How to get password from google chrome. Where are passwords stored in Google Chrome? How to view saved passwords in Google Chrome browser

Many security experts recommend that every service (website) have unique password. In this case, even if an attacker gets one of your passwords, he will not be able to use it on other resources. But, unfortunately, there are a few to remember different passwords very difficult. What if you have 10, 20 of them?

The solution may be to save passwords in your browser. For example, every time you enter New Password V Google Chrome, the browser asks you to save it. This makes browsing the Internet easier because you no longer have to remember all your passwords. However, there may be situations in which you will need to find out one of the passwords saved by your browser. A logical question arises: how can I view saved passwords in Google Chrome?

Solving the problem

In order to view saved passwords in Google Chrome, you need to perform a number of simple steps:

1. Open the browser menu, which is located on the right top corner program, select “Settings”.

2. The settings page will open, which you need to scroll to the end and click on the “Show” link additional settings» (Show advanced settings).

3. In the additional settings that open, you need to find the “Passwords and forms” item and click on the “Manage passwords” link. A menu will open in which all sites whose passwords are stored by the Google Chrome browser will be presented. However, for security reasons, passwords are not shown in this menu.

4. In order to view the saved password, you need to click on the line with the desired site and click the “Show” button. The saved password will be displayed immediately.

Important to consider

Saved in Google Chrome password will be shown immediately only if you are using an account in operating system. This is unsafe because in this case, anyone with direct access to your computer will be able to view your saved passwords in Google Chrome. To protect your personal data, you need to set a password for your account in the operating system. Then, upon clicking the “Show” button, you will be asked to enter the password for your account, and only in case of correct Google input Chrome will display the password stored in the browser. This way, only you can view your saved passwords in Google Chrome.

If someone else can use your computer, then this “someone” can look at your browser history, bookmarks, log into your social media accounts and view your email (if passwords are saved in the browser or you are logged in and I am logged in). This is unpleasant, but what if, for example, you lose your tablet and it is used not just by a colleague or someone at home, but by a complete stranger? The solution is to set a password to log into the browser.

You will need

  • browser of the chrome family (tested on goole chrome and on a browser from Yandex)


Go to the store Chrome apps( Search for "ChromePW".

In the search results, click on the "ChromePW" application. In the resulting window at the top right, click the "Free" button - the installation of the application will begin (click "Add" if asked).

When the extension is installed, follow the instructions in the tab that opens - the prompts will help you enable the application and set a password.

Ready! Now, every time you open the browser, you will need to enter your password.

Helpful advice

If several people use the computer, then it is better to install several browsers: Google Chrome and Yandex Browser, for example.

Many Internet users, in particular, Google users trying to resolve the issue of saving their browser settings. After reinstalling the system, changing the PC or similar actions, I would like to have it immediately ready for Chrome work in the same form in which it was previously left. Google Developers took care of that and the save function custom settings implemented on top level.

Google Chrome settings on your computer

First of all, you need to understand where the settings are in Google browser Chrome. To open them, you need to find the icon with three horizontal stripes in the upper right corner and click on it. A menu will open in which you need to select the “Settings” item.

In the settings window that opens, you will find great amount options that can be changed at your discretion. This is where it is configured appearance programs, security, default search is set, new users are created, etc.

If we talk specifically about saving settings in the browser, then everything is quite simple. The engine is designed in such a way that after changing any parameter, the settings just made are automatically saved. This allows you to turn off the browser, restart the computer, then turn it on again and all the settings made will be in the position in which you left them.

In other words, in order for your browser settings to be saved, you just need to change them somehow. Settings can also be reset to standard condition. For this there is special button"Reset browser settings." You can find it by clicking the “Show advanced settings” button.

Saving settings online

To save all the settings made when reinstalling the system or browser, or to use them on another computer, you must use Google account. At the same time, everything Personal settings, including bookmarks and extensions, will be saved online.

If you already have Google mail, simply go to your browser settings and click the “Sign in to Chrome” button. Then enter your email name and password. Synchronization settings will open. You can synchronize all settings, or select only some specific ones from the list by checking the boxes. Yes, you can synchronize standard settings browsers, themes, extensions, tabs, passwords, browsing history, applications.

