How to open epub on a computer. Programs for reading e-books in epub format on desktop computers and laptops

Mass distribution of electronic publications - books, brochures, magazines, advertising brochures and so on - is a sign of our time. The boom of e-books practically coincided with the boom of personal computers. Even at the very beginning of the computerization era, there were many attempts to present information in an easy-to-read form on a computer.

The information was not stored in ordinary text files, but was recorded in a special format that allowed storing not only graphics, but even sound in the document. On 8-bit consumer computers like the Spectrum, amateur publishing flourished. Even now in archives and disk images you can find numbers of computer magazines of the past.

To reproduce them, self-written programs in BASIC and assembler were used. Then came the era of Windows and electronic pocket readers. Epub is one of the modern standards for electronic books, but you will learn from this text how to open the epub format on Windows.

Today books come in many forms.

By going to the pages of any electronic library, you can find there pdf, djvu, doc, chm, html files and even ordinary text files with the usual txt extension. Sometimes you can find epub files here.

If there is no alternative and it is impossible to download a document in another format, then the problem of reproducing epub documents in Windows immediately arises. First, a little about what these files are:

  • From English epub is translated as Electronic Publication - that is, “electronic publication”.
  • The file format is identical to an ordinary zip archive, and its contents include an XML document (container.xml) with the structure of the information offered to the reader.
  • Separate folders in the epub archive contain pdf and html documents with text, as well as drawings and even style sheets. This way, the information is not presented as a single image or tagged text, but rather is broken up into separate blocks that are easy to edit without affecting the rest of the document.

How to open ePub?

This format was originally intended to be multi-platform. The developers expected that it would be supported by all hardware and operating system manufacturers. This is approximately what happened - almost every Axis includes tools for visualizing the contents of these files.

The matter is somewhat complicated by the fact that different operating systems interpret the format differently and there is some incompatibility, but, in general, the situation is not so bad.

The opening toolkit for Windows includes the following programs:

In addition to the task of reading, you may want to edit the document or convert it from/to another representation. Therefore, our tablet contains not only reader programs, but also writer programs, as well as well-known converters for Windows. Try something from the list and choose the best.- Many generations of people were taught to read paper books. Since childhood. It is impossible to instantly change the established stereotype that a book can only be paper, this is a certain stress. But we live in the modern world, where photography, cinema, black-and-white and, later, color television, wireless phones have already appeared... Let's not be afraid of the term "electronic book". In Russia (and in the post-Soviet space), the fb2 format is most widespread. In the rest of the world the situation is slightly different, the most common format is mobi (due to the successful work of the giant Amazon), further- ePub (read "ipab" in Russian). ePub has a number of nice features; it can be read on all reading devices except Amazon Kindle (more about the format- in other publications). Unfortunately, for many reading enthusiasts, the unusual name of the format causes wariness, mistrust, etc. No one has any difficulties opening the pdf format, although reading this type of file also requires a “reader program”

Adobe Reader (and it is usually installed separately from the operating system). So, let's solve an equally simple question: “a program for reading ePub format.” For- reading epub on home computerPC there are several solutions. (Nothing complicated! - see illustration). All programs are free. Screenshots can be enlarged.

The following are direct links:1. Add-on for Mozilla Firefox browser: (!)

Alas, in 2018 this does not work for books in Russian.

(Perhaps later I will write a few more ways. Let me remind you that this publication is not for hardened users who have eaten more than one dog in the process of using gadgets and devices for reading and entertainment (bon appetit). Friends, not everyone is of the age of students and teenagers.)

4 For usersMac OS, Linux, Windows - programAzardi

Downloaded in the Download section. The program is free. (It also works under Windows. I did not see any significant advantages over CoolReader (at the time of writing this review), however, the program can be considered a “reference”, because it displays the formatting in ePub books with the highest quality and supports the 2.0 and 3.0 standard). After talking with the latest version of the program, I can say for sure: I recommend . A short review with screenshots can be read here: link Since December 2013, the program has a Russian interface.


