How to change the language on the Yandex browser. How to change the language in Yandex. Possible problems when changing the language in Yandex Browser

By email or RSS feed, you probably noticed that we haven’t had any new articles for a long time due to minor technical problems. But now everything is in order and we return to setting up and repairing the computer, or rather to the articles that will help us with this setup.

This will be the topic of our article today. I don’t know about you, but it often happens to me that in a hurry I can accidentally download and install a browser in English, which, of course, is not at all convenient for our users. After this, the search begins for settings that can change the interface language in the browser to the one the user desires, usually Russian.

Of course, you can simply download a new installation file with the desired language pack and fix this problem. But, you need to look for it again, download, install, etc., and since we are looking for easy ways, this is not entirely suitable for us. But, I’ll tell you right away that in some browsers there is no option to change the browser language in the settings, so sometimes you can’t do without reinstalling.

Okay, let's get down to business and look at examples of changing or setting the interface language on the browsers that are most popular among Internet users.

Changing the interface language in the Google Chrome browser

Chrome has long been one of the most installed browsers in the world. It has established itself among users for its simplicity, user-friendly interface and, of course, speed. As it turned out, even the settings of this browser turned out to be quite convenient, since you can change the interface language without problems from there, without resorting to any additional installations or updates of this web browser.

So, open Chrome, click on the menu icon and go to the browser settings.

Now, using the mouse wheel, go down to the very bottom and click on the line “”.

More advanced browser settings will open in which we should find a section called “Languages” and click on the button “ Language settings».

A list of installed languages ​​should appear in the menu that appears. If you don’t find the one you need among them, then click on “ Add» and select the desired interface language from the list provided.

Having added your preferred language, click on it and on the right side indicate that Google Chrome will be displayed in this language.

We save the settings and restart the browser, after the next opening you will see that the interface language in the browser has been changed.

Changing the interface language in Mazilla Firefox

As for Firefox, you won’t be able to change the browser interface language using settings alone, since there is no such item there. There is only a choice of the language in which website pages will be displayed, but this is not at all what we need.

In general, in order to change the interface language in Mazilla Firefox, we will have to re-download the browser image with the appropriate language from the official website and update our previous version with it.

For example, you went to the Firefox home page, go down to the bottom of the site where you will see a small field “ Other languages" With its help, we select the required language and download the browser using the large green button, which is located in the middle of the screen.

Now, we launch the downloaded file and update the old client, or rather, in this way we change the interface language of our browser.

It seems like nothing complicated either, but I don’t really like these hassles with downloading and installing a new client

Changing the interface language in Opera

It's the turn of another one of the most popular web browsers called Opera. Fortunately, in this browser, to change the language of its interface, we only need the most common settings and no more unnecessary settings.

So, open the settings Opera using the hotkey combination " Alt+P».

In the “Browser” tab, go to the “ Languages" Where in the interface language selection menu, we find the one we need and restart the Internet browser.

After launching, the browser interface language will change and will be displayed in the language that you set in the settings.

Yandex Browser

Yandex browser– a new, but already quite popular browser from the Russian search engine In this web browser, the interface language is changed one to one, as in Google Chrome, although only some phrases and the location of settings icons, etc. have been changed.

Click on the three stripes located at the top of the window and launch the Yandex browser settings menu.

Open additional options.

Again, look for “Languages” and click on language settings.

If the language you require does not appear in the list that opens, then click on the “Add” button, select the language and click “OK”.

For example, the language I need is Russian, after you have added it, drag it to the first place in the list, and on the right side click on the button “ Use this language in the browser interface».

As you can see, the change in interface language in the Yandex browser is absolutely the same as in their direct competitors.

Well, perhaps we’ll probably end here, how to change the interface language in the Internet Explorer browser, I probably won’t tell you how few people already use it, and usually the language there is set in accordance with the language of the operating system, so I think it’s not worth it even bother with it.

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Hello everybody. Not long ago I wrote an article about the ownership of IP addresses. After that, I was bombarded with related questions, the most popular of which was “how to change the language in Yandex.Browser?” Since there are quite a lot of such requests, I decided to devote a separate discussion to them.

Reasons for changing the language pack

Those users who have never encountered the need to change the language pack are openly perplexed in the comments and ask to reveal the secret of why they need to change the language in Yandex.Browser. We have nothing to hide, we'll tell you. In fact, the situation is incredibly banal. When installing this particular browser for the first time, it often happens that its interface (even when selecting the desired option in the installer) for unknown reasons ends up being displayed in the English dialect. This is the first reason. The second is that in some cases the next automatic update of Yandex.Browser automatically translates it into Ukrainian.

