Learning electronics for beginners. Basic concepts and knowledge of physics

Let's first look at the usual AA battery. On its label you can read that it has a voltage of 1.5 volts... is this really true? Let's check!

In order to find out we need digital multimeter. To begin with, it is worth purchasing an inexpensive model, always with manual selection of the measurement range.

  • The black wire of the multimeter must be connected to the “COM” connector;
  • The red wire must be connected to the connector for measuring voltage “V” ( Attention! Connecting wires in any other way may damage the device!)
  • we expect to get a value of about 1.5 volts, so we set the multimeter knob to “20” in the DCV or V- area (the letter V with a dash means direct current) and, if necessary, turn on the device (some models turn on when you turn the knob) , and the multimeter should show 0;
  • We touch the battery terminals with the metal tips of the multimeter probes... but which one goes where? Try both combinations - the result should be the same, only in one case a positive number will be reflected, and in the other case the same number, but only with a minus sign.
  • read the value - in our case voltage new battery is 1.62 volts;
  • turn off the multimeter.

ATTENTION! When taking measurements, to avoid damaging the multimeter, always select a measurement range larger than the maximum expected result! If we don't know what to expect, it would be safer to choose a more high range and further reduce it to obtain the most accurate result.

Since we have learned how to measure voltage with a multimeter, let's measure other batteries/accumulators! We chose for testing:

  • charged battery 1.2 volts, size AA - the multimeter showed 1.34 volts.
  • partially discharged Ni-MH battery(used in the camera) - our multimeter showed 1.25 volts.

Next, we will need 4 AAA batteries, a cassette for 4 batteries and a breadboard (you can find out what a breadboard is and how to use it). Let's install our 4 batteries in the cassette. Then insert the ends of the cassette wires into the holes of the breadboard as shown in the following photos:

Next step There will be preparation of connecting wires (jumpers), they are also called jumpers. These are the wires that will connect individual radio components to each other on a breadboard.

Of course, a certain number of jumpers are included in the kit along with development board. But if you don’t have them, then it doesn’t matter, you can make them yourself.

For this we need: a computer cable, the so-called twisted pair, scissors or sharp knife.

First you need to remove the insulation from the cable. Inside the cable we see thin wires twisted together. The next step is to cut the wires to the required length. And the last thing that needs to be done is to strip about 1 cm of insulation from both ends.

Now we will assemble our first circuit on a breadboard. Let's take a 22kOhm resistor with colored stripes (red-red-orange-gold). What is the real resistance of this resistor? Let's check it with a multimeter!

  • connect the red wire to the » Ω « connector
  • we expect to get a value of about 22kOhm, so set the control to 200k in the Ω section and, if necessary, turn on the meter (some models turn on by turning the dial), which should show 0 before measuring;
  • touch the legs of the resistor with the metal tips of the multimeter probes;
  • look at the value - our resistance is 22.1 kOhm;
  • turn off the multimeter.

As with a battery, the value measured by the multimeter differs from the nominal value of the element (resistor) being tested. Let us remind you that the gold stripe on the resistor (see the meaning of the colored stripes in this) means a tolerance of 5%, that is, 22 kOhm x 5% = 1.1 kOhm

Therefore, the resistance deviation range for our resistor can be from 20.9 kOhm to 23.1 kOhm.

Now let’s connect a cassette with batteries and a resistor on the breadboard as shown in the picture below:

In electronics, circuit diagrams are used to depict connections between individual elements. In our case, the diagram will look like this:

The symbol marked B1 is our batteries that provide total voltage: 4 x 1.5V = 6V. our 22 kOhm resistor is designated R1.
In accordance with :

I = 6V / 22kOhm
I = 6V / 22000 Ohm
I = 0.000273 A
I = 273 µA

Theoretically, the current in the circuit should be 273 µA. Let us remember that the resistance of the resistor can differ within 5% (for us it is 22.1 kOhm). The voltage supplied by the batteries may also differ from the nominal 6 volts and will depend on the level of discharge of those batteries.

Let's see what real voltage comes from 4 1.5 V batteries.

  • connect the black wire to the “COM” connector;
  • connect the red wire to connector “V”
  • we expect to get a value of about 6V, so set the regulator to the value "20" in the DCV or V- section, if necessary, turn on the device, which should initially show 0;
  • Use the metal tips of the multimeter probes to touch the wires coming out of the battery cassette;
  • look at the result - our voltage is 6.5 V;
  • turn off the multimeter.

