Keyboard shortcut ctrl c. Keyboard key assignments

To improve your computer efficiency, you just need to know the most useful keyboard shortcuts Windows. You can find huge lists of “hot” keys on the Internet, but it’s hard to remember everything, and it’s not necessary.

In this IT lesson I will share with you those useful keyboard shortcuts that I use most often.

What are hotkeys?

First, let’s figure out what “hot key combinations” we are talking about.

Hotkeys or keyboard shortcut(aka shortcut keys) are combinations of simultaneously pressed buttons on the keyboard that allow you to quickly perform an action.

That is, by holding down two or three buttons on the keyboard, you replace several actions with the mouse, thereby significantly speeding up your work on the computer.

Where can I use keyboard shortcuts?

On different operating systems(Windows, Linux, Mac OS) different keyboard shortcuts are used, but some of them are identical.

In most programs hotkeys are also used. Some of them are standard for certain operations (creating a new document, printing), and some are unique for each individual program.

If you constantly use any program, be sure to familiarize yourself with its hot keys, this will help speed up your work several times!

Useful Windows Keyboard Shortcuts

And now the most useful Windows key combinations that I recommend remembering. All of these shortcuts use "modifier keys" ( Ctrl, Alt, Shift and key Windows):

Every computer user should know this!

All PC users should know these Windows key combinations; they work both with folders and files, and with text.

“Copy”, “Cut”, “Paste” keys:

  • Ctrl+C– copy to clipboard (the file, folder or text will remain in the current location).
  • Ctrl+X– cut to clipboard (the file, folder or text will be deleted from its current location).
  • Ctrl+V– paste from the clipboard (copied or cut files, folders or text will appear in the current location).

“Select All” and “Undo”:

To select all the contents of the current folder or all the contents of an open document:

  • Ctrl+A- select all.

I hope you already know about these hotkeys, but it wouldn’t hurt to repeat them.

But not everyone knows these combinations:

  • Ctrl+Z– cancel the previous action (including copying/moving files).
  • Ctrl+Y– repeat the undone action (i.e. the opposite of the previous key combination).

Working with documents opened in the program

Hotkeys that will save you both time and nerves. Why drag the mouse to the menu “ File", after clicking, look for the item " Create" or " new document"(in most programs the location and names of the items are different), when you can hold down two keys:

  • Ctrl + N– creating a new document in the program.

When you type text in Word, you need to save the document often so as not to lose it in case of various failures. But sometimes you are too lazy to pick up the mouse again, look for an icon on the taskbar, or an item in the menu; there is a simple replacement:

  • Ctrl+S– save the open document.

These key combinations work in office programs, browsers, and graphic editors; both in Windows and Linux.

Hotkeys for working with program windows

When you have many programs open, and each program also contains more than one document, it’s not difficult to get confused. But these hotkeys will help you quickly switch between programs.

  • Alt+Tab— switching between windows of running programs. Hold Alt and keep pressing Tab to move to other programs (see ).
  • Alt + Shift + Tab— scrolling through open programs in reverse order (the same Alt+Tab, but backwards) with a large list of open programs can be very convenient.
  • Ctrl+Tab– switching between bookmarks of an open window, switching between documents open in the program (for example, you can quickly switch between two open files in Word).
  • Win+1, Win+2…Win+0– switch between open programs by number on the taskbar. Launching programs pinned to the taskbar (we have already discussed in more detail).

These keyboard shortcuts will help you quickly close unnecessary documents.

  • Alt+F4– closes the active program.
  • Ctrl+F4– closing one document or tab in the program (the program itself continues to work).

Have a lot of programs open, but need to quickly see your desktop? Please:

  • Win+D– minimize all windows and show the desktop (pressing again returns all windows to their place!).

Let's start with the keys that do not need a combination, pressing which individually performs some operation.

  • F1– in most programs it calls help system(“Help” or “Help”)
  • Backspacego back in the Explorer window and in browsers (the previous open folder or the previous page of the site).
  • Tab– each time you press activates another element program window for keyboard control (open a new browser window and press the Tab key several times, watching where the blinking cursor or highlight moves). In text editors, pressing TAB indents text at a standard distance - very convenient, but more on that in one of the future IT lessons.
  • Esccloses dialog boxes, various menus and some programs. Also, undoes completed actions(if you get lost in open program windows and are afraid to accidentally change settings, then press ESC until you return to the main window).
  • Win– opens and closes menu "".

I have already mentioned some of the listed combinations in previous IT lessons, so as not to overwhelm you today with a huge list of new combinations.

Keyboard shortcuts book

Want to learn more hotkeys? Then leave a useful comment and receive a book as a gift"Magic Keyboard Shortcuts"! You can read more about the book.

A regular keyboard can be divided into several areas.

The topmost area of ​​the keyboard contains keys that are not used for entering data into the computer. These keys perform auxiliary actions, which are shown in the table below.

Esc key – this key is used to cancel an action, exit programs, games, exit applications, etc.

Functions of the "Esc" key .

Its main function is to cancel the command that was ahead. If you right-click to open a menu on the desktop or on the taskbar and then press the “Esc” key, the menu will immediately close. If you start playing a game and accidentally press the Esc key, you will almost always exit that game. But pressing this key again will take you back to your game.

When you are on the Internet, you enter the next site address, and then accidentally press the “Esc” key, you will immediately return to the previous site address that you have already reviewed.

The top row of the keyboard contains function keys (limited by a red rectangle in the picture).

Function keys FI – F12 designed to perform certain actions assigned to them. The actions depend on the programs currently running on the computer, but usually the F1 key used to call the help system of the currently running program. If any program is running, then help about this program appears.

"F2" Booting the computer while pressing this key or the “Del” key makes it possible to configure the Bios of your computer.

