Clean your browser from ads and pop-ups. Ways to disable pop-up ads in your browser. How to act

Most of us spend a significant portion of our time on the Internet. It could be working or watching interesting pages and films. However, the amount of intrusive, constantly popping up advertising is beginning to be very annoying. You can get rid of it by setting up your browser or installing a special utility.

  1. Visiting unverified sites that contain viral content.
  2. Installation on a computer malware or extensions.
  3. Search engine protection is disabled.

Video - step-by-step setup to disable advertising in the browser

Ways to disable advertising

Install a special utility

Adguard or Adblock

These programs help fight pop-ups, spam and prevent random installation inappropriate content. They are easy to use and accessible to all users.

The Adguard program looks more advanced and has the following features:

  1. A very effective filter against advertising and pop-up banners.
  2. There are versions for mobile and tablets based on Android.
  3. Prohibits visiting suspicious sites.
  4. User-friendly interface with parental control function.

Important! When downloading these utilities, be careful - you may encounter similar names.

Delete unnecessary applications possible using the program CCleaner or through the control panel by opening the uninstall programs tab. Unknown or recently installed programs are removed from the application list.

Removing unnecessary browser extensions

To remove an accidental extension, no additional software installation is required. They arise due to accidental clicking on pop-up banners and windows while working. Disabling all unnecessary extensions will allow you to safely view your favorite pages. To do this, you will need to change the add-on settings, which differ slightly in different search engines.

After removing all unnecessary permissions and enabling built-in protection, the browser restarts and its functionality is checked. In most cases this is enough for comfortable work with applications. For more effective protection from pop-up advertising will be needed special programs, working in automatic mode.

Special programs for removing pop-up windows

The problem with such banners and malicious utilities, which are spontaneously installed on the computer, is that the antivirus does not recognize them and sometimes skips their installation. It is difficult to find and remove such a plugin on your own, so special programs are used.

Hitman Pro

Very powerful and efficient, recognizes any unwanted program, even if it was deleted and only a trace remained. It cleans very quickly, does not require installation, but is paid (free demo mode for 5 days).


The program is free and completely in Russian, does not ask pre-installation. Designed to combat pop-up advertising and unwanted launch of malicious content. Protects against advertising viruses; the database is regularly updated by the program itself.

Malwarebytes Anti-malware

The program is free and can be downloaded to your computer. After installation, it can be launched in automatic protection mode or carried out manual scanning. All programs that interfere normal operation computer will be deleted. It has an impressive database of viruses, including Trojans.

To get rid of it you can use one of the listed methods. For clarity, you can watch a video on this topic.

Video - How to get rid of pop-up ads

Appearance on my site third party advertising in the form of a popunder using viral script code, made me think about the reasons for this phenomenon and their elimination. I wrote about how I did it, but I didn’t stop there. I had a fair question: who was able to do this and how?

That someone hacker way I was able to get into the management of my site, there was no doubt. But changing the password does not guarantee that a similar type of advertising will appear on my pages again.

A little analysis and study of this issue led me to the site, which one commentator once recommended to me for promoting sites in .

And then I remembered: a third-party banner appeared after that. how the day before, accidentally remembering Rulex, I used this service, and the next day the popunder was on the site.

There is a “checkmark” for prohibition, but now let’s look at “Exceptions”. According to my settings, only my blog should be in them. We look and... Oh, and there’s an uninvited guest -!

Select and delete uninvited guests. By the way, they could get into my site through an unencrypted entry in the browser. I’m not a hacker and I don’t know all their tricks for hacking websites, but the fact remains: it could have happened.

Why am I writing about this? And in order to tell those who do not know, but suddenly one day found themselves in similar situation In this way, they were able to not only detect the perpetrators of imposing their advertising on other people’s sites, but also could remove it when viewing the sites they visited. To do this, in the settings in the “Content” column you need to set the function to prohibit pop-up windows.

It is quite possible that this operation alone will not be sufficient, so I will offer you some ways to get rid of intrusive advertising. IN different browsers this does not always happen in the same way and installed add-ons (extensions, plugins) work with different efficiency.

Install the add-on Adblock Plus , which can be downloaded on this page:

Using this extension is very simple - just right-click on an image, banner or ad and select “Adblock Plus: block image...” or “Adblock Plus: block frame...” from the context menu that opens and the image will disappear.

Opera browser

Opera Version 11.50 Read very carefully. Be sure to set these addresses first: (menu—>Show menu) then in (Tools—>Settings—>Advanced—>Blocked content—>Add and add the following addresses there:)


http:// /abnl/
http:// /img/ma/cv.gif


Google Chrome browser

Everything is simple here: download Adblock Plus, install it and the advertising will be closed.