Let's substitute the obtained values ​​into the formula following from Ohm's law:

I = 6.5 V / 22.1 kOhm
I = 6.5 V / 22100 Ohm
I = 0.000294 A
I = 294 µA

To confirm the reliability of our calculations, we have no choice but to measure the actual current with a multimeter.

  • connect the black wire to the “COM” connector;
  • connect the red wire to the “mA” connector;
  • we expect to get a value of 294 µA, so we set the regulator to a value of 2000µ in section A-, if necessary, turn on the device, which should initially show 0;
  • To measure current, you need to connect a multimeter to the open circuit. With the metal tips of the multimeter probes we touch the legs of the jumper connecting the positive pole of the battery and the legs of the resistor;
  • we read the value - our current is 294 µA;
  • turn off the multimeter.

And in the end this lesson Here is a diagram showing the differences in connecting a multimeter when measuring voltage and current:

You can only learn what you love.
Goethe I.

"How to independently learn electronics from scratch?" - one of the most popular questions on amateur radio forums. At the same time, the answers that I found when I asked it myself did not help me much. So I decided to give mine.

This essay describes general approach to self-study, and since it began to receive a lot of views every day, I decided to develop it and make a small guide to self-study of electronics and tell how I do it. Subscribe to the newsletter - it will be interesting!

Creativity and result

To learn something, you need to love it, be passionate about it, and practice regularly. It seems that I just voiced the truism... Nevertheless. In order to study electronics with ease and pleasure, you must love it and approach it with curiosity and admiration. Nowadays it is commonplace for everyone to be able to send a video message to the other side of the earth and instantly receive a response. And this is one of the achievements of electronics. 100 years of work of thousands of scientists and engineers.

As we are usually taught

The classical approach, which is preached in schools and universities around the world, can be called the down up. First they tell you what an electron, an atom, a charge, a current, a resistor, a capacitor, an inductance are, they force you to solve hundreds of problems to find currents in resistor circuits, then it gets even more complicated, etc. This approach is similar to climbing a mountain. But climbing up a mountain is more difficult than going down. And many give up without ever reaching the top. This is true in any business.

What if you go down the mountain? The main idea is to first get the result, and then analyze in detail why it works this way. Those. This is the classic approach of children's radio circles. It gives you the opportunity to get a feeling of victory and success, which in turn stimulates the desire to study electronics further. You see, there is very dubious benefit in studying one theory. It is imperative to practice, since not everything from theory translates 100% into practice.

There's an old engineering joke that says, "If you're good at math, you should go into electronics." Typical nonsense. Electronics is creativity, novelty of ideas, practice. And it is not necessary to fall into the jungle of theoretical calculations in order to create electronic devices. You can totally master it necessary knowledge on one's own. And you will improve your mathematics in the process of creativity.

The main thing is to understand the basic principle, and only then the subtleties. This approach simply turns the world upside down self-study. It's not new. This is how artists draw: first a sketch, then detailing. This is how various large systems etc. This approach is similar to the “poke method,” but only if you don’t look for an answer, but stupidly repeat the same action.

Did you like the device? Assemble, figure out why it is made this way and what ideas are included in its design: why exactly these parts are used, why they are connected in this way, what principles are used? Is it possible to improve anything or just replace some part?

Design is creativity, but it can be learned. To do this you just need to do simple steps: read, repeat other people's devices, think about the result, enjoy the process, be bold and confident.

Mathematics in Electronics

In amateur radio design, it is unlikely that you will have to calculate improper integrals, but knowledge of Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s rules, current/voltage divider formulas, knowledge of complex arithmetic and trigonometry can be useful. These are the basics. If you want to know more, love mathematics and physics. It is not only useful, but also extremely entertaining. Of course, this is not necessary. You can make pretty cool devices without knowing anything about it. Only these will be devices invented by someone else.

When, after a very long break, I realized that electronics was calling me again and beckoning me into the ranks of radio amateurs, it immediately became clear that my knowledge had long since disappeared, and the availability of components and technologies had become wider. What did I do? There was only one way - to admit yourself completely zero and start from nothing: there are no experienced electronics engineers I know, there is no self-study program either, I discarded the forums because they are a dump of information and take a lot of time (you can find out a question there briefly, but it is very difficult to obtain complete knowledge - Everyone there is so important that you could burst!)