"F3" Calls up the search window.

"F5" Reloads the open browser page.

"F8" Booting the computer while pressing this button makes it possible to work in the safe mode of the operating system.

The actions of the remaining function keys with the F symbol are mostly possible in combination with modifier keys and may vary depending on the make and model of the computer. If the actions of any key on the keyboard of your computer differ from those described here, then you can find out about its purpose in the user manual.

"Pause/Break" . When the computer boots, it allows you to “pause” the computer – pause the boot process.

Functions of the "Pause/Break" key. When loading Windows, first you see information appearing on the monitor about your computer, the hard drive, the state of the RAM, and all its components. The information displayed on the monitor appears and disappears quite quickly and is extremely difficult to comprehend. To be able to deal with it, you just need to press the “PAUSE” button. And to complete the operating system loading process, you must press any button on the keyboard. Sometimes used by some programs.

"Print Screen/SysRq" key.

Pressing this key allows you to take a screenshot of your monitor. When you press this key, and it is located in the picture in a red frame, at the moment it is pressed, the image currently on the monitor is saved in the computer memory. Next, we take the saved image from the computer memory using a regular graphic editor, you can use the “Paint” graphic editor, which is already built into the Windows operating system. If you use the “Alt+PrintScreen” key set, you take a photo of only the active window, but the entire screen. In the picture, the “Alt” keys are in a blue frame.

Key switches the mode of displaying information on the display screen, in which pressing the cursor keys moves the screen itself, not the cursor. When you press this button, the indicator light immediately turns on. When you use this key to control the cursor, you can move the screen image. This function is used in Microsoft Excel, LotusNotes. This is especially clear in Excel. It can be used to scroll text, although it is more convenient to do this with the mouse wheel. Other programs use ScrollLock for special functions, for example, in the Opera browser, the key is used in combination with numbers to switch voice signals. Currently, this key is practically not used, so there are keyboards that do not have it.

Shift key. Pressing this key and a symbol key simultaneously allows you to temporarily switch to uppercase (capital) letter entry mode, or enter another symbol located on the same key. There are two such keys on the keyboard - left and right, and in some programs their action is different. For example, to enter the capital letter “I,” you need to press the Shift key and, without releasing it, press the I key.

Tab key. It is indicated by an icon in the form of two counter arrows and pressing it gives an indent from the beginning of the line - a paragraph. Allows tabulation - horizontal alignment of characters. A tab character is equal to eight regular characters. Tabulation is used when creating text documents. Designed to move the cursor:

  1. when editing texts, it is used to move to the next tab stop, i.e. moving the cursor several positions forward;
  2. in dialog boxes, moves to the next request field;
  3. in a table, moves the cursor to the next cell.

In other programs, its purpose is to switch between windows on the screen.

Below it is located CapsLock key. Pressing this key fixes the writing of capital letters. When pressed again, capital letters are written again. This mode is indicated by a light indicator in the upper right corner of the keyboard. Pressing again cancels the mode. When CapsLock is enabled, pressing the key enters lowercase letters.

NumLock key turns on and off the numbers located on the right side of the keyboard. If the keyboard is turned on, you can use it to enter numbers and arithmetic operations.

When enabled, this mode is also indicated by an indicator in the upper right corner of the keyboard, signaling that the additional keyboard is in operation. Now, in addition to entering numbers from the main keyboard field, you can also enter them from the additional one. True, those symbols that are printed on the keys of the additional keyboard at the same time as numbers will not work.

In most cases, the described keyboard fields are sufficient for work, but for those who like to work with a compact numeric and control keyboard “a la calculator,” there is another additional key field - the one on the right. This field is called an additional keyboard, in contrast to the main keyboard field.

When you press this block of keys with numbers, the numbers are printed, but with one condition - when the “NumLock” key is turned on. When the NumLock key is turned off, the numeric keys perform functions of a different type. The “End” key is duplicated by pressing the “1” key on the main keyboard and the “Home” key is duplicated by the “7” key also on the main keyboard.

The same keys move the cursor to the end and beginning of the line. When you press the “3” and “9” keys, the “PageUp” and “PageDown” keys are duplicated on the main keyboard, respectively. These same keys move the cursor up and down one screen. When you press the “2”, “4”, “8”, “6” keys, the cursor is controlled, which means that the work of the arrow key is duplicated.

Spacebar – this key creates space between letters.

The Space key is the largest key, located below the block of alphanumeric keys, used to enter a blank character, regardless of the case switch.

Spacebar function.

When using a key, words or symbols are separated from each other. But this key has an additional mode. In replacement mode, which you can enable using the “Insert” key, pressing the “Space” key enables a function that is the same as pressing the “Delete” key (this key erases characters on the right).

Backspace key – when you press this key, the character located to the left of the cursor is deleted.

Functions of the BackSpace or Left Arrow key.

When you press this key, we delete the selected one character or the entire text on the left. When you use this key in the file manager, you move up one level. And when viewing photos, by pressing this key, we go back one photo.

By using the “Alt+BackSpacr” keys together, we undo the action performed before.

Key performs data entry or confirmation of action depending on the context:

When doing work on a computer you use the numeric keypad, which is located on the right, then it is much better to use the “Enter” key, which is located on the same block.

Delete key is intended to delete an object, such as a folder, file, etc.:

  1. in the text, the character to the right of the current cursor position is deleted (with the line shifted to the left);
  2. in the folder windows, selected file system objects are deleted to the Recycle Bin.

You can also delete an unnecessary file by pressing the keys together "Shift+Delete". The Shift keys are indicated by a green frame. Just keep in mind that the file in this case will not be deleted through the trash can, and in this case it cannot be restored.

The “Delete” key, indicated by a blue frame, located on the numeric keypad block, along with the “.” performs the same actions when the NumLock key is turned off.