Except the above methods and plugins, there are many others. For example, you can make the appropriate settings in your antivirus programs. Kaspersky, Dr. are very good for these purposes. Web, Avast..

But about this some other time...

For greater clarity, I provide a video lesson that I found on the Internet on this topic.

Good luck everyone. I hope you now know how to get rid of intrusive advertising and viruses on the site.

(Visited 88 times, 1 visits today)

I personally encountered this problem, a friend of mine’s computer displays a bunch of ad blocks on absolutely all pages (even in search engines on Yandex, Google), the pages open by themselves and it doesn’t matter which browser to use, I tried it on different ones - Firefox, Chrome, IE . Everywhere the same result - advertising on the pages. At the same time, he had Kapersky antivirus installed, which was regularly updated. Even checking with an antivirus did not lead to anything - the advertising was still displayed on the sites.

Here is an example - the official ASUS website; such advertising cannot be there.

We check browser extensions to remove ads on websites.

You need to check which extensions are installed and enabled in your browser.

To view the extension in Firefox, you need to open the browser, click on the "Menu" button, select "Add-ons".

For users Chrome browser execute next steps: Click the "Menu" - "Tools" - "Extensions" button.

A window will open with all installed extensions.

If you see suspicious extensions, disable or delete them. If you don’t understand why you are using this or that add-on, just disable it, nothing bad will happen, just some add-on will be disabled. The Internet function will work, if you don’t notice the extension is disabled, then you don’t need it and you can remove it. For the most inexperienced, I would recommend disabling all add-ons and checking whether advertising appears on sites (restart the browser first); if the advertising is gone, then turn on the extensions one by one and check for the appearance of advertising, this way you will identify a viral add-on and remove it.

We remove “garbage” from your computer/laptop.

The next step is to clear the junk from your computer. By trash I mean temporary folders, recycle bin, etc. To do this, you can use a free program that does not require installation - CCleaner. Unzip the downloaded archive and run the corresponding version of your operating system EXE file(x86 or x64). The program will start, on the Cleaning menu, there will be checkboxes for the items that need to be deleted, I recommend leaving everything as default, clicking the "Analysis" button, after finishing the analysis, the "Cleaning" button.

CCleaner will not affect the files you need, if you look carefully at the items you will see that it will only remove potential junk -temporary files, cart, Cookie, browser cache, etc.

We get rid of viral advertising on websites by cleaning unnecessary programs on your computer/laptop.

Few people know, but in addition to installing one program, you can install one or more in parallel, or change the default browser, or change home page in the browser. This is not always good, since this is usually an attempt to hide changes made to the computer (for example, installing a virus). What to do to avoid this:

1) Do not download programs from torrents or suspicious sites; if you want to avoid catching any infection, go to the official website of the program and download from it.

2) When installing programs, carefully check the checkboxes and items installed there; it is because of mindlessly clicking the “Next” button that you can change settings or install unnecessary programs in parallel.

So, it is quite possible that by installing one program you installed a virus that inserts advertising into all sites, in order to check this, go and look at the list installed programs and remove the unnecessary ones. To do this, go to “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Programs and Features”.

Here you will see all the programs that are installed on your computer/laptop. Take a close look at those that are suspicious and unfamiliar to you. Remember when you started to see advertising blocks on the sites and look at what programs were installed at that time, see if there extra program, which you did not set. In my case, this method helped. I discovered the NetCrawl program, which I was unfamiliar with, and after uninstalling it, the ad blocks disappeared from all sites and browsers.

We clean your computer/laptop from viruses.

Well last step, even if you have removed the malicious program, clean your computer/laptop from viruses. I recommend cleaning with not just one antivirus, but several, you can use “disposable” ones, for example

Intrusive advertising on website pages annoys any user personal computer. If you want to read text and a window pops up above it, it's very distracting. Bright flashing banners tire your eyes and distract your attention. In addition, some users experience that their browsers automatically open pages with a huge amount advertising instead of the necessary ones. This article describes how you can remove web browser advertisements from your computer.

Advertising sources

The first type is disabled using correct settings browser and special plugins.

Intrusive viruses are a little more difficult to remove, mainly because in most cases, users accidentally install them themselves. As a rule, when installing a free or pirated software, the installation wizard will ask you if you would like to additionally install another “useful” utility.

Many users inadvertently skip this point and open ad viruses direct route to your computer. A installed antivirus cannot do anything, because the utility was installed with the permission of the computer owner.

Browser settings

The first thing you'll need to do is block pop-ups in your web browser. They are the most unpleasant type of Internet advertising and irritate users the most. Fortunately, you can turn them off standard means any browser. IN this manual we will look at this process at Google example Chrome, and in other programs you can do everything by analogy:

Now you can install on your internet browser additional expansion, which will block almost all advertising. The most popular plugin among these is free program AdBlock.