5. Yandex browser allows you to read ePub without additional effort on the part of the PC user.

6. Windows 10 users can read ePub in the browser Microsoft Edge.


(addition to the Mozilla Firefox browser for 2018, alas, not functional, saved for archive)

Installing the Mozilla Firefox Browser Add-on: go to

The program is free for users of the Russian version of Windows and for non-commercial use. You can print a book from it, it supports formats of different types of text documents, pdf, epub, сhm, doc, docx, exl, rtf, cbr, cbz, mobi, fb2, jpeg, bmp and so on. Download the program and double-click to start the installation. The appearance is shown in the screenshot.

List of other programs that support epub reading: (this will not be useful to everyone)

= FBReader (FictionBookReader) - I liked the version for my home computer.5.3 MB distribution can be downloaded
via the link: hp (select your operating system there)

= Very interesting programAlReader2 - omnivorous, there are versions for PDAs, smartphones, home computers (for Windows) (Unfortunately, there are also minor shortcomings. In many epub books, this program for the home PC completely ignores the illustrations and cover)

= Excellent and versatile programSTDU Viewer (free, Russified)
The program supports most formats used in the modern computer world. First of all, these are, of course, PDF and multi-page TIFF. As well as DjVu, JBIG2, WWF and XPS. You can also use the program to view BMP, PCX, JPEG, GIF, PNG, DCX, WMF, EMF, PSD graphic files. For lovers of e-books, the program will help read books in formatsFB2 (including FB2.ZIP), TXT, TCR, PalmDoc (PDB), MOBI, AZW, EPub. For those who like comics, there is support for formatsCBR and CBZ.

= ProgramSigil - It is mainly used for creating and/or editing epub files, but it can also view books in epub.

= Adobe® Digital Editions - Support forPDF and EPUB (Win, Mac), (in this program it is useful to see whether the Cyrillic alphabet will be readable. Fonts built into epub, as a rule, solve the problem)


When working with a book in electronic format, it is quite common that it has an ePub extension, which is not recognized by standard programs of the Windows operating system. In this case, you have to resort to the help of third-party utilities in order to open the file.

What is ePub

EPub (Electronic Publication) is an open format for books in electronic versions. Unlike simple text formats such as txt and the like, ePub is a marked-up document that, in addition to plain text, can contain notes and additional information about the text that makes it easier to work with the file (indicating headings, highlights, lists, etc. ).

How to open ePub

It is possible to obtain the information contained in a file of this format in different ways. This can be either installing a full-fledged program on your computer or a simple browser extension.

If you do not want to overload the system with unnecessary programs, then a simple web browser may be enough for you to read an e-book.

Method 1: Using a Browser

There are special browser extensions for working with e-books. Let's look at the main ones.

Open ePub in Google Chrome

For the Google Chrome browser, MagicScroll eBook Reader is a suitable extension. The interface is simple and contains a minimal number of settings that do not overload the general appearance of the extension. The book can be read directly in the next tab, and you can choose the font and its color, and there is an auto-scroll option.

When you open full-screen mode, unnecessary elements are hidden and the book itself is displayed on the screen without distracting elements. There is a small settings menu on the side to adjust the book to your preferences.
It is possible to download books directly from your computer. If you have registered on the site, then all files are subsequently saved in your personal library. Adding books to the extension looks like this:

Open ePub in Mozilla Firefox

In the Firefox browser, a suitable extension is EPUBReader. It has a very simple design and settings. The user is given the opportunity to change the font, operating mode, add bookmarks, download books to the computer or open them in an extension directly from a personal device. Working with files is done as follows:

Method 2: Caliber

This reader is a cross-platform program for working with text files. Supports a large number of formats, including ePub. Allows you to convert books from one format to another. It is possible to create a cloud library on a personal PC with the ability to work with it on other devices. Books can be either uploaded to the created library yourself or purchased through online stores.

Using the settings, you can choose the book display style that is optimal for reading. This way you can edit the font, background and letter colors, and the number of pages displayed. Opening books is quite simple. When you next open the book, the page on which the work was completed will be shown.