It is possible to open the “Task Manager” by pressing the key combination “Ctrl+Alt+Del”. These Ctrl and Alt keys are indicated by beige frames.

Key , indicated by a red rectangle, is associated with insert mode:

  1. in the text, you switch between the modes of inserting and replacing characters or inserting a fragment from the clipboard (depending on the settings of Microsoft Word). If insert mode is enabled, then when you type, between two words the right word will move to the right, and the text you enter will move the words apart and print between them. In this mode, the text is inserted, as it were, and the entire end of the phrase is moved to the right.

But in the “replacement” mode, if you insert a word between two words, then the word on the right is replaced by the word that you inserted.;

  1. in programs like Total Commander, objects are selected.

If you press the Inset key, the text will be printed on top of what you typed, erasing the last one. If you press this key again, this action will be terminated.

The “Insert” key, located in a blue frame, which is located on the numeric keypad block, together with the number “0”, works only when the “NumLock” key is turned off.

We can copy the text after selecting it if we use the “Ctrl+Insert” key combination. And when we use the “Shift+Insert” keys together, it becomes possible to insert text.

PgUp, PgDn, End, Home keys designed for cursor control.

Home key moves the cursor to the beginning of the line, and End key to the end of the line"), as well as either to the beginning of the list or the end of the list.

Keyboard shortcut + moves the cursor to the end of the entire document.

Keyboard shortcut + moves the cursor to the beginning of the entire document.

PgUp key moves the cursor to the beginning of the page, and PgDn key - to its end.

Functions of the “PageUp” and “PageDown” keys.

The use of these two keys is used when working with text editors, or when working with documents where the height of the information is much greater than the height of your screen and there is a need to scroll in height. These keys are indicated by a red rectangle.

And the “PageUp” and “PageDown” keys, which are indicated by a blue rectangle and are located on the numeric keypad block only when the “NumLock” key is turned off, together with the numbers “3” and “9” scroll the screen down or up. The state of the NumLock key is controlled by an indicator light (the indicator light is on when the key is on).

Key used to expand the capabilities of the keyboard. Often used in combination with other keys to activate some action in the program.

Keys just like Ctrl, it is used in combination with other keys.

Functions using the “Ctrl” and “Alt” keys.

When you use these keys, you extend the capabilities of other keys. By using these keys in different variations, you perform different actions.

Keys Ctrl+Alt+Del These keyboard shortcuts open the task manager.

Combination keys Ctrl+A selects all objects at once, such as folders, files, text, etc.

Combination keys Ctrl+X cuts the selected object to the clipboard, such as a test, files, folders, etc.

Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C copies an object to the clipboard, such as files, folders, etc.

Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V pastes a copied file or folder from the clipboard.

Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+N allows you to create a new document in various programs.

Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Z cancels the last action.

Using the keys Ctrl+S the current document is saved.

Using the keys Ctrl+P The document is printed.

Ctrl+Esc – open the Start menu. You can also do this by pressing the Windows key.

Using the keys Alt+Enter there is a transition from full screen mode and back, for example, if you press these keys in KMPlayer, WindowsMediaPlayer, MediaPlayerClassic, they will expand to full screen.

Alt keys and keys 0 to 9 located on the right side of the keyboard make it possible to enter arbitrary characters that are not on the keyboard. In order to enter arbitrary characters, you need to press the Alt key and, without releasing it, press the desired number located on the right side of the keyboard.

Keyboard shortcut Alt+F4 closes the active application.

Keys Alt+Tab Allows you to switch between open windows. A panel with all open applications appears in the center of the screen, and when selecting the active window, you need to hold down the Alt key and press the Tab key several times.

Combination Alt + Space (space) Opens the window system menu, which allows you to restore, move, maximize, minimize, and close the window without using the mouse.

Alt+Shift or Ctrl + Shift – switch keyboard layout.

Windows key usually found between the Ctrl and Alt keys. When you press it, the Start menu appears.

And by using the key in a variety of settings together with other keys, you speed up the launch of programs.

When pressing keys Win+E My Computer explorer will open.

When pressing keys Win+D All active windows will be minimized.

Keyboard shortcut Win+L allows you to switch between users or lock a workstation. The Win+F1 key combination opens the Help and Support Center.

When pressing keys Win+F a search window will open.

When pressing keys Win+ Ctrl+F The Search for Computers window will open.

With help Win+D you can minimize all windows and show the desktop, and the keys Win+M minimizes all windows except dialog windows.

Win+E opens the My Computer folder.

Win+F – opens a window to search for a file or folder.

When pressing keys Win+PauseBreak The System Properties dialog box will open.

Key<Контекст> calls the context menu of the object on which the mouse pointer is currently located.

When using the key, we call up the menu in the same way as when clicking on the right mouse button. This menu corresponds to the program that is enabled for your work. If you are on the “Desktop”, then by pressing this key you open the menu corresponding to the active element of the Desktop.

Cursor keys (navigation) . Perform various actions related to cursor movement:

  1. in the text, move the cursor one position in the indicated direction;
  2. on the Desktop and in the folder window, transfer the selection to another object;
  3. in the menu, move the selection to the next command;
  4. in tables, move the cursor between cells.

These keys are also used in many games to control objects.

These keys are also used in many programs, for example, to move through the pages of a document or when viewing photos to move to the next image.

Hotkeys in the browser

To zoom in or out on a page, just hold down Ctrl key and spin the mouse wheel. Up - the scale will increase, down - accordingly, it will decrease. The same can be done by simply pressing + or – while pressing Ctrl. To restore the font size, use a keyboard shortcut Ctr + 0 .

And the use Shift keys and the mouse wheel allows you to navigate through the history of tabs: Shift – scroll the wheel up – move forward through the history, Shift – scroll the wheel down – move backward through the history.

