Adblock mobile Yandex browser. Adblock Plus extension for Yandex Browser

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AdBlock Plus is a special plugin for web browsers designed to block annoying advertising, tracking, malware and other negative factors that interfere with comfortable and safe Internet surfing.

After installing the add-on in your browser (supports Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari, as well as Android OS), you will get rid of annoying and distracting advertising, no matter what site you are on.

In addition, AdBlock Plus protects against tracking of your activity. No one has the right to know where, when and what site you visited, what you looked at and what you were interested in. The plugin allows you to maintain your privacy.

Another one important function AdBlock Plus – blocking malicious domains. Long or endless loading pages, strange behavior browser, pop-ups are obvious signs that your device is infected with malware. AdBlock plugin Plus will block all domains that distribute any malware, protecting your computer from viruses, spyware and Trojans.

ABP extension ( A d b lock P lus) for Yandex.Browser This is an “anti-advertising” plugin - it is designed to block (“cut out”) various advertisements (contextual in Yandex/Google/etc search engines, all sorts of banners on websites, etc.) and therefore is perfect for those who are annoyed by this, and in addition will allow save on traffic (which is not spent on loading ads).

You can download the ABP extension absolutely free by simply following the link abp block plus extension (i.e. by clicking on it while in Yandex.Browser) and then click “Install”.

To the request about what “ABP can access”:

  1. Your data on all websites
  2. Tabs and browsing history

You need to click "Add" (i.e. allow).

The first point reflects the usual requirement for this type of extension that ABP can scan the page you open in order to, in fact, remove advertising from it - there is simply no other way. Accordingly, in this way Adblock Plus and will be able to “access your data.” There is no choice here, and if you are very worried about your bank accounts, simply disable ABP while working with them.

The second point usually means a convenient and familiar thing - so that when setting up, the ABP extension can open a tab with its own settings.

Setting up ABP

However, you can also disable it if you wish by unchecking the corresponding box in the settings.

The current Russian version of ABP includes a subscription to RuAdList+EasyList filters. If desired, you can enable more (for example, against counters, against garbage, against porn, etc.) or customize your own. All this can be done simply by following the links, selecting what you need, so the setup is quite simple. In any case, in the “default-official” version of the ABP ad blocker, you can now calmly read and communicate in VK comrades, without being distracted by annoying banner pictures.

p.s. Please leave questions and feedback about Adblock Plus in the comments, and also click the button of your favorite social network.

The article describes how to install AdBlock Plus for Yandex Browser.

« Adblock plus" refers to special ad blockers and is actually an add-on for different browsersYandex.Browser», « Google Chrome», « Mozilla Firefox"). When you go to a particular site (forum, social network) " Adblock plus» hides everything possible advertising as if she were not there.

For a more visual overview, we list all the features of the add-on “ Adblock plus»:

  • Blocks loading in the browser window contextual advertising while searching for this or that information in such search engines, How " Yandex», «», « Google».
  • It also blocks ads from loading when visiting other sites on the Internet.
  • Blocks the loading of various banners, advertising materials and pop-up windows, which can cause visual inconvenience and can also harm your computer or gadget.

Besides, " Adblock plus» will allow you to save your Internet traffic on mobile phone, since advertising is additional volume information, and not at all necessary. Another advantage of this supplement is that it “eats” three times less. random access memory your device than others similar programs or applications.

IN this review we'll talk about how to download and install the add-on " Adblock plus» for browser « Yandex browser"(the instructions given in the article are also suitable for the browser " Google Chrome»).

How to install “Adblock plus” for Yandex Browser?

So, the addition " Adblock plus"is completely free, does not require any registration and, as you can already understand, does not need to be installed on your computer as regular program or antivirus.

To embed and use " Adblock plus" V " Yandex.Browser", follow the instructions:

  • Follow this link and in the right top corner of the window that opens, click on the button “ For free"as shown in the picture.

Adblock Plus for Yandex Browser how to download and install Adblock Plus for Yandex Browser what to do

  • After that " Adblock plus» will automatically download and integrate into your browser. You will just need to activate it, for which just click on the red button “ ABP» (usually located to the right address bar browser), as can be seen in our screenshot. If you happen to have a new version additions, then when you press the button " ABP"A menu may open in which you will need to enable the add-on.

Adblock Plus for Yandex Browser how to download and install Adblock Plus for Yandex Browser what to do

Now you can get acquainted with the settings " Adblock plus" Click on the button again ABP» and in the menu that opens, click on the settings item. A window similar to this will open in front of you (in different versions additions differences will be insignificant):

Adblock Plus for Yandex Browser how to download and install Adblock Plus for Yandex Browser what to do

All settings will already be set to default. Don’t rush to change something right away, while you are not yet accustomed to this application and don't know how to work with it. However, it will be very easy for you to understand the settings; everything will be presented in Russian.

In addition, immediately after you install " Adblock plus" V " Yandex.Browser", you will also be given additional settings:

Adblock Plus for Yandex Browser how to download and install Adblock Plus for Yandex Browser what to do

Video: Tutorial on how to install Adblock plus (so that there are no ads) for Yandex Browser.

The dominance of advertising distracts from the search necessary information. It interferes not only with reading texts, but also with watching videos on YouTube. In order to reduce the amount of advertising when surfing the Internet, special ad blocking plugins have been developed. For the Yandex browser, unlike GooGle Chrome, there is its own application store. First you will need to go to this directory to install the adblock for Yandex Browser. In this article we will learn:

  • How to get into the Yandex Browser extensions directory;
  • Let's look at 3 ad blocking plugins in browsers;
  • Adblock Fast;
  • Adblock Plus;
  • Adblocker Ultimate.

Catalog of extensions for Yandex Browser

You can get into it through the settings menu. Add-ons are available both paid and free.

The sequence is shown above. We do this:

  1. At the top left, press the “Menu” button (three bars);
  2. Select the item “Add-ons”;
  3. We see all plugins installed on this moment in the browser, you can turn them on or off;
  4. Scroll to the very bottom and click on the yellow button “Catalog of extensions for Yandex Browser”;
  5. In the “Search” field, enter the name of the desired add-on.

Adblock Fast

Adblock Fast can be downloaded from the direct link below. Along with the increase in the quality of pages on the Internet, the number and variety of advertising units is growing. Along the way, ad blockers are also becoming more complex, becoming heavier, and setting them up turns into a labor-intensive process with rarely used rules and filters that reduce their speed and eat up space on your computer’s hard drive. Adblock Fast works quickly, has only 7 optimized filtering rules, which speeds up the browser by 8 times and consumes 6 times less system resources than other ad blockers. Unfortunately, the program is English language, but completely free.

Adblock Plus – adblock for Yandex Browser

Adblock Plus for browsers Yandex, Chrome, Opera, Firefox and others - free extension for modern web browsers, is a smart solution to block pop-up ads with many useful features.

Download Adblock Plus absolutely free, for example for Yandex.Browser, and you will learn how to block online advertising in two clicks and about others useful features. Many users are accustomed to thinking that such extensions only block ads, although in fact their capabilities are much wider.

As we showed in this article, the AdBlock free filter mechanism is so flexible that it allows you to solve the most different tasks. Who knows, maybe in the future they will make such flexible filters that the extension will be able to remove everything unnecessary from sites, right down to navigation blocks, and work exactly the way you need.

The blocker works with Google Chrome, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer. There is also mobile version for devices on Android based, which does a great job with all the ads that pop up in Firefox.

Activate the Adblock Plus extension in Yandex: Menu - Settings - Add-on. But first you need to download the Yandex browser for Windows 7, 8 or 10 and install it.

What to block with Adblock Plus?

To block banners in different countries Filters that are different from each other are used - RuAdList and standard EasyList are suitable.

Filter settings:
You can allow some intrusive advertising, checking the box - after this the extension will only pass text.
For situations when a user wants to see banners on a certain site (for example, to help a favorite resource make money), an exception mechanism has been developed - by opening the site in a browser, then click on the Adblock Plus icon and select the appropriate item. The extension can be disabled for the entire site, its categories and even individual pages.

Adding exceptions and making the Internet better:
Banners have long ceased to be the only annoying factor on the Internet - many people get tired of buttons and plugins social networks, especially those blocking access to content. Adblock Plus will save the user from such elements - to do this, you need to add them to the appropriate list.
Moreover, remove extra elements(comments, promotional materials, etc.) can also be done from the social networks themselves - the function is now available for YouTube and Facebook.

Simplifying YouTube and protecting your data:
To improve the accuracy of ad targeting, advertisers strive to collect as much data as possible about users without asking permission. Using a special filter, you can prevent them from monitoring your activity. The blocker also filters malicious domains. If a person tries to access a site from the blocker’s “black list”, they will immediately receive an alert.

Revert everything back:
Almost all of the listed features in Adblock Plus are implemented in the form of additional blocking filters. It happens that it is installed too hard level filtration, which must subsequently be weakened. And even if you are used to hiding comments under videos on YouTube, you can open opinions under your favorite clip in two clicks.