How to disable the sms dialogue service from Beeline. Beeline services “SMS Ban” and “SMS Dialogue”: detailed description

The option of exchanging text messages between two subscribers at a reduced rate is a fairly popular saving tool Money. However, when the need to constantly exchange SMS with the same respondent disappears, there is a desire to disable the “SMS dialogue” on Beeline. The article will describe all the ways to do this.

Description and cost

The SMS dialogue service will be especially useful primarily for those subscribers who communicate a lot with the same person. After connecting, the option to create a dialogue with the selected respondent will become available, exchanging messages with which will be free for both participants in the conversation within the framework of the selected service. Subscription fee the subscription will not be charged during the grace period of 7 days, then 3 rubles will be debited from the accounts of both users every day.

The operator offers the service with some restrictions:

  • the length of 1 message is limited to 210 characters, including spaces;
  • maximum permissible quantity sent SMS – 50 pieces throughout the day;
  • the consumer can initiate the generation of only 1 dialog at a time;
  • Within the framework of the dialogue, only 2 subscribers are allowed to participate.

These restrictions do not apply to the ability to send messages to other subscribers.

The person who initiated the conversation can stop the service at any time by deleting the second participant or canceling the subscription. In this case, the withdrawal of the subscription fee is terminated.

Service management

Service management is performed by several in simple ways, so connecting and, if desired, disabling the service will not be difficult.


The client has a choice of the following methods for connecting to the SMS dialogue service:

There is no fee for activating the service; the subscriber will be notified about the successful start of work using an information notification. The second participant joins the dialogue at the invitation of the first.


If you want to disable SMS dialogue on Beeline, you can also do this using different methods:

If you couldn’t disable the option yourself, a call to a single service number 0611 or 8-800-700-06-11, where the operator will accept the request for disconnection.

In cases where there are doubts that the service has been deactivated or a notification about deactivation has not been received, it is possible to contact specialists from contact service by sending a letter to [email protected] with a description of the problem, mobile number and full name. client. After verification, you will receive a notification about the results.

Beeline company offers whole line services that help optimize mobile communications costs:

  1. A mobile forum is an analogue of a bulletin board. The tariff for sending SMS is 5 rubles each, there is no subscription fee.
  2. SMS groups are a platform for uniting like-minded people. The cost of participation in each group is 5 rubles daily.
  3. One-on-one chat is a platform for unlimited communication with a selected interlocutor. For using the service, 3 rubles are debited every day.
  4. SMS dating – the ability to exchange MMS, search for friends and communicate via favorable price 5 rubles per day.

Among the many useful additions from the Beeline provider, the SMS-Dialogue service deserves the attention of those who often communicate with one person. Available Methods Service management allows you to independently optimize costs and significantly save your budget.

Each of us has had situations when we could not talk on the phone. Whether at a lecture at university, at a meeting or in a cinema. For such situations, we usually use SMS, since they can be used to convey a thought briefly and succinctly.

For everyone for whom SMS communication is a priority, there is a service from Beeline “My SMS”. It allows you to send large quantity SMS for less money.

Description of the “My SMS” option

Some Beeline tariff plans already include free packages SMS, but besides them there are also tariffs where you have to pay for each message sent. For example, these include the “Zero Doubts”, “Per-Second”, “All 1” tariffs, as well as many others – archived tariffs.

The cost of one SMS at such tariffs averages from 1.5 to 2.5 rubles. At first glance, this is not a lot, but for lovers of SMS correspondence, at the end of the month, this seemingly small money can add up to decent amounts.

To avoid unnecessary expenses, Beeline subscribers are recommended to activate the additional service “My SMS”. It allows you to send free messages to the numbers of any telecom operators in Russia up to 100 SMS per day for users of prepaid tariffs, or up to 3000 per month - postpaid.

You can check the balance of your prepaid SMS package by calling short number 06747, or on postpaid - by dialing *110*06#.

If the established limits are exceeded, each SMS sent will be charged additional fee, but even in this case it will be significantly lower than the usual cost of SMS. On prepaid, 101 and subsequent messages until the end of the day, and on postpaid – 3001 and subsequent messages until the end of the month will cost 1 ruble per piece.