If you need to open a new page in a separate tab in your browser, you can hold down Ctrl key and click on the desired link. A new page will open in a separate tab.

Alt+Home keys returns to the home page, and Ctrl + R (or F5) refresh the page. To force update without using cached data, use the keys Ctrl+F5 or Ctrl + Shift + R .

Pressing keys Ctrl+S , you can save the page on your computer and the keys Ctrl+P allow you to print the desired page. Hotkeys Ctrl + G, Ctrl + F, Shift + F3, Ctrl + K are intended for searching on the current page or on the Internet.

Features of a laptop keyboard.

Since a laptop keyboard, by definition, should take up little space, many functions are “hidden” on it. And in order to find them, there is a magic key . It is not found on all types of keyboards, although it is almost always present on laptops. It is usually located in the lower left corner of the keyboard, but there may be other options, there are no standards here. Inscription on the key highlighted in color (usually blue) or surrounded by a frame. On those keys that work together with , inscriptions or symbols are applied that have the same color as the inscription on the key , or they are also surrounded by a frame.

Lettering or symbols that have the same color as , activated when combined + (key), i.e. when pressing and holding a key We press the key where the function we need is depicted in a stylized form. Combining this key with the function keys (the keys on the top row of the keyboard) changes the basic actions of those keys. So, combining it with the F1 key puts the computer (laptop) into sleep mode;

  • with F2 – turns on and off the wireless adapter (Wi-Fi);
  • with F3 – opens the mail program;
  • with F5 – reduces the monitor brightness;
  • with F6 – increases it;
  • with F7 – turns the monitor on and off;
  • with F10 – turns on and off the built-in speakers;
  • with F11 – lowers the speaker volume;
  • with F12 – increases it;
  • The screen brightness is increased by pressing the key where there is a “big sun” (there may be a “sun” icon in combination with the “increase” icon);
  • decreasing - on the contrary, the one with the “small sun” (or maybe there is a “sun” icon in combination with the “reduce” icon);
  • keys with “loudspeaker” icons in combination with “more” or “less” icons - increase/decrease volume;
  • crossed out mouse – disable/enable the TouchPad panel;
  • crossed out loudspeaker – mute/unmute sound, etc.

The actions when combining function keys with the Fn key may vary for different types of keyboards, so you can clarify them in the user manual of the device, or be guided by the icons (usually of a different color) located on the keys next to or below its main value.

Look carefully, slowly, at the keyboard of your laptop, put the instructions that came with it next to it, spend some time mastering all these wonders and they will become familiar to you.

The keyboard with which we type text has quite a few keys. And each of them is needed for something. In this lesson we will talk about their purpose and learn how to use them correctly.

Here is a photo of a regular computer keyboard:

Keyboard button meanings

Esc. The full name of this key is Escape (pronounced "Escape") and it means "Exit". Using it we can close some programs. This applies to a greater extent to computer games.

F1-F12. In the same row as Esc there are several buttons whose names begin with the Latin letter F. They are designed to control the computer without the help of a mouse - only with the keyboard. Thanks to them, you can open and close folders and files, change their names, copy and much more.

But knowing the meaning of each of these buttons is completely unnecessary - most people have been using computers for decades and have no idea about any of them.

Immediately below the F1-F12 keys there is a row of buttons with numbers and signs (! " " No.; % : ? *, etc.).

If you simply click on one of them, the drawn number will be printed. But to print a sign, press the Shift button along with it (bottom left or right).

If the character printed is not the one you need, try changing the language (bottom right of the screen) -

By the way, on many keyboards the numbers are also on the right side. The photo shows this part separately.

They are laid out exactly like on a calculator and are more convenient for many people.

But sometimes these numbers don’t work. You press the desired key, but nothing is printed. This means that the numeric portion of the keyboard is turned off. To turn it on, simply press the Num Lock button once.

The most important part of the keyboard is the keys that are used to type text. They are located in the center.

As a rule, each button has two letters - one foreign, the other Russian. To type a letter in the desired language, make sure it is selected correctly (at the bottom of the computer screen).

You can also change the language in another way - click on two buttons at once: Shift And Alt or Shift And Ctrl

Win. The key that opens the Start button. Most often, it is not signed, but simply has a Windows icon on it. Located between the Ctrl and Alt buttons.

Fn. The laptop has this key - as a rule, it is not found on regular keyboards. It is designed to work with special functions - increasing/decreasing brightness, volume and others.

To turn them on, you need to press the Fn key and, while holding it, press the button with the required function. These buttons are usually located at the top - at F1-F10.

Let's say I need to increase the brightness of my laptop screen. To do this, I look for a button on the keyboard with the corresponding picture. For example, I have F6 - there is a sun drawn on it. So, I hold down the Fn key and then press F6. The screen becomes a little brighter. To increase the brightness even more, I press F6 again along with Fn.

How to print a capital letter

To print one large letter (capital), you need to hold down the Shift key and click on the desired letter together.

How to type a period and a comma

If the Russian alphabet is installed, then in order to print point, you need to press the last key in the bottom letter row (on the right). It is located in front of the Shift button.

To print comma, press the same button while holding Shift.

When the English alphabet is selected, to print a dot you need to press the key that is located before the Russian dot. The letter "Y" is usually written on it. And the comma in the English alphabet is where the Russian letter “B” is (before the English dot).

Text decoration buttons

Tab - creates an indent at the beginning of a sentence. In other words, you can use it to make a paragraph (red line).

To do this, click the mouse at the beginning of the text and press the Tab key once. If the red line is adjusted correctly, the text will move slightly to the right.

Used for printing large letters. Located under the Tab key.