Naturally, users who discover such surprises when launching Yandex.Browser are wondering how to set up the desired language. It's not that difficult when you know where to look for the solution or at least you can translate what is written. Otherwise, a simple task can turn into a huge problem.

Step-by-step instruction

We got acquainted with the unpleasant, but not fatal jokes of Yandex.Browser, and now we’ll take a closer look at how to fix everything - change the language back to your native and understandable one. To make life easier for many, I have prepared three step-by-step instructions for the most common cases - changing the Russian language pack to any other, and changing English and Ukrainian back to Russian. Watch, use and enjoy the simplicity of the process.


To make the sequence of actions in cases of transition in Yandex.Browser from a foreign language package to native Russian more clear and open, I’ll start with how to change the language from Russian to any other. This process consists of just 6 simple steps:

  1. Click on the square “Menu” button with the three stripes shown.
  2. We select the “Settings” item (which is predictable) - its icon is similar to the menu, but the stripes are slightly modified and now look like 3 arrows.

  1. We won’t find settings for language packs right here; we’ll have to scroll the slider to the very bottom of the screen and, by clicking on the appropriate command, display additional settings.

  1. Now we find and open “Language Settings”.

  1. Select the desired language pack and command the browser to use it.

  1. We restart the program - the problem is solved.


Friends, let’s move on to the question of how to set the Russian language if an English interface is found in Yandex.Browser after installing it. The process is the same and consists of similar 6 steps:

  1. Menu (three stripes).
  2. Settings (three multi-directional horizontal arrows).

  1. Scroll down and open additional settings by clicking on the Show advanced command

  1. In the Language section, by clicking on the corresponding button, we open their settings.

  1. We find and highlight the native Russian and command the program Use this language as the main language pack for the interface.

  1. Restart the browser and observe the result.


As mentioned earlier, Yandex.Browser really likes to go wild and change user language settings to its own, so it’s useful to know how to switch it back. The most common situation is a change from the usual Russian package to a Ukrainian one, caused by the next software update. In most cases, this process occurs automatically without the participation of the user, who subsequently launches the browser and discovers a not very pleasant surprise. We correct the situation with the same 6 steps discussed above, but already translated into Ukrainian:

  1. Click on the same striped button.
  2. We go to the browser settings window by selecting the appropriate item, the name of which in Ukrainian is “Nalashtuvannya”.

  1. We move using the slider down the main menu and command “show additional” menu.

  1. In the “Movie” section we reveal their “finishing”.

  1. We are looking for the “Rosiska” we need among all the “Movies”.

  1. We close and relaunch Yandex.Browser - the goal has been achieved.

Friends, as you may have noticed, the process of changing the language pack in the Yandex browser is not particularly difficult. You just need to follow the given algorithm. I hope you found this article helpful. Goodbye.

Yandex is a convenient and multifunctional search engine that has a number of advantages over others. You can enter a query in nine languages ​​and still get the desired result. The company offers not only Internet portals, but also its own browser. Some users are interested in the question of whether it is necessary to download an additional translator in order to blur language boundaries while working online. This is of no use - the built-in mechanism in the search engine can quickly and easily determine the meaning of a word or phrase.

The first thing you need to do is download the Yandex browser. It has the necessary translation function. The next step is to find a web page in a foreign language. When you open it, a window should pop up at the top: “The language of this page is English\German\French, translate?” You must click confirm.

What to do if this offer does not appear? The solution is simple - point to any point on the site and right-click. The table will provide the opportunity to select “Translate into Russian”.

Return of the original

It happens that after one time, the pages automatically begin to convert text. Sometimes this is inconvenient - translation is not always necessary. One way to prevent this is to simply update your web resource. After reboot it will show the primary image. If this does not help, additional steps are needed. Below the address bar there will be a message indicating that the words have been translated. You must click on “Show original”. After this the problem will disappear.

Instead of the classic sentence about translation, it happens that the phrase “Always transform the text” is displayed. The browser independently determines that the page content is not in the user’s native language and offers to fix the problem. You don't have to agree. Then it will be difficult to get everything back. It's better to click on the arrow pointing down. New features will appear. Among them: “Never translate this site”, “About the translator”, etc.

Translation of individual words

Often there is a need to find out the meaning of a selected phrase. Fortunately, Yandex browser took care of this too. All you need to do is press Shift while hovering over the word. If the text is larger, you need to select it and right-click. The context menu will contain a Translate option. This is the one you need to choose.

Sometimes this function is disabled in Yandex. You need to change the settings for it to appear. You can find them at the top of the page. They are depicted as three horizontal lines. By clicking them, you should enable the “show additional options” option.

The “Languages” section will offer to change parameters and input methods. Two items “Offer translation of pages if I don’t speak…” and “Translation of words and phrases” contain checkboxes opposite. It is necessary to select the necessary services depending on the user's needs. After this, you will be able to watch any English site in Russian.