And then I followed the oldest and simplest path: through books. IN good books the topics are discussed most fully and there is no idle chatter. Of course, there are errors and tongue-tiedness in the books. You just need to know which books to read and in what order. After reading well-written books, the result will be excellent.

My advice is simple but useful - read books and magazines. For example, I want not only to repeat other people’s designs, but to be able to design my own. Creating is interesting and fun. This is exactly what my hobby should be: interesting and entertaining. And yours too.

What books will help you master electronics?

I spent a lot of time looking for suitable books. And I realized that I had to say thank you to the USSR. Such an array useful books remained after him! The USSR can be scolded, but it can be praised. It depends on what. So we must be grateful for books and magazines for radio amateurs and schoolchildren. The circulation is crazy, the authors are selected. You can still find books for beginners that will give a head start to all modern ones. Therefore, it makes sense to go to used bookstores and ask around (and you can download everything).

  1. Klimchevsky Ch. - ABC of a radio amateur.
  2. Aimishen. Electronics? Nothing could be simpler.
  3. B.S. Ivanov. An oscilloscope is your assistant (how to work with an oscilloscope)
  4. Hublowski. I. Electronics in questions and answers
  5. Nikulin, Povny. Encyclopedia of the beginning radio amateur
  6. Revich. Entertaining electronics
  7. Shishkov. First steps in radio electronics
  8. Sorcerers. Amateur radio alphabet
  9. Bessonov V.V. Electronics for beginners and more
  10. V. Novopolsky - Working with an oscilloscope

This is my list of books for the little ones. You should definitely flip through Radio magazines from the 70s to the 90s. After that you can already read:

  1. Gendin. Design Tips
  2. Kaufman, Sidman. Practical guide for circuit calculations in electronics
  3. Volovich G. Circuitry of analog and analog-to-digital electronic devices
  4. Tietze, Schenk. Semiconductor circuitry. 12th ed.
  5. Shustov M. A. Practical circuitry.
  6. Gavrilov S.A.-Semiconductor circuits. Developer secrets
  7. Barnes. Electronic design
  8. Milovzorov. Elements of information systems
  9. Revich. Practical programming of AVR MK
  10. Belov. Self-instruction manual on Microprocessor technology
  11. Suematsu. Microcomputer control systems. First meeting
  12. Yu.Sato. Signal Processing
  13. D.Harris, S.Harris. Digital circuitry and computer architecture
  14. Jansen. Digital Electronics Course

I think these books will answer many questions. More specialized knowledge can be gleaned from more specialized books: on audio amplifiers, on microcontrollers, etc.

And of course you need to practice. Without a soldering iron, the whole theory is in the hole. It's like driving a car in your head.
By the way, more detailed reviews You can use some books from the list above.

What else should you do?

Learn to read device diagrams! Learn to analyze the circuit and try to understand how the device works. This skill only comes with practice. We must start from the very simple circuits, gradually increasing complexity. Thanks to this, you will not only study the designations of radio elements on the diagrams, but also learn to analyze them, and also remember common techniques and solutions.

Is it expensive to do electronics?

Unfortunately, you will need money! Amateur radio is not the cheapest hobby and will require a certain minimum of finance. investments. But you can start with virtually no investment: books can be obtained from bookcrossings or borrowed from libraries, read in in electronic format, you can buy the simplest devices to begin with, and buy more advanced ones when the capabilities of simple devices are not enough.

Now you can buy everything: an oscilloscope, a generator, a power supply and other measuring instruments for home laboratory- all this should be purchased over time (or do yourself what can be done at home)

But when you are small and a beginner, you can get by with a tip and parts from broken equipment that someone throws out or has simply been lying around at home for a long time without use. The main thing is to have a desire! And the rest will follow.

What to do if it doesn't work?

Continue! Rarely does anything work out well the first time. And it happens that there are no results and no results - as if you have hit an invisible barrier. Some people overcome this barrier in six months or a year, while others only after a few years.