The extension has its own official website, from which you can easily download the distribution kit for any browser. Follow the link On the right side of the screen, click on the icon of your browser, for example, Yandex. After this, the button “ Install for Yandex.Browser" Click on it to begin the download and installation process.

After successful installation, AdBlock will be launched automatically. You don't need to configure or enable anything. Popup windows, contextual advertising, banners, advertisements in video players and much more will be blocked by the extension in real time and will no longer bother you.

Don't forget that this way you are installing AdBlock only for one browser. If you use several in your work different programs, you need to connect the extension to all of them by analogy.

Removing a malicious script

If, while browsing the Internet, you are periodically redirected to suspicious sites with a lot of advertising, these actions are probably performed directly from your computer using a special script.

If you have very few programs installed on your PC or you can guess which application may be causing similar problems, you can just remove it manually:

One of the most common similar programs is WebAlta.

ADW Cleaner

If you cannot find the source of the problems, you need to use the ADWCleaner utility. Follow this link

Once again, today I want to raise the issue of the catastrophic problem of the Internet. We'll talk about how to remove ads in browser, but you probably already understood this from the title picture.

The fact is that I have already told many times, in different articles, how to deal with this problem, but the problem is still there - readers’ browsers are simply teeming with advertisements. So I decided to remind you once again about the simplest and effective way getting rid of advertising in any Internet browser.

First of all, I’ll tell you about methods of distributing advertising - you must understand what you are dealing with in order to effectively combat this scourge.

Methods of advertising distribution

Ads reach your browser window in two main ways. The first is that site owners themselves host advertising code on their resources and receive money for clicks or transitions from readers. This is the bread of webmasters, legal, simple and the most legal way making money on the Internet. Don't blame us for this - maintaining a website is not a cheap endeavor.

It all depends on the site administrator - he is the one who controls the quantity, quality and content of advertising. Removing such advertising from pages is as easy as shelling pears.

The second method is viruses, Trojans, etc. they bring advertising agents (spyware) directly into your computer, which in turn load (bypassing the antivirus and firewall) all sorts of pop-up windows, banners and other, most often vulgar and dirty, advertising.

So, everything in order. We get rid of the usual advertising that lives on websites...

Adblock Plus - Internet without advertising!

Adblock Plus is completely free and open source. source and additional useful features...

By the way, Adblock Plus is the most downloaded browser add-on in the world! Millions of people use it - but you haven’t yet?

This add-on works based on special filters that you can subscribe to. Its authors constantly monitor advertising sources and add them, in real time, to their filters. You don't need to update anything and constantly download it.

Let's install this ad remover and forget about its existence forever. To do this we go to Adblock Plus official website and we see that our browser is automatically detected - we are given a link to install specifically for our browser...

If the add-on does not want to load...

...(this happens sometimes due to server load) - you can simply go to your browser settings and install it from the add-on store. To do this, insert the name (Adblock Plus) into search bar, on the browser add-ons page and find it - install it.

Adblock Plus starts working immediately after installation and there is no need to restart the browser. But we need to tweak this add-on a little. Go to its settings (left-click on the icon in the toolbar...

...or through the browser add-ons page)...

I recommend setting it up like mine (in the screenshots). Three subscriptions, which are active by default, are quite enough - personally verified. Don't forget to uncheck the box at the very bottom - "Allow some unobtrusive advertising."

To activate additional functions follow this link - everything is described in detail there.

I also recommend installing the Adblock Plus assistant - Element Hiding Helper. This add-on (by the same author) will allow you to hide text ads and any website elements yourself. IN context menu icon on the toolbar, the item “Hide element on page” will be added.

If the advertisement is not removed

If it was not possible to remove advertising using the first method described above and it continues to flash merrily on the pages of the site, congratulations, you have harbored a virus on your computer. I appreciate your kindness towards homeless viruses, but I strongly recommend getting rid of them.

This can be easily done using special antivirus scanners which I have already described to you...

Dr.Web CureIt! - the best healing utility (my description)

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is very good scanner(my description)

You will find many other scanners on my page official sites.

Ad blocking programs

Separately, I would like to say about the aggressively advertised on the Internet Adguard program- that’s even evil! Not only does it not cut all ads, monitors user actions, hangs in startup slowing down the system startup, constantly sends some data to the network... it also contains viruses! Don't believe me?...

This installer was downloaded from the official website.

During its installation, it asks you to make changes to your computer...

...but it is difficult to remove and not completely.

I beg you - not only are they shamelessly and openly lying, they are also violating competition law by advertising their product against the background of another brand.