What is swipe: case, keyboards. What is Swype in a smartphone, what is it for and what are its main advantages

Swype is the best, although not the most used, method for entering text messages in its field of application. It is intended exclusively for touch screens. The main advantage this attachment in your smartphone, tablet is a feature that allows you to enter words without taking your fingers off the device display.

The application works easily and simply: you just need to move your finger from letter to letter, and the words will be shown to you on the screen. You should lift your finger only to make a space between these very words. To make this particular method of entering information the most effective, manufacturers used a technology called Swype. This program implements a special algorithm for entering characters, as well as correcting errors. The application is called swipe keyboard. The program uses in great demand worldwide. And now in more detail about what swipe is.

Swype: technology

Let's consider this issue in detail. What is swipe is of interest to many people, because the program is completely new, and few people know all the details about it.

The language of the so-called standard input, which is popularly called T9, shared with the newfangled technology the competent input of words. This feature lies in the fact that the program itself tries to predict the word that will be written based on the first letters entered. Our new technology not only makes it easy and simple to dial text message, but also do it very quickly on absolutely any type of display. Due to this new technology even the most unadvanced this issue people will be able to type about 45 words per minute due to simple movement finger on the keyboard of your smartphone. This type of application is designed for mobile phones, various gaming gadgets, TVs and other devices with touch controls.

It’s not at all strange what exactly this type technology is the fastest among its peers. And all thanks to the intelligence that is built into the system and helps to predict words.

Benefits of the new technology

  • You will be able to enter more than 40 words on your device in one minute. This will allow you to save time when typing messages and actively communicate with other people.
  • This method is the most convenient for various tablets, as well as personal computers.
  • The technology allows you to use several fonts at once.
  • Also can support standard layout keyboards.
  • You can easily and quickly edit incorrectly spelled words.
  • You can enter text either with your finger or with a stylus.
  • The display becomes quite sensitive.

Detailed description of "Simon Swipe"

This is a game of electronic format. The application is designed well-known company Hasbro. The rules of this game are simple and accessible to everyone.

The gamer must repeat the previously heard sound and light signals and at the same time press the corresponding buttons. Each time the game moves up a notch, thereby becoming more and more difficult. Go to new level accompanied by special signal. The appearance of a red signal and a sharp sound means a loss. "Simon Swipe" helps develop a child's attention, but it should not be abused.

The fun captivates not only children, but also adults. The toy runs on three AA batteries; a standard set is included in the package of the game itself.

To purchase the electronic game "Simon Swipe" at a low price, you should use online resources. Usually they organize delivery to any point in Russia by courier or by post. Shipping to other countries is also often possible.


As for the keyboard that many are familiar with, it is not bad at all, but compared to the ideal, new type, it still needs to grow and grow. It is for this reason that absolutely all developers try to provide standard means something new and interesting.

For example, the swipe keyboard is alternative keyboard for Android and iOS.

The application's artificial intelligence allows you to create a so-called unique language model on your smartphone or any other gadget. Numerous functions of the application allow you to quickly enter not only words, but also any other characters. Thanks to the built-in dictionary, the keyboard will “suggest” possible options while typing.

Swipe case

Since the cost of the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 smartphone is quite high, it itself needs additional protection case and screen. This is especially true for unwanted encounters with hard surfaces, water, dirt and dust. Only a swipe case can ensure good safety for your phone. It is made from genuine leather and will last a long time.

From this article you learned what swiping is in several of its guises, and also became acquainted with a new technique.

Most owners of smartphones, tablets and other touch devices know about the concept of swiping, but not everyone can say what it is.

But most people on the planet use this every day, many times a day.

Therefore, it makes sense to examine the notation in more detail this term and how it is used.


The word "Swype" is taken from the English language. It is a combination of two other words - "swipe", which means "slide", And "type", which means "enter text".

At one time, and to be precise, in 2010-2011, the developers of Nuance Communications combined these two words.

They needed this in order to use the resulting term to refer to the method of entering characters that they had invented.

To be precise, Swype is a text input method in which your finger or stylus does not leave the keyboard on the screen.

This is exactly what Nuance Communications specialists had in mind when they created their creation.

The main inventor of the swipe is Cliff Kushler, who also invented T9, the well-known text input system with hints (that's to say in simple language).