If you encounter difficulties, then you don’t have to tear your hair out and think about yourself that you’re the stupidest person in the world, because Vasya understands what it’s like reverse current collector, but you still can’t understand why he plays a role. Maybe Vasya is just puffing out his cheeks, but he doesn’t boom-boom =)

The quality and speed of self-learning depend not only on personal abilities, but also on the environment. This is where we should rejoice at the existence of forums. They still meet (and often) polite professionals who are ready to happily teach beginners. (There are still all sorts of grims, but I consider such people to be a lost branch of evolution. I feel sorry for them. To bend one’s fingers is to show off oneself low level. It's better to just be silent)

Useful programs

You should definitely familiarize yourself with CAD systems: drawings of circuit diagrams and printed circuit boards, simulators, useful and convenient programs(Eagele, SprintLayout, etc.). I have dedicated a whole section on the site for them. From time to time there will be materials on working with programs that I use myself.

And most importantly, experience the joy of creativity from amateur radio! In my opinion, any business should be treated as a game. Then it will be both entertaining and educational.

About practice

Usually every radio amateur always knows what device he wants to make. But if you haven’t decided yet, then I would advise you to assemble a power source, figure out what it’s for and how each part works. Then you can turn your attention to amplifiers. And assemble, for example, an audio amplifier.

You can experiment with the simplest electrical circuits: voltage divider, diode rectifier, HF/MF/LF filters, transistor and single-transistor stages, simple digital circuits, capacitors, inductors. All this will be useful in the future, and knowledge of such basic circuits and components will give you confidence in your abilities.

When you go step by step from the simplest to the more complex, then knowledge is layered on top of each other and it is easier to master more complex topics. But sometimes it is not clear from which bricks and how the building should be put together. Therefore, sometimes you should do the opposite: set a goal to assemble some device and master many issues when assembling it.

May Ohm, Ampere and Volt be with you:

Good afternoon, dear community.

I was always surprised by people who understand radio electronics. I have always considered them to be a kind of shamans: how can one make sense of this abundance of elements, paths and documentation? As soon as you can look at the board, poke it a couple of times with an oscilloscope in just one clear places and with the words “oh, I see,” take the soldering iron in your hands and resurrect, like a deceased favorite toy. You can’t call it anything other than magic.

The heyday of radio electronics in our country occurred in the 80s, when there was nothing and everything had to be done with your own hands. Many years have passed since then. Now I have the impression that along with the generation of the 70s, knowledge and skill are also leaving. I was unlucky: my parents planned half of my heyday, and I spent the second half playing with blocks and other machines. When at the age of 12 I went to the “Young Technician” club, those were not the most prosperous times, and due to circumstances, I had to give up the club after six months, but the dream remained.

By current activity I am a programmer. I realize that finding an error in a large code is exactly the same as finding a “bad” capacitor on a board. No sooner said than done. Since by nature I like to study on my own, I went looking for literature. There were several attempts to start, but every time I started reading books, I ran into the fact that I could not understand basic things, for example, “what is voltage and current.” Queries to the great and terrible Google also yielded template answers copied from textbooks. I tried to find a place in Moscow where I could learn this skill, but my search was unsuccessful.

So, welcome to the circle of aspiring radio amateurs.

I love to study and learn something new, but just knowledge is not enough for me. At school I was taught the skill “a theorem cannot be learned, it can only be understood” and now I carry this rule throughout my life. Those around, of course, look with bewilderment when, instead of taking ready-made solutions and quickly put them together, I begin to reinvent my wheels. The second reason for writing an article is the thought “if you understand a subject, you can easily explain it to someone else.” Well, I’ll try to understand it myself and explain it to others.

My first goal, just like in the books, is an analog radio receiver, and then we’ll go digital.

I want to warn you right away - the article was written by an amateur in radio electronics and physics and is more of an argument. I will be glad to hear any amendments in the comments.

So, what is voltage, current and other resistance? In most cases, to understand electrical processes, an analogy with water is used. We will not deviate from this rule, although with minor deviations.
Let's imagine a pipe. To control some indicators, we will include several water flow meters, pressure gauges, and elements that interfere with the flow of water.