Just below you need to specify the encryption parameters. This additional function, allowing you to protect all your data from access by third parties. It is possible to encrypt using credentials Google data, or using some kind of passphrase. When using a code phrase, extreme caution must be taken, since if you lose or forget the specified word or phrase, Google already will not be able to remind you of it and the synchronization will have to be reset.

One of useful features Google Chrome browser - storing passwords. Due to their encryption, each user can be sure that they will not fall into the hands of intruders. But storing passwords in Google Chrome begins with adding them to the system. This topic will be discussed in more detail in the article.

By storing passwords in the Google Chrome browser, you no longer have to remember your login details. different web resources. Once you save your password in your browser, it will be automatically entered each time you re-enter the site.

1. Go to the site for which you need to save a password. Log in to your site account by entering your authorization details (username and password).

2. As soon as you successfully log into the site, the system will prompt you to save a password for the service, which, in fact, you must agree to.

From this moment on, the password will be saved in the system. To check this, let's log out of our account and then go to the login page again. This time the login and password fields will be highlighted yellow, and the necessary authorization data will be automatically inserted into them.

What should I do if the system does not prompt me to save my password?

If, after successful authorization, Google Chrome does not prompt you to save your password, we can conclude that this function is disabled in your browser settings. To enable it, click on the menu button in the upper right corner of the browser and in the list that appears, go to the section "Settings" .

Once the settings page is displayed on the screen, go down to the very end and click on the button "Show advanced settings" .

An additional menu will open on the screen, in which you will need to go down a little further, finding the block "Passwords and Forms" . Check that near the point "Suggest saving passwords from using Google Smart Lock for passwords" . If you see that there is no checkmark next to this item, you must check it, after which the problem with password security will be solved.

Many users are afraid to store passwords in the Google Chrome browser, which is completely in vain: today this is one of the most reliable ways to store such confidential information, since it is fully encrypted and will only be decrypted if you enter your account password.

Many of us love the browser from Google called Chrome for its speed, convenience and many add-ons. Chrome, like most others modern browsers, has a function of remembering accounts and passwords entered on sites, and if you have it turned on, the browser automatically substitutes them when you enter sites you have previously visited.

However, it is not uncommon for a user to forget their passwords without noticing it when constantly using autofill. What should you do if you suddenly need to log into your favorite website from another computer, phone, tablet, or even just another browser where your login information is not saved? Luckily, you can always view your saved passwords in your browser.

If you are still scratching your head over... how to find out the password saved in Chrome browser , then this simple instructions will help you.

It’s worth mentioning right away that passwords saved in Chrome are hidden from prying eyes and are presented in the form of "stars". In order to view them, you must know the password for your computer account, if you have one.

But let us tell you about all this clearly and in order.

Update. IN latest versions Google Chrome browser starting from 69, instead of the first three points described below, just click on your profile icon in the upper right corner of the browser and select and open the item in the drop-down menu "Passwords". Then skip straight to these instructions.

1. Open Google Chrome Settings

First of all, open General settings your browser. To do this, click on the rightmost icon in the upper right corner open window Chrome and select the item from the drop-down menu "Settings".

2. Open advanced browser settings

Scroll to the bottom of the Chrome settings page that opens, find the item there "Show advanced settings" and click on it to open access to viewing saved passwords.

3. Open the settings for saving passwords in Chrome

In the opened additional menu settings, find the item with the name "Passwords and forms" and click on the inscription "Tune" after the text "Suggest saving passwords for websites".

As a result, you will see a list of all sites with logins and passwords that you have ever saved in your browser.

4. Find the site you need

Now you just need to find in the list the site for which you want to find out the password and click on the button on the right side "Show".

5. Enter the administrator password

Since passwords for various sites and services are quite confidential, to view them in Chrome you need to confirm the fact that you are the administrator of the current account on your computer, and not just “passing by.”

To do this, enter the user password that you enter when loading the operating system. Of course, this is only relevant if you have set such a password.

If you passed everything correctly, then instead of asterisks in the right window you will see the password saved in Google Chrome, which you wanted to know.

That's all. As you have just seen for yourself, viewing passwords saved in Chrome is a task that can be solved in just a few clicks and is not difficult at all.

