What a chameleon service on Beeline. An alternative way to disable Chameleon. Ways to disable Chameleon on Beeline

Mobile operators, trying to interest the client and at the same time additionally monetize their subscriber base, often offer some services that are not included in the main package key - communications and the Internet. These are, for example, services aimed at delivering special mobile content for subscribers.

Content Services

Of course, earlier, when Mobile Internet was not so affordable, and smartphones had functions that cannot be compared with the capabilities of today, mobile operators could quite profitably provide a variety of media content. In particular, these are pictures, screensavers, ringtones, and phone games that were downloaded to the device using a slow GPRS Internet.

Times have passed, and today you can download any screensaver in HD quality from using WiFi- high-speed wireless internet. As a result, operators' income from content trading has probably dropped. There is no need for people to use such services anymore. Obviously, this state of affairs does not suit the operators. And some of them decided to somehow change this by connecting new functions to their subscribers.

The way some operators continue to try to increase their income is demonstrated by one of the leaders of the Russian telecom market. It's about about the well-known Beeline operator (Chameleon function). What it is, how it works and why it is needed - we will explain in this article.

Beeline: Chameleon service

The company does a favor to each new subscriber - it activates the “Chameleon” function. It looks like this: the screen of your smartphone periodically displays information about some melodies, news, pictures and games available for downloading from the company’s portal. You, as a subscriber, according to Beeline’s idea, should be interested in this and, thus, you will not miss the opportunity to use such a service.

This is, one might say, a soft but quite persistent way to impose to a simple user something he doesn't need. Where can this be taken from? Just look at reviews about the operator on forums dedicated to mobile communications, as well as questions about how to cancel Chameleon (Beeline), which subscribers regularly ask on the Internet.

How it works?

You may ask - how can the operator control what is displayed on our screen? They do this using special system messages. The MTS operator and, perhaps, other companies are using the same technology. The point is that a person sees push messages on his display, which, frankly speaking, he does not need if he wants to dial phone number or write a message. Why a subscriber should constantly broadcast new music from his catalog and some interesting news is also unclear: a person who might be interested in this, in theory, will go in on his own and see what he needs. Therefore, most likely, the matter here is simply a matter of material interests of the Beeline company. The “Chameleon” service really irritates the subscriber quite a lot.

What could be interesting?

As stated on the company's website, the content displayed short messages on the user's screen, divided into the following categories: images, videos, ringtones for mobile phones, comics, games and programs. The “Chameleon” service (Beeline) is available - we will tell you how to disable it a little further in the text - in this way: the user is shown a potentially interesting headline, after which he is given the opportunity to continue viewing the marked news in full mode. To do this, sometimes you need to pay a certain amount (it will be debited directly from your account). However, some of the most general news, may be free - this is directly indicated on the phone screen. In general, all content is paid. This also influences the fact that people are trying to disable Chameleon (Beeline) in order to randomly don’t switch to some paid news and waste your money.

Service cost

As for prices, they vary depending on the type of content the user is working with. If we talk, for example, about pictures, then it’s 33 rubles, about videos or musical compositions- 68, while games, programs and comics will cost 102 rubles. There is also Additional services, for example, viewing some news or sending requests - their cost varies. In any case, disabling Chameleon (Beeline) will eliminate the need and possibility of withdrawing funds, so if you are not interested in such content for that kind of money, you can simply suspend this function. By the way, we’ll tell you about this too. Judging by the reviews, exactly how to get rid of the service is what people are looking for great amount subscribers. Don’t worry, Beeline makes disabling Chameleon quite easy and quick.

How to refuse?

This can be done at any time, regardless of whether you have access to the Internet or not, your balance has been replenished, and so on. You just need to dial the combination *110*20#, which will send in USSD request format necessary information to the operator's server.

The second way to disable Chameleon (Beeline) is Personal Area. Every user can have it; just register on the operator’s website. It's all free, but it's convenient because it allows you to manage your mobile number and the services that are connected to it. So, if you are looking for how to disable Chameleon on Beeline, just go to your personal account and refuse the function.