The connection cost is only 25 rubles. In addition, there will be a charge for using the service subscription fee 5 rubles per day on prepaid tariffs, or 150 rubles per month on postpaid.

Users of the "" and "" tariff plans have access to a similar, but more cheap service" ". It allows you to send 500 messages per month for free with a subscription fee of 2 rubles per day.

The option is not limited in time, but free messages can only be sent while in home region, that is, in the region where the SIM card was purchased.

Connecting and deactivating the “My SMS” service

In most cases, the option must be activated independently, but on some tariffs it can be activated automatically.

If, after switching to one of the tariffs such as “ ”, “ ” or “Go”, the subscriber has sent more than 4 SMS to local numbers in a month, then the service will be activated automatically and free of charge. However, for the first 5 days of using it, no subscription fee will be charged. But if the subscriber decides to disable the “My SMS” option on Beeline, then reconnection There will no longer be such a benefit.

The easiest way to manage the service is using special numbers:

  • To activate the “My SMS” service, call the short number 067471.
  • To disable the service, call 067440 and follow the prompts voice assistant.

In addition, connecting and disabling the “My SMS” option is possible using standard methods:

  • Through
  • Through a subscriber on the official website

You can also seek help and advice from the nearest communication store, technical support at 8-800-700-0611 and via Beeline chat on the official website or in the application on your phone.

Compatible with tariffs and other options

The “My SMS” service is not compatible with the “SMS mania”, “SMS package”, “SMS without borders” and “SMS freedom” options. The first time you connect it, these options will be automatically disabled.

If other SMS packages are connected along with the “My SMS” option, then free messages are not cumulative. IN in this case it will be possible to send a maximum of 100 SMS per day or up to 3000 per month, depending on the current payment system - prepayment or postpayment.

On most prepaid and postpaid tariff plans, the service is available without restrictions to both physical and legal entities. It is not available only on tariffs "", "", older versions of tariffs "" and "", as well as a number of archived tariffs.

Although they are very popular now various messengers, many people continue to use SMS messages for correspondence. Beeline is one of the leading mobile operators, offers its clients beneficial communication using the SMS dialogue option.

Description of subscription, limits

The service is communication via SMS with one subscriber on preferential terms. A Beeline user who has connected an SMS dialogue invites another subscriber of the same telecom operator to the dialogue. With the consent of the second user, clients can begin preferential correspondence through messaging. Using this subscription, the user can correspond with other Beeline subscribers, but payment will be made according to the terms of the tariff plan.

The option is provided with certain restrictions.

  1. You are allowed to send a maximum of 50 messages per day. If the limit is exceeded, the subscriber will receive a notification from the system. After this, the fee for messages until the end of the day will be charged according to the tariff.
  2. One subscriber has the opportunity to organize one dialogue.
  3. The initiator of the service connection is called the “host”, and the second person is called the “participant”. One user cannot have two statuses at the same time.
  4. The length of the text during correspondence cannot exceed 210 characters, spaces are also taken into account.

Beeline customers located anywhere in the country can use the subscription.


When the option is activated, funds are not withdrawn from the account, however, a subscription fee is provided, that is, 3 rubles will be debited from the account daily. Moreover, funds are withdrawn from both the “owner” and the “participant” of the correspondence. The initiator of the dialogue has the right to remove the invited interlocutor at any time. In this case, money for the service will no longer be debited from the account. New clients can use the option free of charge for 7 days.

How to disable SMS dialogue on Beeline

If necessary, the client will be able to deactivate the option at any time. This can be done in various ways.

SMS request

You can independently send a request to a number with the text STOP to disable SMS dialogue on Beeline. If the user uses the Latin alphabet, then the text should be STOP. In reply message a notification will come about deactivating the subscription.

Personal Area

The client can manage options via Personal Area Online mobile operator. To do this, you need to go to the “Service Management” section and disable the service.

Call to service number

You can deactivate your subscription for free by calling the number. So, thanks to the voice assistant prompts, you can unsubscribe from the option.