Press Caps Lock once and release it. Try typing a word. All letters will be printed in capitals. To cancel this feature, press the Caps Lock key once again and release it. Letters, as before, will be printed small.

(space) - makes spaces between words. The longest button on the keyboard is located under the letter keys.

According to the design rules, there should be only one space between words (not three or even two). It is not correct to align or shift text using this key. Also, a space is placed only after a punctuation mark - there should be no space before a space sign (with the exception of a dash).

Delete button. It erases those letters that are printed in front of the flashing stick (cursor). It is located on the right side, immediately after the numbers/signs. Often there is no inscription on it at all, but simply an arrow drawn to the left.

The Backspace button is also used to raise text higher.

Enter - is intended to go to the next line.

Thanks to her, you can omit the text below. Enter is located under the delete text button.

Additional keys

These are keys such as Insert, Home, Page Up and Page Down, arrow buttons and others. They are located between the alphabetic and numeric keyboards. Used to work with text without using the mouse.

You can use the arrows to move the blinking cursor (flashing stick) across the text.

Delete is used to delete. True, unlike the Backspace key, it deletes letters not before, but after the blinking cursor.

The Home button moves the blinking cursor to the beginning of the line, and the End button moves it to the end.

Page Up moves the blinking cursor to the beginning of the page, and Page Down (Pg Dn) moves the blinking cursor to the end of the page.

The Insert button is needed to print text over existing text. If you click on it, new text will be printed, erasing the old one. To cancel this, you need to press the Insert key again.

The Scroll Lock key is almost always completely useless - it simply doesn't work. And in theory it should serve to scroll text up and down - just like the wheel on a computer mouse does.

Pause/Break almost never works either. In general, it is designed to suspend an ongoing computer process.

All of these buttons are optional and are rarely or never used by people.

But the button can be very useful.

She takes a photo of the screen. Then this picture can be inserted into Word or Paint. In computer language, such a photograph of the screen is called a screenshot.

Keyboard buttons to remember

— if you press this button and, without releasing it, press another key with a letter, the letter will be printed in capital. In the same way, you can print a symbol instead of a number: No.! () * ? « + etc.

— after pressing this button once, all letters will be printed in capital letters. You don't need to hold it for this. To return to printing in small letters, press Caps Lock again.

— indents (red line).

- space. Using this button you can add space between words.

- drops to a line below. To do this, you need to place a flashing stick (blinking cursor) at the beginning of the part of the text that you want to move down, and press the Enter button.

— deletes the character before the blinking cursor. In other words, it erases text. This button also moves the text up a line. To do this, you need to place a flashing stick (blinking cursor) at the beginning of the part of the text that you want to move to the top, and press Backspace.

All other keyboard buttons, except letters, numbers and symbols, are used extremely rarely or not at all.

I think you have most likely already heard that keyboard- this is the most convenient and fastest way to control a computer, but, most likely, you cannot believe it, because you cannot understand how you can operate the keyboard faster e, than moving the mouse pointer to the desired location on the screen and clicking with one finger. So, this is really true. The author of this article himself once thought so too, but some time passed and everything fell into place.

The keyboard works faster!

The fact is that in fact, in order to perform several actions in a matter of seconds, the mouse is not suitable at all, because you need to reach out to the mouse, coordinate the movements with this hand, etc. The keys are always under your fingers, and to press several keys you need to make tens of times less concentrated effort. I'm not even talking about any altered states of consciousness, such as alcohol or drug intoxication - it is almost impossible to work with a mouse in these states, but with skillful use of the keyboard, performance does not decrease one gram even in such cases :)

What main groups of keys can be distinguished on the keyboard?

    The keyboard can be roughly divided into the following logical blocks:
  1. Letters, numbers and punctuation marks - this group can be called alphanumeric. These are the majority of keys on the keyboard. They are located in the center of the keyboard. Used for typing text, entering commands and program code.

    In order to use these keys as conveniently and effectively as possible, you need to master. He explains how fingers should be positioned on the keyboard, since the keyboard is divided into several zones, and each of them corresponds to a specific finger. It’s impossible. It’s quite difficult to learn and requires a lot of patience and perseverance, but this skill pays off handsomely, since it makes using the computer much easier.

  2. This group is the row of twelve keys at the very top of the keyboard. They are used to perform many operations, which are described in detail in the article dedicated to them.
  3. Control keys. This is exactly what we are going to talk about on this page of the site. These are keys that are not assembled into any block. Enter, Alt, Ctrl, Tab, Shift, Backspace, spacebar - and several others. They are located throughout the keyboard - along its periphery. This is done so that they do not interfere with typing and at the same time are always accessible. When mastering the above-mentioned ten-finger method, these keys are almost all pressed with the little fingers. However, this is not important for us to get to know them yet. We will look at their names, purpose and main functions of control keys.
  4. Cursor keys. They are often separated into a separate group, with only 4 keys. In our opinion, these keys can be safely classified as controls, which they are in essence. They are needed to move the cursor. They are responsible for direction. Thus, among the control keys there are related ones Home, End, PgUp, PgDown. These keys are used, for example, to move around it, as well as to .
  5. Number pad - NumPad. A separate block with numbers arranged like on a calculator. These keys are auxiliary keys; some keyboards do not have them because they duplicate the numbers located in the top row of the alphanumeric block. An additional numeric keypad is used when working with numbers and arithmetic operations, for example. It is much easier for a person who does not know the ten-finger dialing method to use numbers there. But in general this is not effective, and, according to some, we recommend mastering the use of numbers in the top row of the main keyboard.

Well, now, let's look at the use of some basic combinations using mainly a group of control keys.


And we’ll start with the fact that the most important key is Enter. It allows you to send data from forms, text fields, the browser address bar, in general, in all those places where you need to enter any data.


