iPhone backup failure. Inability to back up iPhone, iPad data or restore from an iTunes backup. Possible causes and their elimination

While creating backup data on iPhone, iPad or restore from a backup to iTunes program Warnings may appear indicating the impossibility or recovery from it. The reasons indicated may be of different content:

  • “...because an error occurred”;
  • "...since it happened Unknown error-1";
  • “...because the backup could not be saved on this computer”;
  • "...because the session failed Reserve copy»;
  • "...because the session could not be started";
  • “...since the request was rejected by iPhone”;
  • "...because there is not enough free space."
Before performing further procedures, we recommend that you save the previously created backup copy of your data just in case.

Where are iPhone or iPad backups stored?

  • Mac:~/Libraries/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/
    Here the tilde symbol (~) corresponds to the user folder and if there is no Libraries folder in it, click the Go menu while holding down the Option key.
  • Windows XP:\Documents and Settings\(username)\ Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\
    Or you can try to find the Application Data folder yourself by opening Start and selecting Run. In the input field that appears, enter the line %appdata% and click “ok”. This way you will have access to the Application Data folder, from which you can go further to \Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\
  • Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8:
    \Users/(username)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\
    Alternatively, open the Start menu, type %appdata% in the search bar, and press Enter. Then follow the rest of the path AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\

Failed to backup iPhone, iPad data to iTunes

Possible options for resolving problems associated with the inability to create a backup copy of iOS device data in iTunes:
  • First, reboot: Restart your computer and iPhone or iPad, and then try backing up your device again.
  • Update yourself. Update your software: download the latest iTunes version, install everything necessary updates for your Mac, update iOS.
  • Check whether there is free space on your hard drive. Insufficient free space may result in the inability to create a backup copy.
  • Check your security settings. You'll probably need to update yours software security or temporarily disable it. After that, try creating a backup again iPhone data, iPad in iTunes.
  • Disconnect your iPhone, iPad from your computer and reset the Lockdown folder. detailed instructions by reset is located . Then reconnect your mobile device to your computer and repeat the backup procedure.
  • Apple support.

Failed to restore from iPhone, iPad backup in iTunes

Possible options for resolving problems associated with the inability to restore iPhone and iPad data from a backup copy in iTunes:
  • Restart your computer and iPhone or iPad, and then try backing up your device again.
  • Update Software: Download latest version iTunes, install all necessary updates for your Mac, update iOS.
  • Check the free space on your iPhone or iPad. Lack of free space on your mobile device may make it impossible to restore from a backup. In this case, go to Settings on your iPhone or iPad and go to General > Reset > Erase Content and Settings. Then try restoring your data from the backup.
  • Check your security settings. It may be necessary to update your security software or disable it temporarily. After that, try restoring from your iPhone or iPad backup in iTunes again.
  • Disconnect your iPhone, iPad from your computer and reset the Lockdown folder. Detailed reset instructions are available. Then reconnect your mobile device to your computer and repeat the restore procedure from the backup.
  • Try restoring from a backup on another computer. First, copy the backup copy to the backup folder on the new computer. Where backup copies of data are stored is indicated above. You may also need to create a Backup or MobileSync folder.
  • If all else fails, contact Apple Support.

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Hi all! You need to make backup copies - that's a fact. And, as we know, Apple company offers us two excellent options backup save information - when iCloud help or iTunes. And if with iTunes everything is more or less clear - connected to the computer and “OK”, then with iCloud there may be problems. Which? The most varied.

For example, just recently my iPhone started“delight” me with a notification with the following text: “iPhone - backup failure. There is not enough free space in iCloud storage to back up your iPhone data." You take your phone off the charger, and then there’s this error. You see he doesn't have enough space!

Let's see why this happens and what can be done about all this? Let's go!

General information or why iCloud copying fails?

Here I will not describe at length and in detail about the “cloud” service itself (especially since I have a separate one), but I will highlight some main points.

So, iCloud is, in addition to an account, also a remote storage location for information (photos, videos, program data, messages, contacts, notes, backups and much more) of your iOS devices.

But the size of this storage is not infinite - Apple allocates only 5 gigabytes for free for any user. And when you do not fit within these limits, the error “Backup failed - not enough free space” appears.

What can be done and how to fix the problem?

There are several options to get rid of the backup error.

Method number 1 - Pay

Everyone wants money and Apple is no exception. For a relatively small amount of money, you can simply change your tariff plan iCloud and switch from free (5 GB) to any other plan with more memory. So to speak, buy more extra space in the "cloud". How to do it?

Open “Settings - Your Account- iCloud - Storage - Buy more space” and choose the tariff that suits you.