The first release of the character set method we are considering is dated April 24, 2013, when users operating system Android 2.2 around the world were able to try entering text this way.

This is interesting: Latest versionSwype ( was released in the same year 2013, only in December. Since that time, Nuance Communications has not engaged in new developments in this area. In addition, the company only nominally supports its product, since there is simply no point in making any changes.

Today there is trademark Swype Inc., created by Nuance Communications. She owns all rights to use, as well as profits from of this product.

Any user can go to swype.com to find out more information.

Features of the algorithm

Initially this method was designed for touch screens, which at that time (2011-2012) could display standard keyboard.

From the very beginning, the developers developed an input method that would allow you to add characters by lifting your finger only in between this action.

Immediately Swipe was connected to T9 and the keyboard began to guess the words that the user was entering. True, it uses its own, slightly modified guessing system.

Swype includes three main modules:

1 Stylus/finger trajectory analyzer.

2 Word search module in its own database.

3 Interface (keyboard or a program that records movement on the screen).

According to research, using this method, a person can enter about 30-40 words every minute.

The record belongs to Andrey Dubikov, who managed to type 25 words in 18 seconds. Besides, this system supports great amount languages, including Russian.

What devices is it used on?

Today, Swipe is used on almost everyone touch devices. To be precise, then this input method is available on the following operating systems:

  • Android;
  • Bada;
  • MeeGo;
  • Symbian;
  • Windows Mobile;

Surely, your device has one of these OS. This means that you can also safely use Swype to enter text, unlock the screen and other purposes.

It could be a smartphone, tablet, computer, netbook and much more.

Additional features

Before latest version developers constantly added something new and interesting to their product. Here are just some of the possibilities this method input:

    Own dictionary. Interestingly, it is updated based on what users around the world enter. If a word that is not in , has been used several times, it will be automatically entered. This approach allows you to guess as accurately as possible what a person will enter.

    Personal dictionary. Each user also has a specific set words, which includes everything that the user entered on his device.

    Voice input. The ability to enter text using words spoken into the gadget's microphone is also part of Swipe. It was added relatively recently. By the way, the above-mentioned dictionaries also include those phrases that were entered using voice.

    Synchronization. All dictionaries are not remembered for specific device, but for the account on which it works. If we're talking about about Android OS, then it is used Account on Google. So, if you have one on Android and they use the same Google account, then the entered words will be entered into the database for both devices.

    Analysis for errors. Based on the data from all dictionaries, information is taken to check the entered text. If typos or other errors are found in it, the user is notified about this. For this, for example, a red underline can be used - as in.

    Several types of keyboards. For example, Swype provides Various types keyboards for tablets and other devices.

    Using gestures. Each user can set their own set of gestures to perform certain commands. This applies not only to working with the keyboard, but also to the operating system as a whole.

All in all, Swipe is a very multidisciplinary system, a multifunctional text input method that is now used by the majority of users who have gadgets.

Is there an alternative?

This is worth talking about in more detail.

At its core, Swype is QWERTY keyboard with convenient message entry. The idea of ​​a keyboard itself is not new: to type text, you just need to connect the necessary letters with lines, the main thing is not to lift your finger from the screen until all the letters of the word are marked. Such applications have existed for a long time, and many gadgets have “swipe” in their keyboards. By the way, Swype also existed before, however, it was very difficult to install and only the bravest users dared to do it. The application was released in two versions: full and trial. The trial (free) version is valid for thirty days, and the full version costs 31.32 rubles.

The clear advantage of this application is its ease of use, the number of different features and convenient gestures. For example, using this utility, you can forget about the space. As soon as the user completes a word, he can enter the next one - a space will appear automatically. After the first launch, the program displays Terms of use, synchronization and, of course, educational pictures. The pictures explain in detail how to use this keyboard and talk about its capabilities.

Swype supports about 50 different languages peace. The scale of development is such that each language has its own error correction algorithm, as well as a method for guessing words by their first letters. At the same time, he doesn’t guess words very well and often has to type them out completely. Changing the keyboard layout is simple - you just need to hold down the spacebar for a couple of seconds and select the typing language. By default, the utility is equipped English layout, other languages ​​must be downloaded in the application settings.

Uncomfortable sliding through letters? Click on each character individually or dictate text into your device's microphone. The recording icon is located at the bottom between the dot and the smiley face. Settings can be accessed directly from the keyboard; they are disguised as the Swype application icon, which is located in the bottom row on the left.