This works always and everywhere, not only on website pages, but throughout your entire operating system and even outside it... But the Enter key is replaced by various buttons designed for entering data using the mouse - next to the address bar of your browser there is a “Go” button ", on web page forms these are buttons like “Login”, “Search”, etc. So, if you still use the “mouse” analogues of the Enter key, I strongly recommend that you start using it. In fact, such a data entry operation will shorten you by only a second or two, but how many times is this operation performed during operation? That’s what I’m talking about - everything is made up of the smallest details, and in the art of navigation this small detail is one of the main ones.

Next, the Tab (tabulate) key is very useful for us - this key allows you to move the input focus from one object to the next, in the order of top-to-bottom and left-to-right. The clearest example of its help is the use of this key when entering your username and password into the form for logging into your email account (I assume you already use email, although even if not, I will tell you about this in another article). TabLet's say you opened a page for your email service. Instead of dragging and clicking the mouse in the field to enter a username (login), press only the key little finger of the left hand Tab, and you will understand how much faster it is. This happens because the field for entering a name (login) is almost always the very first field in the structure of any web page where an authorization form is provided. The same can be said about search engine pages; when you open a search engine page, the first thing you do is click Tab, and you will invariably end up in a field for entering a query to a search engine, but this is what you need. It may seem incredibly inconvenient the first few times, but believe me, these few times are worth it. In general, the super-fast algorithm for logging into a site is as follows: immediately after loading the web page you need, you click Tab, enter your login, click again (get used to it press it with your little finger Enter), enter your password, click Enter should also be pressed with the little finger of your right hand.,

This is interesting! The Tab and Enter keys are made specially large so that you can easily hit them with your little finger.

It will be uncomfortable at first, but this discomfort will go away in a couple of days. But you can already compare the time it takes to log in somewhere, and you yourself will feel that this procedure now happens simply at lightning speed, compared to how you entered the site before, when using only the mouse for navigation.


You might say, “The Tab key is nice, but I still have to grab the mouse if I make a mistake in one of the fields, or if I miss it while typing, and I need to go back to the previous field, above or to the left.” . But I will answer you that this is always and everywhere provided, in such cases, in addition to the Tab described above, the Shift key comes to the rescue. That is, here we use not only the single Tab key, but the so-called combination, or key combination usually designated as Shift+Tab. This designation<клавиша 1>+<клавиша 2>, always means that in this case you need to first press key 1, and, holding it down, press key 2. As you get used to the keyboard, this action becomes similar to pressing two keys at the same time, because the time between pressing two keys gradually decreases with experience. That is, for use Shift+Tab To return to the previous input field, you need to hold Shift and press Tab.

Shift is also a key designed for little fingers. Or rather, the keys, because on a standard keyboard there are always two of them. This is done in order to use them regardless of which key you need to press along with it. The standard technique, which the first keyboard developers counted on, is Shift, you need to press the little finger of the hand that is free from pressing other keys. This means that the most correct and ergonomic way to press a command Shift+Tab will be pressing and holding the right Shift with the little finger of the right hand, and clicking on Tab with the little finger of the left hand.

The key to transfer input focus in the address bar.

The address bar is an indispensable and necessary element of any browser. It is with its help that we are able to transfer the required website address to the browser so that the latter displays its contents to us. The address bar is located at the top of your browser window; it automatically displays the address (url) of what the browser displays in the main window. So, in order to effectively use this function, there must be a hotkey that allows you to transfer input focus to this very line. The standard keys for this are:

  • F6 in Firefox and IE browsers (internet explorer)
  • F8 for Opera browser

By the way, in Opera you can change this value to any other key, say the same F6. Besides, F6 serves for this not only in the browser, but also in the standard Explorer of any operating system of the Windows family, because it uses the same engine both for the IE browser and for the Explorer OS shell itself. Directly in the system, you can use the address bar to navigate through the entire file system of your computer. Let's say you are in the C:Program FilesInternet Explorer directory, and in order to instantly move to the root of the C: drive of your system, just click the key F6, type “C:” and press Enter. This takes tens of times less time than the same action using the mouse.

By the way, you may have noticed that when you transfer focus to the address bar using a hotkey, the value that is currently in the line is automatically highlighted. This is done so that immediately after transferring focus you can type the desired address without being distracted by clearing the address bar field, as you would have to do with a mouse. Another useful thing is that when you start typing an address, a list of already visited addresses drops down if you want to use this function in the browser, and all possible navigation options if you are navigating through the file system. You just need to select the desired address and click Enter. A number of function keys are quite far from the main keyboard, so you can press these keys as you please. The best option is if you are not yet accustomed to using the function keys, then I recommend pressing F6 with the middle finger of your right hand. It is most convenient to press F8 with the ring finger of your right hand.

F5 - page refresh

Any browser has a refresh function for the current web page. In the browser toolbar, the button to call this function usually looks like two arrows forming a ring. This process involves a forced request for the current page from the server in order to download possible content changes, because while you are reading the page, it is physically located only on your computer, and during this time this page could have changed on the server. This may be necessary, for example, when checking email or reading forums, because the content there actually changes quite often. So, when the page is refreshed, the browser will load the changes that have occurred. This is what the F5 key is for. Most It is convenient to press this key with the index finger of either hand, in fact, it doesn’t matter which hand you use – which one will be more convenient for you.

True, there is another opportunity to update the page from the keyboard. Maybe someone will find it more convenient to use a combination Ctrl+R. Sometimes pressing it is more convenient than reaching for the F5 key. The correct way to press it is with the right little finger on ctrl and the left middle finger on R, this is the recommended placement of the fingers. Although for those who do not know the ten-finger typing method, it will be more convenient to press the combination completely with the left hand - the left little finger on the left ctrl and the left index on R.