Text conversion errors

It often happens that the browser incorrectly determines the original language of a web resource. What to do if this happens?

To do this, click the context menu in the top right. In the table that appears, you must select
"Translate from another language." The user must independently determine and designate the language of the page. After this, work will get better.

Many people feel the need to translate not from a foreign language, but from their native language. There is no need to surf sites offering help at all. All the necessary functions are already available in Yandex. You need to click on the settings checkbox and select “Translate into another language” from the one that appears. This way you can enjoy all the features of the browser.

Sometimes you need to permanently disable automatic word conversion. To do this, go to the context menu. Opposite the item “Offer translation of pages whose language differs from the interface language” you need to uncheck the box. Thus, the service will no longer appear.

Important nuances

If you need to learn a foreign syllable, you can set settings that will help in this matter. To do this, you need to select a page that contains text in the desired dialect. By clicking on the button at the top right of the site, you should enable “Never translate from this language.”

Removing this feature is also easy. Having found the settings in the toolbar, you need to select “Change languages”. Having settled on the appropriate one, you need to tick the offer to translate pages in this language. The changes should be saved. After restarting the browser, you can start using the option.

The translation of selected phrases is also disabled in the same way. You need to uncheck the box next to “Translate words on hover.”

Even such a complex task as translating text can be accomplished if you know some rules for using websites. Yandex browser is an excellent platform that helps not only search for information, but also turn it into understandable information.

Video explanation

Multimillion-dollar users are often looking for a browser that can translate from one language to another. After all, you have to meet and communicate with people from different countries.

In this case, you can use the function that translates automatically.

However, first of all, it is necessary to clarify how to use the software system, which, in turn, is installed in the Yandex browser.

Users working on English-language or other foreign sites often encounter difficulties. To correctly understand a sentence or some phrase, you have to use dictionaries.

But at the same time, users lose a lot of time. Yandex developers decided to simplify the work of their users and created a program that allows you to translate into your native language online.

How to set up your browser

In order not to copy sentences and phrases for translation, first of all, you need to learn how to configure the browser correctly. Translating any Internet page will seem quite simple if you correctly use the built-in Yandex browser tool.

In this case, you should follow the instructions provided and then you will be able to update your browser, which will perform this difficult task. An innovative browser is ready to translate any Internet page if:

  • launch the browser correctly;
  • open the control panel using a special icon;
  • go to the “Settings” section;
  • go down to the bottom of the page and click on the element, it will display “show additional”;
  • find the option where it says “Language”;
  • click “Customize language”;
  • click “Add”;
  • select “Russian” from the above languages;
  • activate the element “assigning the main language”;
  • click "Done"

As you enable or disable suggested features, options will be displayed at the bottom. Some users prefer to use automatic translation. In this case, you need to set “Suggest page translation”. That is, when you open any foreign portal, the transfer will be carried out automatically.

How to highlight text

There is an interesting feature that allows you to highlight certain words and individual phrases. Users are offered a very convenient and interesting option “After a word or phrase is highlighted, offer a translation.”

A blue arrow will appear on the page that you need to click on. In the drop-down menu you can consider all sorts of options from a program that translates competently and correctly.

You can translate a foreign word using the Shift key. If you click on this option and hover the cursor, the translation will be displayed. A small window will open in front of you. By following all the above recommendations, you can easily set up your computer and enjoy chatting with friends.

This question is relevant for a large number of browser users from Yandex. At first glance, everything should be simple - go to the settings and change the interface language. But there are a couple of points to consider here. Firstly, not everyone knows the Ukrainian language and how the word “settings” sounds in it, as well as “language parameters”. After all, to get to them you need to know their sound in Ukrainian. Secondly, changing the language in the Yandex browser does not simply happen by selecting it from a drop-down list.

Procedure for switching language in Yandex browser

If your browser works in Ukrainian, and you want to switch it to Russian, then you need to do the following.

Click on the icon with three horizontal lines in the upper right corner and select “Customization” in the menu that opens. This is how the word “Settings” sounds in Ukrainian.

Go to settings

Then scroll the settings window that opens to the very bottom and click the “Show add-ons” button. This means "Show advanced settings".

Open additional settings

After that, again scroll down the additional settings window to the “Movie” section and click on the “Movie settings” button (Language settings).

Language settings

Here, in the “Movie” column, to install the Russian language, you need to select “Russian” by clicking the left mouse button and then on the right click on the “Change the browser interface with this language” button on the right.

Selecting the Russian language and switching the interface to it

Also, if there is a button “Get the main one for displaying web pages,” then you need to click it.

Switching the browser language to Russian and setting it as the main one for website pages