Method 3: FBreader

This free ePub reader is cross-platform. It is possible to create your own library, sorting files by topic or author. Thanks to this program, you won't need to search for the book you need on your device or online over and over again. You just need to open it here once, and it will be saved in your personal library.

Method 4: CoolReader

This utility for working with electronic books supports the following formats: FB2, EPUB, DOC, RTF, HTML, CHM, TXT, TCR, PDB, PRC, PML, etc.

Working with the program is quite simple. It has a pleasant design, comfortable for reading and long work. It is also possible to change the design style for yourself

Method 4: STDUviewer

A small program for working with files. It has a multi-window interface that allows you to work with several documents at once. The sidebar shows page thumbnails.

Method 5: ALReader

A utility for working with e-books. It was originally used on mobile devices, but is now also supported on Windows OS. Supported formats, in addition to ePub, include FB2, mobi, doc, docx, odt, txt, etc.

There are a large number of programs that can open an ePub file, many of which are free. Moreover, it is not necessary to install a new utility on your computer, since you can even work with the document in a browser.

Many Internet users are active readers of books of various genres. With the development of technology, paper publications fade into the background, giving way to digital analogues. This is due not only to progress in the industrial field, but also to their mobility, compactness and ease of reading.

E-books can always be downloaded from the Internet or read online on the websites of specialized libraries. But recently, a previously unknown file format with the epub extension has become increasingly common.

Epub files and their structure

The epub extension was developed by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF). Electronic books with a similar format are archived files (zip archive). It contains various folders containing various information:

  • description of the publication in the form of an XML file;
  • the text of the book itself in one of the formats: (x)HTML or PDF;
  • connected fonts;
  • catalogs with graphic information contain: pictures, photographs and other images;
  • CSS files are stored in the styles directory.

This structure of e-books allows the publishing house to design and implement the same functionality and display type on computers and gadgets running different operating systems.

Attention! The EPUB extension provides copyright control and protection.

How to open EPUB files

Due to its flexible system of implementation and configuration, epub electronic books are becoming increasingly popular and in demand. You can use several methods to open such files:

  • online mode;
  • installation of necessary programs or applications.

When viewing on a personal computer, Android or iOS devices, you can use two ways to read books in digital format. To implement such operations, you can use the following software or install the necessary browser extensions:

  • Windows OS - Software: Caliber, Adobe Digital Editions, Universal, Viewer or FBRreader, browser extension: EpubReader.
  • Mac OS – Software: Caliber, FBRreader or CoolRreader, EpubReader extension is used to open in a browser window.
  • OS Linux – software method: FBRreader, Caliber or CoolRreader; when using a browser, you must install the EpubReader add-on;
  • Android devices – applications: FBRreader or CoolRreader.
  • OS iOS – iBooks (system application), BookMate, Stanza or i2Reader.

The high popularity and demand of the format contributed to the development of “readers”, software for viewing and editing, and a wide range of browser extensions. In this regard, you can choose a program for epub files depending on the preferences and wishes of the user.

Advice. If you have constant access to the Internet, it is recommended to use online services or browser extensions, which will provide quick access to the book database and eliminate the need to download them to the device’s memory.

Adobe Digital Editions

The software from Adobe has a free license and is freely distributed on the Internet. This software can be downloaded from the official website of the developer. It allows the user not only to view and read books in electronic format, but also to highlight and copy certain pieces of text, make bookmarks and notes. You can also use it to search the text throughout the book or in a specific section, print the desired pages or sections of text, and perform page-by-page navigation. In addition, depending on the selected font size, you can split the book into several columns.


The Caliber program is specially designed for opening and editing electronic books with the epub extension. It can be downloaded for free from the developer's website. After installation, it provides the user with the following options for working with files in this format:

  • catalog (sort or organize) all downloaded books in a single database (library) by author, year of publication, genre, title;
  • perform the functions of a converter both into epub format from pdf, fb2, etc., and vice versa;
  • provides the ability to flexibly configure literary and keyboard abbreviations;
  • changing the appearance (interface, cover) of the program;
  • provides all background information about the publication: book title, author's name, year of publication, genre, etc., and a preview and annotation of the publication are also available.