After payment, iCloud storage increases, which means there is already enough space for your data - a copy begins to be created without any failures.

Method number 2 - Free, but relatively long

Don't want to pay anyone? I fully understand your desire - there is never too much money, but here more Apple will charge the subscriber every month. We were completely stunned!

Well, you can do it for free. But then you will have to “keep within” 5 GB cloud storage. To do this, go to “Settings - Your account - iCloud - Storage - Management” and see what documents and data are stored there.

Do you see how something extra is taking up precious space? Feel free to turn it off.

It’s also worth paying attention to “iCloud Photo Library” (Settings - Photos and Camera). If this option is turned on, then your photos and videos are forced to be sent to the “cloud”, thereby “eating up” storage space.

But sometimes a situation like mine can happen - there is as much as 4.9 GB of free space (out of 5 GB free), and when creating a backup iCloud copies it still crashes. Why is this happening? It's all about the size next copy much more than 5 GB - the iPhone cannot create it because it will not fit into the allotted limit.

You can also view this information for yourself by opening the “Backups” tab in iCloud storage. Moreover, here you can always correct the data that will make up the copy (in order to “fit within” the allotted 5 GB) and, perhaps, you will even succeed!

Method number 3 - Free and fast

However, you can get rid of all these annoying signs indicating backup failures in a simpler way.

It is enough to disable the creation of copies in iCloud and use the same iTunes for this, where the space for your data will be limited only hard size computer disk.

To do this, open “Settings - Your account - iCloud” and move the slider opposite the corresponding menu item.

That's it, there will be no more failures. Victory!

Now a backup will be created on your computer automatically when you connect and sync with iTunes. And it’s better not to put this matter off for a long time, but to go and do it right now - it certainly won’t be superfluous, believe my little experience :)

P.S. Do you want more free free space in iCloud? Me too! Let's combine our efforts - put "like" and click on the buttons social networks. I’ve already put my “+1”, it’s up to you! :)

P.S.S. After reading the article, do you have any questions or questions? Be sure to write in the comments - we’ll try to figure it out together!

I was literally forced to write this instruction by a problem with a backup copy, which has already happened three times in 16 months of active use of the iPad. I didn’t plan to write instructions, so there will be practically no traditional screenshots. The strangest thing is that some of the nuances are not mentioned even in the Apple help, so my instructions will definitely be useful to someone, since questions about this problem are constantly asked.

So, one fine day, out of the blue (and that’s exactly what happened to me), the following message appears in iTunes:

True, my message was “iTunes was unable to create a backup copy of the iPad...” and the reason seemed to be different, but it doesn’t matter. There is a problem with creating a backup copy and it needs to be solved somehow.

Reasons for the error

1. The backup file (or files) is locked

2. The backup file(s) is corrupted


1. It is logical that your first action should be to restart your computer. At the very least, if some process in the operating system is blocking the backup files, then a reboot will probably solve the problem.

This process is not fast (it took me about three minutes to delete) if the number of files is large. In it iTunes time hangs up a bit.

If there is no backup in the device tab or it is not deleted, then you can remove it manually from operating system. Also, the paths below are useful for those who want to save a backup copy for one reason or another and want to move it to another location on the disk.

So, backups are stored:

/Users/[username]/Libraries/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/

Windows XP:
\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\

Windows Vista and Windows 7:
\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\

Further nuance: if you don't find this way in Windows Explorer or in Finder Mac Os, then the easiest way to solve the problem is file managers. For Windows you can use Total Commander, for Mac Os - muComander. In these programs, you must enable the display of hidden files.

So, we deleted or transferred old files.

We try to connect the iPad to iTunes again and create a backup copy. You can select your iPad on the left side of iTunes, click right click Click on it and select “Create a backup copy” from the drop-down menu.

If the error does not disappear (and two out of three times for me the error did not disappear), trying to restart the iPad.

Pressing the buttons turning on iPad and Home at the same time and hold until the red slider appears - turn off the iPad.

If the iPad freezes during this process and does not turn off (I had this happen too), then press the power button and Home button again and hold it. The iPad will turn off.

Let's turn it on. Let's create a backup...

If all else fails and the error appears again: “iTunes was unable to back up the iPad...”.(I didn’t get to this point, but it’s still worth continuing the instructions)... You can try to create a new user with administrator rights on the computer and make a backup on his behalf.

If the problem was solved under a new user and a backup copy is created without problems, then the cause of the error may be as follows: the original user has limited rights on the computer or specifically in the folder in which he is trying to create a backup copy. Solution: understand the reason for the lack of rights...