Call the operator

If you can’t turn off the SMS dialogue yourself, you can call the operator at . The specialist will disable the service, but for this 45 rubles will be debited from the subscriber’s account. Before calling, you must prepare the subscriber's passport information.


SMS dialogue - paid subscription, using which you can communicate via SMS with one subscriber on preferential terms. The benefit does not apply to calls and other activities. It is up to each subscriber to decide whether to use the option or not. If he often corresponds with one person, then subscribing will be beneficial for him. If the client communicates with many people not only via SMS, then the service can be refused.

Profitable communication via SMS is available to all Beeline customers. The operator provides a number of services that allow you to save a lot. What service does Beeline offer us? “SMS dialogue” is a fairly popular operator service. The target group of users are people who frequently communicate with specific subscribers by sending text messages.

This service is provided on on a paid basis and can be controlled by the client. How you can connect, how to disable SMS dialogue on Beeline, as well as the cost of this service will be discussed below.

Description of service

Due to the variety of options and additional services offered by the black and yellow operator, not all network clients know what it is this service(“Beeline”). “SMS dialogue” - what is it? This name hides nothing more than preferential communication via SMS with one specific subscriber. You can choose an interlocutor from among Beeline clients. Please note that you cannot hope for completely limitless communication. A specific volume of messages is allocated daily for each participant. Once it is exceeded, you will be charged for sending messages in accordance with tariff plan. There is also additional set features and limitations, which will be discussed below.

Financial conditions

You can activate the service on each of the participants’ numbers for free, both for the first and subsequent times. Every day after connection, three rubles (monthly fee) will be withdrawn from the client’s account. The debit will occur from two numbers participating in the dialogue. No further actions within the service will be paid for (calls to numbers to activate an option, etc.).

When connecting to the service new users whose number was previously this option has not been used, the preferential system is valid for the first seven days. The subscription fee for this period will not be charged to the SIM card (regardless of the role of the interlocutor).

Features of use

Beeline service, about which we're talking about in the current article, has a number of features:

  • Within one day, each participant in the conversation is provided with fifty text messages that they can send.
  • The same subscriber cannot participate in two or more dialogues. Thus, only one dialogue is allowed per client.
  • When connecting the service, the subscriber who was the initiator is assigned the role of “host”, and the person who was invited to the dialogue is assigned the role of “participant”. You cannot have these two states at the same time.
  • The subscription fee is debited both from the “owner’s” number and from the SIM card of the person he called (“participant”).


If the idea of ​​communicating on preferential terms seems attractive to the subscriber, then in order for the SMS Dialogue service (Beeline) to be active on the number, you need to dial the combination 0832 (the call is not charged). IN voice menu You can read the terms of the service and activate it.

Activation is also available through the Chameleon service. After the connection is successful, the subscriber will be informed about this by notification. After this, he will be asked to invite another network user to a dialogue. Please note that one invitation is not enough. It is important that the other party agrees and accepts it.

After selecting the number with which you would like to enter into a dialogue, its owner will receive an invitation via SMS. To confirm, he will need to send “ one" in the response message to send consent and " two” in the event that he does not want to enter into communication. The number from which the message will come is - 6249 . Reply SMS sent by the subscriber are also not charged.

How to disable SMS dialogue on Beeline?

If after using the service you need to cancel it, you can do this in several ways. How to disable SMS dialogue on Beeline?

  • Send text message to the number 6249 . The word must be written in the text STOP. In response, you will receive a notification that the service has been successfully deactivated.
  • Call the service number 0684 21153 . Such a call is free and also allows you to refuse the SMS dialogue service.


In this article we talked about such a profitable and interesting service as “SMS dialogue” offered by Beeline. If you often have to communicate with one person in your network, then connecting it will come in handy.

After use, you can deactivate it for a symbolic subscription fee. How to disable the “SMS dialogue” on Beeline was also discussed in the current article. Please note that the indicated cost may vary in different regions of the country. Get accurate data regarding specific area, can be found on the operator’s official website. This article also shows tariffs for the Moscow region.