All these basic functions and settings greatly simplify working with the e-book, which can be customized for each user.


The FBRreader program differs from its analogues in its versatility. It is supported by almost all operating systems and devices. This fact testifies to its reliability, stability of opening and ease of reading books on any device and PC. It has all the functions and settings that are available in similar programs. In addition, the user is given the opportunity to view images and other illustrations in full screen format. Flexible adjustment of display brightness allows you to set the required mode depending on the ambient light level.


The CoolRreader viewer is one of the popular and multifunctional programs for working with epub files. Its adaptation mechanism adjusts the book text (font size and style, font style) to suit the vision of each user. Thus, the load on the reader’s eyes is significantly reduced, which eliminates the negative impact on the eyeball while reading. The presence of a “talker” function and a large database of artificial voices allows you to select the required timbre and intonation of the virtual narrator. Such program features completely relieve the user of the need to read publications.


The EpubReader application is supported by the main ones that most Internet users use: Google Chrome, IE and Firefox. To install this extension, you need to go to the add-on store of your specific browser and enter the name in the search bar. After installation, to read books, you need to click on the application icon and select the required edition from the library.

In addition to the main and most popular programs and add-ons for opening epub files, there are many viewers, editors, etc. Each user chooses the appropriate option that will meet all his requirements.

Caliber review: video

Hello, friends! In this article we will understand how to open ePub file on your computer. You can open this e-book format in various ways. We will focus on online services and applications for the Google Chrome and Firefox browser. If you are comfortable opening ePub in programs, then you can use STDU Viewer, AlReader, Cool Reader. These programs have portable versions. I would use them so I don't have to install anything on the computer. Since the fewer programs we install, the more stable our system works.

The ePub file opens in a separate tab. Below, with the blue buttons you can scroll through pages forward, backward and chapters or frequently. You can also customize the font.

I liked that if Firefox opens with the tabs that were open last time, the book opens where you finished reading it.

I liked the service and I even regretted a little that Google Chrome couldn’t do this. But it didn’t last long and I quickly found a service for my favorite browser, which we will look at in the next part. - Google Chrome

What I like about online services is that you can use it in any browser. Go to the website and click on the “Add a Book to Your Library” button

In the pop-up window, click “Select file” and add an e-book (ePub file) to your library

To see a hint with hot keys, press “H”.

At the top left of the page there are 4 more buttons: Return to Library, Open Table of Contents, Settings and Download.

In the settings you can select the theme and font size. I like to set the font small (Small)

There are all the functions as in the service + there is scrolling, which can be flexibly customized for yourself and without pressing any buttons. Naturally, if your browser is set to “open last opened tabs,” then the book will open at the moment where you finished reading it.

Click “FREE” and install MagicScroll eBook Reader in Google Chrome

In the pop-up window, click “Add”

and the application is installed.

MagicScroll eBook Reader is an offline application. That is, you can open ePub files without connecting to the network.

To launch, open a new tab in Google Chrome, click on the “Applications” button and select MagicScroll eBook Reader if you have visual bookmarks from Yandex installed

If you have everything by default, then you can look here how to get to applications in Google Chrome.

The only negative is the presence of scrolling at the bottom of the screen. There is no such thing in Opera.

A “Table of Contents” button appears at the top left

You can scroll through the pages using the arrows on your keyboard or click on the “Right” or “Left” arrow that appears when you hover your mouse over the very right or left part of the window.

When you close a book, remembers which page you stopped on and the next time you click on the “Read” button it will open the same page for you.


This article examined the question - “How to open ePub files on a computer?” We looked at three online services. I haven't had a chance to test them yet, but made the best first impression. With standard settings it is very pleasant to read. I also really liked that all services remember where you stopped to read a book.

Tell us how you open ePub files on your computer and what is the best way to open them on Android. So far I have installed AlReader and everything is fine.

Best regards, Anton Dyachenko