Navigation - forward/backward

Any browser has a function for flipping through viewed web pages. This feature is available using the left and right arrow buttons on your browser toolbar. It is used to return to previously or later viewed pages. Let's say, being on some page “a”, you clicked on a link and went to page “b”, there you clicked on the link again and found yourself on page “c”. And suddenly you need to find yourself on page “b” again, but you don’t know the address of that page. This is why the “back” function exists. By clicking “back” once, you will find yourself exactly on page “b”. What if you click twice? That's right, you will find yourself on page “a”. And so you can scroll through until you find yourself on the very first page from which you started surfing. But now you have seen what you wanted to see on page “a”, and you again need page “c”. No problem - the “Forward” function is provided for this. Being on page “a”, you need to double-click on “forward”, and you will find yourself exactly on page “c”. Just? Elementary. Comfortable? You'll understand in a couple of days.

Well, we’ve sorted out the function itself, now we need to find hotkeys for it, which, in fact, are discussed in this article. These keys are also standard, and work in almost all the most famous browsers, and again, they work when navigating through the Windows file system using the standard Explorer. These are the keys Alt+left- back and alt+right- forward. In addition, to turn pages back, the key is also standard in any browser. Backspace, but I do not recommend getting used to it, because it is less advisable to use it, I say this based on my own experience. The backspace key should always and everywhere be pressed with the little finger of the right hand. The combinations Alt + right and Alt + left are most correctly pressed as follows: Left Alt - with the ring finger of the left hand, and while holding it, with the little finger of the right hand, click the arrows to the left or to the right.

“But it’s hard!” - you say. Yes, it’s hard at first. But it will be very easy a little later.

Hand position

There are also a couple more convenient options for pressing these combinations, which I use myself. The first of them is purely “navigational” - this is a special position of the hands, which I will probably talk about in another article. And the option is that the three fingers of the right hand are on the arrows, and, accordingly, press the index finger to the left, and the ring finger to the right. Left Alt is held with the left thumb. The remaining fingers in this position are located very conveniently on other control keys, but more on that another time. The second option, let’s say we have a mouse in our right hand, with which we scroll the page. In order to flip the page back and forth without taking your hand off the mouse, you need holding the right Alt with the little finger of your left hand, scroll left or right with the index finger of your left hand . Just? Like diffusion. There is another option - with your left hand busy, scroll as follows:.

the thumb of the right hand on the right Alt, and with the little finger of the right hand we scroll through using the arrows
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In contact with To make working on a computer easier and faster, hot keys were invented long ago. And if you don’t yet know all the useful combinations, then here is an excellent cheat sheet that the editors also enjoy using.


  1. Ctrl+C Windows operating system
  2. Ctrl+N- copy. To see the contents of the clipboard in MS Office, press Ctrl+C twice.
  3. - create a new document. Ctrl+O
  4. Ctrl+S- save.
  5. Ctrl+V- insert.
  6. Ctrl+W- close a window.
  7. Ctrl+X- cut out.
  8. Ctrl+Y- repeat the canceled action.
  9. Ctrl+Z- undo the last change.
  10. Ctrl+Home- move to the beginning of the document.
  11. Ctrl+End- move to the end.
  12. Windows+E- launch Windows Explorer.
  13. Windows+D- minimize all windows by going to the desktop, or restore windows.
  14. Windows+U- turns off the computer.
  15. Alt+Tab- allows you to switch between open windows. Hold Alt, press Tab several times, select the desired window image and release the keys. You can also use the Windows+Tab shortcut. In this case, several presses of Tab will also allow you to select the desired window, after which you must press Enter.
  16. Alt+Tab+Shift And Windows+Tab+Shift scroll windows in the opposite direction. Alt - call the system menu of the open window. You can work in it using arrows or Alt+letter. After pressing Alt, underlined or highlighted letters appear, clicking which opens the corresponding menu section.
  17. Shift+F10- open the context menu of the current object and select a section using the Up/Down arrows. This combination replaces clicking the right mouse button. In addition, in the Windows operating system it is possible to set individual key combinations for quickly launching programs. On the desktop, right-click on the shortcut of the desired program and select the “Properties” section. In the dialog box, find the “Shortcut” tab. In the "Shortcut" field, enter the desired key. Ctrl+Alt will appear automatically in front of the selected key. Then click Ok. To call the desired program you will need to use Ctrl+Alt+the specified key.
  18. Ctrl+Shift+Esc- call the task manager.

MS Word

  1. Ctrl+Space- remove formatting from the selected area. Changes the formatting of the text you enter next.
  2. Ctrl+0- change the spacing between paragraphs.
  3. Ctrl+1- sets single spacing between lines.
  4. Ctrl+2- sets double spacing between lines.
  5. Ctrl+5- sets one and a half spacing between lines.
  6. Alt+Shift+D- displays the current date.
  7. Alt+Shift+T- displays the current time.

MS Excel

  1. F2- opens the cell and allows editing.
  2. Ctrl+space- select a column.
  3. Ctrl+Enter- fill the selected cells with the same data.
  4. Shift+Space- select a row.
  5. Ctrl+Home- move to the beginning of the document, cell A1 becomes active.
  6. Ctrl+Page Up- go to the next sheet of the book.
  7. Ctrl+Page Down- go to the previous sheet of the book.
  8. Ctrl+1- open the cell format window.
  9. Ctrl+Shift+4 (Ctrl+$)- apply a currency format with two decimal places.
  10. Ctrl+Shift+5 (Ctrl+%)- apply percentage format.
  11. Ctrl+: (Ctrl+colon)- display the current time.
  12. Ctrl+; (Ctrl+semicolon)- display the current date.
  13. Ctrl+" (Ctrl+double quote)- copy the top cell to the current one.