In electrical equivalent, the circuit would look something like this:


The physics course tells us that voltage is the potential difference between two points. If we transfer the definition to our water pipe, then potential is pressure, i.e. voltage is the pressure difference between two points. This explains the principle of measuring it with a voltmeter. It turns out that if you try to measure the voltage at two adjacent points of the pipe, where there is no resistance to the movement of water (there are no taps or restrictions, we will neglect the internal friction of water on the walls of the pipe for now) and the pressure does not change, then the pressure difference at these two points will be zero . If resistance is present, a decrease in pressure occurs (in electrical equivalent, a voltage drop), then we get the voltage value. The sum of the voltages on all elements is equal to the voltage at the source. Those. if we add up the readings of all the voltmeters in our diagram, we get the battery voltage.

For example, let's assume that our battery produces a voltage of 5 volts and the resistors have a resistance of 100 and 150 ohms. Then, according to Ohm’s law U=IR, or I=U/R, we find that a current flows through the circuit with a force of I=5/250=20mA. Since the current strength in the entire circuit is the same (explanations a little further), it follows from the same Ohm’s law that the first voltmeter will show U=0.02*100=2V, and the second U=0.02*150=3V.

Current strength

From the same physics course we know that this is the amount of charge per unit of time. In water equivalent, this is water itself, and its meter, an ammeter, is a water meter. Again, it becomes clear why the ammeter is connected to the open circuit. If you connect it in place of, for example, a voltmeter V1, then a new circuit is formed, from which resistance R1 will be excluded, which means that at a minimum we will get incorrect values(what will be “at the maximum” will become clear a little later). Let's return to our water - connecting an ammeter in parallel to any of the elements means that part of the water will go through the main pipe, and the other part will go through the meter - and it is this meter that will lie.

Oh yes, about the chain. In most of the literature that I came across the phrase that batteries are only a source of voltage, and only resistances are a source of current. How so? How can resistance be a source of anything other than a source of resistance (heat doesn't count yet)? Everything is correct, if you rely on Ohm’s law I=U/R, but no matter how much resistance you apply, the current will not appear until there is a voltage source and a closed circuit (exactly like if you plug our pipe on the right with a stopper, whatever you do, the water meters will be silent) !

Resistance in the circuit simply must be present, because if it is zero, the current strength will rush to infinity. We see this situation during a “short circuit” - the spark is a very high current strength, or more precisely heat, equal to Q=(I^2)Rt (the formula is valid at a constant current and resistance).

Another important note- when considering the calculation of voltage and current, I did not find any clarification that in a closed circuit the current will be the same in all sections. Those. all counters will spin at the same speed and show the same values. Essentially, the amount of current that passed through the circuit is similar to the amount of “water” that came out of the pipe.


Perhaps the simplest phenomenon to explain. Returning to our pipe, resistance is all possible restrictions and taps. According to what we discussed above, as the resistance increases, the current in the entire circuit decreases and the voltage at the ends of the resistance decreases. Or again in water realities - closing our tap half a turn will cause a decrease in water flow on all meters and a proportional (depending on resistance) decrease in pressure on pressure gauges.

So where does everything fall and decrease? This is where the analogy with water is ambiguous, since in the case of electricity, the “excess” turns into heat and is dissipated. The amount of heat that is released in this case can again be calculated by the formula Q=(ΔI^2)Rt (again at constant resistance). If we divide the amount of heat by time, we get the power that needs to be applied when choosing the resistor itself P=Q/t=(ΔI^2)R.

Smoking is not cool!

When I went to the Young Technician club, older comrades conducted “experiments” with lighting cigarettes using electricity. To do this, they took a power supply, connected low-power resistors to it and increased the voltage. Raised until it was red hot, like car cigarette lighter. After that, almost a moment later, the resistor “burned out” and went into the trash bin.

With direct current everything is clear, but alternating current?

Alternating current, as such, is rarely used in radio electronics. At a minimum, it is made constant and in most cases reduced. Apparently this is why the literature I came across practically does not talk about him.

What is its difference? From a layman's point of view, in a small way, the direction of the current in it changes. Here the analogy with a pipe is not entirely appropriate; the first thing that comes to mind is a cocktail shaker (the liquid moves back and forth when mixed in it). In radio electronics, we need to know how the current flows in our circuit in order to get what we want from it.

The next thing I went to look into was semiconductors. Holes? Electrons? Key mode? Cascades? Field effect transistor, the one that was found in the field? Nothing is clear yet...