The keyboard design can be easily changed; this can be done in the application settings. Everyone will like at least one theme, because the user is presented with as many as thirteen different designs. And the last thing I would like to talk about is the word cloud. Swype is the only program of its kind that offers convenient synchronization user dictionary and constant pumping of new words. And most importantly, you can even write in the dictionary email addresses. Not all applications of this kind allow you to do this. Since the user is one of the creators of the lexicon of his keyboard, he will never reproach it for lack of words.

If you are not, let us remind you that Swype is a utility that replaces the standard Android keyboard own, more “smart” one. By tracking the movement of the finger across the display, the system tries to guess what word the user is typing and suggests the next one, taking into account the context. If she doesn’t succeed, she offers replacement options, and quite accurate ones.

How to install and configure
The keyboard is available on Google Play starting this morning for a temporarily reduced price of $1, with a free trial available. After the first launch, the application will guide you through the setup steps. First you will need to go to “Settings” → “Language and input” and check the box next to “Swype”. A warning will appear that the application can collect all entered data except passwords - this is true, but Nuance is a reputable company with a long history and there has been no reason not to trust it yet, so we agree. After this, press the “back” button to return to the setup wizard and at the next stage load Russian from the list of languages.

Finally, on last stage you can register your account with Nuance - this will give the keyboard access to the cloud dictionary database, and also allow you to restore your personal settings and synchronize them between devices, for example, a smartphone and tablet. By the way, in this case you won’t have to buy Swype twice (as is the case, for example, with SwiftKey) - the application is universal and works on devices of different form factors.

Further setup of Swype depends on personal preferences. In the "My Words" section, for example, you can allow the utility to maintain a custom dictionary based on texts from Facebook, Twitter and Gmail emails. Also in the settings, you can enable voice and handwriting input, change the theme, or determine whether the keyboard should underline misspelled words, make corrections yourself, or set auto-space.

Key features of Swype
In the latest version 1.5, Nuance has taken the path of improving existing features.

● "Dynamic Dictionary" (Living Language) takes into account when typing words and phrases that are used in real time by users around the world. It will help the keyboard replenish lexicon and improve the accuracy of guessing. This function can be activated in the "My words" section. By default it is disabled.

● One more useful feature, "Intelligent Editor" ( Smart Editor), analyzes entire sentences and suggests corrections possible mistakes. When you put a period in a sentence, Swype will underline the words that, in the program's opinion, were misspelled (autocorrect should be turned off).

On the left is a “smart” editor that highlights errors

● If you have several Android devices (for example, a smartphone and a tablet), Swype Connect will make life easier. This function automatically creates backups dictionary, transfers them to the Nuance “cloud” and synchronizes them between different gadgets.

● Text can be typed not only by sliding your finger over the buttons, but also by voice (speech is processed by Dragon Dictation technology) and “handwritten” characters, which Swype itself converts into printed words. In version 1.5, voice input is enabled initially. During our tests, it turned out that it recognizes Russian speech no worse than voice service Google, but at the same time allows you to type several sentences in a row at once (the system puts a “.” sign when the word “period” is pronounced out loud). That is, typing small texts by voice on the go is no longer a problem (you need to be connected to the Internet). As for manual input, it is of little use on a smartphone. It may only be useful on a tablet with a stylus, if you have one.

As you can see, Swype strives to become as convenient as possible and please everyone: who likes to type text by swiping, pressing buttons, using their voice, or drawing each character manually. Keyboard functions evolve with every new version, and such a strategy could very well help Nuance expand its already large user base of 250 million-plus people.

IN Lately As the leader of alternative keyboards on Android, most observers called - and deservedly so - SwiftKey. Now the leader will have to make room - with the release of Swype on Google Play, he has a very worthy competitor. Moreover, it makes sense to look at Swype, even if typing text without interruption is, as it seems to you, “not your thing.” The program has a very smart dictionary, many themes for every taste, and also a great function voice input, which can, among other things, be used for typing texts of short or medium length, and not just individual words. Finally, owners of multiple Android devices will be pleased with the fact that there is no need to buy separate keyboards for smartphones and tablets:

(SwiftKey, GO Keyboard, Kii) you can from our review.