Who can benefit from Chameleon?

As already noted, we have repeatedly encountered questions from subscribers about how to get rid of the service. It is obvious that the emergence advertising messages(albeit for 1-3 minutes, but still) irritates any person. After all, this is the same as an operator’s intrusion into the user’s personal time and attention. Therefore, everyone is interested in how to remove “Chameleon” on Beeline.

However, there may be a small fraction of total number subscribers who are interested in pictures for 33 rubles apiece. For example, those who simply do not know how to download them for free. Or let's say people who don't have access to normal internet. However, how in this case they are going to upload the image received through Chameleon is unknown.

For other Beeline users, the Chameleon service is obviously a source of irritation - visually it interferes with the use of their mobile phone. That's why everyone wants to turn it off. Perhaps, if the operator had not provided it “forcibly” to all new subscribers, then the attitude of subscribers towards it would have been different. And a person who connected it on his own, of course, would not first look for how to disable Chameleon on Beeline. He would quite possibly be pleased with the opportunity to constantly receive interesting content.

When developing the service, the experience of a number of countries in organizing information and entertainment services, which are in demand due to their simplicity and ease of use.

The service is provided only in Russia, except for the Kaliningrad, Amur, Kamchatka and Orenburg regions, and the Stavropol Territory. It is impossible to use this service while roaming.

Users of the Chameleon service from the mobile operator Beeline from 8-00 to 22-00 daily receive the latest information in the form of headlines, the arrival of which is indicated by a flash of light on the display.

This could be business news, education, weather forecasts, economic reviews, sports information and cultural chronicles. Also blocks of entertainment in the form of WAP reports, quizzes, logos, java games, ringtones. Information is transmitted in text message format. The notification arrives silently and does not disturb normal mode phone operation. In order to keep abreast of all the news, it is enough to sometimes glance at the screen. The message is displayed on the display once every approximately 15 minutes, the display time is up to 3 minutes, additional charges receiving from subscribers information block

not required.

Beeline customers have five channels at their disposal. Information is connected by default. Through your Personal Account you can independently connect “Cosmo”, “Sport”, “Vedomosti” and “Timeout”.

How to connect

All new SIM cards are already connected to the Chameleon service and there is no need to make any settings. If the subscriber has an old-style SIM card, to connect from his phone the subscriber just needs to send short command

*110*21# . The client should not worry if no changes have occurred after this call. In this case, you can easily, the phone number will not change. Replacement of the card is free of charge.

Price The Chameleon Beeline service is provided to subscribers free of charge. Subscribers pay only if the news is opened for viewing, about which there was a warning in the headline. Meet and free messages

, as indicated in the text. In order to view the information of interest, just press the “Ok” button on your phone and familiarize yourself with the details.

  • Including taxes, the cost per day is:
  • news information - from 1.7 to 10 rubles,
  • viewing images will cost 33 rubles,
  • watching videos and listening to music for 68 rubles,
  • a melody for costs 70 rubles,
  • payment for one-time requests is up to 30 rubles,

JAVA games, viewing applications and comics are the most expensive, at 102 rubles.

How to disable The service may not be appropriate on phones that are used to resolve production issues. In this case, it distracts from the solution important issues

  • Via USSD command. Just dial special combination numbers: *110*20# . After sending the USSD command, the user is sent a message with information about ordering to disable the service. After a short period of time, a confirmation SMS will arrive and the service will be disabled.
  • Through your Beeline personal account. Disabling is performed as follows. Entering the BiInfo menu, then going to (chameleon) and using the Activation item disables the newsletter.
  • Through. Through your personal account and the option that allows you to manage services, find Chameleon, check the box and click “Disable”.

It is possible that after disconnecting according to one of the indicated schemes, messages from the Chameleon will still be received on the display; it is always possible to receive new SIM card keeping the same number.

See also how to another subscriber.