Google Chrome

  1. F6, Ctrl+L or A lt+D - moves to an area accessible for keyboard input and selects its contents, for example, in the address bar.
  2. F11- opens the current page in full screen mode; to exit this mode you need to press F11 again.
  3. Alt+Home- opens the home page in the current tab.
  4. Backspace or Alt+left arrow- return to the previous page in history.
  5. Shift+Backspace or Alt+right arrow- move to the next page in the story.
  6. Ctrl+Shift+Delete- brings up the “Clear History” dialog box.
  7. Ctrl+Enter- adds www. before what is entered in the address bar and .com after (that is, what you typed google becomes
  8. Ctrl+Shift+N- opens a new window in incognito mode.
  9. Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+Page Down- go to the next tab.
  10. Ctrl+Shift+Tab or Ctrl+Page Up- go to the previous tab.
  11. Ctrl+Shift+T- reopens the last closed tab.
  12. Ctrl+Shift+J- opens the developer tool, where you can view the source code of the page.
  13. Shift+Alt+T- switch to browser tools; arrows - move between tools, Enter - select a tool.
  14. Shift+Esc- opens “Task Manager”.
  15. Ctrl++ (plus)
  16. Ctrl+- (minus)
  17. Ctrl+0- returns the standard (100%) page scale.
  18. Ctrl+1-Ctrl+8- go to the tab with the corresponding serial number.
  19. Ctrl+9- go to the last tab; search in the default search engine.
  20. Ctrl+D
  21. Ctrl+F or Ctrl+G
  22. Ctrl+H- opens a page of history.
  23. Ctrl+J- opens the downloads page.
  24. Ctrl+K or Ctrl+E- moves to the address bar.
  25. Ctrl+N- opens a new window.
  26. - create a new document.- calls the file open window.
  27. Ctrl+P- starts printing the current page.
  28. Ctrl+R or F5- refreshes the current page.
  29. Ctrl+S- saves the current page.
  30. Ctrl+T- opens a new tab.
  31. Ctrl+U- opens a page with its source code. It is worth noting that typing in the address bar "view-source:page address" also opens the source code of the page.
  32. Ctrl+W or Ctrl+F4- closes a pop-up window or current tab. In addition, when following links in Google Chrome, you can forget about the right mouse button using the following great combinations: Ctrl+clicking on a link (or clicking on a link with the middle mouse button or scroll wheel) - opens the link in a new tab, while leaving the old one current; Ctrl+Shift+clicking on a link (or Shift+clicking on a link with the middle mouse button or scroll wheel) - opens the link in a new tab and switches to it; Shift+click on a link - opens the link in a new window.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. F5- refreshes the page.
  2. Space- scrolls the page down.
  3. Shift+Space-scrolls the page up.
  4. Alt-Home- opens the home page.
  5. Ctrl+Shift+T- reopens the last closed tab; / - opens a search window as you enter text.
  6. Ctrl++ (plus)- zooms in on the page.
  7. Ctrl± (minus)- reduces the page scale.
  8. Ctrl+D- saves the current page as a bookmark.
  9. Ctrl+F- calls up a text search window.
  10. Ctrl+K- go to the search bar.
  11. Ctrl+L- Go to the address bar.
  12. Ctrl+T- opens a new tab.
  13. Ctrl-W- closes the tab; as an addition, use bookmarks with keywords. In order to remember a site you like or frequently visit, create a bookmark. After saving it, right-click on this bookmark and open its properties. Specify the “short name” (aka keyword), save. As a result, you can directly enter this word in the address bar, which will open the desired page.
  1. Tab+Enter- sends a letter; / - moves to the search window.
  2. A- write a response to everyone.
  3. C- create a new letter.
  4. F- forward the letter.
  5. K- opens the previous email chain or moves the cursor to the previous contact.
  6. J- opens the next email chain or moves the cursor to the next contact.
  7. M- hides a chain of letters, subsequent correspondence does not go into the inbox.
  8. N- opens the next letter in the chain of letters.
  9. P- opens the previous letter in the chain.
  10. R- write a response to the letter.
  11. X- selects a chain of letters, after which you can delete it, hide it, or apply another action from the drop-down list.
  12. G+C- opens the contact list.
  13. G+I- opens the inbox folder.
  14. G+S- goes to the list of marked messages.
  15. Y+O- saves the current email chain and opens the next email; #+O (or ]) - deletes a chain of letters and opens the next letter.
  16. Ctrl+S- saves the letter as a draft.

Mac Operating System

  1. Option+Cmd+D- displays or hides the panel.
  2. Dock Cmd+Option+H- hides all programs except the one you are working in.
  3. Cmd+W- closes the active open window.
  4. Option+Cmd+W- closes all windows.
  5. Option+Cmd+Right Arrow- Expands a directory and/or subdirectory in a list in the Finder.
  6. Cmd+[- goes to the previous folder.
  7. Cmd+]- moves to the next folder.
  8. Cmd+Shift+3- copies the screen to the clipboard.
  9. Cmd+Shift+4- copies only part of the screen to the clipboard.
  10. Shift+Option+Cmd+Q- instant exit.
  11. Shift+Cmd+Q- comes out in 2 minutes.
  12. Shift+Cmd+Delete- clears the trash can.
  13. Cmd+T- opens a new window in Safari.
  14. Cmd+K- opens a connection to the server.
  15. Shift+Cmd+?- calls up the help window.
  16. WITH- loads DVD, CD, USB drive.
  17. Cmd+Option+I- opening the “Inspector” window.
  18. Cmd+Option+Esc- selects a program to forcefully terminate.
  19. Cmd+Option+Power button- puts the computer into sleep mode.
  20. Cmd+Сtrl+power button- forced reboot of the computer.
  21. Cmd+Option+Ctrl+power button- closing all programs and turning off the computer.