key to open the Start menu and press the down arrow key until the shutdown/shutdown button is highlighted. Then press , use the horizontal arrow keys to select the Reboot option and press .

In Windows Vista/7, open the Start menu with the key, switch to it right side key, then use the down arrow to highlight the power button, and use the right arrow to highlight the arrow icon. A menu will open in which you can use the arrows to select the “Reboot” option and press .

In Windows 8/8.1, press +[C], use the down arrow to select Options, and press . Then use the down and right arrows to select the Power Off button and press again. Select the Reboot option and press again.

By the way, if your mouse works, but standard option reboot is not available for some reason, you can use the ++ keys and press the shutdown button on the screen that opens, and then select the “Reboot” option.

Now it is impossible to imagine life without our constant companions: computers, laptops, tablets and phones. This technology is in almost every home, and at times we have to fight with it. If crashes and problems occur, your laptop cannot tell what is bothering it, it reacts in its own way - it turns off or freezes. How to restart a laptop if such a problem occurs?

Why did my laptop freeze?

It may freeze for the following reasons:

  • program crash;
  • failure in work operating system;
  • problems with the “stuffing”: motherboard, memory, video card, processor, etc.

Ways to restart a laptop

Since restarting the laptop from the keyboard with one button will not work, as you would do with the “Reset” button on system unit, for this purpose you will have to use other methods.

The first method is software

Using your operating system's Start panel

We carry out the following sequence commands: “Start” - “Shutdown” - “Reboot”. If at the moment of freezing you have stopped moving, try switching to your laptop (touchpad) using the combination + F7.

Using the task manager

Before you restart your laptop, you should try to close the program or process that caused the freeze using the task manager. It can be opened with the key combination CTRL+ALT+DEL. Then we choose the desired program and click the “End process” button. If this action cannot be performed, your only option is to reboot the entire system

Using the command line

To call it, click then in the command line enter “cmd” and click Enter key, and then type the command “shutdown -r -t 0” - it means to reboot the laptop immediately. But suddenly your How to reboot it if it does not respond to commands and does not move? Then the second method will help you.

The second method is mechanical

Shutdown using the “Power” button - a button to turn the laptop on and off. Hold it down for a few seconds, this will force close everything open source software and turns off the laptop. To resume operation, press this button again. It is better not to resort to this method of rebooting often, since the main breakdowns of all electrical appliances occur precisely at the moment of switching on and off, when there is a power surge. But how to restart a laptop if it does not respond to the “Off” button? Try the third method.

The third method is de-energizing

If your laptop is connected to the network, turn it off and remove the battery, this will de-energize it and it will turn off by itself. Wait a few minutes, then put the battery back or plug in the laptop. By pressing the “Power” button you will start it again.

What should I do if the freeze continues?

If the freeze continues with at certain intervals, then this is already a serious problem, and your laptop may need repair. First of all, pay attention to the nature of the freeze and what program was open at that moment. If this is the case, you will have to remove it and install it again. Reinstalling the operating system may help, especially if you haven't done this in a while. But if all else fails, call a technician or take your laptop in for repair.