» » "Chameleon" service from Beeline

"Chameleon" is a service mobile operator Beeline. By activating it on the phone, the user receives various newsletters on the phone display. Short information messages from Chameleon linger on the screen for about 1-3 minutes. They are dedicated to a variety of topics: business, quizzes, sports, culture, music, games, etc.

From this article you will learn how to disable Chameleon on Beeline, as well as how to deactivate its analogues in other cellular networks(MTS, Megafon, on TELE2).


By default, in Beeline SIM cards, the “Chameleon” option is already activated on the phone. The service sends messages to subscribers free of charge every day from morning to late evening (8.00-22.00).

To disable the Chameleon service, send the USD command from your mobile phone - *110*20#.


If you decide to disable Chameleon on MTS, keep in mind that in this company this service is called differently - “MTS News”. And if you don’t want to see the news on the display, you need to turn it off.

Deactivation is performed in two ways:
1. USSD command - *111*1212*2#.

2. Through the service options menu on the phone:

MTS Services → News → Settings → Advanced → Broadcasting → Turn off


If you are faced with the task of disabling “Chameleon” on Megafon, then we are talking about the “Kaleidoscope” option. This is the name of the thematic channel service of this operator.

The service is managed in the following ways:

  • *808*0# - refuse to receive service news;
  • *808*1*0# - deactivate the “Entertainment” channel;
  • *808*11*0# - completely disable the channel.

You can also disable it in your profile on the MegafonPRO SIM portal:

Kaleidoscope → Settings → Broadcasting → Turn off

This operator’s news service is called “TELE2 Tema”. To turn off news broadcasting on all topics, dial and send the command *152*0#. Or, in the “Tele2 menu” application, selectively delete mailings: Tele2 topic → My topics.

That's all! Now you know how to disable the Chameleon service in Beeline and similar subscriptions from other operators. Good luck setting up your SIM card!

A service such as “Chameleon” provided by Beeline is exclusively information and entertainment in nature. Any subscribers who use Beeline communications can use this option. After activation, the subscriber will be able to receive a variety of news feeds, data about new applications or games. In addition, it provides the opportunity to learn about new musical hits and competitive programs. Also with the option you can get even more information capabilities.

All data presented in this review was considered for residents of Moscow and the region. Prices for other areas may differ from those indicated in the article. In this regard, it is recommended to obtain detailed information from the call center operator or on the company’s website.


The service works quite simply. You just need to turn it on and various notifications will begin to appear on the screen. They will arrive under the guise of notifications from at certain intervals, on various topics: news, new products, promotions, java, videos, jokes, horoscopes, etc. All messages that come in will have a subject and signature. When a person using the service becomes interested in the information sent, they will need to open the SMS to continue reading.

If the option becomes too intrusive and unnecessary, you can always deactivate it. It doesn't take long. Subscribers also need to know that messages that arrive on the device do not take up the phone’s memory and are not saved. The news that comes in will only be viewable for a maximum of 3 minutes. After that, she will disappear from the screen.

Messages usually arrive at intervals of 15 minutes. You can use this service via a SIM card. In this regard, there is a possibility that the option will not function on an old-style SIM card. To enable the option, you will need to replace the SIM card. To do this, you can come to the Beeline office and specialists will easily make the replacement, preserving all the data.

The Chameleon service can work on all types of mobile devices. Therefore, do not worry that the option will not be available on a certain mobile phone.

To many clients this function I don't like it because of her intrusiveness. This is due to the fact that with the arrival of new messages, the mobile backlight constantly lights up and triggers sound accompaniment.
It should also be noted that the function does not work all the time. Thus, customers receive messages starting from 8 am to 10 pm. But the service also works on weekends. This time The client will not be able to change it.

Chameleon service cost

An undoubted advantage can be considered that the service does not have subscription fee. Also, clients who use the option do not pay for incoming messages. You will have to pay for the service only if you click on the specified link to continue reading the news. It is at that moment that funds are written off from the balance. The cost for the transition is different and depends on which particular tape is being read:

  • Payment for information subscriptions is from 1.7 rubles. up to 10 rub./day.
  • Using a one-time feed view – from 15 rubles. up to 30 rub.
  • To follow the link to the pictures you need to pay 33 rubles.
  • Follow the link to the video – 68 rubles.
  • The cost of switching to games will be 102 rubles.
  • The cost of records for the “ ” option from the company will be 70 rubles.