Also, beginners will find the information given in the article useful: iPad backup, which explains why it is needed at all and how to completely disable it, etc.

Conclusion: This instruction does not claim to be complete, although the likelihood that it will help you with a similar problem is very high.

There are several common errors that may occur when backing up your iPhone or iPad to iCloud. The strangest of them is related to the fact that the copy creation process does not complete, while iOS does not give any recommendations on how to fix the problem. How to get rid of such an error is described in this instruction.

Method 1: Delete the previous backup

Step 1. Go to menu " Settings» → iCloud → « Storage».

Step 2. Select " Control", and then a backup copy of your device, which was created earlier.

Step 3. On the page that opens, click “ Delete copy" Note that the button appears after a short loading time.

Step 4: Confirm deletion.

Immediately after this, try to create a new backup in the " Settings» → iCloud → « Backup copy».

Method 2: Create a backup in iTunes

The error related to the inability to create a new backup in iCloud can often be solved by creating a copy through iTunes and then activating the backup in iCloud.

Step 1: Connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer and launch iTunes.

Step 2. B iTunes window select your device.

Step 3: On the "" tab Review"check the box" This computer" and press " Apply».

Step 4: Click " Create a copy now" and wait for the backup process to complete.

Step 5. On mobile device go to menu " Settings» → iCloud → « Backup copy" and activate the switch " iCloud backup».

After enabling the backup feature, the problem with the inability to create a backup copy should disappear.

The impetus for writing this article was the problems that I had when creating a backup copy in iCloud. But if I easily coped with the lack of free space in the cloud by purchasing additional gigabytes, then another problem forced me to think twice. I'll probably start with it. Then I will list other popular problems with iCloud backup and how to solve them.

Failed to complete the latest backup

This is exactly the error I got when copying to iCloud. Moreover, on the computer in iTunes backup a copy also refused to be created.

Solution. Delete the old backup from iCloud. Settings->iCloud->Storage->Manage. Select the device and click the red Delete copy button.

The screenshot shows that my backup is 0 bytes. In fact, this screenshot was taken after the first deletion 2 minutes before. You just need to wait a while for iCloud to clear the remnants of the old backup. I don't know what was going on in the storage, but after a couple of hours I was able to make a backup copy.

This iPhone cannot be backed up because there is not enough free space in iCloud.

The easiest way to solve the problem is to buy additional free place in iCloud. Settings->iCloud->Storage->Change storage plan. On this moment The following rates apply:

  • 5 GB - free
  • 20 GB - 39 rubles per month
  • 200 GB - 149 rubles per month
  • 500 GB - 379 rubles per month
  • 1 TB - 749 rubles per month

In my experience, free 5 gigabytes are only enough for 1-2 devices, but without iCloud backup. If you turn on the media library and take photos, then 20 GB will not be enough. In general, nothing prevents you from increasing the tariff gradually. For example, with a whole zoo of gadgets, a 200 GB tariff is enough for me, where 40 gigabytes are occupied by photographs. 1 backup takes on average 2-4 gigabytes.

But where am I going with this? Everyone’s situation is different and often people want to stay within certain limits, for example, a 20 GB tariff. In this case, you can start saving space in iCloud. What can be done?

  • Settings->iCloud->Storage->Manage. See which applications save their documents and data to iCloud. Delete unnecessary documents.
  • In the same place in the settings, look and be horrified by the size of the iCloud Media Library. It might make sense to delete extra photos and video from the device?

This iPad has not been backed up in 10 weeks. Backups are created while iPad is connected to your computer, locked, and connected to Wi-Fi

This message suggests that you haven't made any backups in a while. Don't ignore it if you care about the information on your device. I recommend it if it appears of this message try creating a backup manually: perhaps you have some problem with automatic creation backup copy. Should identify this problem and eliminate.

Reserve copy iPhone will no longer be created automatically on your computer when syncing with iTunes

Don't be alarmed by this message. It is only a warning after enabling automatic backup in iCloud. On your computer, you can create a backup manually through iTunes.

Back up this iPad to Lately were not created because the recovery process was not completed. Do you want to finish downloading your remaining purchases and media files before backing them up, or want to delete them along with all program data?

This iPad is currently being restored. Then a backup copy will be created automatically

Both problems indicate that you have not yet completed the device recovery process. Wait for the recovery process to complete. If the problem does not go away for a long time and you are sure that the recovery is already complete, then try rebooting the iDevice. And look carefully to see if all application icons are active (that is, not dimmed). If applications do not recover over time, then it may make sense to remove them and then install them again.

If you have any problems with backup and have not found a solution, ask your questions in the comments, clearly describing the problems. We will help as much as we can! :)