Admin, tell me Where are passwords stored in Google Chrome? and how to get them out .

If you are faced with a situation in which you need to find out where passwords are stored in Google Chrome, then I suggest you read this article. I will try in detail in it, but in clear language talk not only about storage methods, but also about methods for encrypting passwords in the Google Chrome browser. By the way, we wrote about the same thing, but only in the Mozilla browser, in the article “”.

We have already said more than once that storing passwords in a browser is not the best option. good idea. You can read about how to do this better and more correctly in our publication “”.

Where does Chrome store passwords?

Below I will show all the possible locations of folders and Google Chrome password files in different operating systems.

Chrome passwords are stored in the folder:

Windows XP
C:\Documents And Settings\Spysoftnet\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\(if available User folder Data, then User Data\Default\

Windows Vista
C:\Users\Spysoftnet\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default

Windows 7

Windows 8
C:\Users\Spysoftnet\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\

Windows 10

Mac OS X
~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default


Chrome OS

Everything described above applies only to the Google Chrome browser. In other browsers running on the Chromium engine, such as Comodo Dragon, Bromium, etc., folder locations may vary!

Chrome passwords are stored in the file:
Login Data

Where are the passwords in chrome?

This file represents the base SQLite data. By opening this file you can see several columns:

  • Origin_url — website address
  • Username_value - login
  • Password_value - password
  • etc.

All data in this file is stored in open form. Everything except the password column data “Password_value”. Chrome encrypts passwords using an algorithm AES encryption with an encryption length of 256 bits.

How to open a Login Data file?

The “Login Data” file can be opened using the DB Browser for SQLite utility.

Login data

You can download DB Browser for SQLite for free using.

How to retrieve Google Chrome passwords?

If these are your passwords, on your operating system, you can view your saved passwords using Google Chrome's own password manager. We wrote how to do this in this article.

There is another way to extract passwords from Chrome - using a program from the developer Nirsoft. In addition, there are at least a few more similar programs, in order to find them, use the search on the site for the word “Chrome”.


An enabled antivirus may work on this utility. But this should not scare you, this is 100% a false positive.

I want to warn you. If you copy the "Login Data" file from another computer and try to open passwords on your computer using a browser password manager, you will be disappointed. The fields where passwords should be will be empty or a message will be displayed that this may not be your profile.

But there is also good news. These passwords are hidden from the user, but are entered on the sites you are trying to access. Now all that remains is to look at the password under the asterisks. You can find how to do this in the article “”

How to protect Google Chrome passwords?

Now a few words about protection. The only and most important rule What you should know is to not allow your browser to remember entered usernames and passwords. Use password managers instead. It’s even better to remember passwords using special cards, about this the easy way we wrote about remembering even difficult passwords in the article “”

One of the most useful Google features Chrome has a password saving feature. This allows you to re-authorize on the site without wasting time entering your login and password, because this data is supplied automatically by the browser. In addition, if necessary, you can easily view passwords in Google Chrome.

Storing passwords in Google Chrome is an absolutely safe procedure, because... they are all securely encrypted. But if you suddenly need to know where passwords are stored in Chrome, then this process we'll take a closer look below. As a rule, the need for this arises when the password is forgotten and the autofill form does not work, or the site already has authorization, but you need to log in using the same data from a smartphone or other device.

Method 1: Browser Settings

The standard option to view any password you have saved in this web browser. At the same time, previously deleted passwords manually or after completely clearing/reinstalling Chrome will not appear there.

Don't forget that if you've used synchronization before, some of your passwords may be stored in the cloud. As a rule, this is relevant for users who are not logged in to their account. Google posts after reinstalling the browser/operating system. Do not forget "Enable Sync", which is also done in the browser settings:

Method 2: Google Account Page

In addition, passwords can be viewed in the online form of your Google account. Naturally, this method is only suitable for those who have previously created a Google account. The advantage of this method is the following parameters: you will see all the passwords that have ever been saved in your Google profile; In addition, passwords saved on other devices, such as smartphones and tablets, will be displayed.

Now you know how to view passwords stored in Google Chrome. If you plan to reinstall your web browser, be sure to enable synchronization first so as not to lose all those saved combinations for logging into sites.