In addition to paid news, it is possible to view information on free of charge. There are very few such notifications, but if they arrive, then in the middle of the letter it is indicated that viewing the news costs 0 rubles.

Subscribers can detail the information on switching to news by going to SMS and scrolling down. At the end of the SMS the amount of viewing information is always indicated. If there are not enough funds in your phone account, then you won’t be able to read the paid news. To do this, you will need to top up your account and enjoy the service to the fullest.

How to activate the service

Activation of this service maybe in automatic mode, but this is not available to all clients. Subscribers who purchased new SIM card, will be able to use the option that turns on automatically. People who have been using a SIM card for a long time will have to enable the service themselves.

To activate, you can use the following methods:

  1. Dial *110*21# on your device and after entering make a call. After this, the service should be activated.
  2. If a person is uncomfortable using the code described above, then you can activate “Chameleon” through the SIM card menu.

When the option is activated, but notifications do not appear, this is a sign that the SIM card should be replaced.

How to disable Chameleon on Beeline

Many customers complain about the service. After all, it can distract from work and is not always convenient. Also, due to the phone's backlight being constantly on, the battery drains too quickly. Therefore, to deactivate the option you will need to perform any action:

  1. You can go to the SIM card menu and, at the appropriate point, unsubscribe from the provided mailing list.
  2. If you can’t disable the service through the menu, you can dial in your phone special team to turn off. Please enter *110*20# and press the call button. After the request is processed, the service will be disabled.

You can disable and enable the function many times. Payment is not debited, and Beeline does not impose a limit on the number of activations and deactivations.

More quantity mobile operators provides its clients with a huge amount information services. Informing occurs by sending to the number mobile phone messages. Newsletter allows you to send any information to all subscribers of a mobile operator.

Thanks to the Chameleon service, messages are sent to all users’ phones mobile network. There are advantages that subscribers are informed about new tariff plans, about the options provided by the operator. Big number entertainment and news are sent to your mobile phone number.

Description of the Chameleon service

The service provides news and entertainment to all subscribers of the Beeline mobile operator. Information comes on various topics: sports, business, culture, education, quizzes, games, men and much more. At absolutely any time on the screen mobile device information will be displayed.

They will be displayed on the device display for 1-3 minutes, with different themes displayed. Sometimes you need to look at the screen of your mobile device so as not to miss interesting information.

When the Chameleon service is activated, messages will automatically be sent to the number associated with the SIM card from eight in the morning to ten in the evening.

How to activate the chameleon service on Beeline

In order to activate the service, you simply need to use the USSD command. On the keyboard of your mobile device, enter the combination * 110 * 21 # and, accordingly, the call button to send the request.

You can also use the Beeline menu to activate the Chameleon service. To do this, you need to open a tab in the BiInfo menu, after Chameleon, then Activation and turn on the newsletter.

Almost every Beeline client can activate the service. If it was produced free replacement SIM card, then the service will be tied to old number telephone, so all the latest news will arrive as before.

If necessary, the Chameleon service can be disabled quite easily. There are two ways to do this:

  • From a mobile device you need to send a request with code characters * 110 * 20 #.
  • Using the Beeline menu, you need to open the same ones as when connecting, only in last tab you need to select “turn off mailing”.

Service cost

Pop-up messages are free for mobile network users. However, when the information interests you and you open it, it may cost some money. This cost is indicated with the price and VAT in the title.

If you sign up for a newsletter, it will cost from 1.7 to 10 rubles, which will be debited from your account every day. The desired one-time request for information will cost 15-20 rubles. When you subscribe to pictures, you pay 33 rubles for them. It costs more to receive video and realtone, amounting to 68 rubles, but comics and java games are provided for 102 rubles.

There are cases when there is no need to pay for the continuation. This notice will be provided to the subscriber.