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When it is necessary to suppress alternating currents of a certain frequency spectrum in a circuit, but at the same time effectively pass currents with frequencies above or below this spectrum, a passive LC filter on reactive elements - a low-pass filter (LPF) can be useful (if it is necessary to effectively pass oscillations with a frequency lower specified) or a high-pass filter (if necessary, effectively skip oscillations with a frequency higher than the specified one).The principle of constructing these filters is based on the properties of inductances and capacitances...

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Beginning radio amateur: school for beginner radio amateur, diagrams and designs for beginners, literature, amateur radio programs

Good afternoon, dear radio amateurs!
Welcome to the website ““

The site works “ Beginner radio amateur school“. Full course training includes classes ranging from the basics of radio electronics to the practical design of amateur radio devices medium difficulty execution. Each lesson is based on providing students with the necessary theoretical information and practical videos, as well as homework assignments. During the course of study, each student will receive the necessary knowledge and skills in the full cycle of designing radio-electronic devices at home.

In order to become a student of the school, you need a desire and subscription to the site’s news either through FeedBurner, or through standard window subscriptions. Subscription is required to receive new lessons, lesson videos and homework in a timely manner.

Only those who have subscribed to the training course at the “Beginner Radio Amateur School” will have access to video materials and homework assignments for the classes.

For those who decide to study amateur radio with us, in addition to subscribing, it is necessary to carefully study the preparatory articles:

You can leave all questions, suggestions and comments in the comments in the “Beginners” section.

First lesson.

Second lesson.
Radio amateur laboratory. We assemble the power supply.

We decide on the scheme. How to check radio elements.

Preparing parts.
Location of parts on the board.
Making the board yourself in a simple way.

Soldering the circuit.
Functionality check.
Making a housing for the power supply.
Making a front panel using the “Front Designer” program.

Third lesson.
Radio amateur laboratory. We collect function generator.

Designing a printed circuit board using the “Sprint Layout” program.
Use of LUT (laser ironing technology) to transfer toner to the board.

The final version of the board.
Silk-screen printing.
Checking the functionality of the generator.
Setting up the generator using special program“Virtins Multi-Instrument”

Fourth lesson.
Assembling a light and sound device using LEDs

We decide on a diagram and study the characteristics of the main parts.

Photoresists and their applications.
A little about the “Cadsoft Eagle” program. Installation and Russification of the official version.

We study the Cadsoft Eagle program:
initial settings programs;
– creation of a new project, new library and a new element;
- Creation schematic diagram device and printed circuit board.

We clarify the scheme;
We make a printed circuit board in the Cadsoft Eagle program;
We service the board tracks with the “Rose” alloy;
We assemble the device and check its functionality specialized program and a generator;
Well, in the end, we are happy with the results.

Let us summarize some results of the work of the “School”:

If you went through all the steps sequentially, then your result should be as follows:

1. We learned:
- what is Ohm’s law and studied 10 basic formulas;
– what is a capacitor, resistor, diode and transistor.
2. We learned:
♦ produce housings for devices in a simple way;
♦ tin printed conductors in a simple way;
♦ apply “silk-screen printing”;
♦ produce printed circuit boards:
– using a syringe and varnish;
– using LUT (laser ironing technology);
– using PCB with applied film photoresist.
3. We studied:
- program for creating front panels “Front Designer”;
– an amateur program for setting up various devices“Virtins Multi-Instrument”;
– program for manual design of printed circuit boards “Sprint Layout”;
– program for automatic design of printed circuit boards “Cadsoft Eagle”.
4. We have produced:
- bipolar laboratory block nutrition;
– function generator;
– color music using LEDs.
In addition, from the “Practicum” section we learned:
- gather simple devices from scrap materials;
– calculate current-limiting resistors;
- count oscillatory circuits for radio devices;
– calculate the voltage divider;
– calculate low and high pass filters.

In the future, the “School” plans to make a simple VHF radio receiver and a radio observer receiver. This will most likely be the end of the “School’s” work. In the future, the main articles for beginners will be published in the “Workshop” section.

In addition, started new section on studying and programming AVR microcontrollers.

Works of beginner radio amateurs:

Intigrinov Alexander Vladimirovich:

Grigoriev Ilya Sergeevich:

Ruslan Volkov:

Petrov Nikit Andreevich:

Morozas Igor Anatolievich: