Entertaining computer science. Solving algorithmic problems. Tabular method of solving logical problems

The quiz offered below can be conducted face-to-face or by correspondence(remotely) for 1st-2nd year students of technical schools.

Quiz objectives:

  1. Reveal creative potential and the abilities of any student, regardless of grades in the subject.
  2. To increase interest, captivate students with the subject, and instill a love for computer science through joint activities.
  3. Stimulate search and cognitive activity. Show that computer science is difficult only for those who do not want and do not want to do anything at all.
  4. Summarize and systematize the knowledge acquired in the first year course in computer science.

Literature used when compiling the quiz:

I. D. Ageeva " Entertaining materials in computer science and mathematics"

Plan for conducting a remote (correspondence) quiz:

  1. Announcement of competition between educational institutions.
  2. Publication of quiz tasks on the computer science teacher’s website (on the website of the educational institution).
  3. Solving quiz questions, sending answers by email (you can copy the site to the teacher’s PC in the computer science classroom).
  4. Summing up, awarding the winners.

Quiz questions

Exercise 1

Guess the words containing a famous abbreviation PC. Instead of dashes, you need to substitute the missing letters in the words.

  1. "_ _ PC _" (Oven part - firebox )
  2. “_ _ PK _” (Hill, mound, volcano - hill )
  3. “_ _ PC _” (Gardener’s tool - hoe )
  4. "_ _ PC _" (Small piece of wood - sliver )
  5. "_ _ PC _" (Stationery for papers - pap ka )
  6. "_ _ _ PC _" (Closure and sharp stationery - button )
  7. “_ _ _ PC _” (Scrap of fabric for household needs - rag )
  8. "_ _ _ PC _" (Boat with a strong wide hull - boat )
  9. “_ _ _ PK _” (Bird running along the bottom of a reservoir - dipper )
  10. "_ _ _ _ PC _" (Paper clip - clip )
  11. “_ _ _ _ PC _” (Positive result of a trip to the store - purchase )

Task 2

Guess the words containing the abbreviation DOS(Disk Operating system). Instead of dashes, you need to substitute the missing letters in the words.

  1. “DOS _ _” (Documents on any case, issue - dossier )
  2. "DOS___" ( Free timeleisure )
  3. "DOS _ _ _" (Passage, possibility of penetration - access )
  4. “DOS _ _ _” (Irritation after failure, resentment - annoyance )
  5. "DOS _ _ _ _" (Heavy equipment - armor )
  6. “DOS _ _ _ _ _” (Prosperity, lack of need - prosperity )
  7. "DOS _ _ _ _ _ _ _" (Success - achievement )
  8. “_ _ DOS _ _” (Happy, cheerful event - joy )
  9. “_ _ _ DOS _ _” (Self-esteem - pride )
  10. “_ _ _ DOS _ _” (Goodies that spoil your teeth and figure - sweetness )
  11. “_ _ _ _ DOS _ _” (Happy period of life - youth )

Task 3

Answer funny questions

  1. Which Russian city is named “in honor” the oldest computer? (Abakan; abacus - ancient abacus)
  2. Which computer board is the processor located on: the system board or the motherboard? (This different name one board)
  3. The name of which computer device unit is often shouted out in theaters on good ideas? (Encore! - big integrated circuit and please repeat the performance)
  4. Which magnetic medium is shaped like a pizza? (floppy disk, disk)
  5. High resolution is the boss's signature on your application or the monitor's ability to clearly display text and graphics. (second)
  6. What is this romantic place in the computer where the tired and storm-battered can land? peripheral device? (port)
  7. Finish the well-known Russian proverb, remade by programmers in your own way: “Seven troubles - one...”. (seven troubles - one “Reset”)
  8. Why do cats love to lick programmers' hands? (their hands smell like mice)
  9. What is "armpit" computer language?(mouse pad)

Task 4

For each italicized term, there are three definitions, one of which does not match the term. This definition must be specified.

1. A screw is...

a) fastener;
b) one of the tools in graphic editor;
c) slang name for a hard magnetic disk.

2. A tree is...

a) a graph without cycles;
b) a figurative representation of the organization of files and directories (folders) on disk;
c) perennial plant with a hard stem.

3. Paths are...

a) a specially designed distance for running, swimming, etc.;
b) a section of a magnetic disk;
c) part of the computer screen in text editor.

4. Freezing is...

a) endless execution of a loop in a program;
b) special state of the computer;
c) a helicopter stops in the air over some point.

5. A needle is...

a) element dot matrix printer;
b) floppy drive element;
c) element of a sewing machine.

6. Port is...

a) connection device external devices to the computer;
b) a point in a program to call another program;
c) place for parking and unloading of ships.

7. The path is...

a) direction, route of movement;
b) listing all folders (directories) in which the file is attached;
c) indicating the method of transition from one program statement to another.

8. Service is...

a) the operation of an auxiliary procedure in the program;
b) service;
c) point standard menu Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel.

9. A shortcut is...

a) a mark in some place in the program with which you can go to this place;
b) an icon on the screen that you can click on to open some program, document or folder;
c) a sheet with the name of the product and other information.

10. ": " - this is...

a) punctuation mark;
b) the sign of the division operation in programming languages;
c) a symbol used to indicate the spacing of cells in spreadsheets.

11. F2 is...

a) writing the number 242 in the hexadecimal number system;
b) designation function key on a computer keyboard;
c) writing the number 142 in the hexadecimal number system.

Task 5

Some words are suggested. It is necessary to rearrange their letters so that you get a word related to computer science and computers. For example, from the word “doc” you can get the word “code”, and from the word “needle” you can get “logic”.

1. Alikted.
2. Grampore.
3. Wredair.
4. Danoper.
5. Laibotic.
6. Life.
7. Macro laughter.
8. Meldo.
9. Heat.
10. Tritabu.
11. Ortoclop.

Task 6

For words of foreign origin, you will be offered three definitions. You must choose a definition that matches the word in question.

  1. Assembler is:

a. Programming language;
b. System program;
c. Program element.

2. Virtual is:

a. Auxiliary;
b. Brought to perfection;
c. Not having a physical embodiment, but created on a computer monitor screen.

3. Hypertext is:

a. The text is very big size;
b. Text consisting entirely of capital letters;
c. Text containing links to text in other documents.

4. Joystick is:

a. Movable monitor stand;
b. Non-standard device for entering information into a computer;
c. Plotter element.

5.Size is:

a. A dotted column that must be knocked down with a rolling ball ( correct name- pin);
b. Symbol name "~";
c. Font size.

6. Multimedia is:

a. A device that performs multiplication;
b. Hardware and software, providing the combination of text, graphics, animation and sound on a computer;
c. Cartoon.

7. Pixel is -:

a. Sound signal on the computer;
b. The minimum element of the image on the monitor screen;
c. The unit of measurement for character height.

8. Provider is:

a. The second name of the Windows Explorer program.
b. A company providing Internet services;
c. A company that repairs computers.

9. Server is:

a. Main computer multi-rank local network;
b. PC system unit element;
c. Man repairing computers;

10. Slash is:

a. Symbol name "$";
b. Slang name for expansion connector on motherboard computer;
c. Symbol name "/".

For each correct answer to tasks 1,2,3,4,6, the winners receive 1 point, for the correct answer to task 5 - 2 points.

Send your answers in the following table (for tasks 4 And 6 in the table write the letter that corresponds to the correct answer) By specified address Email (or another method at the discretion of the organizer)

1 task

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2 task

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3 task

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4 task

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5 exercise

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6 task

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

You can print out the “Entertaining Computer Science” quiz.

Correct answers to quiz questions

1 task

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
firebox hill hoe sliver folder button rag boat dipper clip


2 task

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
dossier leisure access annoyance armor prosperity achievement joy pride sweets


3 task

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Abakan Same BIS disk at the LMD drive ododdisk gadfly last thing port Reset Because your hands smell like a mouse


4 task

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
a c a b b c a a b

5 exercise

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
dialect program driver operand kilobyte file chip model Channel attribute protocol

6 task

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
c c b c b b b a

Awarding of winners during face-to-face competition:

souvenirs for team members:

  • shampoo and soap - to keep your head bright and clean;
  • pens and pencils – hand-held printers;
  • chewing gum - to calm your nerves when your computer breaks down;

discs - to team captains.

Students are asked to find answers to questions within a certain period of time (the period can be up to several days). various tasks competition “Entertaining problems in Computer Science”. Answers to competition tasks are recorded in the answer form ( Annex 1). The response form is submitted during the competition period. After the check, the results are summed up and the winners are awarded with memorable prizes.

Competition tasks:

Exercise 1. Guess the rebus. The answer is a word related to Computer Science ( Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4)

Answer: Processor, programmer, monitor, keyboard

Task 2. Answer the crossword questions

Horizontal questions:

  • 3. What we do in Visual Basic
  • 5. Portable computer option
  • 7. Graphic... for drawing and handwriting
  • 9. Touchpad in a laptop
  • 10. Universal device information output
  • 11. Same as disk drive
  • 13. In an abbreviated version - female name or input device
  • 16. Special device to display complex graphic objects
  • 18. The ball on top of this “animal” is the size of a golf ball.
  • 19. A device used to optically input images into a computer
  • 21. Blockbuster about the new computer life
  • 24. They are divided into types: matrix, inkjet and laser
  • 25. Flexible magnetic disk
  • 27. Special chip
  • 29. Tail device for a computer.
  • 30. There are arithmetic, logical, string, obscene
  • 31. Value dependent on arguments.
  • 32. Computer pest.

Vertical questions:

  • 1. Programming language and famous mathematician.
  • 2. Window in which control elements are located.
  • 4. Delete, copy, move or cut.
  • 6. One of the first programming languages
  • 7. One of the properties of information (synonymous with the word clarity)
  • 8. Both the problem solving process and recipe, and instructions for using the washing machine.
  • 12. We transform it from the initial state to the final state.
  • 14. He performs a sequence of actions.
  • 15. Algorithmic structure, which has many variants of command series.
  • 17. An algorithm written in a computer-readable language.
  • 19. It is also found in computer science, and in biology, cat...
  • 20. With it, the body of the loop is executed several times.
  • 22. A programming language named after an employee of Ch. Babbage
  • 23. In this algorithmic structure, a series of commands are executed depending on the truth of a condition.
  • 26. Sequence of commands and part of a soap opera.
  • 28. A set of variables of the same type, united by one name.

Crossword answers:

Horizontally: 3. Project. 5.Laptop. 7. Tablet. 9. Touchpad. 10. Monitor. 11. Storage. 13. Keyboard. 16. Plotter. 18. Trackball. 19. Scanner. 21. Matrix. 24. Printer. 25. Floppy disk. 27. Chipset. 29. Mouse. 30. Expression. 31. Function 32. Virus.

Vertically: 1. Pascal. 2. Form. 4. Operation 6. BASIC. 7. Clarity. 8. Algorithm. 12. Object. 14. Performer. 15. Choice. 17. Program. 19. Family. 20. Counter. 22. Ada. 23. Branching. 26. Series. 28. Array.

Task 3: Guess the words containing the famous abbreviation PC

  1. _ _ PC _ (Oven part)
  2. _ _ PK _ (Hill, mound, volcano)
  3. _ _ PC _ (Gardener’s tool)
  4. _ _ PC _ (Headdress)
  5. _ _ PC _ (Headdress with visor)
  6. _ _ PC _ (Small piece of wood)
  7. _ _ PC _ (Stationery for papers)
  8. _ _ _ PC _ (clasp and sharp stationery)
  9. _ _ _ PC _ (Scrap of fabric for household needs)
  10. _ _ _ PC _ (Boat with a strong wide hull)
  11. _ _ _ PK _ (Bird running along the bottom of a reservoir)
  12. _ _ _ _ PC _ (Paper clip)
  13. _ _ _ _ PC _ (Positive result of a trip to the store)

Answers: That PC a, with PC ah, you PC ah, sha PC ah, ke PC oh yeah PC a, pa PC ah, but PC ah, shaking PC oh, I'm sending PC ah, Olya PC ah, skre PC ah, bye PC A

Task 4: Guess the words containing the abbreviation DOS

  1. DOS _ _ (Documents on any case, issue)
  2. DOS _ _ (Free time)
  3. DOS _ _ _ (Passage, possibility of penetration)
  4. DOS _ _ _ (Irritation after failure, resentment)
  5. DOS _ _ _ _ (Heavy equipment)
  6. DOS _ _ _ _ _ (Prosperity, lack of need)
  7. DOS _ _ _ _ _ _ (Property, property)
  8. DOS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Success)
  9. DOS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Currency value)
  10. DOS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Place, object deserving special attention)
  11. _ _ DOS _ _ (Happy, cheerful event)
  12. _ _ _ DOS _ _ (Self-esteem)
  13. _ _ _ _ DOS _ _ (Life period)

Answers: Dos yeah, dos uh, dos stupid dos hell dos infantry, dos tatok, dos languishing, dos pressing, dos mystery, dos landmark, ra dos yeah, mountains dos yeah, yeah dos t

Task 5: Decipher the statement using the proposed encoding table. You need to figure out the encoding method yourself. Statement

Answer: What where When?

The book is in many ways similar to the popular books “Entertaining Physics” by Ya.I. Perelman, “Mathematical miracles and mysteries” by M. Gardner, “In the kingdom of ingenuity” by E.I. Ignatiev, “Mathematical ingenuity” by B.A. Kordemsky and others. It contains a large number of a variety of entertaining logical tasks and puzzles, interesting facts And useful programs, protozoa computer games, tricks, etc. The materials in the book cover a wide range of computer science issues, computer technology and informational and communication technologies(number systems, information coding, logic, programming basics, Internet, etc.). These materials can be used in both educational process, and for extracurricular work with students.

For students in grades 5 - 11 and their parents, as well as for computer science teachers and for anyone interested in computer science.

On our website you can download the book "Entertaining computer science" Zlatopolsky Dmitry Mikhailovich for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

Fascinating computer science . Games with numbers. 10-11th grade

Kiktenko Natalya Vladimirovna,

computer science teacher, municipal educational institution secondary school No. 7

Nevinnomyssk, Stavropol Territory

Among the numbers there is such perfection and harmony,

that we need to think day and night

over an amazing pattern.

S. Stevin

The intellectual sphere is the most pressing task in modern education, the solution of which is the development of logical thinking; creative thinking; algorithmic thinking, theoretical thinking; memory; imagination, etc. To form an independent, creative personality, the constant development of all the above components is necessary. The lesson will be effective for the student if he is interested. Learning with passion is not learning with fun. These lessons require students to have special skills, ingenuity, and ingenuity. It is non-standard tasks that are a powerful tool for the development of human intelligence, they are a tool through which students’ interest in the subject is formed.

The proposed material can be implemented within the lesson and outside of class time, when organizing subject competitions.

This presentation offers tasks with an emphasis on logical, creative, algebraic thinking, as well as tasks on the topic “Number Systems”.

Used Books:

    D. Bizam “Game and Logic” - World, 1975


    Gyrdymov “Olympiads in cryptography for schoolchildren, Informatics - 1998 -No. 4

    E.M. Minskin “From game to knowledge” M. Prosveshchenie, 1982 S.N.Olekhnik “Antique entertaining tasks

, M.Nauka, 1985

Slide 1

Kiktenko Natalya Vladimirovna, computer science teacher, Secondary School No. 7, Nevinnomyssk, Stavropol Territory

Slide 2

The elephant lives in our apartment. There are two houses, entrance four. I'm used to eating by the hour - in the morning at eight, in the afternoon at sixteen. For breakfast he will definitely eat Thirty-two armfuls of hay, After a morning walk - Sixty-four rolls. For lunch we bring him Cucumbers one hundred and twenty-eight. Two hundred fifty and six can eat tomatoes. Will eat five hundred pancakes

Slide 3 Translate binary numbers

to decimals and fill in the octagon squares. (clockwise from the pointer) 1 1 1 211 0 0 0 140 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 236 1 1 206 1 1 0 0 1 241 0 0 0 1 192 128 1 0 142 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 242 0 0 134 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 161 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 136 1 0 0 0 0 0 1

Slide 4

The numbers are given in the binary number system. You need to convert them to the decimal number system and build a graph. What will happen? No. Binary number system xy 1 1100 0 2 1010 101 3 1011 100 4 1010 110 5 1011 101 6 1001 1010 7 110 1101 8 101 1101 9 11 1111 10 0 1101 11 0 1100 12 1 1011 13 1 1100 14 10 1011 15 11 1100 16 11 1010 17 100 1001 18 100 110 19 101 101 20 100 100 21 101 100 22 110 101 23 111 100 24 1000 100 25 1100 0

If you walk through the labyrinth, collecting numbers and converting them into decimals, and replacing the resulting numbers with the corresponding letters with the same numbers, you will recognize L. Tatyanichev’s thoughts in “infinity.” 1111 1001 11110 1 10001 10001 1 1010 0 101 10101 10000 0 100001 110 1 1 1111 1010 110 0 1000 0 10 0 10 1 110 1111

Slide 6

Complete the actions and enter the answers in the direction of the arrows in the open cells. 1) 1+1 2) 10+1 3) 10101+10 10 4) 100000-1 5) 100+1 6) 11+10 7) 111-10 8) 1000-11 9) 100+11 10) 1010- 11 11) 1011+101 0 12) 11100-11 13) 11010101 14) 110-100 15) 100-1 11 0 31 71 0 1 1 1 51 0 16 1 0 91 11 1 41 0 0 1 12 1 1 2 0 18 1 1 15 14 1 1 10 0 1 13

Slide 7

Flying over the city of Krasnomordsk, Zmey Gorynych fell into a thick cloud of black smoke. Having got out of it completely stained with soot, Gorynych sat down on a bench to rest. And then, seeing each other’s dirty faces, all three heads began to laugh loudly. Without seeing themselves, they would have laughed for a long time, but not even an hour had passed before the smartest head stopped laughing, realizing that its face was no cleaner than the others. - How did she guess?

Slide 8

Place all the numbers placed in this figure into the cells of the shaded square so that the sums of the numbers along any horizontal and diagonal are the same and each of them 5 is equal to 65. 4 10 1 2 15 3 9 6 2 2 2 2 8 14 2 20 0 1 2 1 7 13 1 19 25 5 2 6 12 5 18 6 24 4 1 11 4 17 23 0 16 22 21 Use the terrace method.

Slide 9

A known number is the sum of the numbers in the two cells below it. Following this rule and taking into account that on the first floor, in addition to the number 15, there are numbers 3,11,2,5, fill in the empty cells. Each brick in this number pyramid is the sum of the bricks immediately below it. Fill in all the cells of the pyramid so as to come to the number 217 at its top. 135 61 23 5 2 3 74 38 18 217 90 36 20 15 43 16 5 33 11 29 12 7 47 10 4 80 37 6 43 31 12